Blog Posts

sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2011

As últimas de 2011

O Open Hardware Weekly, do Maurício & Companhia, da Altlab...

SeemeCNC está já a enviar pelo Correio os seus maravilhosos Kits...

Alright! Best shipping day so far! We managed to get 25 kits packed and shipped today! That puts our total shipped perks to 63 so far! We’re going to be in here all weekend packaging the remaining 40 some perks, but with all the hardware we picked up yesterday and today we should be in great shape come Monday.
If you havn’t yet been over to our Yahoo group, you should! Just search for seemecnc. There’s a great bunch of guys, over 80 now!, and they’re already posting pics and tips/tricks to building the machines! Now, real quick for you perks of assembled/tested machines. We have an assembly area upstairs and we’re building away on the 9 complete assembled tested machines.

...E Fabricação com Engenho e Arte, eis pela Ponoko, uma maneiras inteligente de Fabricação, CNC, só para as peças-chave, o resto, Material de Fábrica, muito mais barato!

3D printed stainless steel and carbon fiber bike

The VRZ 1. by Ralf Holleis uses 3D printed stainless steel lugs (connector pieces) and carbon fiber tubes. The lugs are generated with a custom program before being printed, hand-finished, and glued onto the custom-cut carbon fiber tubes.

This system allows an extremely light frame to be made to a custom size and configuration much more quickly than conventional methods.

Be sure to check out the detailed geometry of the lugs in the video. The combination of the polished lattice lugs and black carbon fiber is striking.

E fresquinho do Brasil, eis um Instructable com as cores do Arco-Íris, ena pá,  do nosso amigo Brazilero2008:

Wireless Rainbow Light Powered by Tesla Coil

Here is a project that uses radio frequency energy generated by a small, bipolar Tesla Coil to energize a ring of multicolored, cold cathode lamps. As with any high voltage device, use caution and good judgment when operating.

quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

É a preços de promoção!

...Promoção, ou um desconto porreiro no material, eis o preço que pagam pelo mecanismo da ElastomatiK, que podem adaptar quer a uma pistola, quer a uma espingarda, a um preço bacano, 12,30 Euros:

Vão lá, que isto de descontos no Material, sabe-se lá quanto tempo vai durar...

quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011

Notícias de pasmar!

Há entraves de Visa, e Burocracias várias, que dificultam a Inovação, nos Estados Unidos?
Solução à Americana: Fazem-se Estados autónomos flutuantes!
Vai lá, vai...

Paypal founder backs Blueseed "visa-free entrepreneurship and tech incubator"

By Bridget Borgobello

Paypal co-founder and billionaire Peter Thiel, who is currently the Seasteading Institute's "most generous funder" has continued his commitment to creating floating autonomous states by backing Blueseed. The new initiative hopes to create a floating "entrepreneurship and technology incubator" off the coast of San Francisco, allowing the next generation of creative entrepreneurs to legally develop new technologies without US working visas.

Querem saber porque é que uma porção da EDP foi comprada pela China, e não o contrário?

Porque cá, as Empresas, anafadas, bacocas, e geridas por Burocratas, riem-se dos Inventores;
Lá, elas são geridas por... 

Quem se lembrar do Spectrum, e do Commodore Amiga, (éramos muito jovens, cóf, cóf...) vai adorar ISTO, um Computador minimalista, mas funcional, de ligar à TV, por 25 Dólares:

US$25 Raspberry Pi personal computer nears launch date

By Randolph Jonsson

Budding computer hackers/scientists are about to get a welcome gift, albeit a bit late for Christmas 2011. The non-profit Raspberry Pi Foundation (RPF) is nearing the release date of its surprisingly powerful and remarkably affordable Raspberry Pi line of bare-bones machines that have been developed in an effort to broaden kids' access to computers in the UK and abroad. How affordable? The figure above was no typo. Read on to learn just what US$25 will get you when these nifty, fully-assembled, credit-card sized computers go on sale next month (sorry, case, monitor, keyboard and mouse not included ... we did say bare bones).

Mas para os que querem sempre o melhor do melhor, eis uma placa gráfica mais que rápida:

AMD Radeon HD 7970 unveiled as world's first 28nm GPU

By Pawel Piejko

AMD has taken the wraps of the Radeon HD 7970 graphics card. Billed as the world's fastest single GPU graphics card and the only GPU based on 28nm production technology, the new arrival pushes AMD ahead of NVIDIA in terms of miniaturization. The HD 7970 uses a new Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture that AMD says results in a 150 percent performance/sq mm jump over the previous 40nm-based generation, is compatible with PCI Express 3.0 and features 3GB of GDDR5 memory and 925MHz engine clock. It also supports Direct3D 11.1 to be released with Windows 8.

terça-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2011

Informação CNC

Através do site CNC Information, vem-nos esta série de vídeos sobre as várias vantagens e desvantagens respectivas das várias máquinas de CNC:

É sempre bom saber destas coisas, não vá aparecer em segunda mão alguma máquina profissional de Prototipagem CNC na Ebay, e compra-se gato por lebre, não tanto pela qualidade, mas pela adequação da máquina aos usos que lhe queremos reservar...

segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011

Apoio à Invenção? Até que enfim, porra!

Abriram concursos a sério para apoiar os Inventores, até que enfim, porra!
Dica do Amigo dos Inventores, Eng. João Marcelino,  do excelente INPI, eis finalmente, uma boa nova!!!
Não as macacadas nepotistas e tecnocratas de asnos "iluminados" do passado, mas Invenção para fins práticos...


Uma nota: Têem de se associar a uma Empresa, ou fundar uma, e isto percebe-se, por causa de uns, pagam todos, o que é preciso, são Exportações, e não Exposições...

Governo dá 110 milhões de euros para empreendedorismo

23/12/2011 | 14:22 | Dinheiro Vivo
O ministério da Economia e do Emprego anunciou hoje a abertura de cinco novos concursos no âmbito do Compete, com incentivos às empresas na ordem dos 110 milhões de euros.
Em comunicado, o ministério adianta que quatro dos cinco novos concursos do Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade inserem-se no Programa Estratégico para o Empreendedorismo e a Inovação (+E+I), lançado para "estimular o empreendedorismo e a inovação em Portugal".
Segundo adianta, o +E+I engloba medidas transversais a todo o Governo e destinadas a "mudar a atitude e fortalecer competências dos jovens, estudantes, comunidade científica e empresas face à inovação e ao empreendedorismo".

Inscrevam-se, aqui: 

domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011

Cortar Placa com a Fresa CNC

Feliz Natal!
Mais uma boa notícia da Ponoko, o Plug-in da Grassshoper, para o programa 3D Rhino, permite-vos cortar placa na vossa Router 3D, mas tendo em conta as dimensões da ferramenta de corte.
Por isso, ter uma Fresa CNC permite. agora, cortar placa como se tivessem uma cortadora CNC a Laser!

Tutorial CNC routing with Grasshopper

Parametric software can save you a lot of time by automating repetitive tasks. The Grasshopper plugin for Rhino is well known for its impressive generative architectural modelling, but it is also useful for much simplier tasks such as offsetting lines as you might do manually in Illustrator or inkscape for CNC routing.

CNC routing is slightly more complicated than making linework for lasercutting due to the radius of the material that is cut away. (With lasercutting the laser is so fine, you don’t really need to worry about the radius of material that is cut away. This is why I’ve made a very basic Grasshopper definition file that demonstrates how you can automate the offsetting of lines for the radius of a router bit cutter to see how your design will look once it is cut out.

sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011

Um Rato, 4 botões, 2 rodas!

Não, não veio do Entroncamento, mas acho que a malta dos Arduinos poderá achar muitos usos para isto!

Encontrei o bicho, dentro da caixa, práticamente novo, com o driver, nem deve ter sido usado!

Não, não é Photoshop:

E ganhou prémios!

quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011

segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2011

Só o mecanismo, vocês façam o resto!

Acham que a Elastomatik ficava melhor, se fosse na vossa arma favorita?

Agora, podem comprar só as peças-chave!
Ponham-lhe uma placa à frente, para esticar os elásticos, e tudo o resto encaixa em partes feitas para isso:

Para além de ser muito mais barato assim,  fica a 1/3 do preço, pode-se pôr este Mecanismo na pistola ou espingarda que queiram, está à venda na Sculpteo:

Scanner Open Source, e o 3d printplace

Eis o Fabscan, um Scanner 3D Open Source, sim, um que vocês podem fazer em casa:

FabScan open source 3D scanner

Open source 3D scanner in time to save Christmas…

It’s nearly Christmas, but you suddenly realised you’ve forgotten to make a present for your precious grandmother who you had promised to craft a personal gift for. What do you do? FabScan may be your only hope, other than blatantly lying to her, that the mass produced gift you bought at the last minute was actually made by you. Fortunately FabScan and 3D printing you can turn modelling clay sculpts into hard physical models to save your family’s Christmas.

Vão ver mais, aqui:

E o 3D print place, vejam mais sobre este novo Site, à volta do qual se podem organizar localmente, com o Print Excange.
Serve para imprimirem, e/ou mandarem imprimir perto das vossas casas:

Isto, para além de outras iniciativas porreiras que lá vão encontrar, como, por exemplo, o Incubation Lab...
Imaginem poderem desenvolver objectos CAD já existentes, para os vossos fins, lucrando vocês e o desenhador original com isso!

Por isso, vão lá!

sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2011

Já há em 3D!

Já têem à vossa disposição a Elasto em 3D:

E até vos ponho a loja já à mão, na minha loja na Sculpteo. é mesmo aqui embaixo, só facilidades:

Eu cá, não páro!
Mais um local para comprarem, 3D Print Place:
Estes, estão a abrir agora, e zás! Já lá enfiei a pistola...

Vão lá;

Desenhar os vossos próprios Circuitos Electrónicos

Querem desenvolver um Projecto em Electrónica?
Agora, é muito mais fácil, graças a esta iniciativa, descoberta pela Ponoko:

Upverter: online hardware design tool

‘Github for electronics’

Upverter is a new cloud-based electronics engineering design platform. It aims to make it easier for open hardware designers to collaborate and share their projects. It includes an HTML5-based schematic editor and crowd-sourced parts library. Integration with Github takes care of versioning, and their open-source schematic conversion tool hopes to standardise interoperability between all common file formats.

E do nosso amigo Maurício Martins, a newsletter do Open Hardware:

The Open Hardware Weekly

Some members from the 2011 dream team with Ayah & Alicia

After two amazing and inspiring iterations (2011 and 2010), we are excited to announce we are passing the Open Hardware Summit torch!

We had an amazing two years: we collectively created the first OSHW definition (which has been adopted by CERN), communally created a logo for our movement, grew into a community that supports each other on forums, mailing lists and sponsorships, launched the first Open Hardware Scholarship, turned a conference goodie bag into something you would wrestle over, and created a geek red carpet that would have the Oscar’s drooling!

sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2011

Grandes notícias!

Eis algo que infelizmente chegou à minha atenção tarde demais, mas há  sempre o ano que vem, se Deus quizer:

100 days from idea to investment

Heard about Y-combinator or TechStars? Well now you can apply to JFDI.Asia, the first TechStars Network member in South East Asia. With a focus on mobile, our partners including SingTel Innov8 bring access to more than 416 million customers and over S$200 million investment.

Uma boa ideia achada pela Ponoko, este novo site do caraças, que promete:

3D Print Place – a new site for collaboration and hardware access

3D Print Place is a new community site for 3D printing. It aims to be a place where people of all skill levels can get involved and have access to everything they need to make things.
There’s a design library for sharing paid & free content, an area to collaborate on creating difficult models, an upcoming design league for friendly competition, and a marketplace for printers & materials.

Atenção, Indústria Têxtil, roupas que se auto-limpam ao Sol!

Treated cotton cleans itself when exposed to sunlight

By Ben Coxworth

For some time now, we've been hearing about the benefits of drying our laundry outside on the clothesline. We save money and energy by not running the dryer, the sunlight kills germs, and we don't run the risk of generating harmful dryer emissions. In the future, however, we might also end up washing our clothes by hanging them outside - scientists in China have successfully used sunlight to remove orange dye stains from cotton fabric, that was treated with a special coating.

Mingce Long and Deyong Wu created the coating, which combines titanium dioxide and nitrogen. When exposed to sunlight, dirt on fabric treated with the coating breaks down, and microbes die. While the coating in its basic form is effective, it was found that it does an even better job at dispersing dye coloration when silver and iodine nanoparticles are added. Additionally, it is able to remain intact and active after washing and drying.

...E a menor Máquina a Vapor do Mundo!

Scientists create "the world's smallest steam engine"

By James Holloway

It sounds implausible, yet scientists have managed to create a functioning engine, analogous to a Stirling engine, just three micrometers wide and made of a single particle. The minuscule engine was created by Clemens Bechinger and Valentin Blickle at the University of Stuttgart, and though it has its quirks, the pair have apparently demonstrated the engine's ability to do work.

"We've developed the world's smallest steam engine, or to be more precise the smallest Stirling engine, and found that the machine really does perform work," Bechinger said. "This was not necessarily to be expected, because the machine is so small that its motion is hindered by microscopic processes which are of no consequence in the macroworld."

But before we conjure up images of a microscopic machine with fully operational furnaces and pistons, it's important to realize that this engine literally consists of a simple particle, a plastic colloidal bead, large enough to be observed by microscope.

quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011

Elastomatik em 3D

Já está feita!
Dentro em pouco, à venda, nos locais do costume...

Duas notícias muito boas

Como a Lusofonia é composta de Países com muita Costa Marítima, eis algo para o estudo de todas as nossas Costas Marítimas, controlado a partir dum Smartphone!
É que a vida está cara, e quanto mais Recursos aproveitados, melhor, para as nossas Economias, atenção Universidades e Institutos...

The smartphone controlled Aquabotix Hydroview underwater vehicle

By Pawel Piejko

Smartphones can already be used to remotely control a variety of vehicles, including flying toy helicopters and airplanes, or even starting your car. Now remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) can be added to the list with New England-based company Aquabotix rolling out its Hydroview vehicle. Equipped with LED lights and a HD video camera, the vehicle transmits a live video feed to an iOS- or Android-based smartphone, tablet, or a laptop and can be remotely operated by tilting the phone or tablet or via the laptop's touchpad.

Estava à espera disto, a ver se a Impressão 3D desce do cavalo, por assim dizer e se arranja Plástico mais barato!
Tão forte quanto o Alumínio, e com metado do peso? Protótipos à brava!
E até servirá para soturar feridas!
Este novo Plástico, biodegradável e BARATO, pode ser produzido a partir das carapaças dos Crustáceos, (mais uma vez, tudo está relacionado,) dum Desperdício das nossas Indústrias Pesqueiras:

Cheap, biodegradable, biocompatible "Shrilk" is a potential plastic replacement

By Darren Quick

Web-slinging arachnids already have researchers toiling away looking to replicate the remarkable properties of spider silk. Now spiders, along with their insect and crustacean arthropod cousins, have provided inspiration for a new material that is cheap to produce, biodegradable, and biocompatible. Its creators say the material, dubbed "Shrilk," has the potential to replace plastics in consumer products and could also be used safely in a variety of medical applications, such as suturing wounds or serving as scaffolding for tissue regeneration.

quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011


Lá consegui ir ao AltLab...
No fundo, é simples, é só ir pela Avenida, ao lado do Aeroporto, até ao Terminal militar de Figo Maduro, depois virem para a Praceta Domingos Rodrigues, é o número 2.
Vêem uma porta laranja, esqueçam, contornem a esquina e têem uma porta por onde podem entrar, às 3ªs Feiras, a partir das 20:30.

Umas Instalações como deve de ser...

As máquinas de Oficina, Ferros de Soldar, etc...

E as Impressoras 3D, que é para ver isso que lá vamos!

Por isso, se eu lá fui, também vocês podem, e devem...

altlab – Lisbon’s Hackerspace

2685-327 Prior Velho
Or just drop us an email…

terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

Traceparts e o Brasil

Alllôôô, Brasil!

Já estão incluídos na Traceparts:

TraceParts Appoints GPL as their Exclusive Partner in Brazil to Boost 3D Catalog Business

GPL will Promote innovative 3D Marketing Solutions to the Fast Growing Brazilian Industry

Saint Romain, France and Belo Horizonte, Brazil – September 26, 2011 – TraceParts, a leading global provider of 3D Marketing solutions, today announce a strategic and exclusive business agreement with GPL, a leading Brazilian engineering company. According to the terms of the agreement, GPL will act as the master distributor of TraceParts products and services in all regions of Brazil.

TraceParts solutions include both desktop and online based component libraries containing more than 100 million native and neutral CAD models from hundreds of suppliers’ catalogs. The user interfaces of TraceParts DVD and are both fully localized in Brazilian Portuguese language while some part catalogs are also translated.

Mais uma iniciativa AltLab

Querem aprender a fazer apps para Smartphones, e ganhar assim experiência numa actividade que tem futuro?

Workshop PhoneGap + Sencha Touch
Este workshop está dividido em dois módulos:

Módulo 1 – PhoneGap (1º dia)
Módulo 2 – Sencha Touch (2º dia)

Workshop PhoneGap + Sencha Touch
Este workshop está dividido em dois módulos:

Módulo 1 – PhoneGap (1º dia)
Módulo 2 – Sencha Touch (2º dia)

O workshop completo, com duração de 2 dias pretende funcionar como introdução aos ambientes de desenvolvimento ubiquos baseados em html5 para dispositivos moveis smartphone através da introdução com exemplos práticos das duas bibliotecas actuais a funcionarem em conjunto: PhoneGap e Sencha Touch.

O workshop é dirigido a programadores com alguma experiência na programação web e interesse no desenvolvimento de aplicações ubiquas para dispositivos smartphone Android ou iPhone/iPad.

Os participantes devem trazer o seu portátil de desenvolvimento (Windows, Mac OSX ou Linux) e se possível um dispositivo da plataforma alvo preferida (Android ou iPhone/iPad).

Datas / Horário : 28 e 29 de Janeiro | 10h30 ~ 17h30 – Inscrições Preço : 50€ por Módulo (1 dia) ou 80€ os 2 Módulos (2 dias). Membros do altLab só pagam 10€/Módulo ;)
Local : no altLab, é claro! (Praceta Domingos Rodrigues, nº2)

Este workshop será orientado por Filipe Cruz, membro do xDA (AZ Labs, Coimbra)

Nota : a inscrição online é obrigatória

segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011

Instructables à brava!

Um Candelabro de LEDs:

LED Chandelier

I built a few cool projects I found on and now it's time for me to contribute.  This is a LED chandelier that I made using Christmas LED string lights.  It not difficult to make but it takes some time.  I think it's totally worth it and the end product look awesome!

...Para alinharem os vossos Engenhos, uma Cruz laser auto-reguladora:

Auto Leveling Laser Cross
Auto Leveling Laser Cross
So this Lazy Old Geek purchased a Laser Cross. I created a manual leveling Laser Cross to use for aligning stuff on my drill press:

Tomem lá Ciência, um Trans-Iluminador de Ultra-Violetas, para o  vosso Laboratório de Biologoa Molecular, e sabe-se lá o que mais:

UV Transilluminator

UV-transilluminators are used in molecular biology labs to view DNA (or RNA) that has been separated by electrophoresis through an agarose gel. During or immediately after electrophoresis, the agarose gel is stained with a fluorescent dye which binds to nucleic acid. Exposing the stained gel to a UVB light source causes the DNA/dye to fluoresce and become visible. This technique is used wherever the researcher needs to be able to view their sample, for example sizing a PCR product, purifying DNA segment after a restriction enzyme digest, quantifying DNA or verifying RNA integrity after extraction.

E que tal transformar o Amplificador das vossas Guitarras num Rádio?
Deve ser a coisa mais incrível que ouvi este Mês!

'Amplify' : Radio Hack.

Amplify’ is a revolutionary device that allows you to turn your guitar amplifier, into a radio in seconds! Whether you’re a guitar nut, roadie, or just fancy a change from your typical radio to get the traffic reports, Amplify is perfect. It’s small enough to throw in your bag, and elegant in its own retro way so as not to spoil the classic look of your beloved guitar amp.

domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011


Eis um projecto bacano feito cá em Portugal:


Magabot is an Arduino based, open source robotics platform designed to give mobility to any portable computer.

We believe that any robot with a computer is a very powerfull robot, and because all laptops have a camera, a screen, speakers, microphone, batteries and usb interfaces, your robotics experience will be empowered with Magabot.

sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2011

Boas ideias

Boa ideia número 1, como cortar Placa de Madeira que pode se dobrada em formas curvas, do Blog da Ponoko:

Awesome laser cut bendy corners December 9

Laser cutting technique for bending plywood

I’m a big fan of UK open-source DIY company oomlout. I used their work as the basis of my laser cut project box design tutorial back in August.

Boa ideia número 2, o tal site, oomlout, dá uma data de elementos à borla, mas logo ao lado, vende as peças necessárias ao Kit!

E uma actualização de todas as notícias sobre Open Hardware, isso é uma boa idea, sempre!

sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2011


Um écran plug-in de 15 polegadas...

AOC releases 15.6-inch portable USB display

By James Holloway

Recent days have seen the release of AOC's catchily-named E1649FWU display. Its name isn't important. What is important is that this is a portable 15.6 inch 16:9 LED display with a maximum resolution of 1366x768 at 60 Hz. Most impressive is that the e-fwoo (as I'm calling it) is solely USB 2.0-driven, which means a single cable, connected plug and play to your computer, for video signal and power.

E para transformar, temporáriamente, qualquer Cadeira de Rodas numa Cadeira Motorizada:

The WHILL turns any wheelchair into an electric vehicle

By Ben Coxworth

Wheelchair users with full use of their arms generally don't need electric wheelchairs ... but sometimes, especially if those users have long distances to cover, it sure would be nice to have one. Instead of going out and buying themselves a full electric wheelchair, however, those people may soon have the option of using a WHILL. Recently spotted by Gizmag staff at the Tokyo Motor Show, the prototype device clamps onto the wheels of an existing manual wheelchair, temporarily providing it with electric drive.

quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011


Uma saída profissional para Designers: features daily design inspirations
and sales at up to 70% off retail.

Our Core Beliefs is designEveryone, everywhere can benefit from good designExceptional customer experience is our most valuable designBehind every great design is an even greater storyOur team is designed for successWe're on a mission to be the world's most valuable design resourceSmile (you're designed to

Uma escola Online para Ourivesaria, e Fundição:

Joe Silvera is a metalsmith, wax carver, teacher and author of Soldering Made Simple: Easy Techniques for Kitchen Table Jewelers. He and his wife Anat teach beadwork and metalsmithing classes in the San Francisco Bay Area and at schools and festivals all across the United States.

Metalsmithing Workshops
and Retreats

Even during my college days, earning my BFA in metalsmithing, I was always the guy around the studio who perpetually helped the other students when they were struggling with their projects. That experience, my 20 years of working as a professional metalsmith, and 9 years of teaching workshops around the San Francisco Bay area have helped me to become a good teacher. My students tell me that I'm clear, patient, encouraging and offer a lot of bang for the buck, both in my detailed handouts and how much material I squeeze into a workshop. Find out more...

E um momento de pura diversão:

Zapata's outrageous, US$6,600 Flyboard - Aquaman meets Iron Man

By Loz Blain

We don't think Franky Zapata knows what's about to hit him. The French jet ski champion has just put together an absolutely insane leisure product, released a short video about it - and then took off on honeymoon, where presumably he's having about the least romantic getaway of his life as his phone and email inbox go absolutely bananas. And here it is: the Zapata Flyboard. This ingenious and deceptively simple device bolts on to the powerful motor of a jet ski, then routes the resulting water jet through a long hose that connects to a pair of jet boots and hand-held stabilizers. The arrangement lets you fly, Iron Man style, up to 9 meters in the air - or leap headfirst through the waves like a human dolphin.