Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2013

SparqEE! A vossa Invenção vira Global! Muáháhá! E Titâneo em 3D, 2 novos Materiais, e façam o vosso próprio UAV

Esta, foi para a frente das outras, é FENOMENAL!
Dica dos nossos amigos da DesignSpark, esta plaquita, a SparqEE, permite-vos nada mais, nada menos, que ligarem as vossas Invenções, casas, veículos, etc, a um nível Global, através duma Rede dos Tele-Móveis, ou Celulares. 

Devkits/Add-on Boards

Pete Wood

There are so many add-on boards now available for Raspberry Pi's and Arduino's, however, this one really caught my attention. It's by a company called SparqEE and is tiny Cellular development board that gives you Wireless Worldwide. That means internet to anything anywhere! Great for remote applications. This is their kickstarter video below. You can also find out more about this great product on their KickStarter page.

A Imaterialise também vos imprime em 3D, os vossos Objectos em Titâneo, com ou sem Polimento:

Material Monday: i.materialise for all your titanium 3D prints!


Are you looking for a strong and super light material? i.materialise is one of the few online 3D printing services to 3D print your design in titanium. Read all about it!
Titanium is great for jewelry and light weight parts that need to be very strong. When we launched it, almost three years ago, we didn’t quite know what you would do with this technology. But you’ve amazed us with a lot of incredible designs.We’ve seen bike parts, rings, eyewear, earrings (you cannot have any allergic reactions from it), accessories,….you name it. At this stage, titanium is still the strongest material to 3D print in.

O Magnésio já poderá ser fabricado Inoxidável, o que vai abrir um sem-fim de novas possibilidades de construír os vossos Motores,  Veículos, e Engenhocas, num Material leve e estruturalmente resistente, e agora, também resistente à corrosão. 

Stainless magnesium breakthrough bodes well for manufacturing industries

Brian Dodson

Magnesium alloys are very attractive for a range of weight-sensitive applications. They have the largest strength-to-weight ratio of the common structural metals, are lighter than aluminum and are particularly favored for being easy to machine and for their ability to be die cast to net shape. Unfortunately, magnesium alloys tend to corrode too easily. A team at Monash University in Australia has now discovered a novel and potentially game-changing approach to the problem: poisoning the chemical reactions leading to corrosion of magnesium alloys by adding a dash of arsenic to the recipe.
Magnesium alloys are of great interest as lightweight replacements for aluminum, titanium, and steel components in a range of transportation and aerospace applications. However, such alloys corrode easily, and this often prevents their use as replacements for noncorroding metals, particularly in applications requiring high reliability over a range of environments.

Outro Material, este completamente novo, é o Zeoform, um Aglomerado, mas sem Colas, e com a resistência de Madeiras duras, que pode ser moldado, e vai ser usado sabe-se lá em mais o quê, Cabos de Ferramentas, Móveis, para Modelismo, e porque não, Impressão 3D!!!

Zeoform: The eco-friendly building material of the future?

Antonio Pasolini

Australian company Zeo has developed and patented a glue-fee process that creates a strong, versatile new building material out of just cellulose and water. The resulting hardwood-like material known as Zeoform can then be sprayed, molded or shaped into a range of products. And it's not just trees that stand to benefit – Zeoform also promises an eco-friendly alternative to the use of plastics and resins.
Zeo says the resulting material that is recyclable, "as strong as ebony" and can be shaped using a range of techniques that make it suitable for use in "any industry requiring woods, plastics and resins for manufacturing." At higher densities, Zeoform is water- and fire-resistant and the company is also working on coatings that could resist some of the most extreme weather conditions.


E que tal este Instructable, para acabarmos em beleza, por hoje, façam os vossos próprios UAVs, para Pesquisa e Vigilância...
É bom!

Make a UAV for research and photography

McMagical Engineer

You, yes you, can build and fly a personal UAV. Read this and see how!
If you like this instructable, consider voting for me in the RC contest.

I remember riding in the car when I was little, watching the shadow of our car float over the ground beyond the guard rail. I would imagine that the shadow was from a plane and would think about what it would be like to see the journey from the air. What if I had a little plane that I could fly from the car and explore the areas just behind the trees. What if I could launch a plane on a hike, and see the far peak on the other side of the glacier, or take a video of myself and friends waving from the top of a mountain?
These days, I live near the ocean and wonder what it would be like to capture video of sailboat races, darting in and out of the masts like the seagull scene in "Finding Nemo." What about a video of whales from the air? To see what the seagulls see as they float over the water, under massive bridges and over tiny islands...

Then I found FPV UAVs and the dream became a reality.
This instructable will walk through your my first FPV UAV, teach you how to get started, how to make one, how to fly one, and introduce modifications you can make as you dive deeper into the sport.

quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2013

Reverse Engeneering! E ainda mais funções 3D, Realidade Virtual para a Mecânica, e uma faca duma lima!

E se vos dissesse que podem fazer Reverse Engeneering das vossas peças, isto é, podem pegar no Scan 3D duma peça, e transormar isso num Ficheiro CAD?
E isto numa versão-teste dum Plugin para o Rhino... Grátis?
Pois aproveitem, que não vai durar sempre:

Data from measuring machine, laser scanner or touch probe: Transformation to high-quality NURBS faces.
Test it now for free
Rhinoreverse – The plug-in for Rhino for reverse engineering!
  • Accurate CAD data not available? – RhinoReverse provides a quick solution: Import point clouds, STL data and polygon meshes to Rhino – RhinoReverse quickly transforms them into NURBS faces.
  • Easy to use – fast results – With the buttons of your mouse you can easily and intuitively create NURBS faces. Just sketch curves on the mesh and RhinoReverse will automatically fit NURBS surfaces to mesh.
  • Reuse data in the CAx process chain – Prepare your data for the use in further design steps of the CAx process chain. The integrated healing function ensures that the resulting surface model can be used afterwards for solid operations on NC programming without any rework.
Create NURBS faces from mesh data – easily in Rhino!


Agora, existe mais uma Scanner/Impressora 3D, mas esta ainda por cima, vos fresa Material em 3D, fabuloso!
Com a possibilidade de adicionarem peças de outras proveniências, e sem rolos epeciais de plástico, é muito tentadora, esta maquineta...

3D print, mill and scan with the FABtotum hybrid fabrication machine

Heidi Hoopes

If you’re in the market for a personal fabrication machine, you probably already know that your budget might allow for a 3D printer or a CNC machine, but not both, and an additional 3D scanner would just be icing. However, all three are now available together on Indiegogo in the form of the FABtotum, one of the first hybrid fabrication machines in a quickly developing market.
I'll explain the name right off: in Latin, a factotum is a human servant responsible for many different things, literally doing and making everything.
This FABtotum, however, is a shiny and neat 36-cm (14-inch) cube available in many color options. The maximum printing size is 210 x 240 x 240 mm (8.3 x 9.5 x 9.5 in), which is large proportionate to its overall footprint. Tools can be easily swapped out and the company will allow third-party tools and parts to be sold on its website – no proprietary spools of printing material to buy, or expensive upgrades.

Eis uma Aplicação para o vosso Smartphone, que vos transforma em Mecânicos de Automóvel, por meio da Realidade Virtual, no que eles não irão pensar a seguir!



Anyone Can Be a Mechanic With I-Mechanic Augmented Reality App

Car engines and equipment can be a totally unknown universe for many of us. Even if you are a longtime driver with your hands on a new car, you might not know where in the engine the most relevant parts are exactly located. Not to say when you have little or no experience at all and you are finding yourself in the middle of nowhere in need of help on how to refill your engine coolant. With this mobile application, based on an innovative computer vision 3D tracking software, anyone will be able to contextually access the instructions required to maintain their car, where is needed when is needed.

E para terminar, por hoje, eis uma maneira de aproveitarem uma Lima para fazerem uma Faca, algo em que, confessem, já pensaram...
Pois agora, há um Instructable, para fazerem mesmo isso, passo-a-passo, e com as ferramentas que já têem.
É bom!

From File to Knife (with simple tools)


A good "bushcraft" knife is a must-have for every outdoorsman.
It's a tool that lasts a lifetime.
Wouldn't it be awesome to make such an essential, lasting tool yourself?

There are many different types of knives and many ways of making them.
This instructable will show you how to make an excellent, inexpensive (<$20) bushcraft knife with simple tools (such as a hacksaw, file, drill and vice).
The design is based on the popular (but expensive) Ray Mears Bushcraft knife.

So if you have a few basic tools and plenty of elbow grease, lets make the [Your Name Here] Bushcraft Knife :)

quarta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2013

Prata e Cera em 3D, um Arduino para a Fotografia, um Raspberry para jogos, e um Quadracóptero GPS pró Povo

Dois Materiais mais para mandar a imprimir em 3D, pela Sculpteo, Prata, e Cera!
Tanto um como o outro, bons para a Ourivesaria, a Cera serve para Moldes sacrificáveis, em que se insere em Gesso, por exemplo, seca o gesso, derrete e sai a cera, e fica um Molde.
Mas imagino que serão usados para muito mais...

We’re launching two new materials: Silver and Wax!

After a full summer of extensive in-house testing, we are happy to announce that you now can order your design in Silver and Wax! During the summer we learned everything there is to know about those two new materials, and we have to say the results are amazing!

We’ve integrated the new materials directly to our online quotation tools. If you want to order a print with these new materials, the process stays exactly the same. You just need to upload your 3D file and pick the material you want. You’ll be able to choose the size and finish, and the pricing will be automatically updated.



Para a Fotografia Time-Lapse, Fotografia Temporizada, eis um Projecto simples de construír, e fácil de depois usar, usando o Arduino:

Arduino Time-Lapse Controller

This project originally started out with a few simple parts thrown together to create a very simple time-lapse controller for a DSLR camera. After I was happy with the initial prototype, I wanted to make a final version which the programming of the "lapse time" was self contained into one single entity instead of relying on a computer to re-program and change the delay between shooting sessions.

After adding in a display, a couple of buttons, and a more complex program, the self contained Arduino powered Time-Lapse Controller was born!

I have tried to make the instructions as clear and user-friendly as possible, but if any questions arise, feel free to ask!


Este projecto, bem divertido, faz do vosso Raspberry Pi uma Máquina de Jogos, estilo Consola, em que se vêem os componentes, altamente bem-pensado, e assim vêem como se podem fazer coisas impressionantes, hoje em dia...
E reparem, foi feito usando uma simples Serra Tico-Tico, como a minha, e dobrando o Acrílico por calor! Categoria...

NaCade - The Naked Raspberry Pi Arcade Machine


Who doesn't like gaming? Having grown up playing arcade machines, as a kid you could only dream of owning one. Now with advances in technology, gaming is available to everybody. Sure, there is plenty consoles and handheld units even smartphones to choose from but what I wanted was the nostalgic feel of a standup arcade without the need for a large room to put it in. Oh yes and portability is pretty handy too.


E eis um Quadracóptero com GPS, que não custa uma fortuna, da 3D Robotics, e podem programar uma Rota com 127 pontos, ou até desenhar um trajecto num Smartphone, e lá vai ele, voando daqui para ali:

3D Robotics announces GPS-guided quadcopter for the masses

Jonathan Fincher
Autonomous UAVs may be all the rage these days among professionals, but unfortunately a lot of the GPS-guided quadrotors on the market are a bit too complicated for the average consumer to control. 3D Robotics is aiming to inject a little more simplicity into the equation with its recently unveiled Iris. Billed as a ready-to-fly, fully-autonomous, user-friendly UAV, the Iris supports simple GPS controls through any computer, tablet, or smartphone.
The drone itself is fairly average in size, with a length of 55 cm (21.7 in) diagonally and a height of 10 cm (3.9 in). According to the developers, the main body is designed to be aerodynamic, durable, and lightweight, while still providing enough lift to carry a payload. The arms and feet are made from Zytel Nylon and are built to withstand impacts, but they can be cheaply replaced if needed. The motors and electronics are powered by an 11.1V 3.5Ah LiPo battery, which brings the quadcopter's total weight to 1282 grams (45.2 oz) when connected. On a full charge, the battery provides enough energy for around 9-14 minutes of flight time.


terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2013

Um Digitalizador 3D, uma Impressora/Scanner 3D, Electrólise em casa, Corian, e Cola para Acrílico

Começa-se pelo Scanner 3D da Makerbot, que vai ser posto à venda em Outubro.
Usando um sistema de rotação do Objecto, e lendo o scan duma linha em Laser, permite-vos pôr toda a espécie de objectos prontos a serem duplicados numa Impressora 3D, ou mandados para a Net:

Makerbot Digitizer set for October release

Ben Coxworth

This March, MakerBot gave us a sneak preview of its Digitizer – a 3D scanner designed to create three-dimensional design files based on scans of physical objects. At the time, it was still in prototype form, and not many details were available. Now, however, it’s a done deal, with shipping expected to begin in mid-October.

The Digitizer features a turntable-style platform, which accommodates objects measuring up to 8 x 8 inches (20.3 cm), and weighing no more than 3 kg (6.6 lb). As the object is rotated on that platform, a camera and two lasers jointly scan all of its exterior surfaces.
After a few minutes and “just two clicks,” a smooth and complete 3D design file of the object (in a format of your choice) is automatically created. This can be used with one of MakerBot’s Replicators, or on any other type of 3D printer, to produce a physical model.

...Mas agora, tal como as Multifunções em 2D, que fazem o scan e imprimem, aparece no horizonte uma Máquina que faz o mesmo... Em 3D!
Scan, e Impressão 3D, na mesma Máquina!
E já a partir de dia 4 de Setembro, começa a campanha Kickstarter desta Máquina, mais uma daqueas Kickstarters que ameaçam quadruplicar a quantia-alvo pretendida!

AIO Robotics teases Zeus all-in-one 3D scanner and printer

Lakshmi Sandhana
A new Kickstarter project is set to launch the world's first all-in-one 3D copy machine that can scan, copy, print and even fax 3D objects. Sporting a 7-inch touchscreen and four easy to operate buttons, the Zeus is a stand alone machine that can work independent of both an internet connection and a desktop computer. So instead of running out to buy a hammer the next time you need one, you could simply scan your neighbors or have a friend fax across their hammer scan and print it out on your end.
3D printers are becoming more affordable especially with MakerBot's recent announcement about the Replicator 2 3D printer being made available through select Microsoft retail outlets in the US for a price of $2,549. However these machines only print 3D objects. The field is wide open for a machine that integrates 3D scanning, copying and faxing abilities in addition to printing and that's where AIO robotics plans to step in with Zeus.
Set to launch on September 4 at Kickstarter, the Zeus features an on-board computer and a 12-inch turntable. While there's little information available on the official site, posts made by the company on the RepRap forum, state how initial tests demonstrate the machine's ability to print at a 100 micron resolution or lower.


Electrólise em casa! 
Para aplicar uma camada de Metal, limpar, gravar, e produzir Material Puro!
Eis um Instructable que qualquer um pode fazer... E todos apreciam!

Home Electrolysis Kit

Go Repairs

Electrolysis is a useful skill to pick up and the beauty of it is that it's super easy to do. Electrolysis can be used to plate materials, to clean, for etching and even to produce pure forms of a material.

In this article we'll show you how to make your own small electrolysis kit. With what you'll learn you'll be able to scale up the kit if you wanted to.


A Inventables pôe à vossa disposição placas deste Material, em Preto ou Branco, com o aspecto e a textura da Perda, mas que podem levar à Máquina de Fresa CNC, à Serra tico-tico, etc.
Podem até moldar a quente!
Vejam esta maravilha:


White Corian
The look and feel of stone in a millable sheet
Corian is a non-porous, solid surface material produced by DuPont. It is made of acrylic polymer and alumina trihydrate. The sheets are colored evenly throughout and have the look and feel of smooth stone.
While Corian is traditionally used as a countertop surface, its potential uses in the design world are limitless. The material can be milled as easily as most woods. It can be cut on a band saw and sanded. It can even be thermoformed when heated to 300 degrees F, meaning you can heat and bend it at interesting angles with relative ease. You can download the technical manual below for lots of additional information on how to fabricate Corian.
Because this material is manufactured with countertop use in mind, one side of the sheet and certain edges may contain writing or scratches. We can only guarantee that one side will be in pristine condition.


E a ùltima da Inventables, e a ùltima por hoje, uma Cola que cola uma data de Plásticos, e o Corian, ao Acrílico!


Acrylic Adhesive SCIGRIP Weld-On 3

Solvent cement for gluing or bonding acrylic

This is a water thin, non-flammable, very fast-setting solvent cement for gluing or bonding acrylic. It will also bond with other thermoplastics such as polystyrene, CAB (cellulose acetate butyrate), PETG (polyethylene terephthalate glycol) and polycarbonate to themselves. It will not bond to cross linked acrylics and does not work on mirrored acrylics. The technical term to describe it would be an acrylic adhesive but commonly it might be referred to as an acrylic glue. Please note that this is the same as IPS Weld-On 3.

segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013

Um Simulador de Voo para fazer em casa! E mais, as possiblildades da Impressão 3D. Cubify Sculpt, e o novo Draftsight

Se isto não vos faz sonhar, vão ao Médico...
Um SIMULADOR DE VOO, que vocês podem fazer em casa!
Bolas, é preciso dizer mais? 

Arduino-Pneumatic Flight Simulator

Hello, my name is Dominick Lee. I am a senior in high school who is also a programmer and inventor. I created the  "LifeBeam Flight Simulator" (name of my project) because I wanted to challenge myself and utilize my software and hardware skills. I was able to successfully plan, build, and run my Flight Simulator after a few months of diligent work.

I would like to thank my physics professor, Dr. Bert Pinsky, for helping me make this project successful.
I also want to thank Karl Anderson (CEO of Teco Pneumatics) for his generous donation of essential parts for our project.

In this Instructable, we will show you the steps to building an Arduino-Pneumatic Flight Simulator so that everyone can enjoy the fun of physics, robotics, and aviation.


...Quando vos perguntarem, "-Mas para o que é que serve a tal Impressão 3D?", respondam com esta Página da Net, com um Gráfico fantástico, de que só aprsento aqui  o princípio, tem para aí, 8 vezes mais de altura:

The Possibilities of a 3D Printer

Robyn Warner.

  • Share
3D printing technology is relatively new, finding its beginnings in the 1980s, but the progress it has made and the future it holds summon nothing less than amazement. With new materials being introduced into the 3D printing process, the possibilities seem endless for the products that can be created. In addition to common, everyday items, the technology is building excitement for the opportunities it carries in medicine and health care. When considering the materials that can be utilized and the possible outcomes, 3D printing is making waves in food production, industry materials, medicine, and the lives of everyday people, everywhere.

Não sei se já vos relatei isto, mas a Cubify permite-vos fazerem os vossos objectos 3D, para imprimirem nas voissas Impressoras 3D, é claro, e da maneira mais fácil que há:
É como se os fizessem em Barro ou Plasticina, o que é porreiro para quem se vê com uma Impressora, e não sabe mais que fazer...

Cubify Sculpt to simplify 3D printable model design

Randall Marsh

3D Systems, the creators of the Cubify 3D Printer, has just released a CAD-like application that allows users to shape models like they were digital clay. Cubify Sculpt gives users the opportunity to freeform shape objects, giving a more natural feel to the design process and making it more accessible to the less-experienced designer.


 ...E já chegou a nova versão do DrafSight, da Dassault Systèmes um Programa que é grátis e vos permite fazer muita coisa, em CAD, como editar ficheiros DWG.
Vão a esta página, onde poderão ver que as últimas novidades da DraftSight, estão à disposição em várias Línguas, incluíndo o Português:

DraftSight: Free CAD Software* for your DWG Files - Dassault Systèmes

DraftSight lets professional CAD users, students and educators create, edit and view DWG files. DraftSight runs on Windows®, Mac® and Linux.


sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Man at Arms! E um novo Aerocarro, uma Feramenta salvadora, e um Gramofone à Edison, em Papel!

Não, não fiz Férias, mas a malfadada da Ligação Internet fez... 

Man at Arms! Muháháháhá!
Este gajo tem 400 Martelos, é preciso dizer mais?
Um Ferreiro com uma data de Ferramentas e truques, ou não fizesse ele Espadas, Armaduras, e o resto, para um sem-fim de Filmes e Séries...

Man at Arms is the newest digital series from Break Media. It follows LA-based expert Hollywood blacksmith, Tony Swatton, as he builds real-life versions of iconic pop-culture weapons at his specialty shop "Sword & Stone." Swatton is responsible for the props used in Hollywood's biggest films, including Pirates of the Caribbean, X-Men, Spider-Man, The Last Samurai, and The Ring. The first episode, presented by HBO's Game of Thrones, can be found here:

Eis algo que promete ser mesmo um Aerocarro, e talvez ajude bastante como veículo de Emergência Médica!
Um Quadracóptero para aterrar e levantar voo, que vira um Avião, para o percurso, o melhor dos dois sistemas, com um grau de exigência de pilotagem muito menor que o dum Helicóptero!

Whaddaya get when you cross a quadcopter with a plane? The HQ UAV

Ben Coxworth

If you need a drone aircraft that can hover in one spot or perform vertical take-offs and landings (VTOL), then a multi-rotor contraption such as a quadcopter is the way to go. Should you be looking for something that can cover long distances as quickly and efficiently as possible, however, then a more traditional propellor-driven fixed-wing airplane will serve you better. So, what if you want both? Well, that’s where Latitude Engineering’s Hybrid Quadrotor UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) comes in. Putting it simply, it’s a quadcopter/fixed-wing combo.

Até já vi uma versão de uma Ferramenta para Salvamento bem anterior a esta, e dum Inventor Português, mas confesso que esta, agora, é a melhor de todas!

Com uma Lanterna, um Gancho de corte, uma Faca serrada, e um quebra-vidros com mecanismo de mola, porque um Martelo precisa de espaço, para se martelar o Vidro dum Automóvel... E às vezes, está-se lá, encurralado!
Isto é, sem dúvida, algo que vos poderá permitir, um dia salvar vidas, ou até mesmo, a vossa própria vida.
Têem um Carro? Comprem um!

T3 Tactical Auto Rescue Tool looks mean, but is made to help

Ben Coxworth

Yes, it does indeed look like the freaky love-child of an Uzi and a Bowie knife, but the T3 Tactical Auto Rescue Tool is actually designed to save lives. It combines several implements that are aimed at getting accident victims out of their wrecked cars, as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The T3 was created by New York City paramedic Avi Goldstein, and although he designed it primarily with first responders in mind, it can also be used by drivers and passengers for self-rescue.
It includes an LED light for seeing what needs to be done in night-time accidents, along with a folding stainless steel hook blade for slicing through seat belts “in a single pull,” a folding half-serrated blade for cutting whatever else might be in the way, and a spring-loaded window punch for breaking tempered glass. While similar products feature hammer-style window punches, Goldstein points out that inside of a twisted vehicle, there isn’t always room to swing one of those.

Rob Ives volta a surpreender-nos com este Gramofone que toca gravações de som à maneira antiga!
As gravações e fitas estão à venda por aí, e o gramofone, amplifica o som delas, como nos tempos antigos!

Edison Strip Player - Download and Make
These Edison Strips are available from a few sources across the world. They come in a pack of five plastic strips. Each strip has a rough surface like the surface of an old style vinyl record. By scratching your thumb nail along the strip a prerecorded sound can be played back. AstoMedia Germany
AstroMedia UK
Grand Illusions in the US

This kit is a player that plays back the strips though a paper horn greatly amplifying the sound.

terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2013

Uma Micro-Turbina, uma Mão artificial, Bambú 6mm, a Revista DesignSpark, e um Qaudracóptero-Smartphone!

O que é mais fixe que esta Micro_Turbina? 
Feita em Acrílico, eis algo para irem fazer às FabLabs... Mas atenção ás RPMs, que a segurança é muito importante.

How to Make a Mini Compressed Air Turbine

In case you didn't know this yet, compressed air is pretty awesome.  With simple mechanical systems - pumps - energy can be stored and used for an infinite amount of applications.  What I like about compressed air is how simple and accessible it is.  Anyone with a bike pump can start moving air to greater pressures.  Soda-pop bottles can be turned into air tanks, and by looking a little online and on Instructables, you'll find people who've used compressed air to do everything from shooting water balloons to powering a bicycle.

In this Instructable, I will show how I made a miniature compressed air turbine. 

Isto não é só importantíssimo para os Deficientes Físicos, porque pode ser feito por vós mesmos, como pode servir para quando precisam de mais uma mão, para segurar em algo, quando estão a trabalhar, e não há ninguém... Á mão!
E o que dizer de tarefas demasiado perigosas para lá arriscar os dedos?
Altamente útil e meritório.

DIY Prosthetic Hand & Forearm (Voice Controlled)

Do you live with only one hand, or ever feel two just isn't enough? Well now you can make another! This project combines two very cool things: an arduino voice recognition shield and an open-source 3D printed robotics project called InMoov. Basically what I've done is modify the InMoov hand/forearm to be usable as a prosthetic (or additional appendage) and add a VR (voice recognition) shield to receive verbal commands and then make corresponding motions with the hand. The advantage of voice control is that it doesn't require muscles and is more flexible to different physical conditions (also hands free!). My program includes 15 general hand gestures and actions for everyday living! When I was looking into myoelectric arms kept thinking that the functionality wasn't worth the thousands of dollars. While mine isn't as fancy as some it's remarkable what you can create with desktop 3D printers, an arduino, and servos!


Se precisarem de mandar cortar em 6,7 mm, à Ponoko experimentem nesta Placa de 3 Camadas de Bambú:

NEW material: 3 ply Blonde Bamboo at Ponoko USA

We’ve expanded our wood material selection with a thick, 3 ply version of our blonde bamboo.

This 3 ply bamboo is 6.7mm (about a quarter inch) thick, making it a great option for home decor designs like coasters, clocks, table top surfaces, and wall art. It’s double sided, so you could also make bangles.


Já saíu a 2ª Edição da Revista Designspark, em 6 Línguas, façam o Download:

DesignSpark Magazine, your quarterly digest for news

DesignSpark magazine is a quarterly magazine for electronics design engineers. Full of information about the latest technologies, software and tools and build yourself projects DesignSpark magazine is available to download for your pc, iPad, iPhone or Android tablet.

This issue of DesignSpark Magazine focuses on a new Raspberry Pi expandable development solution; PiGo, highlights a new way you can share and collaborate on projects via DESIGNSHARE, and gives you more information about how to get involved in Paul Clarke's Earth Rover project.

E para quem gosta de Quadracópteros e Smartphones, eis este Quadracóptero Autónomo, com um Smartphone como Cérebro!
Esta Rapaziada de Viena, com a Líder do Projecto, a bonita Annete Mossel, ah, ganda Engenhocas, esta Equipe está de parabéns...
Será que não seria uma altternativa barata para vigiar as nossas Florestas, à cata de Incêndios?

Autonomous quadcopter uses a smartphone as its brains

Ben Coxworth

With one possible exception, autonomous quadcopters are not something that you would expect to be inexpensive. A relatively cheap model may indeed be on its way, however. Designed by the Vienna University of Technology’s Virtual Reality Team, the tiny aircraft utilizes the processor and camera of an off-the-shelf smartphone.
The Vienna team, led by chief engineer Annette Mossel, programmed the quadcopter’s navigation software into the processor using an app.
Once in flight, the UAV uses the phone’s camera to identify QR-like coded squares placed on the floor within a room. These allow it to create a map of the room, so it can subsequently find its way around the space on its own. Ultimately, plans call for it to be able to identify actual objects naturally present in a room (such as tables and chairs) using a Kinect-style depth sensor, and create its map using those.