Blog Posts

sábado, 28 de junho de 2014

Pololu, curvas na Placa cortada a laser, e Manivelas em Papel

Aqui vão duas pequenas maravilhas da Pololu, vão lá, que têem muitas mais, só para verem o que é bom...

Um Motor eléctrico mesmo, MESMO pequeno, notem, só, ao lado dele, o que ERA o modelo de Motor com redução mais pequeno, e a Figura de Lego, só para dar uma idea do tamanho.
...E ainda tem uma caixa de redução, à frente!

26:1 Sub-Micro Plastic Planetary Gearmotor 6Dx16L mm

This tiny, cylindrical gearmotor consists of a coreless brushed DC motor and a 26:1 plastic planetary gearbox. The entire assembly has a diameter of just 6 mm (0.24″) and an extremely light weight of 1.2 g (0.042 oz), making it a great actuator for miniature robots and very small mechanisms.

... E para Aeromodelismo, Fogetões, e toda a espécie de experiências com Veículos voadores, eis uma combinação de  Giroscópio, Bússola, Altímetro e Acelerómetro, numa só Plca:

New product: AltIMU-10 v4 gyro, accelerometer, compass, and altimeter

Two weeks ago, we announced a big price reduction of our MEMS-based sensors and explained a little about why we release new versions of these boards so frequently. If you looked closely at the diagram showing the evolution of our ST MEMS sensor boards, you might have noticed that we’ve used each IC on a carrier board for that chip by itself, as well as on an IMU board combined with other sensors, with one exception: the LPS25H pressure sensor. When that post was written, we had recently released our LPS25H carrier, but we did not yet offer an IMU featuring this new barometer IC. The AltIMU-10 v3, which uses the older LPS331AP pressure sensor, was the newest AltIMU available from us at the time.





Corte Laser permite-nos fazer muita coisa, mas quanto a curvar a Placa cortada, eis um Instructable que ajuda à brava!

Uma colecção de cortes e seu resultado, é só escolher:



Curved laser bent wood

Aaron Porterfield

This instructable will cover my own experiments with laser kerf bent wood, also known as lattice hinges, and how I tried to create it parametrically to bend along a curved surface.
There's a lot of good information about lattice hinges here which explains the concept and actual physics behind it.
I'm no engineer, so all of what I've found is through trial and error. 



Rob Ives continua prolífico, na sua producção de Curiosidades Mecânicas que vocês podem fazer, em papel.
Reparem nesta Maquineta, dão à Manivela, e duas placas andam  para trás e para a frente, em sentidos opostos!

Double Crank. Download, Make, Play

Double crank mechanism. Turn the handle on the side of the box and the two pads on the top of the box move back and forth in opposite directions. 
Members can download the parts for free from the link on the website. The parts are available to non-members for £2.50UKP.
Once you have completed your double crank mechanism it is time to think about how you could add a character to the top of the box. What will you make? A cross country skier? Michael Jackson moonwalking? Two pirates swabbing the deck?


quinta-feira, 26 de junho de 2014

Motoretas fantásticas! E um Churrasco numa Lata, regar a Horta, e furar Esferas

Esta Motoreta eléctrica pode-se levar para o Comboio, para o Autocarro, para o Cacilheiro, etc.
Podem até levá-la para o elevador, e guardá-la em casa!
E já anda cá em Lisboa, por isso, deve-se vender em todo o lado. 

E há uma gama de Veículos desdobráveis que podem escolher, como uma versão de motor de combustão, bicicletas, etc:

Folding Mopeds, Folding Tricycles and Folding Bicycles DI BLASI

Since 1974 we produce folding mopeds, folding tricycles, folding bicycles, to be used as auxiliary vehicles in conjunction with cars, boats, motorhomes, light aircraft, and in general for leisure activities.
Our mopeds are the ideal motor vehicles to bring in the car boot to be used as alternative means of transport to beat traffic jams; or on boat or on motorhome to increase mobility on holidays. They are indispensable to people who intend to carry out “Designated Drivers Services”.

Our tricycles have wider possibilities of use than normal tricycles because they can be carried on other vehicles and then used away from home. Therefore our folding tricycles increase mobility and autonomy of people that usually ride a tricycle.
Our bicycles, in spite of the large wheels, have very small dimensions when folded and light weight. Riding is comfortable; frame is stiff and sturdy. They are the ideal pedal vehicles to use in conjunction with train, car, etc

A feature common to all our vehicles is that they can be folded or unfolded in a very simple and fast way: not more than 4 seconds, without tools and nothing to screw or unscrew.
The technical solutions that we used in our vehicles have been always in the van and always in the aim to make quick and easy their folding and unfolding, to reduce as much as possible their dimensions when folded, to reduce their weight while maintaining strength and safety, to offer ride stability and comfort.

Here are some of our innovative solutions: frame shaped as an articulated quadrilateral, folding pedals, automatically folding handlebars, three-dimensional folding mechanism of the tricycle, use of a variety of materials to give to the frames the maximum rigidity with minimum weight, etc.

Lá por viverem num Apartamento, só com uma Varandinha ridícula, não quer dizer que não possam fazer uma Churrascada! 
Eis como fazer uma Picanha Minimalista!

How To Make The Bitty-Q - (A Drink-Can BBQ) #Mikehacks
The King of Random

Got an itch to grill, but don't have a BBQ handy? Here's an awesome little hack, to satisfy your meaty cravings one bratwurst at a time!
WARNING: Cutting aluminum cans will give the metal very sharp edges. Sharp edges cut skin. You may want to use gloves to mitigate any risk. Hot coals also pose a number of risks. Never use around flammable materials or on tabletops sensitive to heat. This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Use of this video content is at your own risk.


Para a vossa Horta, eis um Sistema de Rega que podem fazer, sem gastar fortunas. Vem com Vídeos e tudo:

PVC Pipe Soaker “Hose” Systems


So, I was sent the first link via email and I just think it’s brilliant! This will save us tons of water while watering deep enough to keep the plants in the raised beds we’re going to build happy throughout our hot summers. The first one is for row crops:


Não passa um dia sem que alguém queira furar uma Esfera, para Articulações para as vossas Engenhocas, a Manete das Mudanças, ou lá o que seja...
Mas o que é certo é que uma esfera não se presta a furar, como um Cubo! Foje à Broca como sei lá, e um torno nã ajuda muito...
Mas com esta Armação, vão lá, e também tem um Link para fazer o mesmo com Cilindros...
É um dois-em-um!

Sphere Drilling Jig

Cutting and drilling round objects is both difficult and dangerous. This is a step by step guide to making a jig to help drill spheres.

I recently posted a similar Instructable about how to make a jig for cutting and drilling cylinders which can be viewed here (

segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014

Kinderlabs, Robótica prós Míudos! E mais uma Gravadora a Laser, um Material 10.000 mais forte que o Aerogel, e Moldagem em Papel

Eis algo que vai ensinar Robótica aos vosso filhos, desde tenra idade!
Uma maravilha, e nascida dum Projecto Didáctico...

our story

KinderLab Robotics emerged from a need to make widely available Marina Umaschi Bers' research on new technologies for young children at Tufts University.

Marina grew frustrated when presenting her work at conferences and always being asked: "How can I get a robotic kit?" and not having a good answer.

During a walk in Walden Pond, near Boston, her friend Mitch Rosenberg, veteran executive at several robotics start-ups, decided to join forces to fullfill an old-dream of his: improving STEM education.


E que tal gravarem os vossos Desenhos a Laser?
Podem fazê-lo, com mais este Instructable:

Yet Another DIY Diode Laser Engraver 
I always loved CNC machines! They are the future since they were first invented! I still believe that CADing and CNCing are miracles. When the first printer arrived to my home (I was about 10) I got really fascinated by the fact that I could print a paper about a hundred times by writing it just once!
Only recently I got comfortable with the parts and knowledge needed to built a CNC. I really needed a kind of plotter for my work. As you know a Commercial Laser Engraver is really pricey and a good one is simply out of reach...
To make a long story short I decided to build my own... The funny part is that when I started designing I didn't know Instructables so I reinvented the wheel in many cases...
So here we go: my Moving Gantry Arduino-Less Laser Engraver...

Ciclistas, Aeromodelistas, e outros Artistas, eis algo para seguir de perto, um Material tão leve como o afamado Aerogel, mas 10.000 vezes mais forte, sim, esta Material serve para muitas mais coisas!

New materials developed that are as light as aerogel, yet 10,000 times stronger

David Szondy

Imagine materials strong enough to use in building airplanes or motor cars, yet are literally lighter than air. Soon, that may not be so hard to do because a team of researchers from MIT and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have developed new ultra-lightweight materials that are as light as aerogel, but 10,000 times stiffer, and may one day revolutionize aerospace and automotive designs.
Aerogels are incredibly light, so light that the record holder, aerographene, boasts a density of just 0.16 mg/cm3. Currently, aerogels are used for insulation, tennis racquets, as a means of controlling oil spills, and were used on the NASA Stardust mission to collect samples from a comet’s tail. Unfortunately, despite its seemingly ephemeral nature, its very much a solid and will shatter if pressed hard enough, so its use is limited.

Eis algumas coisas novas, usar Papel para Moldagem, as Torres de David Huffman, e um Material sem cheiro para Moldagem, chamado Acrystal:

Casting with molds made with paper…

…or any other sheet material
Any cast starts with a mold. You need something to pour your material into, be it concrete, plaster, resin, wax, whatever. You can user everyday objects like bowls, packaging or make molds from existing objects.
But what if you want cast something completely different? Something you can't make casts of?
Paper to the rescue. Everyone has some lying around, has scissors and glue. And paper can take pretty much any form you want.
It does have it's limitations though. It's not waterproof and will lose it's strength when getting wet. So before you can use it as a mold, you'll have to make it waterproof. I'll just use spraypaint. Also it's strength is limited. So making huge casts doesn't work. The "Venus de Milo" is 36cm (14 inch) high - and it worked out just fine.
Paper is great to work with, it's easy to cut, fold and glue. But if you want to make more than one cast of your mold you might want to try sheets of plastic. While it is a lot harder to work with it is reusable. You can make many casts with the same mold over and over.
Here are two different routes I took

quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014

CNC com Arduino! E um Manual para Fabbing, mais desenhar em 3D sem problemas e a cores, e como fazer uma Campanha de Crowd Funding

Tinha de acontecer, um Arduino a controlar uma Máquina CNC, e cá está, uma Fresa VNC, que também pode ser uma Impressora 3D, e desenho Open Source:

Arduino Controlled CNC / 3D Printer 
The objective of this instructable is to guide your way throw the entire making process of building a BuildersBot machine. An Arduino controlled CNC Router that can also perform 3D printing.The instructions will cover all areas such as, mechanics, electronics and software.

Se estão a pensar em adquirir Maquinaria de Fabbing, Impressoras 3D, etc. para a vossa Empresa, e não sabem bem o que fazer e como escoilher, distribuição, e o que mais for, vão a esta Pàgina, e descarreguem este Manual, que é grátis:

Additive Manufacturing Whitepaper - by Deloitte Review
The 3D Opportunity to Increase Performance, Innovation and Growth 

If you are thinking about investing in Additive Manufacturing (AM) to integrate into your current operational and business models, this complimentary whitepaper from Deloitte Review is for you.
Let us help you understand and analyze the key strategic objectives and tactical approaches of AM technology and where these opportunities complement traditional manufacturing. 
Download the Deloitte Review whitepaper to determine which AM or 3D printing path is best for your organization and how it will enable you, your managers and colleagues to understand:
  • I: A Starting Point for Additive Manufacturing
    Explore AM technologies to improve performance and profitability for current products within existing supply chains
  • II: Supply Chain Evolution
    Improve performance and scale economies through supply chain transformation of products
  • III: Product Evolution
    Take advantage of scope economies offered to achieve new levels of product innovation
  • IV: Combined Supply Chain and Product Evolution
    Alter both supply chains and products in pursuit of new business models to deliver value and growth opportunities while disrupting the competition
Don't get left behind in the additive manufacturing evolution.  Use this whitepaper to guide you in the right direction to improve performance, innovation and growth.

3D à mão! Ou seja, "desenhar" em 3 Dimensões, e aqui, estamos a falar de algo mesmo porreiro, pois é "desenhar"... A CORES, e sem queimar as mãos, logo, porreiro prá criançada...
E prós Engenhocas!

CreoPop - The World's First 3D Pen with Cool Ink.

CreoPop is the world's first 3D pen with cool ink. Unlike other 3D pens there are no hot parts or melting plastic. We have an amazing selection of cool inks.
Unlike other 3D pens there are no hot parts, no melting plastics and no unpleasant smell. Instead, CreoPopTM uses photopolymers that are solidified using UV light to let you focus on creating designs rather than being worried about burning your fingers.
One of the most innovative features of CreoPopTM is the large selection of cool inks. For the launch of our crowdfunding campaign, the available selection includes standard inks in many different colors, glow-in-the-dark inks and temperature sensitive inks.
There is ongoing R&D to create inks that are elastic, magnetic, aromatic, conductive, glittering and body paint inks.

...E se quizerem fazer a vossa própria Campanha de Crowd Funding, cá vai uma dica, aprendam daqui, dos próprios Crowd Funders:

Essential Tips for Running an Indiegogo Campaign (Part II)

Last week, we released Part I of our essential tips for running an Indiegogo campaign, which covered planning and launching a successful campaign.
This week, we’re focusing on your campaign’s back half – maintaining momentum and wrapping it all up once you hit your goal. Let’s go

terça-feira, 17 de junho de 2014

VoCore, um Computador num só Chip! Mais um mapa Fabber do Mundo, um Fogão a Lenha para o Jardim, e um Lançador de bolas

VoCore. Um Computador Linux num só Chip, e com Wifi, USB, UART, 20+ GPIO, e tudo num quadrado de uma só Polegada! 
O que abre uma data de usos, como fazer os vossos acessórios todos ligados ao PC por Wireless, um Downloader offline, Um Router, e Tele-Controle para o que quizerem, com Câmera!

VoCore: A coin-sized Linux computer with wifi

VoCore is an open hardware runs OpenWrt. It has WIFI, USB, UART, 20+ GPIOs but size is only one inch. It helps you make a smart house or study embedded system.
What is VoCore?
VoCore is a coin-sized Linux computer with wifi. It is also able to work as a full functional router. It runs OpenWrt on top of Linux. It contains 32MB SDRAM, 8MB SPI Flash and using RT5350(360MHz MIPS) as its heart. It provides many interfaces such as 10/100M Ethernet, USB, UART, I2C, I2S, PCM, JTAG and over 20 GPIOs but its size is less than one square inch(25mm x 25mm).

What can You DO with VoCore?

1. Wireless a USB device such as printer, scanner,  hard disk, camera and etc.
2. A remote control robot with camera.
3. A portable VPN router.
4. A wireless speaker.
5. A offline downloader.
6. WIFI -> TTL(or Serial Port) to control Arduino remotely.

Como podem ver no mapa embaixo, a Impressão 3D vai crescendo dia a dia, da tal maneira que 750 Milhões de pessoas têem acesso à Impressão 3D, ou seja uma em cada 10 no Mundo!
Dica do Blogue dos Hubs de Impressão 3D, 3DHubs, onde podem encontrar a Impressora 3D mais próxima de vós!

Local 3D Printing Available to 750 Million People

The 3D printing movement is getting up to incredible speed. After starting out a little bit over a year ago we have grown quite a bit. Not only are we now working with a kick-ass team of 16, we have also passed the magical number of 5000 printers on our platform. What does that mean? Quite a lot: you are part of the 3rd industrial revolution and contributing to the pioneering movement of decentralised manufacturing movement.

To back these statements up with some rock hard data we went over to NASA to crunch some numbers (no joke). After a couple of hours their supercomputers came out with this statement: over 750 million people globally have a Hub within 10 miles! That means that 10% of the world population is within arms reach of being able to 3D print. Talking about local printing!


Fazem o Upload do vosso Ficheiro 3D, escolham o vosso Hub local,  e é só mandar imprimir!

Eis uma forma de terem um castiço Fogão ao ar livre, para as vossas patuscadas, com a Lenha que arranjarem, sem mais nada que fazerem-no vós mesmos...

E foi feito por um Engenhocas, como nós, não um Fabricante Profissional.

Woodburning Stove from sheet steel 
This is a guide for how I made my stove. It is not the only way.
I am not a professional metalworker but a guy with some tools and a workshop .The final outcome was very successful and I have received many positive comments about it.
The flat top gets hot enough to cook on and/or boil a kettle and the output it approximately 4-5kw when it's fully up to temperature. Perfect for heating a small room. I've only ever used it when camping outdoors or in my yard but the plan is to use it when winter camping in a bell tent.
I am making this Instructable to show people how easy it is.
Almost everything was fabricated from the sheet steel for this (apart from the flue pipe which I bought in especially) and the whole process took me about 10 hours in total spread over a few evenings.

E para os vossos Cães, neste Verão, um Lançador de Bolas que os vai fazer mais felizes, e exercitados, sem vos cansar demasiado...

E o que é melhor, vocês não se cansam a fazer o Lançador, também!

Tennis Ball Launcher
A friend of mine has bad arthritis in his wrists and cannot easily throw a tennis ball for his puppy to fetch. They both enjoy the game but the current models of tennis ball throwers aren't easy on his wrist and those that are aren't very effective. My goal was to build something he could easily fire but still get appreciable distance from.

Please keep safety in mind and don't sue me. This device can be dangerous. It involves powerful elastics being used to accelerate projectiles quickly. Never point this at a living creature or valuables. Don't load this with anything that will intentionally cause damage. Don't combine any of the previous warnings to make a super destructive device. Seriously, you'll put an eye out.

On a lighter note this will exercise a dog because it launches tennis balls approximately 100ft as shown in the video.

segunda-feira, 16 de junho de 2014

Álcool em pó! E um Mini-transmissor de som, Uma Bisnaga Gigante, e Ubudu

Chamem-lhe Deformação Profissional, mas mal vi isto, pensei logo em criar um Combustível para Foguetes mais barato...
Parece anedota, mas o nome diz tudo:
Àlcool em pó! 
Será que preciso dizer que, como se trata de Àlcool, há perigo de Incêndio e/ou Explosão, se manuseado sem o mínimo de cuidado? Quanto à ingestão, desaconselho completamente.

Powdered Alcohol

Contrary to what suspicious lawmakers may think, powdered alcohol is not the herald to the apocalypse. In April of 2014, a form of American-made powdered alcohol was approved for sale... with its approval quickly rescinded due to what I'd imagine to be bureaucratic red tape by the US Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

Todos nós Geeks, (ou serei só eu?) quizemos ter uma catrapázio que nos relatasse a actividade dos nossos Computadores, de modo audível, para tratrmos de outra coisa enquanto o PC roí os cálculos, pois agora podem fazê-lo em pouco tempo:

Mini Audio Transmitter

In this instructable I'm going to show you how to build your own portable audio transmitter. This transmits FM waves so you could easily get the signals on your mobile phone, radios, etc. As the name and the picture indicates it is very small and is approximately the size of a 9v battery clip.
This transmitter is like the ones in the movies which are used to spy on people or try to record conversations, well don't use this this to spy on anyone, its just for educational purpose only.
What does this do?
  • Well all this is a FM transmitter so you could start your own mini FM station.
I'm going to build a mini FM receiver soon, to go with the mini FM transmitter
How does this work?
Well all of us have heard of "frequency modulation", most commonly known as "FM", this circuit works on the very same principal to transmit audio signals captured by the microphone. This circuit uses BC547 transistor to amplify the signal and then frequency modulate it. Since it is tiny and powered with just 9v the signal range is limited to only 15m.
If you like my project you can vote for me in the battery powered contest.


Uma Bisnaga gigante, prá Brincadeira, prá Palhaçada na Praia, neste Verão, eis um Projecto divertido para míudos e graúdos, desde que haja algum juízo...
E o que é melhor, é fácil de fazer:

Easy-Peasy PVC Water Gun

There are a handful of do-it-yourself PVC water guns on the internet.
This water gun is similar to other versions out there, including this one I shared a few years ago, but with a handful of new tricks to simplify the design and make it easier for people to duplicate.
If you make a few, let me know how it goes in the comments.
Thanks for taking a look!

Ubudu, para não confundir com Ubuntu, é um App e Gadget que vão revolucionar as Lojas em toda a parte, pois através do Smartphone podem ser informados de vários detalhes sobre os Artigos à venda!
E o que é mais pertinente à malta Engenhocas, demonstra como podem fazer Primeiras Séries das vossas Invenções, com a ajuda de Empresas Online como a Sculpteo, para fabricarem as tais Pequenas Séries, por Impressão 3D!
Dica do Blogue da Sculpteo:

Ubudu will revolutionize the way we shop, and 3D printing helped get it there.

Most people know that 3D printing enables consummer to take part in the production process and customize their own products. But since a while now, hardware entrepreneurs have been adopting 3D printing in their business to create their prototypes and first series. The French based startup, Ubudu, has been using it to develop its revolutionizing indoor mobile location platform.

Ubudu was founded in 2011 in Paris with the idea of revolutionizing indoor mobile location services for the consumer. The platform set to accomplish this, uBeacon, is structured around Cloud services, mobile softwares, and Bluetooth Low Energy trackers.

sábado, 14 de junho de 2014

A Bandeira em 3D!

Como ninguém se prontifica a fazer uma Bandeira em 3D, cá vai uma que eu fiz, em formato .wrl, para imprimirem nas vossas Impressoras 3D, ou monocromo, ou cor por cor, em peças separadas:

Podem fazer o Download, pela módica quantia de 2 Euros, no app que apareçe no cnto superior direito, aqui ao lado.

A ver se dá sorte para o Mundial! :)