Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Lego às carradas!

É pó Menino e pá Menina, e para uns Passarões que ainda hoje, gostam de Lego: 

Lego e mais Lego no Campo Pequeno

por Elisabete Silva

Ao entrar, o difícil é decidir por onde começar. Três milhões de peças de Lego compõem cidades, monumentos, naves espaciais, comboios... É a maior exposição em Lisboa do género que promete atrair crianças e adultos.  

O T-Rex tenta dominar a praça do Campo Pequeno, mas o seu tamanho rivaliza com o tigre, o urso ou o camelo (que pesa 500 quilos). São sucesso garantido por serem vistosos, mas é nos pormenores que está o mais apetecido na exposição que hoje abriu portas.
Na cidade espacial nada falta. Naves, comboios, radares, com direito a movimento para dar mais realismo. Mas numa cidade mais "real", também é impossível não se ficar perdido em tanto pormenor, cada um correspondente a horas e horas de trabalho.

Continuando na pura Diversão, Estudantes do MIT transformaram um Prédio, num jogo de Tétris!
C'um caneco!

MIT students turn whole building into huge game of Tetris 
By Paul Ridden
 The two-hundred and ninety-five feet (ninety meter) tall Building 54 on MIT's Cambridge campus has become the canvas for a number of carefully planned and daringly executed visual displays over the years, not strictly allowed by the administration but often looked upon with some appreciation. The building is home to the Institute's Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science (EAPS) and has a host of meteorological instruments and radio communications equipment on its roof - but its the grid-like windows to the front that have become the main attraction to hackers, as they are known. The latest hack is the successful realization of a long-standing challenge, a huge playable game of Tetris.

...E que tal fazerem a vossa própria Máquina CNC?

Make Your Own DIY CNC

This instructable outlines the assembly process of my 2nd generation CNC machine which I designed to be simple to build and quiet enough to be apartment friendly. I have included example projects that I have made in the first two weeks of using the machine to demonstrate its capabilities.

This is the second CNC machine that I have designed and built. My first machine was based off of
oomlout’s instructable “How to make a Three Axis CNC Machine (Cheaply and Easily)” (by far my favorite instructable and the one that got me hooked on the site). It was moderately successful, cutting a number of parts from foam (a summary of parts made can be found on my abandoned blog here along with some build photos). The lack of overall stiffness and play in the linear mechanisms meant that plywood and plastics could not be cut effectively. The biggest downfall of the machine was the difficulty to setup and square the axes and lacked the ability to make fine adjustments once set up. The drive pulleys were sandwiched between the gantry sides and if a pulley loosened the entire gantry structure had to be disassembled and put back together and squared all over again (a couple evenings of work).


Uma grande notícia da malta do Arduíno, mais específicamente o Daniel Berenguer estas Miniaturas Wireless, vão dar para realizar muita ideia...

panStamp - Wireless Arduino-compatible miniatures

Dear group members, we are in the process of releasing our new low-power wireless pansTamps. These modules are programmable from the Arduino IDE. Availability of libraries, stack, Python tools and a web-based automation platform called Lagarto. Simple and rapid upload of values to the cloud (Pachube, ThinkSpeak and We're also running a campaign on Indiegogo in order to get funds for the project:


domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Só para apreciar o Projecto

Aqui vai, do Site do nosso amigo Jon Cantin, Woodmarvels, uma Bizarma dum projecto CNC para construír em Madeira, só para verem o que se pode fazer:

Se puderem montar um Modelo destes, vão, logo a seguir, montar uma Impressora 3D, como a Makerbot, ou o Printrbot, etc!

Falando de 3D, eis um Material baratíssimo, Barro mais uns pózinhos, e uma dramática reducção de preço, nos Materiais:

3-D Printing Hits Rock-Bottom Prices With Homemade Ceramics Mix

ScienceDaily (Mar. 31, 2009) — This story is, literally, stone age meets digital age: University of Washington researchers are combining the ancient art of ceramics and the new technology of 3-D printing. Along the way, they are making 3-D printing dramatically cheaper.
About five years ago, Mark Ganter, a UW mechanical engineering professor and longtime practitioner of 3-D printing, became frustrated with the high cost of commercial materials and began experimenting with his own formulas. He and his students gradually developed a home-brew approach, replacing a proprietary mix with artists' ceramic powder blended with sugar and maltodextrin, a nutritional supplement. The results are printed in a recent issue of Ceramics Monthly. Co-authors are Duane Storti, UW associate professor of mechanical engineering, and Ben Utela, a former UW doctoral student.
"Normally these supplies cost $30 to $50 a pound. Our materials cost less than a dollar a pound," said Ganter. He said he wants to distribute the free recipes in order to democratize 3-D printing and expand the range of printable objects.

BARRO? Cerâmica? Então, é só fazer os Negativos, e tem-se um molde para Fundição em Alumínio!


Uma que descobri agora, a Sears vende agora para todo o Mundo, até para Portugal!

sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012

Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering? É o quê?
Muitas coisas, mas a principal, é que podem fazer com a Digitalização 3D dum Objecto.
Quando se quer imprimir esse Objecto em 3D, seja com está, seja melhorado, ele transforma-se num Sólido 3D manipulável num Programa, e sobretudo, capaz de ser levado à Impressora 3D, para a criação dum novo Objecto.

Substituír Peças, fazer novas peças compostas ou alteradas, transformar um Objecto num Molde para fundição, estou eu aqui a escrever, mas já sei que por esta altura do texto, vocês já estão a ter muitas mais ideias!

Como por exemplo... Transformar todos od Objectos dum Museu em Objectoa acessíveis em todo o lado, pela Realidade Aumentada!


rhinoreverse is plug-in software for the CAD-system Rhinoceros©. The purpose is to create spline-faces based on given mesh of point data. The user interactions have been reduced on sketching the boundary curves for the new faces. All calculations will be done automatically. This leads to a very simple and intuitive handling. One big advantage is the option to represent large complex shapes by a few faces.
Watch the Movie to get an idea how to start.

rhinoreverse enables the user to transform digitised surfaces (point meshes) to spline faces. The goal is to prepare further design steps of the CAx-process-chain like solid modelling and NC-programming.
Additional a so called "healing" algorithm was implemented. Already existing NURBS-poly-face models can be improved: Small gaps, steps and overlaps will be filled automatically. The goal is to improve data quality in order to enable solid-modelling and NC-milling. 


A Mindsets mostra-nos como o Ensino de Electricidade, Electrónica, Física, e Matemática, podem ser DIVERTIDO!

quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012

Borracha Condutora, Moldes em Silicone, e um Catrapázio Voador

Como fazer borracha condutora de Elctricidade, para "pele" sensível ao toque para os vossos Robots, etc. 

A Borracha...

...E como funciona, que é o mesmo que dizer, como tem "tacto":

Conductive Rubber: Make Touch Sensitive Robot Skin

Make conductive rubber and use it to create a flexible touch sensitive robot skin. The resulting skin can be stretched across a frame or mounted on solid surfaces. It can also be mounted on curved surfaces or clothing.
It is touch sensitive and will produce an electrical signal no matter where you press on it.

Simples, é bom, eis uma maneira super-simples de fazer Moldes em Silicone:

World's easiest silicone mold.

Yep. That's right. I am about to change your mold-making technique forever. This simple way of silicone mold-making will have you wanting to make casts of all your trinkets and toys.

You will need:
  • water
  • blue dish-soap (any brand seems to work)
  • silicone caulking (do not buy quick set silicone, you need 100% silicone)
  • bowl
  • caulking gun
  • something you want to make a mold of.
  • scissors/knife
  • masking tape - to patch holes in your positive, if necessary.

...E finalmente, o Catrapázio Voador!

Festo's SmartInversion flying contraption turns itself inside out for propulsion
By Jan Belezina 
Festo, a German automation technology company that brought us, among other things, the smartbird robotic seagull and bionic flying penguins, has built a flying object unlike any we have seen. Despite the impressive biomimicry track record, this time its engineers decided to look for inspiration in the inanimate world of geometry. Based on a geometrical band first created by Swiss artist and inventor Paul Schatz, the SmartInversion is filled with helium and propels itself through the air by constantly turning itself inside out. By investigating this pulsating, rhythmical movement, called inversion, the company hopes to identify possible uses for it in technology.

terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012

Exactflat, Traceparts, e uma alternativa aos nanotubos

Eis algo de novo, da DataCad, e porreiraço, uma maneira de mandar cortar placa, certos que essa Placa vai resultar no sólido em 3D que vocês idealizaram!

ExactFlat 3D to 2D flattening software

Generate production-ready 2D Industrial Fabrics parts from 3D Models – Accurately & Automatically
ExactFlat helps you create a 2D flat pattern from a 3D CAD file faster and easier than before.
From CAD to Cutter – in 5 Minutes
If you're using 3D CAD and you need to create 2D flat patterns for the cutting table, ExactFlat is the fastest, most accurate and simple way to do it.
For manufacturers working with industrial fabrics, the common workflow to flatten a 3D CAD model can take up to 2-4 weeks to complete. ExactFlat automates this process, getting you from a 3D CAD model to a production-ready 2D flat pattern file in minutes.
See 3D to 2D Surface Flattening in Action
Watch ExactFlat reduce 2-4 weeks of manual effort into 5 simple steps in less than 5 minutes.

Mais Catálogos de Fábricas, mais peças na TraceParts, para que os vossos Planos incluam tudo, e tudo encaixe:

E uma alternativa aos Nano-Tubos mais económica, e mais manuseável, Nano-Fibras de Plástico que se auto-montam(!):

Self-assembling plastic nanofibers present cheaper alternative to carbon nanotubes

By Antonio Pasolini

French researchers have produced highly conducive plastic fibers with a thickness of only a few nanometers that self-assemble when exposed to a flash of light. The tiny fibers (one nanometer equals one billionth of a meter) could become a cheaper and easier-to-handle alternative to carbon nanotubes and play a role in the development of electronic components on the nanoscale.
Researchers from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), an organization funded by the French government, and the Université de Strasbourg say the fibers combine the properties of metals and plastic organic polymers, which are commonly used to conduct electric current, and see applications in several fields ranging from electronics to architecture.
Lead researchers Nicolas Giuseppone and Bernard Doudin now want to demonstrate that the plastic fibers have the potential to be integrated into products such as flexible screens and solar cells.

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Instructables, e uma grande ideia

Isto vem mesmo a calhar para um gajo se armar em Cientista Louco...

Plasma Display Steampunk

This was a week-end project I created from a 6" black and white TV and a large neon bulb a friend sent me from overseas,
the smaller bulbs I found at a second hand store, I wish I didn't have to say this, but this project uses VERY HIGH VOLTAGES,
it uses the out put voltage of the TV's flyback I'm not sure the exact voltage but I'm guessing around 20,000 volts, it can burn, cause a heart attack and is just plain miserable.

O Calor vem aí... Não é bem um Ar Condicionado, mas dá um jeito...

12 volt air conditioner

To build a 12 volt air conditioner or body cooler you will need mostly the same items.. -flexible hose and clamps -12 volt bait well pump (I bought the 500 gph model, way over kill on the flow rate but cheap) -wiring -cigar lighter plug -largest cooler you can fit in the area it will sit. (air conditioners are rated in BTU's, the smallest ones for sale cheap are the 5,000 BTU ones, house and larger ones are rated in tons, this air conditioner will depend on how much ice you can put in it) I found the "marine" coolers the best for what I needed as they tend to be all white (less solar heat gain) and much more rectangular with less bulk (takes up space) mine also has large easy to hold handles (easy to strap into the seat belt in the car, and easy to carry full of ice and water) it also has an external hinge, most hinged lid designs have a air leak around the hinge, the external hinge type have a lid that will lock in place even if you remove the hinges. -zip ties 



E quando Inventores Portugueses, como Vitorino Moreira da Silva, e Fernando Lopes fizeram isto, sem apoio nenhum, por conta própria, foram ignorados...


DARPA Mentor Award to Bring Making to Education

PerlJedi writes "The future of innovation in America is the Maker movement. A new project being announced on the Makezine blog aims to bring low cost innovation and alternative manufacturing processes to schools in hopes of turbo-charging the next generation of inventors in the U.S. From the announcement: 'The new Makerspace program, developed by Dale Dougherty of MAKE and Dr. Saul Griffith of Otherlab, will integrate online tools for design and collaboration with low-cost options for physical workspaces where students may access educational support to gain practical hands-on experience with new technologies and innovative processes to design and build projects. The program has a goal of reaching 1000 high schools over four years, starting with a pilot program of 10 high schools in California during the 2012-2013 school year.'"

sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

Policarbonato em 3D, Madeira Líquida, Mineiros do Espaço, e RS, com notícias da Raspi!

Notícia trazida através da Ponoko
O Policarbonato é resistente como'um raio, e por isso, isto é uma boa notícia, já há quem Imprima em 3D, usando Policarbonato!

3D printing with polycarbonate 

Durable plastic for durable prints

Ever needed to 3D print something in a strong, clear material? It’s always exciting to see hobbyist printers being used with non-ABS/PLA materials, and polycarbonate is no exception.
From what I can tell, RichRap was the first person to use polycarbonate in a hobbyist device back in mid-2011. Those efforts were followed-up on by Luke and Alex of ProtoParadigm, who wrote a thorough blog post on the subject.

Madeira Líquida!
Eis algo que vai dar brado, para toda a espécie de Engenhocas...

Calligaris introduces the use of "Liquid Wood" to its furniture collection

By Bridget Borgobello

During Milan Design Week 2012, Italian furniture maker Calligaris has introduced a chair made from Liquid Wood, a composite biomaterial consisting of polymer and wood. It is said to be 100% recyclable, and is produced with raw materials that are easily available and renewable.

Liquid Wood is molded like a normal thermoplastic polymer, reportedly allowing for versatility and high performance in terms of durability, resistance and flexibility. The material is mainly composed of lignin and cellulose, which are found in the cells of plants.

Já há quem pense em minerar os Asteróides, e porque não, se eles lá estão, à nossa espera?

Is asteroid mining about to begin?

By Brian Dodson

Planetary Resources, a new player in the commercial space industry, is backed by a host of tech and aerospace luminaries with an integrated personal net worth on the far side of US$30 billion. A press release from the company hints that it will look to establish asteroid mining operations in space.
The President and Chief Engineer of the new company is Chris Lewicki, president of Arkyd Astronautics and former NASA Phoenix Mars Lander mission manager. A press release states, "the company will overlay two critical sectors – space exploration and natural resources – to add trillions of dollars to the global GDP. This innovative start-up will create a new industry and a new definition of natural resources."
Various Internet sources speculate, based on this statement, the name of the company, and the past interests of some of the officers and investors, that Planetary Resources will be aiming toward asteroid mining, probably with a strong robotic slant. Some types of asteroids are profligate ores of the noble metals, such as gold, platinum, iridium, and rhodium, and thus ripe for exploitation.

RS Components merece destaque.
Quer pela quantidade de coisas porreiraças que vende, para os Engenhocas, desde, é claro, Componentes Electrónicos, e Mecânicos, passando por Pendisks para encriptar os vosso emails(!), Telemóveis, até este Alicate, para trabalhos do caraças, vocês já deram com eles...

Mas também, porque nos presenteiam com relatos dos felizardos que já receberam um RaspberryPi:

quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012

Cimeira do Open Hardware, Rolamentos, Moldes, e Fogões

O Open Hardware vai ter uma Cimeira, e a nossa Catarina Mota vai estar lá:

* * * Please Redistribute * * *
The Open Hardware Summit (OHS) invites submissions for the third annual summit, to be held on September 27, 2012 at Eyebeam Art + Technology Center in New York City. The Open Hardware Summit is a venue to present, discuss, and learn about open hardware of all kinds. The summit examines open hardware and its relation to other issues, such as software, design, business, law, and education. We are seeking submissions for talks, posters, and demos from individuals and groups working with open hardware and related areas. Submissions are due by May 31, 2012 BY 11:59pm (EST). Notification of accepted proposals will happen by July 8th, 2012.

Rolamentos em Plástico, para o que precisarem:

Hardware Store Plastic Roller Bearings

Moldes para injecção, impressos em 3D:

Molds directly from a 3d printer to an injection molder

In this Instructable I will document the process of an experiment i have been working on to test fairly low pressure injection molding using 3d printed molds.

You should be able to find everything you need for this project laying around your house:

-An initial concept and the ability to execute it in a digital format capable of exporting to a 3d printer

-a high res 3d printer

-an injection molder

-a handful of pelletized thermoplastic

Eis o Fogão-Foguete, um Fogão, que aproveita a Lenha que se farta, e ainda por cima, deita pouco ou nenhum fumo!

Fabricating a Heavy-Duty Rocket Stove

Rocket stoves are small efficient stoves that can produce a hot flame with only a few small pieces of wood. The reason it is called a rocket stove is because when wood is added to the fire the flames create an internal draft. As the draft is created, the fire begins to produce a jet of fire coming through the stove pipe. The stove flame eventually becomes so hot that it produces very little smoke. The stove should be able to produce a hot continuous flame that will lick the bottom surface of a pot or pan placed on top of the stove.

Puxem dumas Bejecas, sentem-se, e apreciem uma Fundição para homens de barba rija, OH, YEAH!

quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2012

Raspberry Pi já está a ser entregue

Até que enfim, o Raspberry Pi já está a ser enviado pelo Correio:

Raspberry Pi ships at last

By James Holloway

Welcome news, finally, for the Raspberry Pi-watchers out there. Having previously predicted a March launch, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has finally announced that batches of the US$25 Linux computer are finally being delivered to customers.
The Pis were subject to further delays when, in early March, a factory error caused the credit-sized computers to be fitted with ethernet connectors with non-magnetic jacks.


terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2012

Raspery Pi, e Cimento armado

O Raspbey Pi já apareceu nas notícias em Portugal:

Alta tecnologia em versão mais barata
Raspeberry Pi é um computador portátil que custa poucas dezenas de euros Da Índia chega um tablet na mesma ordem de preços High-tech low cost

O Raspeberry Pi já começou a ser distribuído nas escolas de Inglaterra. Este é um computador portátil que custa poucas dezenas de euros e foi desenvolvido para que os mais novos tomem gosto pela programação informática.
O projeto Raspeberry Pi nasceu de uma preocupação de investigadores na Universidade de Cambridge
em 2006 com a pouca competência em programação informática dos alunos de ciências da computação.

E já vos tinha referido como se podem cosntruír Máquinas-Ferramenta com Cimento Armado, eis uma adenda no meu Site, cortesia da Ponoko:

A blast from the past, composite machinery!

Here's some neat news from Ponoko:

The lathe above is by Pat Delany, who has made the plans available for free. The approximate cost to make it is $150, which is truly remarkable for a metal lathe. The idea is based on the work of Lucien Ingraham Yeomans, who pioneered the use of concrete to make cheap machine tools during WWI. Below is a CNC by Kenny Cheung from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms. The site for the project suggests that the plans will be made available, but the project still looks to be very much in progress at the moment.

Via Make

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

O Open Hardware saíu mesmo agora...

O Open Hardware saíu mesmo agora...
...Com um Artigo que vai agradar a muita gente:
Com o HiJack e o  techBASIC, têem agora uma maneira de transformar o vosso IPhone ou IPad em Colectores de Dados!

Connect an iPhone/iPad to External Sensors with HiJack and techBASIC
Now there’s an easy and powerful way to connect external devices to the iPhone/iPad using techBASIC and HiJack. techBASIC is a BASIC programming language that runs right on the iPhone/iPad. HiJack is an A-D converter that plugs into the headphone jack on the same devices. techBASIC makes it easy to manipulate data and plot the results from HiJack, creating a powerful tool to collect information from almost any external device without the need to write software first on a desktop computer.

sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012

Areia robótica, um Concurso da Ponoko, e um Site para Hobbies

Eis uma ideia ambiciosa, Areia composta de nano-bots, que forma Moldes, um sonho prestes a realizar-se para todos os que querem ter moldes para uma Fundição, a partir de ficheiros 3D: 

Self-sculpting smart sand could assemble itself into solid replicas of objects

By Jan Belezina
Research currently underway at MIT’s Distributed Robotic Laboratory (DRL) could lead to an innovative replicative manufacturing technique with the disruptive potential equal to that of 3D printing. Imagine a sand-like material that could autonomously assemble itself into a replica of any object encased within. Incredible though this may sound, the DRL researchers have already managed to build a large scale proof-of-concept, with 10-mm cubes acting as the grains.

Before we go into how these cubes - or "smart pebbles" - work, let’s sketch out the general concept. The idea is to create objects using a subtractive method, where excess material is removed just like when carving in stone. Each grain of smart sand would be a self-contained micro computer. These tiny machines would use an elaborate algorithm to communicate with the neighboring particles in order to establish the exact position and shape of the input object so that it can be replicated.

A Ponoko oferece como Prémio, um Cortador de Papel CNC, vejam este Concurso:

Make a lasercut paper project with Ponoko to win a Silhouette Cameo electronic cutting tool!

If there’s one essential material for creativity it’s paper. It’s so approachable, so familiar, so versatile. And you can lasercut it! : )
We’ve added paper cardstock to the materials catalog at both the Ponoko US and Ponoko NZ laser-cutting hubs. And we’d love to see what kinds of stuff you can make with it: artwork, business cards, product packaging, maybe a Mother’s Day card? We’re even throwing in a nice little prize…
Make a lasercut paper project and you could win a Silhouette Cameo!

E um Site com muitas coisas para engenhocas:


Find what you need at! Here you will find all of the Hobbies you can't find anywhere else, including RC Cars or RC Planes. With our help you can find the right products and brands at the lowest prices online only at Let us help you meet your shopping needs while providing you with the best selections available online today. All this in a simple to use shopping interface. Checkout securely online with the help of Have a great day!

quinta-feira, 12 de abril de 2012

Pinterest, Emgine, e mais 3D Bacano!

Já me meti no Pinterest:

É mais uma maneira de terem as vossas imagens na Net, por isso, inscrevam-se!

Emgine, um Simulador de Campos Magnéticos, para não terem de fazer N enrolamentos, até que a vossa Ideia dê certo!
E é Grátis!

emGine Environment - 3D Electromagnetic Field Simulator

The emGine Environment(TM) is a full-wave 3D electromagnetic field simulation environment solving Maxwell's equations in time-domain. It is used for the modeling of high-frequency electromagnetic field in microwave circuits, antennas, resonators, microwave filters, hollow waveguides, etc.
Get a FREE Commercial License - Fully Featured, No Limitations!

If you want to use the emGine Environment for commercial/governmental/military purposes, you must obtain a commercial license. Contact me and get for FREE one license valid for 6 months and see how emGine Environment can help in your development and research studies.

Mais uma maravilha encontrada pela Ponoko.
Mais dois Projectos de Impressoras 3D, daquelas com um acabamento tão perfeito, que faz chorar as pedras da calçada, e ainda por cima, Open Source, até o Material de Impressão é barato!!!

Open source resin 3D printers in development

Hobbyists work on affordable resin printing tech

After posting about Junior Veloso’s resin 3D printer last week (and its higher-than-expected price), commenters arthur and Adam B. pointed to a couple of cost-sensitive open source projects in the works: Lemon Curry and an unnamed printer by Christopher Jansen.
Both are still in the experimental stage, but expect to deliver low-cost, open source solutions that any person should be able to put together and get running. In the case of Jansen’s printer, his running tally of costs is under $200, including a used DLP projector from eBay.

quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012

Stitch, costure as contas da sua Empresa

Mais coisas boas que a Ponoko nos traz... Stitch, um software para Pequenas Empresas:

Stitch — software to manage your small business! (Get a FREE 45 day trial from Ponoko)

You make stuff. Stitch makes selling your stuff easier.

People don’t just make cool lookin’ stuff with Ponoko — they start their own maker businesses! (You can check out their stories in our new blog series “Retail Ready“.)
So when we came across Stitch, a new subscription-based software for managing your small business, we thought “We should share this with our customers! And see if we can get it to them for FREE!”—-software-to-manage-your-small-business-get-a-free-45-day-trial-from-ponoko/

terça-feira, 10 de abril de 2012

Piranhas, Vinho e um Motor esférico

Um Barco que promete re-definir a Guerra naval , e esperemos, a luta contra os Piratas, que ainda há muitos, e sem serem os do Capitão Sparrow:

Unmanned nanomaterial Piranha threatens to redefine naval warfare

By James Holloway

You've heard of UAVs, unmanned remote controlled military aircraft; but what about USVs? Standing for Unmanned Surface Vehicle, a USV is quite simply an unmanned boat, like Zyvex Marine's Piranha concept. We've looked at USVs before, and the Piranha specifically in early 2010; but what was then a prototype under development is now a fully-fledged production craft, having shipped its first unit last November. "Our production facility is closer to rocket science than traditional boat building," says Zyvex Marine VP Byron Nutley of his boat - the only one in the world, it's claimed, that is made out of nanomaterials.

Sabiam que o Vinho Tinto tem um Composto que combate a Obesidade?

Compound found in red wine could help fight obesity

By Bridget Borgobello

Researchers from Purdue University in Indiana are testing a compound found in red wine that has the ability to block the processes of fat cell development. The research into the compound known as piceatannol may lead towards finding a simple method to combat obesity.
Piceatannol results from the conversion of resveratrol – a compound found in red wine, grapes and peanuts that is also thought to combat cancer, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases. When resveratrol is converted into the piceatannol compound, which naturally occurs after consumption, the compound has the ability to delay fat cell growth.

E deleitem-se a ver este vídeo, uma maravilha de Relojoaria Suíça, mas num Motor a Explosão que promete:


Visitem este Site, para mais coisas bacanas:

segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2012

3D, e màquinas no Google Sketchup

Antes de mais, uma Feliz Páscoa!

Eis o topo-da-linha em Impressão 3D Profissional, sem dúvida, num Vídeo em Espanhol:

Porém, esta incrível Máquina, muito mais barata, nunca vos deixará mal, que perfeiçâo de detalhes, e o melhor, em altura, é muito capaz de fazer tudo o que queiram:

Miicraft’s high resolution 3D printer
New high resolution kitset 3D printer in the works!

MiiCraft are a group of 3D printing enthusiasts who’re building a new high resolution 3D printer. They’re aiming for a price point of USD$2000 and hope that to release their evaluation kitset by about June of this year.

Atenção, a Inovação 3D também fala Português, eis o Brasileiro Júnior Veloso, e uma máquina comparável:

Fundraising begins for Junior Veloso’s resin-based 3D printer
Long-awaited project aims to raise $300,000

Well, it took a bit longer than the post last month indicated, but Junior Veloso’s awesome-looking resin-based 3D printer is now taking preorders.

Since the project will need a certain minimum amount of interest to be practical, the preorders are being done in the form of an Indiegogo campaign. (Indiegogo is similar to Kickstarter, but with more flexibility in funding and location terms.)

Here’s how the main campaign levels break down:

– $599 Basic Kit I
Software, controller board, schematics/plans
– $1,999 Basic Kit II
Above, plus motors, linear actuators, power supply, building tray, building head
– $3,999 Full Kit
Above, plus DLP projector, 1kg of resin, assembly tools

E vão de vez em quando à Inventables, para além de Materiais incríveis, para as vossas Engenhocas, como Spray de Moldar, Aço Tranparente, e Couro de Peixe(!), eles oferecem esta máquina CNC:

E qua tal, contruírem as vossas Máquinas, que funcionam, rodam, interagem, etc. no Google Sketchup?
Atenção, é um pouco complicado, mas vai-se lá!

Tutorial: Gears & Joints with SketchUp and SketchyPhysics
Continuing my commitment to using free software even though it drives me up the wall sometimes

Following my recent obsession with drawing machines, I’m working on a new project with lots of gears and linkages. I figured it would be a good time to learn how to do mechanical modelling in SketchUp. Sketchy Physics is a plugin for Google SketchUp that allows you to simulate mechanical models. It is very capable but also very frustrating!

sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

Um Concurso, e um Novo Material em 3D

Eis um Concurso para toda a espécie de Engenhocas, eles ajudam a arrancar com as Ideias:

Dear Entrepreneur,

Beta-i is happy to announce the next edition of Beta-start, which will be focus on Energy and Transports Startups.

Beta-start is an acceleration program from Beta-i designed to help early and seed stage entrepreneurs turning their ideas into a viable and successful business. Throughout the 5 weeks program entrepreneurs are challenged to improve their prototype and business model with the support of seasoning mentors, expert trainers and a collaborative and hands-on approach.

During the Beta-Start acceleration program entrepreneurs will be coach to present your idea to potential customers, partners, cofounders and investors.

A Sculpteo tem este novo Material para Impressão 3D, Alumide, um Compósito de Plástico e Alumínio:


Alumide is a blend of polyamide and grey aluminium dust. Strong, slightly flexible material that can withstand some pressure when bent. The surface has a grainy, sanded appearance and is slightly porous with shiny aluminium dust on it. 

Alumide objects are produced by laser sintering of alumide powder. The models are printed layer by layer by a laser that draws the object in the powder, by solidifying the material. Layer thickness is 0.1 mm and the minimum size of visible details on the model is 0.5 mm. Minimum wall thickness for this technology is 1 mm. Alumide is more rigid than regular plastic. This material is convenient for complex models and moving parts. Maximum size is 308 x 308 x 600 mm (12.1 x 12.1 x 23,6 inches).
  • Matte Grey
  • Strong
  • Convenient for complex models and moving parts

quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012

Medicina e Tecnologia

Estas duas Gerigonças são muito importantes, porque podem salvar vidas!

O SmartWatch detecta possíveis ataques Epilépticos, e avisa, se o paciente não puder, alguém pelo telemóvel;
E na Universidade Johns Hopkins, está-se a estudar Software que pode até parar os ataques!

New technologies detect seizures, and could possibly even eliminate them

By Ben Coxworth

Seizures can be very scary experiences for people who suffer from them, especially since they may sometimes result in the need for medical attention. Unfortunately, they often come on so fast that the people getting them aren’t able to get out a call for help beforehand – they simply have to ride out the seizure on their own, and hope for the best. Now, however, two new technologies may be able to help.

A wearable alert device

The watch, known as the SmartWatch, is made by California-based tech company SmartMonitor. It can be worn 24 hours a day, and detects repetitive, excessive arm motions outside of the user’s regular movement spectrum, associated with grand mal seizures.

A system to stop seizures

At Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins University, meanwhile, assistant professor of biomedical engineering Sridevi V. Sarma is leading research into software that could more efficiently stop seizures before they happen.

Currently, when people are prone to seizures that don’t respond to drug treatment, they sometimes have electrodes surgically implanted in their brains. Algorithms running in an accompanying electronics package monitor the brain’s electrical activity, and cause the electrodes to administer a electrical pulse to the brain, when seizure-like activity is detected. While this setup is often effective at stopping the seizure from proceeding, it is also very prone to false alarms.

Em Àreas onde falta tudo, eis uma maneira de desinfectar as mãos, por Plasma, que elimina Bactérias... Que é uma limpeza!

Battery-powered plasma flashlight makes short work of bacteria

By Darren Quick

An international team of scientists has created a handheld, battery powered device that has been shown to effectively rid skin of bacteria in an instant by blasting it with plasma. The plasma flashlight, which shouldn’t be confused with a plasma torch that will damage much more than bacteria if used on the skin, could provide a convenient way for paramedics and military personnel to deal with harmful bacteria in the field.
The self-contained device is powered by a 12 V battery and doesn’t require any external gas feed or handling system. The plume of plasma it generates is between 20-23°C (68-73.4°F), so it won’t damage the skin. It is also fitted with resistors to stop it heating up and becoming too hot to touch. Its creators say it can also be easily manufactured at a cost of less than US$100 per unit.

Não tem muitos usos Médicos, mas muitos usos na Oficina, um Aquecedor por Inducção:

30 kVA Induction Heater

Induction heaters are used to heat conductive materials in a non-contact process. Commercially, they are used for heat treating, brazing, soldering, etc., as well as to melt and forge iron, steel, and aluminum.
This Instructable will walk you through the construction of a high-power (30kVA) heater, suitable for melting aluminum and steel. Note that to take full advantage of this design, you will need a 220V outlet, at least a 50A single-phase one and preferably a 50A or 60A 3-phase outlet