Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012

É o ùltimo dia para se inscreverem

É o ùltimo dia para se inscreverem, por isso aproveitem, amanhã já não dá:

Call for Submissions

* * * Please Redistribute * * *
The Open Hardware Summit (OHS) invites submissions for the third annual summit, to be held on September 27, 2012 at Eyebeam Art + Technology Center in New York City. The Open Hardware Summit is a venue to present, discuss, and learn about open hardware of all kinds. The summit examines open hardware and its relation to other issues, such as software, design, business, law, and education. We are seeking submissions for talks, posters, and demos from individuals and groups working with open hardware and related areas. Submissions are due by May 31, 2012 BY 11:59pm (EST). Notification of accepted proposals will happen by July 8th, 2012.
Submission topics
Topics of interest for the summit include, but are not limited to:
  • Digital fabrication
  • DIY bio
  • Soft circuits
  • Wearables and fashion tech
  • Quantified-self hardware
  • Means of supporting collaboration and community interaction
  • On demand and low volume manufacturing
  • Distributed development and its relationship to physical goods
  • Software design tools (CAD / CAM)
  • DIY technology
  • Ways to share information about hardware that’s not captured in source files
  • Business models
  • Competition and collaboration
  • Sustainability of open hardware products (e.g. how to unmake things)
  • Industrial design
  • Open hardware in the enterprise
  • Specific product domains: e.g. science, agriculture, communications, medicine
  • Legal and intellectual property implications of open-source hardware
  • Open hardware in education
  • Addressing the gender imbalance in the open hardware community
  • And any other topic you think relates to openness and hardware. We want to hear all about it!
Types of submissions
To increase the chances that we can include your work in the Summit, feel free to submit a proposal in one or more of the following formats. Keep in mind if you submit for only one category and are not accepted, there will be no resubmissions to different categories because the acceptance notification is after the submission deadline passes.

Joao Marcelino, ao vivo e a cores

No Youtube, por :
João Marcelino, Autor do livro "Propriedade Invenções e Patentes" dá-nos uma rápida panorâmica do sector da propriedade intelectual em Portugal.

E podem comprar o livro já agora, basta carregarem na imagem dele, aqui ao lado, à direita:

terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2012

segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012

Instructables, e mistura

Eis uma boa ideia, não só para Carpintaria, como Serralharia, Acrílico, Fibra de Carbono, etc...

Combo Miter Saw Station Lumber Rack

by noahw

This miter saw station does double duty as a lumber storage rack with room for long boards underneath and 4' x 8' sheet goods in the back. I looked around for a long time online for plans for something like this and all I was able to come up with was a hand drawn sketch in an old Fine Woodworking magazine. I adapted the drawing a bit to create the following Step-by-Step Instructable, adding in easier to use see-through bins for cut-offs in the front instead of solid panels, and adapting the rail-style bed pictured in the drawing for stock to be a bit simpler and deeper so it could serve as a functional work surface as well.




Eis o CNC a bom uso, uma cadeira de montar:

CNC Scissor Chair (Plywood)
CNC + plywood = furniture. Search instructables and you'll come up with over 47,000 results for "CNC furniture." But for the great majority of CNC machines -- the 2-1/2 axis CNC routers that can move only in X, Y, and Z (no tilting or rotating controllers) -- a very specific condition has come to be part of almost all projects that result: the orthogonal joint. The orthogonal joint, essentially a product of the needs for tightly-fitting "notches" to fit together with friction, is a defining characteristic of furniture made this way.

This project, the "Scissor Chair," takes its design inspiration from the non-orthogonal joint cut on a machine capable of cutting only orthogonal (non-beveled) profiles. The finished chair is as purely a CNC project as I could manage: it requires exactly one sheet of standard 1/2" plywood, no extra parts, no hardware, no glue, and no other tools (except maybe a mallet to show it who's boss).

E que tal produzir Hidrogénio?
ATENÇÃO, O HIDROGÉNIO É UM GÁS PERIGOSO, nem respirar é bom, queima-vos os Pulmões, por isso, tenham muito cuidado.

Hoffman Apparatus for pure hydrogen gas

Hydrogen gas has already been used by a number of people and companies as an alternative to petrochemical fuels. The one commonly appearing in the media is the hydrogen fuel cell, whose appearance is similar to a battery (though the inner workings are very different) and produces electricity to power an electric motor.
This, however, requires a whole new car designed specifically for use with a fuel cell.
Unfortunately little known to the wider public, BMW actually has a fleet of cars – regular petrol cars only very slightly modified – running off hydrogen gas as a combustion fuel. They use exactly the same mechanism as if they were running off petrol, but it’s not petrol.

E vamos à Mistura!

Eis uma ideia dum Inventor, que todo o Engenhoca vai tentar imitar, eventualmente...
Uma Misturadora para Compostos Binários, os que há...
E os que vocês criarem!


Dra-gun uses a power drill to mix and apply two-part liquids

Inventor William Mace used to live aboard a small boat, where he tried his best to cast and mold custom parts. If you’ve ever worked with resins or other two-part materials, however, you’ll know just how messy and involved the process can be – the two component liquids have to be poured in a precise ratio into a mixing cup, stirred thoroughly together, poured, and then the left-over mixture, cup and stir stick have to be disposed of. Instead, Mace created the Dra-gun – a power drill-mounted system that automatically mixes the liquids in the desired ratio, and that produces virtually no waste.

sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012

Notícias, Novidades, e a importância dos Protótipos...

Boa notícia é um novo material da Ponoko, muito mais barato, White Plaster, poderá servir para Moldes de Fundição, com algum acabamento, penso eu...

NEW material for 3D printing: white plaster 
Our lowest priced 3D printing material ever!

Been looking for a way to test out your larger 3D designs without having it cost a fortune? We have just added White Plaster to our materials catalogue and your 3D product can be made for as low as $.69 a cubic centimeter!* Because of this low price, white plaster is a great material to evaluate the aesthetics of your larger design before committing to a more expensive material.

Mais divulgação, aqui partilho um resumo das novidades do Blog da DesignSpark:

With the recent phenomena on Raspberry Pi, Bill Marshall has taken a break from HD graphics and ARM processors to take a look at a similar sized and priced beginners computer board, but more towards the Arduino end of the processor power spectrum. The unusual feature of this microcontroller board is the Forth programming language it uses.
Also this week, Peterjfrancis gives us a run down on the Raspberry Pi meet-up in Google's newly opened campus, and there's been a few questions on installing Linux on to a Raspberry Pi, and many thanks to milnepe, who has kindly written a blog on how to install Debian "squeeze".
Por isso, vão ao Site, e depois, vejam o Blog, é imperdível:

E este Programa promete dar-vos a possibilidade de detectarem e resolverem os problemas nas vossas Criações, antes de gastarem dinheiro em Protótipos:

Solve critical engineering challenges before committing to detailed design in any CAD. GrafiCalc© is CAD-neutral software that enables users to achieve radical improvement in the time and costs associated with designing and testing manufactured products. With GrafiCalc users can solve a wide range of engineering challenges earlier in the design cycle, when conflicts are easy to detect and the least expensive to fix. 

quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

Imprimir em 3D, ABS, e Nylon, e Fresa CNC, TUDO numa só máquina!!!

Isto é Fantástico!
Imprimir em 3D, em ABS, e Nylon, e Fresa CNC, TUDO numa  só máquina!!!
E num Instructable, sim, para fazerem esta pequena maravilha em vossas casas!

Combination CNC Machine and 3D Printer
by taulman
How to make your own 2D CNC machine that converts into a 3D Printer and back to a CNC machine in less than an hour.  Costing less than a CNC machine or 3D printer!  In addition, the design will go further than the traditional 3D printer printing ABS, and move forward to printing with NYLON 6/6.
NYLON has some great features that can be modified with fill density.  Imagine being able to print a permanent coffee filter or bearings that need no lubrication!
My hope is that people use this guide to bring their designs and projects to tangible parts and objects as paper and CAD designs are great, but unproven, till built.
My goal for this guide is to take the mystery out of both CNC and 3D printing in such a way as to eliminate that….”its all to overwhelming” feeling or thought.
Because there are several other specific machine designs out there, both CNC and 3D Printer, please refer to this machine as the "2BEIGH3" or "2 by 3" as I will within this guide.

A Shapeways imprime em 3D num material como Borracha, agora:

We Can't Believe It's Not Rubber
Flex your creativity and start experimenting today!  
We just launched our first fully flexible material for 3D printing. This is our only material that is made to bend, and from what we can tell, the only highly flexible 3D printed material accessible for everyone. Elasto Plastic is still experimental, so put on your lab coat, check out the design rules and start playing! 

...E um Avião de Sonho, que ainda por cima é mais económico, quer em combustível, quer a fabricar! 

Synergy aircraft aims at more comfortable, efficient personal flight 
By Chris Weiss 
 The airplane is arguably the biggest single revolution in travel ever. Voyages that used to entail weeks of dangerous, life-threatening navigation can now be done in the matter of hours. No single invention has connected physical space like the plane. Yet, there's still much room for improvement in terms of cost, efficiency and comfort. With this in mind a team of U.S. designers is developing what they believe is a better solution for flying: the Synergy aircraft. Led by designer John McGinnis, the team claims that Synergy has more room than a standard personal plane, is more fuel efficient, is cheaper to build, is quieter, and allows for quicker, more versatile travel. The key to the Synergy's promise is in its funky "double box tail" design - an innovation aimed at reducing drag in any and every way possible.

quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012

Madeira flexível, Soja, ProJet,e Vacas

Da Ponoko na Nova Zelândia, vem-nos este novo Material, Placa de Madeira bem flexível:

NEW material: bendy plywood available in NZ 
Flexible timber for your curvy projects. 
We’re welcoming Bendy Plywood to the Ponoko NZ materials catalog with a big hug. And it can kind of hug us back. That’s because Bendy Plywood can curve and undulate within a radius of 250mm+. It’s an interior grade plywood made of 3 veneer layers of Fuma wood. The total thickness is about 5mm, and price starts at $2.97US for a P1. Bendy Ply is great for model making, cabinets and interior fittings, joinery, and partitions.

Eis uma muito boa notícia, a Soja para tratamento do cancro!

Natural cancer drug available from soaking soybeans 
By Brian Dodson 
A group of plant scientists at the University of Missouri have discovered a new, inexpensive approach to extracting an powerful anticancer chemical from soybeans. The incidence of a number of common cancers (breast, colorectal, prostate, bladder, lymphoma, and oral cancers) is lower in Japan by a factor of two to ten times than in North America or Western Europe (GLOBOCAN 2008). The medical profession is edging toward a conclusion that a significant portion of the reduction in alimentary system cancers and breast cancer is associated with the importance of the humble soybean to Japanese diets. Researchers have considered the medical benefits of the soybean for centuries. However, the modern level of interest began with the identification of the Bowman-Birk Protease Inhibitor (BBI) in 1963.

Eis uma Impressora 3D, para quase todos os bolsos...

ProJet™ 'crossover' 3D printers produce precision parts and patterns with the performance, accuracy and quality available only with genuine SLA® technology.
Both the ProJet™ 6000 and ProJet™ 7000 are available in 3 models - SD for affordable high-definition parts, HD for ultra-high definition precision part manufacturing and MP for dental and medical manufacturing applications. And, if you produce RTV or investment casting patterns, we can help identify the right 'crossover' printer to meet your specific application requirements.

E para acabar... Uma Vaca!

Pendulum powered nodding paper cow  
Only £2.50 at Subscribers of can download this and dozens and dozens and dozens of other amazing projects for free. Membership is only $14.95 / £9.95 for 12 months!

terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2012

Motor a Gasolina que funciona como um de Diesel

Aqui está o bicho, um Motor a Gasolina com as vantagens tanto deste, com as vantagens do Diesel:

Gasoline-powered diesel-like engine could boost fuel economy by 50 percent

By Darren Quick

With both gasoline and diesel engines having their own particular advantages and disadvantages, automotive component manufacturer Delphi is looking for a best-of-both-worlds solution with a gasoline-powered engine that uses diesel engine-like technology for increased fuel efficiency. According to MIT’s Technology Review, such an engine has the potential to increase the fuel economy of gasoline-powered cars by 50 percent and give hybrid vehicles a run for their money in the fuel economy stakes.
Gasoline engines use spark for ignition while diesel engines rely on the heat of compressed air to ignite the fuel. There have been numerous attempts to develop gasoline-powered engines that use compression ignition, it has been difficult to provide the level of control needed under a variety of loads – idling, accelerating, cruising, etc.

O ArToolkit, o Programa de Realidade Virtual, está agora neste formato independente de Sistemas Operativos, o Unity:

ARToolKit for Unity now Available
By inglobe

Inglobe Technologies is pleased to announce the immediate availability of ARToolKit for Unity and a complete overhaul of ARToolKit product line-up and pricing. ARToolKit for Unity ARToolKit for Unity is a set of plugins for the Unity game development environment that allows for the rapid creation of beautiful, full-featured, powerful AR applications, with one-click deployment to desktop and mobile platforms. 

E dêem uma vista de olhos neste visualizador de CAD, com a possibilidade de o testarem, Grátis:

Now available: The new version Kubotek KeyView V11.5! 
Great news: The new Version 11.5 of the innovative CAD viewer Kubotek KeyView is available now! 
Numerous new functions enable you to work even more effective and more productive with CAD files – throughout the supply chain and without CAD system!
New in Version 11.5: 
  • Exploded view With the latest version Kubotek KeyView V11.5 users can easily create exploded views of their CAD models (solids). The user defines the fix objects, the objects to be moved and the distance between the exploded objects - and he will get the exploded view of the part. 
  • Projected area With the new functionality projected surface in the add-on module for mold and die, users can now display and calculate the projected area of an assembly. The projected area is the projection of the shape of a 3D model onto an arbitrary plane. This measure is important for determining the closing force and torque distribution in order to select the right injection molding machine. 
  • Draft angle analysis The previous draft angle analysis function has been replaced by a completely revised function. With this, users can now easily control the draft angles of a part or assembly. The draft angles are shown in different colour shades so that it is easy to see if the part can be machined. Parasolid export Full screen mode This mode does not show the icons but the structure tree can be activated to be able to work with the model. 
  • Online help & PDF help 
  • Even more intuitive user interface The user interface has been further optimized
Test it now for free - Kubotek KeyView V11.5!

quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012

Uma caixa pró Telemóvel!

See this page, on English, forked into Build Your Stuff, and an Instructable 

Eis, passo-a-passo, como fazer uma caixa para os vossos Telelmóveis, usando só  Programas Open Source, no Linux, mas há versões para o Windows de todos estes Programas.
São esses Programas, por ordem de concepção, o Wings3D, o Meshlab, , o Dxf2papercraft, o LibreOffice 3.5 Writer, e o Inkscape.

Começam por conceber uma caixa no Wings3D, atenção, numa caixa com janelas, importa não usarem insertos numa face, mas antes, uma face cortada em 3, porque resulta muito melhor, já explico porquê;

Agora, exportam a caixa para o formato Obj, e importam para o Meshlab, que vos pode gravar o ficheiro para Dxf, gravem na sub-pasta "Examples" da pasta do Dxf2Papercraft:

Com o ficheiro em Dxf, vão para... O Programa Dxf2papercraft, que, com uma linha de texto que é sempre a mesma, só mudam os nomes dos ficheiros, vos transforma um Sólido 3D, numa folha 2D para recortar e colar!

Lembrem-se de primeiro, entrarem na pasta onde está o Dxf2papercraft, neste caso, numa pasta no Desktop, por isso,
cd Desktop/dxf2papercraft_v0.2/
E depois é só teclarem
./dxf2papercraft_32bit examples/telele3.dxf telelesheet3.dxf
Assim, com o nome mudado, mais sheet, folha, sabem que o ficheiro blábláblásheet, é o ficheiro blábláblá, mas em 2D.

As faces insertadas, inset, não resultam bem, mais vale cortarem uma face em 3, e anularem a face do meio.

Depois, importam para o LibreOffice 3.5 Writer, que vos vai exportar para Sgv:

Sim, deu um pouco para o torto, mas é uma brincadeira de crianças endireitar o desenho, no Inkscape:

Depois, imprimem,

É importante vincar bem as partes que vão dobrar, de forma clara;
Nada mais simples que o método da ranhura entre duas réguas, eis uma versão Meccano: 

É só passar uma régua arredondada por cima da folha, entre a ranhura, e obtêem um vinco claro:

E cortando e colando, ou rebitando, sobre folha de plástico, e juntando folha de Alumínio, para proteger o corpo, e aumentar o sinal, mas para incidir no telelé, um forro de cartolina e uma janela em Acetato grosso, dá nisto:

Nada mau, para uma folha de plástico de 70 Cêntimos, e 15 minutos de trabalho!

quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2012

Radio-control Open Source?

Eis um Blogue interessante, com ideias dum Engenheiro da Grã-Bretanha, como Tele-controle a partir do vosso PC, e ainda por cima, Open Source!

Open Radio Control

Want to control a radio-controlled aircraft from your own PC software? How about using a Wii Nunchuk to fly a RC aircraft one-handed (great for stroke victims)? Now you can with this open-source project!


The Open Radio Control system has several components:
  • The hardware that sits between your PC and a Wii Nunchuk and an RC aircraft
  • A .NET assembly for easy software development
  • A PC application for configuration of the hardware
The system may be used in two different ways, as a Nunchuk controller or as a PC to RC aircraft interface.
Tem muitos mais projectos:

Sobre o blogue, e o Autor:


This blog is about technology, mainly interesting projects. It is written by Andy Ayre, an Engineer living in Southern Arizona. Contact him at andy at britishideas dot com.
Simpsonesque Image
Vão lá:

terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2012

Dobrar arame CNC, e feito em casa!

Esta maquineta vai-vos permitir fazer de tudo, é a maneira mais rápida de fazer Engenhocas, caixas (juntando alguma chapa, ou placa), armações...
O que queiram!


DIWire Bender
CNC wire bender creates 2D and 3D forms
The versatility of 3D printers is much lauded, and there are many reasons why we hold them in high regard. But what happens when you need to output lines in space rather than volumes? That’s where a CNC wire bender comes in handy. Usually found in factories and serious machinery setups, CNC wire benders tend to be out of reach for the DIY maker. Not any more. The guys over at Pensa have developed a handy little unit they call the DIWire Bender. This table-top device is a prototyping machine that can bend metal wire into 2D and 3D shapes. It’s still early days for this device, yet things are off to a promising start. The wire is fed through a series of wheels that straighten it, and then on to the bending head that articulates in 3D to create the curves of your design. There are some interesting ideas floating about on what this can be used for. From prototypes and wireframe models, to spectacles and on-demand jewellery… it’s even possible to create custom springs and other tricky engineering

segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012

Um Brasileiro Fundador do Facebook, uma Arma excêntrica, uma Bateria de Condensadores, e o Contraptor

Eis Eduardo Saverin, Brasileiro, e um dos Fundadores do Facebook!
Ora toma!

Eduardo Saverin From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eduardo Saverin Born March 13, 1982 (age 30) São Paulo, Brazil Residence Singapore Nationality Brazilian[1] Alma mater Harvard University (B.S., Economics, 2006) Known for Co-founder of Facebook Net worth steady US $2 billion (March 2012)[2] Eduardo Luiz Saverin[3][4] (born March 13, 1982;[5] Portuguese: [eduˈaɾdu ˈsaveɾĩ] or [saveˈɾĩˑ]) is a Brazilian internet entrepreneur and investor.[6] Saverin is one of four co-founders of Facebook, along with Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes.[7] As of 2012, he owns less than 5% of Facebook's shares and has a net worth of $2 billion, according to Forbes. He has also invested in early-stage startups such as Qwiki[8] and Jumio.[9] 

Um revólver excêntrico, três canos e 16 tiros, com a possiblidade de disparar os 3 canos por tiro!

The triple barrel, 18-shot Pistola con Caricato revolver

By Brian Dodson

A host of unusual firearms have been floated and (mostly) abandoned over the two centuries of largely trial-and-error design. After our recent coverage of Arsenal Firearm's AF2011-a1 double barrel semiautomatic pistol, we wondered if more extreme versions of multi-barrel repeating handguns existed. The outlandish Pistola con Caricato three-barreled revolver is a definite candidate.
This revolver was manufactured in Italy during the early part of the 20th century, complete with three barrels and 18 chambers in 6.35 x 16 mm semi-rimmed caliber (.25 ACP). While rather more bulky than one would want in a pocket handgun, 18 shots would provide a certain feeling of security in back alleys and dark lanes.

Para chamar a atenção de Alunos e quem mais queiram, uma Bateria de Condensadores, a partir de Cãmaras Fotográficas de deitar fora:

Make a cheap disposable camera capacitor bank

This instructable will show you have to make a simple capacitor bank and charger out of old disposable cameras that you can get for free at your local store.

You can then use it for powering things such as coil guns or just blowing things up! See the second picture above? that was the spark created when I discharged such a capacitor bank. It was also very loud too!

O Contraptor vem-vos dar a possibilidade de criarem os vossos projectos, como um Meccano para CNC:

What is Contraptor

Contraptor is a DIY open source construction set for experimental personal fabrication, desktop manufacturing, prototyping and bootstrapping. 

Make Contraptor
You can make components of the Structural + Basic linear motion subsets of Contraptor at home for about $300 in parts and materials, plus shipping, taxes and time. Sketchup models of Contraptor components are hosted on Google 3D Warehouse while the DXF exports and SVG templates are hosted on Thingiverse.
Help beta test Contraptor - order one of the beta kits. The kits are currently made to order.

sábado, 12 de maio de 2012

Portugal! Portugal! Catarina Mota!

A nossa Catarina Mota, vai falar nesta importante Conferência!

MAKE magazine hosts an inspired conversation and curated tour of the unique culture, enabling technologies, and innovations of the maker movement.

Catarina Mota, Co-Founder of openMaterials Catarina is a maker of things, a research scholar, and an open source advocate. She co-founded, a collaborative project dedicated to do-it-yourself experimentation with smart materials, and altLab, Lisbon's hackerspace. She has taught numerous hands-on workshops on hi-tech materials and simple circuitry with the goal of encouraging people with little to no science background to take a proactive interest in science, technology and knowledge-sharing. Catarina is wrapping up her PhD dissertation on the social impact of open and collaborative practices for the development of technologies. She is a fellow of the National Science and Technology Foundation of Portugal, co-chair of the Open Hardware Summit, TEDGlobal 2012 fellow, and member of NYC Resistor.

Um Torno Impresso em 3D!

Até mudei o título deste Post, quando vi ISTO...
Um Mini Torno Mecânico Impresso em 3D!

3D-printed mini lathe

It has been said that once you have a lathe you can make just about any other tool. This open-source printable mini lathe could be the perfect place to get started. With the quality of hobby printers increasing so rapidly, it is great to see complex mechanical models like this making their way out into the ecosystem.

(We’ve seen a printed mini-lathe before, but that project seems to be obsolete now.)

Eis apenas duas das 7 últimas notícias da Shapeways: 


Feed of the Future

Get your fill of trending creations from the community
Share 3D printed creations with the world!
There is so much amazing work being created, shared, and brought to life within our community -- with the Shapeways Feed, you now have a portal into the thick of the action. And you can share the 3D printed gems with the world!

Explore the latest and greatest from the Shapeways community, but fair warning, it's quite addictive.

Introducing Colored Ceramics!

Introducing Colored Ceramics!

Add a new hue to the kitchen
Now your designs can be 3D printed in a range of beautiful ceramic glazes with our new pastel palette of colors along with satin black finish to join our existing black & white gloss finishes.

Eis um Anfíbio para onde não há Pontes, parece-me porreiro para muita superfície no Brasil e Àfrica...

Amphibious Iguana 29 gets smaller sibling, the Iguana 24

By Gizmag Team
As forecast when we broke the news of the caterpillar-driven Iguana 29 amphibious vehicle last year, Iguana has released details of a smaller Iguana 24.
The 24 is near identical to the 29 and uses the same retractable caterpillar tracks for surefooted drive across extreme terrain at up to 8 km/h (5 mph). In the water the Iguana 24 boasts a performance edge over its larger sibling and has 38 knot speed (70 km/h), 3 knots faster than the 29.
The Iguana 24 being slightly smaller, has slightly less carrying capacity with room for just eight passengers compared with the Iguana 29's ten passengers. Larger versions of the currently ten-seater amphibian are planned.

E a corrida para o Espaço não pára, com ou sem caprichos de algum Estado, eis os ùltimos Progressos:

Blue Origin conducts wind tunnel tests on its next-gen spacecraft design 
By Ben Coxworth

When it comes to spacecraft that may take the place of the now-defunct space shuttle, it would probably be fair to say that most people probably think of the SpaceX Dragon. It’s sometimes easy to forget, however, that SpaceX is a private company, competing against others for NASA’s business. One of those competitors is Washington state-based Blue Origin, established by founder Jeff Bezos (SpaceX was co-founded by Elon Musk, of PayPal fame). Although the company has been rather secretive about the space vehicle that it’s developing, it recently announced that the design has done well in a series of wind tunnel tests.

quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2012


Isto é divertidíssimo, e Didáctico:

Giant Clicker Pen! 

We built this enormous retractable pen as part of our Kinematics class at BYU.

The goal was to build a mechanism big enough to teach and be handled by fourth-graders.

Neste caso, têem só o Vídeo, mas podem ver que é fácil de construir este amplificador de Sinal para as vossas antenas Wi-Fi, chapa de circuito Integrado, e cabos de Cobre!


HIGH POWER WIFI ANTENNA, Free Internet, Highly Portable, 16dB Gain, Almost a Dish!!

Uploaded by on Mar 15, 2010
This thing is the closest you can get to having a massive parabolic dish without having a massive parabolic dish.

Here is the detailed construction of a 16dB gain QUAD BIQUAD antenna. This is sort of a rare breed, something you don't see too often, but it's killer. It's a bit more difficult to make than a standard one-element biquad, but it's worth it. This thing is almost as directional as my 18" parabolic dish. Remember...the power (your signal) doubles every 3dB...this one's nearly 16dB ; )

With this I can get Linksys, Netgear, or D-link Access Points from over 2 MILES away.

Lembram-se do Pepakura?
Podem fazer ISTO, com esse Programa, uma série de Brinquedos Interactivos, para saberem quando vos enviam emails, por exemplo:

ReaDIYmate: Internet-connected toys made from paper

By Simon Crisp

Remember paper? It's that thin thing you used to scribble your shopping list on before everything was stored in zeros and ones. Well, it looks like paper is making a comeback … and thanks to the rise of the Internet of Things, it's now Wi-Fi enabled. ReaDIYmate is a recent Kickstarter-funded project, which enables users to create paper-based internet companions that respond to things happening in their digital life.