Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2013

Handybot está quase lá, Truevolt à venda, desenhar CAD num vosso Browser, e uma Ideia 3D para a Jardinagem

Dica do Blog da CNCKing, a campanha para a fantástica máquina da Shopbot, a Handybot, está a meio, apoiem, que vai ser bacano ter isto à disposição, qualquer um vai poder "ter jeito" para Obras e Carpintaria:

Handibot: Funding Goal Almost Reached!

A very long time supporter of has been ShopBot Tools – they are the manufacturers of my amazing ShopBot Desktop. Just a few days ago they launched their first Kickstarter campaign and they’ve already reached more than half of their goal so far… be sure to visit to get more information and to reserve your very own machine as I doubt these ones will last much longer.




Um Multímetro Digital, e dos bons, é o que nos apresenta a Designspark, com 2 versões, uma mais ecoómica, a outra, um melhoramento de topo do que já tinha sido feito:

Truevolt Digital Multimeters Video Demonstration

Check out Agilent's newest 6½ digit digital multimeters featuring Truevolt technology. The 34461A is the replacement for the 34401A digital multimeter. The 34460A offers a basic entry point into the 6½ digit class of Agilent DMMs.

Only with Agilent's Truevolt DMMs can you:

* Display multimeter results in ways you never have before
* Measure with unquestioned Truevolt confidence
* Move to the next generation 34401A DMM with 100% assurance 



Um Site onde podem criar, e modificar, em cooperação com outros, ficheiros CAD?
Vão à GrabCAD!
Vai ser impecável...


Autodesk and GrabCAD Partner To Launch 2D and 3D CAD Editing on GrabCAD

Rob Stevens

Today is a big day for GrabCAD, for Autodesk, and for CAD lovers everywhere. We’re partnering with Autodesk to bring AutoCAD 360 and Fusion 360 to our users as part of the newly launched GrabCAD Toolbox
Autodesk recently announced AutoCAD 360, which brings powerful, easy-to-use AutoCAD capabilities to the web and mobile devices, as well as Fusion 360, the next generation integrated 3D industrial and mechanical design tool. Both of these products will be available through GrabCAD Toolbox, where users can access 3rd party CAD applications that run on GrabCAD.
This move represents the first time either 2D or 3D design and editing tools have become available through GrabCAD, making sophisticated CAD and collaboration tools accessible to users of all sizes and types.

É um conceito impecável, este apresentado bo Blog da Shapeways:
Usar a Impressão 3D, para re-ciclar uma Garrafa, para se tornar num Regador!

Sprout: Upcycle the Humble Milk Jug with 3D Printing (VIDEO)

3D Printing is perfect for augmenting an existing product to improve its function and prolong its life.  A perfect example is the 3D printed Sprout by Egant on Shapeways, that transforms the humble milk jug into an elegant watering can with some clever 3D printing magic.
The innovative design has two flow types and uses a captured ball valve so that the center can be used as a funnel yet the ball stops the water from pouring of the funnel aperture when you want to have a steady controlled flow.  This is really smart use of the potential of interlocking and/or captured parts that is possible with Nylon 3D printing whilst upcycling an existing product to prolong its lifecycle.

quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2013

Uma Impressora 3D a 347 Dólares! E um Quadracóptero bacano, experiências em Oogoo, e um Robot Astronauta

Uma Impressora 3D a este preço, é... Impressionante! 
Não admira, que no Kickstarter, já tenham acumulado masiu de 12 vezes mais que os 100.000 apoios previstos...
Sim, ideias como esta, trazem-vos 1,250,187 Dólares!!! 
Se quizerem uma, apressem-se, só restam 48 horas para a encomendar.

The Buccaneer® - The 3D Printer that Everyone can use!

To bring 3D printing technology into everyone's home by building a quality and affordable 3D printer that everyone can enjoy!

Inside The Buccaneer

Hi everyone! We have had many requests to see the internals of our 3D printer while it is printing. We ripped out the mechanics from our final casing and placed them into our prototype casing (which is transparent) for all of you to see! You may notice the internals are slightly different from our main video and the reason for this is the progress we have made from the time we applied for Kickstarter until the day it is launched. What you will see in this vid is exactly what we have today.
It's a bit messy because our prototype box doesn't have the compartments for proper storage but it looks great either way. Enjoy the vid!
The item printed is the Cute Octopus from Makerbot, Created by Jason Bakutis and is a creative common.




Eis algo ideal para as Férias, um Quadracótero minúsculo, para se divertirem em qualquer parte, como os outros, Quadracópteros, mas também se divertem. a tirar Fotos e gravar Vídeos com ele!


Review: Heli-Max 1SQ V-Cam quadcopter

Jonathan Fincher

As the largest distributor of radio-controlled models in the US, Hobbico has produced its fair share of innovative, small-sized vehicles over the past few decades. So when we learned the company recently released a new quadcopter that features a self-stabilization system and on-board camera, we were only too happy to take it for a spin. After spending some time with the Heli-Max 1SQ V-Cam quadcopter, we've gained both a new-found respect for aerial photographers, as well as a new toy that's eaten up hours of free time.



Só para verem as várias cores possíveis, e como não é preciso muita tinta para isso, eis mais 2 tentativas, o que perfaz 3 cores para o Pen & Note, mas è claro que podem ser as que quizerem:


Podem ficar desencorajados com a mistura do Silicone com a Maizena, custa um pouco, mas, com vêem, chegam lá:

È claro que só depois de dar à mistura, desta maneira, numa tarde de verão, venho a descobrir na Net, que umas gotas de Glicerina ajudam a misturar, sem esforço nenhum!





E para rematar, eis um Robot para levar ao Espaço, num Vídeo bem engraçado:



Robot astronaut Kirobo headed for ISS in August

David Szondy

In what may not be the most historic event in space exploration, but may be the cutest, Toyota has announced that the Kibo Robot Project’s “robot astronaut” Kirobo will be sent to the International Space Station (ISS) on August 4. Unlike its human counterparts, the 13.4-in (34 cm) tall humanoid robot will travel aboard an unmanned Kounotori 4 cargo spacecraft launched from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's (JAXA) Tanegashima Space Center atop a H-IIB rocket. Once at the ISS, Kirobo is scheduled to conduct the first-ever robot-human conversation experiments in December. 





quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2013

Oogoo, como moldei

Eis um passo-a-passo, de como moldei a Pen & Note com Oogoo:

Desta vez, vamos fazer oogoo sem cor adicional, fica Branco. Usa-se, assim, apenas Maizena, e o tal Silicone, o que cheira a Vinagre:

Cá vai o Silicone, aproveitem aqui para adicionar Tinta, se quizerem dar-lhe alguma cor.

Uma dica, acabaram de pôr Silicone, tapem o bico, com Fita-cola forte, assim, fica pronto a usar para a próxima vez, sem secar o Silicone no bico:

Agora, a Maizena:

Mistura-se, fiz uma espátula com Acrílico de 3mm, dá para inserir o Oogoo no molde, quando ele não entra a bem...

A princípio, a pasta fica peganhenta.

Depois, fica como Plasticina.

Usei WD40 como anti-aderente, uma fina camada resulta perfeitamente. Agora, é só enfiar a pasta lá dentro:

Como vêem, podem sempre ver em que medida é que a pasta se vai inserindo na cavidade do Molde, e vai-se vendo em todos os lados, há sempre uns mais difíceis...

Aos poucos...

Se ficar difícil, empurrem:

Até ao fundo!

Nivelem o topo, para ficar direito...

Tudo pronto para secar, 1 ou 2 horas, chegam.

Sai do molde assim, é só cortar os excessos com uma simples Tesoura:

Com o Texto, para texto muito pequeno, ponham a Pasta mesmo quando ainda está peganhenta...

A Pen & Note já no Bloco-Notas:

A caneta bem segura, já não a perdem de vista, quando precisam de tomar notas!

Planos para um par de Moldes, à venda na Ponoko:

Pen & Note personalized Mold, 2 units 

Just add 3 nuts ans bolts on the Mould, and 2 nuts and bolts on the Stamp, all of those, stacked aligned, for a smooth surface.
Engrave your Adress, Logo, whatever, on the Stamp's face, remember, reversed.
Spray a layer of the proper anti-adhesive, so the Material won't glue itself to the Mould.
Pour the Oogoo, Sugru, whatever material you can pour or plug into the Cavity;
As the Acrylic is transparent, you can see if the casting is ok,
Plug the Stamp into the Mould, wait for it to cure, that's it!

terça-feira, 25 de junho de 2013

Molde cortado a Laser! E uma história simplesmente inspiradora!

Estive hoje na Fablab EDP, onde malta porreira, como o Luís e o Ferdy, vos ajudam a fazer, por exemplo, estes dois Moldes para fazer a Pen & Note, em Oogoo, ou Sugru... ou  o que queiram!

São feitos em Acrílico Tranparente, para que vejam se a pasta que lá ponham está MESMO bem inserida em todo o Molde... Mas também tem um aspecto impecável!  

Não, a foto não está ao contrário, lembrem-se, na Moldagem, como nos Carimbos tem de se inserir o Texto ao contrário, para sair a direito!

Vê -se bem, aqui, o Vazio onde vai entrar o Oogoo, ou outro Material...

Mas aqui, ainda se vê melhor!

A Tampa sai fácilmente, porque os Parafusos só seguram as outras camadas do molde.

Amanhã, se Deus quizer, passa-se à Moldagem com Oogoo!

E para se inspirarem a sério, dica da CNCKing, sabiam que o criador da Shopbot, começou a cortar Placa, numa serra Pendular?
Vejam esta história:

The New Manufacturing: Ted Hall at TEDxRichmond 


Ted Hall, founder and CEO of ShopBot Tools, Inc., first got excited about digital fabrication 20 years ago. Ted wanted a digitally controlled tool that would cut plywood parts for backyard boatbuilding projects. In trying to find such a tool, he learned that the CNC (computer numerically controlled) technology of the time was heavily industrial and oriented to high-volume manufacturing. Ted's idea, which would become ShopBot, was to create a digital fabrication tool that was instead oriented to use by individuals and small shops.


segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2013

Como des-moldar o Pen & Note. E um robot para o vosso Raspi, um Brinquedo para o cão, e um Drone para a Lavoura!

Eis como se tira do Molde uma peça de Sugru, ou Oogoo, é simples, basta desmontar as peças do Molde, e tirar a Peça, já pronta.
É, neste caso, o Pen & Note que já vos mostrei, mas pode ser muitas mais coisas...
O Vídeo foi feito a partir de Fotos, com o programa Ffdiaporama.


Taking the Pen & Note out of the Mold

You just take the layers apart, out goes the Pen & Note.



Compraram um Micro-computador Raspberry Pi, que tal fazer um Robot com ele? É o que vos propôe este Kit, que chega com 12(!) servos, e por um preço acessível!

RAPIRO: The affordable robot kit for your Raspberry Pi

Have you been reading Gizmag's robot articles and ever thought you'd like to get your hands dirty with a robot of your own? Well, there's a Kickstarter for that. Shota Ishiwatari has just launched RAPIRO, his custom designed Raspberry Pi Robot. The robot is easy to assemble, and comes with RGB LEDs, 12 servos, and an Arduino-compatible servo control board. And the best part is it will only set you back £229 (US$354).



Pró Canito, eis um Binquedo que ele pode usar, mesmo com vocês por fora da casa, apanhando e voltando apanhar a bola, até se cansar:

iFetch allows a dog to play fetch on its own

Dave LeClair

Playing fetch with your dog is surely one of life's high points. After a short while though, it can all get a bit tiring and just a tad boring. Your bouncing bundle of fun, on the other hand, would happily keep the game going for hours. Fortunately, technology is here to help. The iFetch from the Hamill family shoots out a ball for your dog to fetch, and when fido drops it in the opening at the top, it's fired back out again.

Eis um drone que todos aprovam, um Drone para a Lavoura!
Para poupar uma Fortuna em Aluguer de Avionetas, eis um espalhador de Pesticida e Sementes, mas tele-controlado, novidade no Ocidente, mas já há muito, usado no Japão!

UC Davis investigates using helicopter drones for crop dusting

David Szondy

Researchers at University of California, Davis, in cooperation with the Yamaha Motor Corporation, are testing UAV crop dusting on the Oakville Experimental Vineyard at the UC Oakville Station using a Yamaha RMax remote-controlled helicopter. The purpose is to study the adaptation of Japanese UAV crop dusting techniques for US agriculture, but not all the hurdles they face are technological.

Para rematar, eis um dos vários Tópicos que vos podem interessar na CNC Zone, um Site cheio de Tópicos, para é claro, tudo CNC:

Joe's CNC Model 2006

I was busy the last couple days, drawing a new CNC, I have thought about what the flaws were on a Diy Pipe rail system most of us build in wood/MDF. I will be using a torsion box system, and also nave a new twist, by adding an extra Pipe rail on the long Axis. I think this will help alot on the twisting and rocking of the Gantry.

sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2013

Makerbot é agora da Stratasis! E um Livro sobre Impressão 3D, Renesas, e uma Catapulta Viking!

No que esperemos que signifique Impressoras 3D mais baratas, e à venda em todo o lado, a Stratasis comprou a Makerbot:

Makerbot Acquired by Stratasys

Makerbot has been acquired by Stratasys, a 3D printing business, and will merge with a subsidiary of the company, the two companies announced Wednesday afternoon.
“The last couple of years have been incredibly inspiring and exciting for us,” said Bre Pettis, CEO of Makerbot, in a statement. “We have an aggressive model for growth, and partnering with Stratasys will allow us to supercharge our mission to empower individuals to make things
using a MakerBot, and allow us to bring 3D technology to more people."

E a magnífica RepRap Magazine, traz-nos uma data de coisas boas, como esta notícia, uma iniciativa da que vos oferece um Livro que responde às vossas perguntas sobre Impressão 3D Low-cost:


The book, titled “Low-cost 3D Printing for Science, Education and Sustainable Development”, offers a practical guide to this rapidly evolving technology, giving an overview of current research on the topic and its uses in science education. It was compiled and edited by ICTP’s Science Dissemination Unit (SDU) and can be downloaded free of cost from the website
The affordable and easy-to-use technology is good news for developing countries, where 3D printing could open up exciting opportunities for research, education and humanitarian projects. As an institute dedicated to promoting sustainable science in the developing world, ICTP is prepared to advance the adoption of this technology in these regions. The book’s editors -Enrique Canessa, Carlo Fonda and Marco Zennarowant readers to understand and explore the huge potential that 3D technology provides.

Uma notícia da Designspark, têem agora à vossa didposição mais um Micro-Controlador de alto gabarito, o Renesas, que podem adquirir por quase nada, para avaliarem o bicho:

Ultra Low Power Microcontrollers with High Performance - Renesas RX200 MCU

Renesas RX200 32-bit microcontrollers deliver more performance on far less power than other MCUs whilst operating over wide voltage ranges, and offer huge power savings in standby.   With a common architecture to the RX600 100MHz family theses MCUs meet the needs of the most demanding engineers.
Very low cost evaluation boards are available. 
Download the new brochure "The Core Difference in Your Design - RX200 Microcontrollers" 


E acabamos por hoje, com esta incrível Catapulta Viking, que podem construír, para este verão, e as vossas Guerras de Balões de Àgua, Muáháháhá!

Viking Catapult

In this step by step tutorial I will be showing you how to make your very own Homemade Viking Catapult!
You will need 5 sticks that are are 4-6 feet long with a diameter of 1-2 inches. I am using 4 foot long sticks. The 2 shorter sticks you need will be 2-3 feet long also with a diameter of 1-2 inches. I am using 2 foot long sticks. You will need all of the items shown in the picture. You will also need something that will make a hole about 1/2 an inch wide, such as a drill.
Another thing you will need is approximately 60 inches of elastic band that has a diameter of about a half of an inch. Another thing you will need is some sort of bowl of cup to use as the holder for the item you will launch. Pictures of these items come later in this instructable.