Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2012

Portugal, olé! E arrumar a Tralha, 3D à brava, e mais dos Desktop Gremlins

Portugal brilha no mundo do Web Design!
Temos um Campeão, este, não "ganhou moralmente", como a "Selecção", este Português, ele GANHOU MESMO...

Não me venham cá com Partanhas desta Geração, ou aquela Geração.

Portugueses deste calibre, não têem Geração, são eternamente recorrentes, e Graças a Deus, por isso! 

Notícia do Blog Boas Notícias, nunca me fartarei de divulgar Notícias destas!

Português é campeão europeu de Web Design

O português Tiago Conceição sagrou-se, este mês, campeão europeu de Web Design. O jovem aluno do Curso de Engenharia Informática do Instituto Politécnico de Beja (IP Beja) deixou para trás 440 outros concorrentes oriundos de 27 países da Europa.
Tiago Conceição conquistou a medalha de ouro durante o EuroSkills - Campeonato Europeu de Web Design que se realizou em Bruxelas, capital belga, nos dias 4, 5 e 6 de Outubro. Além disso, arrecadou ainda uma medalha de bronze, garantindo o 3º lugar na categoria de Cross Media Publishing por equipas.
De acordo com o IP Beja, Tiago já tinha também vencido vários prémios a nível nacional, nomeadamente dois primeiros lugares e um terceiro lugar no Campeonato Nacional das Profissões em Faro (2012) e Açores (2011) e Santarém (2009), respetivamente, e o primeiro lugar no Campeonato Regional das Profissões, em Beja, em 2008.
Em 2013, Tiago Conceição terá oportunidade de participar no campeonato WorldSkills, que se vai realizar em Leipzig, na Alemanha, onde disputará o prémio com os melhores do mundo na área do Web Design.
[Notícia sugerida por Maria Manuela Mendes]

Passamos à Tralha, que se acumula por Quintais e Terraços, ora, eis uma ideia fenomenalmente adaptada para dar um pouco de Ordem aos vossos Espaços, e Paz aos vossos ouvidos...
Este Bacano fez este mòvel duma Pallete, ora, se se deitarem estes móveis de lado, se usarem as tampas com Dobradiças, e se empilharem só 6 que sejam, já se arrula tralha que é uma maravilha!
E pintadas por fora, e Impermeabilizadas por dentro, viram um Armazém em miniatura, com Cadeados, fica a coisa completa:

Pallet Trunk

Now that i've got a decent sized room, I needed some furniture to fill it. Not only did I need some more storage space, I also needed a coffee table, so I thought, why not knock out two birds with one stone. Using some old pallets I was able to throw together this trunk using a design similar to a trunk my father owns. It's exactly what I was looking for.

In this instructable, I didn't include any measurements. I put out this instructable assuming that people will use measurements that suit their needs. I feel that i've provided sufficient pictures and instructions to allow for readers to figure out how to construct their own. Make sure that you look through the entire instructable before starting.

This is one of my first instructables, so let me know what could be improved upon. Excuse the mediocre photos, I don't have a very good camera. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Eis a minha versão, o Armazém à borla:

3d à brava, inscrevam-se neste site e têem um Mundo de Ficheiros 3D:

Get access to thousands of free CAD projects

Join our community of 270,000 engineers and 50,000 free CAD projects

Corre uma campanha dos Desktop Gremlins para aumentar e melhorar o Site, e é claro que eu divulgo esta iniciativa, aqui, boa-disposição, faz MUITA falta, nestes dias...

Dear Loyal Followers:

On Halloween night four years ago, I launched the site you all know and love – Over the years, the site has grown into an amazing destination that showcases a wonderful menagerie of 38 FREE papercraft projects for you to download and build. The time has come to make the Desktop Gremlins experience BIGGER and BETTER that you ever imagined! I can't wait to show you all the fun and surprises I have in store for you.

But it all starts with the funding of a book.

In case you missed my announcement last week, I have launched a Kickstarter campaign promoting my first premium papercraft art book, Desktop Gremlins Vol. 1. Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing crowd-funding service that works through Amazon payments.

Visit the campaign page to see all the details of this amazing book which will feature 20 incredible Desktop Gremlins!

terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012

Tribunal da Propriedade Industrial, o livro, Fatos de Astronautas, Ipad e sprays, Europa à Lua, e Paintball cointra Asteróides!

Da lavra do nosso amigo João Marcelino, entre outros, mais um livro, onde se revela a experiência Portuguesa da criação dum Tribunal próprio para a Propriedade Industrial:

Tribunal da Propriedade Intelectual

A criação de um único tribunal para julgar todas as causas relacionadas com propriedade intelectual, ao mesmo tempo que são remetidos para arbitragem obrigatória os litígios relativos aos direitos de propriedade industrial quando estejam em causa medicamentos de referência e medicamentos genéricos, coloca Portugal numa situação única no contexto europeu.
No entanto, foi após a transposição para o ordenamento jurídico nacional da Directiva “Enforcement”, em 2008, que a jurisprudência nacional teve um papel determinante na efectiva aplicação dos direitos de autor e conexos e dos direitos de propriedade industrial.
Estas páginas contêm uma análise detalhada da Lei nº16/2008, de 1 de Abril, sobre a aplicação efectiva dos direitos de propriedade intelectual, da jurisprudência principal que a aplicou, bem como das normas que constituem o enquadramento legal do Tribunal de Propriedade Intelectual e da Lei nº62/2011, de 12 de Dezembro.
Contêm, ainda, uma análise dos primeiros meses de experiência deste novo tribunal. 

Para uma data de fins, desde Festas, a Teatro e Cinema Amador, eis da nossa amiga Audrey Obscura, um Fato de Astronauta, atenção, não vão para o Espaço com isto...

Astronaut Costume


I love space. So I decided to make a space suit** for halloween. It was super fun to make, and relatively inexpensive.

I was able to make it out of things I had lying around from old projects. I imagine that if any maker-type wants to put this together, that already has a stock of supplies will only have to spend 20 or so dollars to complete this project.

Onde há Ipads, há Engenhocas ligadas a ele, como este Spray de Gás Pimenta, atenção, é ilegal, sem Licença, em Portugal, mas é uma Curiosidade tão exdrúxula, que merece atenção!

Spraytect smartphone case delivers a shot of pepper spray

Ben Coxworth

When Scott McPherson’s daughter was heading off to college, he wanted to make sure that she’d have a personal protection device with her at all times. Given that most young people are never without their smartphone – and they always have it within easy reach – he did the obvious, and created an iPhone 4/4S case with a built-in pepper spray canister. It’s now available for purchase, in the form of the Spraytect case.
The case itself is for the most part pretty ordinary. No specs are available, although it doubtless does an at least passable job at protecting the phone against scratches, impacts and drops.
Molded into the back of the case, however, is a rail mounting system. A supplied pepper spray canister slides into that mount, where it remains indefinitely – it can be removed when it needs to be replaced, or if the user wants to take their phone through airport security.

Alguns na Europa não se acovardam com as dificuldades, e querem mandar um Robot à Lua!

Astrium presents study for European lunar landing in 2019
David Szondy

This week, the European space technology company Astrium completed its Phase B1 study of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Lunar Landing Project. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the mission to land a spacecraft on the south pole of the Moon in 2019. That spacecraft would test new technologies, and explore an area of the lunar surface that scientists believe may contain deposits of ice in the permanently shadowed craters.

E que tal, desviar Asteróides com Painball?
Parece meio maluco, mas sigam o raciocínio...

Deflecting asteroids with paint balls

David Szondy

How do you deflect a civilization-destroying asteroid that's heading straight for Earth? Shoot paintballs at it. This may sound like an exercise in futility, but if the calculations of Sung Wook Paek are correct, then the sport of running around in the woods shooting splotches of paint at people on the weekends could get a lot more respect.
Paek, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, was the winner of the 2012 Move an Asteroid Technical Paper Competition, sponsored by the United Nations’ Space Generation Advisory Council. The contest’s purpose was to find ideas for deflecting an asteroid or other near-Earth objects and Paek’s submission joins a growing list of asteroid-fighting solutions ranging from nuclear warheads to gravity tractors.

domingo, 28 de outubro de 2012

Três Instructables, e um Site de Impressão 3D.

Impressão 3D sobre Papel, eis algo que merece bem destaque!

3D Printing PLA on Tissue Paper


At the World Maker Faire this year in NYC I was sharing my experiments in 3D printing plastic on different substrates.
Here is what I have found works with tissue paper.

When it comes to printing plastic on tissue paper, the most important thing to do is keep the paper flat and wrinkle-free during the first few layers and stationary all the way through the build process.  Spray-on adhesive can't be used directly on the build surface because the paper will tear when you try to remove it at the end.

The only method I have found that works consistently is to construct a frame that sits snuggly around the build platform, flush with the surface, and glue the tissue paper to it around the perimeter.

O nosso amigo brazilero2008 continua a fazer das suas, eis uma excelente Turbina Electroestática, que tal, para Projecto escolar?

Electrostatic Turbine


Static electricity is high voltage (HV) at low current. That unexpected ZAP! occurring when you walk across a carpet and touch a metal object demonstrates HV conduction by ionized air particles. Ion wind turbines use electrostatic forces acting between these particles to produce mechanical movement.
I decided to go green by making this desk-top project from mostly dollar-store hardware; re-purposed plastic, cardboard and aluminum disposables from my kitchen recycling bin as well as some curbside junk from the neighbors. The turbine uses foil electrodes that encircle a plastic, tubular rotor.
Each electrode has a sharp edge that sprays a wind of positive or negative ions on the rotor's surface. When these electrodes are arranged so they alternate in polarity around the rotor, each electrode repels a rotor segment carrying the same charge and simultaneously attracts that rotor segment carrying charges deposited by the preceding electrode.

E mais um Instructable, atenção a este, não se brinca com a Segurança, tenham muito cuidado para onde apontam estas setas! Á parte disso, é um Brinquedo bacano, para praticar Tiro-ao-Alvo, sem sobressaltar os Vizinhos.

The B.E.A.S.T. - Bart's Eight Arrow ShooTer


It doesn't happen often to me being really satisfied with a project, or calling one of my own projects 'megacool'.
This time it's different! I'm proodly presenting you my newest deadly weapon: The BEAST - bart's eight arrow shooter ;-)
Cool, fast, simple, powerful, accurate!

All you need:
- a climber's eight / figure eight / abseilacht
- a strong rubber band
- some paracord
- a few stretchers
and of course, a few arrows

E vem-nos da Alemanha mais este Serviço de Impressão 3D, Beta-Prototypes, vão lá, e vejam se vos serve, para os vossos propósitos:

BETA-PROTOTYPES are specialists in rapid prototyping. Any 3D Model can be created to scale with our cutting edge 3D printers. Turn your digital designs into physical objects in just a few days. Lead the way with BETA-PROTOTYPES!

sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2012

Autocarros da Carris, e Caravelas em Lego, Código NC, e Twizy combatendo os Incêndios!

No Corte Inglês, em Lisboa, e até ao fim deste Ano, é tempo da Exposição Lego, com os trabalhos da PLUG, a Associação Portuguesa de Utilizadores de Lego. Por isso lá fui, e cá têem as fotos...

Eis uma Engenhoca fascinante, que nos apresenta a DesignSpark, e uma Análise dela em funcionamento, num artigo da mesma E-Revista.

Mas primeiro, um curto Vídeo da coisa, um Relógio de Pulso que vos permite enviar Dados de aceleração, temperatura, e outros, que os sensores detectam, e enviá-los por Wireless!  

Agora, um Artigo de DesignSpark, sobre o tal Aparelho:

Nice kit, with some minor difficulties getting started.


Product Name: eZ430-Chronos Wireless Dev Tool EU/India

I have had the kit for a number of months now, and first tried the openchronos development chain. I found this a little difficult to install. I then had a look at the openchronos-ng source, and started a fork. The ng software does not have much done yet, and the pace of development is slow. I then tried the CCS v5.2.1 from the TI wiki download, and was able to get coding, even though eclipse recompiling after every save took a little while figuring out how to switch off.

Os Engenhocas metidos na CNC têem problemas em fazer as máquinas obedecer, se o Código NC não for compreendido pela sua Makerbot, ou transferido duma Máquina para qualquer outra...

Pois aqui aparece uma Aplicação que traduz esse Código para todas as Maquinetas:

Re-Post – The NC Translator

Quickly change from machine-to-machine.
Proven legacy programs can be re-used.
Multiple machines can be supported from one program.
Production changes can be adjusted on the shop floor.
Independent of where NC files were originally created, Re-Post "The NC Translator" provides Fast and Simplified Forward and Reverse Post Processing and Flavoring of NC-Code to quickly change from machine-to-machine or satisfy any shop floor formatting needs.

O que conta não é o tamanho, mas a atitude...
Até npos Automóveis!
Eis este pequeno Twizi, um carrito eléctrico que pouco mais é que uma Moto4 com coberta, a AJUDAR A COMBATER INCÊNDIOS!

Renault Twizy EV goes firefighting

C.C. Weiss

When Renault showed the two-seat Twizy electric city car at the 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show, we never expected to see it haul firefighters – meter maids, maybe, but not firefighters. The vehicle is about as far from a fire truck as you can get while still discussing motorized vehicles. That hasn't stopped the French company from outfitting its diminutive electric car for the purpose of firefighting.
Renault and its vehicle conversion subsidiary Renault Tech worked closely with the Paris firefighter brigade to create this response-ready prototype. Envisioned as a complement to, not a replacement for, more traditional fire trucks, the prototype is designed as an early response vehicle, with the anticipation that actual fire trucks with water, hoses and gear will be close behind. For that purpose, Renault ripped out the rear seat and replaced it with a storage trunk to house emergency response equipment including two fire extinguishers, two oxygen tanks, a fire suit and helmet, and a first aid kit.

quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

Impressoras 3D a 500 Dólares! Mais, Raspi Python, Medusa, e Foguetões.

Uma Impressora 3D a 500 e tal Dólares, já com o Rolo de ABS, é bom!
Ainda por cima este Bacano teve a boa ideia de imprimir os Sólidos com o interior meio oco, uma estrutura de teia-de-aranha que resulta mais leve, e mais rápida, coisa que eu me fartei de sugerir a toda a gente do Makerbot!

Welcome to Solidoodle

Out-of-the-box 3D Printing — starting at just $499.
Welcome to Solidoodle, the next generation of printers that allows you to unleash your creativity in three dimensions — and multiple colors. Turn your imagination into reality — one strand of plastic at a time. Adding layers, the Solidoodle 3D Printer takes your image and transforms it into a real product that you can use

Isto é impecável, podem então usar a Impressora acima referida, para imprimir estes Phones, planos Grátis!!!
Notícia do Blog da Razorlabs:

Open Design 3D Printed Headphones 

Teague Labs have created these fully functioning headphones, named simply 13:30 after the time it takes to print them (13 hours and 30 minutes).
From the Teague Labs website:
With 3D printers becoming more accessible we decided to have a think around the concept “life in beta” as a future scenario. What if printed prototypes could become actual products? Meaning, once off the print bed an object could be assembled without any tools and be made functional by readily attainable components. I decided to stress test the premise with the challenge of making electronically simple yet functionally complex headphones.

Algo completamente diferente... 

Raspi Pithon!
Usar o Raspberry Pi com o I2C, que vem desligado, vejam o que é, e como se faz...

Raspberry Pi I2C (Python)

In this instructable, I will explain how to use I2C on the Pi, with the examples of the CMPS03 compass module and SRF08 Ultrasonic range, using python. I will explain right through installing the OS, to ensure that the dependancies and everything is installed.



Eis o Programa Medusa, de que já falámos, e como se transforma um Plano DXF, num sólido: 

Video: Creating a 3D model from a 2D DXF in MEDUSA4 Personal

DXF to 3D with ‘sheet-based modelling’ in the free MEDUSA4 Personal CAD suite. Find out how to create a 3D model on the basis of existing 2D DXF/DWG drawings.

E prá Pequenada, de todas as idades, hé, hé, hé....

Solid Fuel Rockets 

If it's smoke and fire you're looking for then our solid fuel rockets are the answer. See mindsetsonline to view our full range. 

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

Gremlins, Lápis, Folhas de Inspecção, Jeeps made in Brazil...E Jeff Dunham 3D!

Desktop Gremlins virou um Livro, e dá-vos um exemplo de como arranjar fundos para de tudo, e mais alguma coisa, pela Kickstarter!

Desktop Gremlins, Vol. 1 - Premium Papercraft Art Book!

David Landis

Unleash 20 amazing easy-to-build papercraft creatures-of-wonder on your desk using only scissors. No glue, no tape, no knives! 
Launched: Oct 19, 2012 Funding ends: Nov 18, 2012  
Four years in the making, Desktop Gremlins Volume 1 features the amazing character design and papercraft engineering of David Landis, the creator of Thanks for your interest and support! PLEASE share this campaign with your family, co-workers and friends so the Desktop Gremlins book can be unleashed!

...Tudo funciona no Papel... Até um Lápis!
Eis a última aventura Geométrica e Matemática de Rob Ives, um Lápis, em Papel, calculado para ser impresso e cortado, e dar tudo certo!

Paper Pencil Geometry
Rob Ives
Here's a quick mathematical diversion. How would you make a pencil from paper? How do you join the hexagonal section of the shaft to the cone of the point? As is often the case, geometry has the answer.

Folhas de Inspecção, Desenhos Técnicos com Balões de Texto, já não têem de desenhar tudo à mão, come-vos muito tempo:

Balloon inspection drawings & create inspection sheets … manually? That eats up too much time!

 - From CAD drawings to inspection reports … … you can do it a little bit(e) faster!
With InspectionXpert you can balloon your CAD drawings with inspection features and tolerances automatically create inspection reports for first article inspection and in-process inspection Automatically and within minutes! Test it now for free!

Eis uma boa notícia para o Brasil, provávelmente vai ser construído no Brasil, este Jipe, pela Volksvagen:

Volkswagen unveils Taigun compact SUV concept in Brazil

Darren Quick

Volkswagen has taken the wraps off its latest concept vehicle at the São Paulo International Motor Show in Brazil. Built around the Volkswagen Group’s New Small Family (NSF) platform used on the Volkswagen up!, the Taigun is a compact SUV concept vehicle styled after its bigger brothers, the Tiguan and Touareg. VW plans to gauge public reaction to the Taigun before making a decision on whether to put the vehicle into production.

E o grande Ventríloquo e Comediante, Jeff Dunham, vai-se meter na criação dum Super-carrão, para além de ter uma Impressora 3D em casa!

Tinha de aparecer aqui!

O Super-Carrão!

Jeff Dunham: Project Ultraviolet - Challenger SRT - EP.1 

Jeff has teamed up with Chrysler Groups Mopar and SRT brands to design and build a project vehicle that will be unveiled at this year's SEMA show in Las Vegas on October 30th. The SEMA show is the premiere custom vehicle and aftermarket parts show in the world. Stay tuned for the next two episodes!

A Impressão 3D!

jeff dunham

Say "bottle of beer": using 3D printing in ventriloquism

Comedian and ventriloquist Jeff Dunham uses a wide cast of characters in his act - some of whom are 3D printed.
Dunham has always been into technology and tinkering, building his own model helicopters and generating publicity for himself using the web and even an iPhone app. To open his fourth standup special, Dunham used a NextEngine 3D scanner and Dimension 3D printer to put together a custom hot rod featuring his most famous character, Achmed the Dead Terrorist. He scanned in his existing puppet, then printed out a huge plastic version using the printer.

segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2012

Arduino em Vídeo, Liquid Piston, Traceparts, e SolidSmack!

O DersignSpark traz-nos esta série de Vídeos, para aprenderem como se faz, com o Arduino:

Arduino is an open-source software and hardware electronics prototyping platform  intended for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.  Arduino projects are a popular and well supported way to get involved in electronics design

Este Motor promete, uma eficiência térmica de 75%, e funciona como um Diesel, mesmo com Gasolina!

LiquidPiston unveils 40-bhp X2 rotary engine with 75 percent thermal efficiency

David Szondy

The internal combustion engine (ICE) has had a remarkably successful century and a half. Unfortunately, it’s notoriously inefficient, wasting anywhere from 30 to 99 percent of the energy it produces and spewing unburned fuel into the air. Last week, Gizmag interviewed Dr. Alexander Shkolnik, President and CEO of LiquidPiston, Inc. about the company's LiquidPiston X2 – a 40-bhp rotary engine that burns a variety of fuels and requires no valves, cooling systems, radiators or mufflers, yet promises a thermodynamic efficiency of 75 percent.

E mais Catálogos da Traceparts, para planearem todas a peçinhas em 3D, antes dum só Protótipo ter sido feito....

APORE » Profile technology 
ASCO Numatics » Pneumatic actuators (Series 441, 449, 453, 431) 
Carter Manufacturing » High precision bearings for both standard and specialized applications 
Clippard Minimatic » Fittings, Hose & Tubing 
PNEUMAX » Cylinders 
PÖPPELMANN » Plastics processing industry 
TROAX » Automation & Robotics Solutions

Solidsmack é bom!
Eis uma Revista na Internet, sobre todas as coisas 3D, com Entrevistas, atrigos sobre Impressoras 3D, Programas Crátis, como o HSMxpress, de Autodesk, e um Concurso bacana, por isso, subscrevam!

sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2012

Mandarim, Brinquedos, Exoesqueletos, e Software de Estampagem

Imaginem que querem aprender Mandarim, o Dialecto Chinês Oficial, para decifrarem, uma Patente, um Catálogo, um Manual, etc...
Agora, há este Manual, e podem aprender! A Practical Mandarin Chinese Course (PDF Digital Download)
This is a digital copy of my book which you can see on (search for Once payment is received, I will e-mail you a link to download the file.

Keep in mind that if you register to my Private VIP Class you get this book for free. More information about my course and the book can be found at:

Uma nota, lembrem-se sempre de fazer Bookmarks, quando encontram algo de bom!
Por exemplo:
Quando se está na Net, uma coisa leva à outra, e descobri como a nossa amiga Lucky vende este artigo no Facebook, e é neste Site, Beetailer:

Bring your store
to Facebook and grow your business

Our software helps you import your existing web store onto FB. We give you tools for promoting it and detailed analytics about how well it is doing. Over a thousand stores, reaching millions of fans are already using our system.

Vamos aos Brinquedos, soube isto pela Ponoko, se imaginaram um que possa ser feito por Corte Laser, podem ganhar um Portátil, entre outros Prémios:

"Make your Lasercut Toy" Contest

Have you ever wanted to make your own toy? Or, maybe you already have an idea for one? Now is your chance to make it happen. We’re not stopping at just the design though, oh no. With this contest, you’ll be able to get it in your hand, plus have the tools and resources to get your project ready for a crowdfunded product launch or begin making and selling it through Ponoko! Here’s how it works…
Simple. Create the coolest laser cut toy ever imagined.
  • All submissions must be made between Monday, October 8th (12am PDT) and Monday, November 12th, 2012 (11:59pm PDT)
  • Any medium is allowed, physical or virtual, so long as it communicates the design of an actual lasercut prototype: cut paper, cardboard, styrene, balsa wood, ginger bread, Sketchup, 123D, Rhino, SpaceClaim, SolidWorks, NX, or anything else you can think of… whatevs!
  • Must be a laser-cuttable design, e.g. planar elements to create a 3D design (See tips below)
  • Multiple entries may be submitted. (each submission counts as an entry!)
  • Please include a universal CAD format, such as STEP or IGES, in the upload
  • Submit entries to GrabCAD Challenge page

No Japão, terra de Robots para tudo, e mais alguma coisa, vem esta ideia utilíssima, um Exoesqueleto, com protecção anti-radiação de Tungsténio para o pessoal da Protecção Civil auxiliar vítimas de Catástrofes, mas em toda e Segurança!

Japanese first responders to wear robotic exoskeletons

Jason Falconer

Since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in March 2011, the Japanese government has been testing robotic technologies to help deal with future accidents. The Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) exoskeleton, developed by the University of Tsukuba spin-off Cyberdyne, is being considered for first responders.
For protection the suit incorporates tungsten shielding which reduces radiation exposure by about 50 percent, as well as a cooling system to prevent heatstroke. Much of the weight of the suit, including tools used for repairing damaged pipes, can be carried by the exoskeleton's legs. Vital signs such as heart rate and body temperature will also be measured in real-time.

Isto é de seguir, e serve para conhecerem a GrabCad, onde há coisas fantásticas...
Um Engenheiro da HP, crom, está a desenvolver um Software que fará dos vossos Objectos, Moldes para Chapa.
Estampagem, Cunhagem, Furos, etc, é de louvar e testar o Programa, quando houver um!

Sheet metal die set


First test models of my new project.
The software i am developing is for designing sheet metal die sets for trimming, punching and deep drawing. The software uses generative part templates and die sets to create the model.
Project is still wIP so further developments will be here.

quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012

Propriedade Intelectual, o livro, 3D algorítmica, Alvos e Flippers

Eis um Livro de Categoria, sobre porque é importante defender as vossas Ideias, e saber como o fazer...
E que podem ter em Pdf:

Uma Qualidade Gráfica impressionante...

Façam o Download, daqui:

Eis beleza Matemática, um par de Criadores que aproveita a Shapeways para criar Objectos a partir de Algoritmo, e podem ver os resultados:

Video: Shapeways Designer Spotlight in Action with Nervous System

What is the future of creativity, manufacturing, and design? How is the Shapeways community and 3D printing enabling everyone to make their ideas real?
Jessica Rosenkrantz and Jesse Louis-Rosenberg of Nervous System share how they grow products using computer programs, algorithms and 3D printing. The results are beautiful, organic pieces that reflect objects found in nature.

Para o que serve um Raspberry Pi, perguntam?
Pois, para um Alvo Inteligente, por exemplo!
E já repararam no nome do Autor? 
Noel Portugal!
E é um ganda Engenhocas, com um Blog cheio de ideias bacanas, projectos de Electrónica Digital, do Noel, um Criador que trabalha para a Oracle...

Raspberry Pi Smart Target


The Raspberry Pi Smart Target was designed to be hit by the now famous Flying Monkey, but It can be hit by any other light object such as small ball. When the Target is hit the following events happen:

  1. A random sound effect is played through a small set of speakers connected to the Raspberry Pi.
  2. A "congratulations" message is displayed in the front LCD screen.
  3. The Raspberry Pi grabs a snapshot from a network camera (Dropcam) and is posted to a social network.
  4. A random message is posted along with the picture taken by the Dropcam.
  5. The whole action is immortalized in the interwebz.
 I built the target to showcase the Oracle Social Network Public API, which is a RESTful based API.  I used the Target during the Oracle Open World 2012 conference. It was setup at the Oracle Technology Network Lounge, so people stopped by throughout the day and gave the Target a shot (pun intended). If someone hit the Target they also got to keep the monkey as a keepsake.

Since the Oracle Social Network is not released at this point I posted a modified version posting to Twitter.

Em Portugal, são chamadas Máquinas de Flippers, no Brasil, não sei, mas cá vai este Projecto, uma Pinball feita con K'nex!!! 
Descontraiam-se, puxem duma Cerveja, e assistam ao Vídeo!!!

K'nex Pinball Machine
Hey everyone!  I'm proud to present my latest project; a full sized, playable, arcade-style K'nex pinball machine!  It took around four months to complete and way too long to film.  Feel free to ask any questions and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed building it!  Comment and subscribe!

quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2012

Um Material DEZ VEZES mais forte que a Fibra de Carbono!

Não contentes com a Fibra de Carbono, estes magníficos Carolas da Universidade da Carolina do Norte criaram um novo Material, com Nanotubos de Carbono...
DEZ VEZES mais forte que a Fibra de Carbono!
Vai lá, vai...

Carbon nanotube composite material could replace carbon fiber

Ben Coxworth

When people need a material that’s strong yet lightweight, they usually look to carbon fiber. In the near future, however, they may instead choose to go with composite materials made from stretched carbon nanotubes. These materials could theoretically offer the same strength as carbon fiber at one-tenth the weight, or the same weight at ten times the strength. Researchers from North Carolina State University have recently succeeded in creating such a composite.

Autómatos bacanos em Papel, que vocês podem construír em casa, eis um que vos vai fazer rir, por muito tempo...
Um par de Sapatos que dançam em antecipação, ponham-nos a funcionar à volta da Hora de Saída do Emprego!
E mais um Pardal do caraças, vejam os dois:

Paper Models That Rock
Coming soon(ish)! Paper Models That Rock. My new book of pendulum powered projects is available for pre-order on the Amazon website. Other purveyors of fine books are available.
Below are pictures of two of the six projects contained in the book. I'll be drip feeding more pictures and information in the months until release (May 2013) Until then enjoy the impatient Tapping Feet

Uma notícia da Newsletter da Traceparts:
A famosa Marca de Impressoras 3D, a Objet, vai colaborar com eles, para promover a suas Máquinas pelo Mundo...
É lógico, porque assim, tem-se a vasta Colecção de peças em 3D da Traceparts, para Imprimir Protótipos, com análogos de todas as Peças que o Modelo, a ser fabricado em Série, vai mesmo usar.
Funciona? É só mandar fazer.


Objet calls on TraceParts to promote its 3D printers

TraceParts e-marketing campaigns target designers around the world

With several thousands of machines installed, Objet is one of the world leaders in 3D printing, a fast-growing technology for producing prototypes by additive manufacturing. Objet Ltd is headquartered in Israel, with offices in the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, Japan and Mexico. The company also draws strength from a global distribution network.

The Objet 3D printer range (Eden and Connex, and desktop printers Objet24 and Objet30 Pro) cover a broad spectrum of requirements in terms of precision, effective volume and range of materials (107 available combinations). Objet's printers produce accurate, fine and detailed parts. These assets mean that Objet printers are in demand for design validation applications and functional testing, as well as jobbing and small production batches. Objet printers are used in a wide variety of sectors, from the manufacturing industry through to medicine, fashion, architecture, archaeology and education. 

Boas notícias, no Chiado temos a Noschool, que tem um Fablab, e um Curso, Malta Nova, com ganas de FAZER ALGO, vão lá:

 O que é?
NoSchool é um novo conceito educativo desenvolvido pelo artista Leonel Moura.
Insere-se no grupo Talent Universities.
NoSchool é um novo tipo de escola dedicada à criação pelos alunos de produtos inovadores. A função da escola é acompanhar e apoiar os alunos em todas as fases de desenvolvimento dos seus projetos, ajudando a uma melhor definição da ideia, sua implementação, produção, divulgação, marketing, venda ou criação de uma empresa.
A NoSchool procurará garantir a colaboração de professores e especialistas altamente qualificados, assim como uma interligação a empresas que poderão interessar-se pelos novos produtos em desenvolvimento.
A NoSchool, mais do que dotar os alunos de conhecimentos genéricos, pretende que estes criem produtos inovadores, prontos a serem lançados no circuito comercial, que os possam ajudar a encontrar uma saída profissional, integrar uma empresa ou montar um negócio.

...E por hoje é tudo, não sem antes vos falar desta ideia fabulosa, do Israel, uma Bicicleta em Cartão... Que custa 12 Dólares a Fabricar!

Israeli man creates bike from recycled cardboard

Adam Williams

Israel-based Izhar Gafni has invented a working bicycle which is constructed almost entirely from recycled cardboard, and only costs around US$12 to manufacture. The cardboard bike is being touted as an ideal solution for city-dwellers who require an inexpensive and environmentally-friendly way to commute, in addition to a potential mode of transportation for people living in emerging countries.
Gafni, a mechanical engineer and a cycling enthusiast, was inspired to make the cardboard bicycle after overhearing a conversation about somebody who had made a canoe constructed from cardboard. Thus began a project of three years, during which the inventor busied himself in his workshop, producing several prototypes, before settling upon a design which is cheap to make, robust, and suitable for daily use.

terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012

100 Experiências prá Malta Jovem! E o David, agora a cores, Raspi com o dobro da memória, etc.

Para as Escolas, nada menos que 100 Projectos, para os Alunos...
É bom!

100 Awesome Engineering Projects for Kids

By Kristie Lewis
Engineering and fun aren't always two things that kids naturally associate with one another, but there are hundreds of ways to make engineering, physics and design fun and challenging for kids. Here are 100 great experiments that will let kids construct, play, learn and grow, all while they study the fundamentals of engineering.
These projects focus on the basics
of motion, force and other essentials of physics.

O Scanner 3D David não pára, e vem agora, numa nova Versão, com texturas coloridas...
New DAVID Version 3.5
Dear DAVID Friends,
We proudly present DAVID 3.5 - the best DAVID ever! ;-)
In the last months we have been busy implementing some great improvements:
  • Color texturing for SL scanners even with monochrome cameras, like the SLS-1. Real color, no tricks! It also performs white balancing, so you will get realistic colors on your 3D models.
    These have been captured with a monochrome camera (SLS-1):

O Raspberry Pi duplicou a Capacidade de Memória, o que vem aumentar ainda mais o seu interesse como Plataforma de Ensino de programação, e tudo mais o que se lembrarem:

Raspberry Pi Model B RAM doubled

James Holloway

Apparently in response to Raspberry Pi enthusiasts calling for a more capable addition to the lineup, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has today gone one better and doubled the RAM available in the existing Model B unit to 512 MB, without increasing the asking price of US$35.
In a blog post published today the Foundation implies that the RAM increase transforms the Model B into a viable general purpose computer capable of running "multiple large applications" at once.
There's good news for consumers who have ordered but are still awaiting their Model B Raspberry Pi delivery: they will receive the 512-MB variant without having to take action. A firmware upgrade enabling users to access the additional RAM should be released in the next few days.

A Autodesk dá-vos Programas de Borla, sim, Grátis, tomem nota desta Página, Innovation Edge...
 Eis os ùltimos 3:


DesignScript for AutoCAD Build and analyze complex designs in AutoCAD® 2013 software with a powerful exploratory scripting language.   

Project Basejump for AutoCAD Map 3D and AutoCAD Civil 3D Access Microsoft® Bing® web mapping services including aerial imagery, road, traffic, and other information within the AutoCAD® Map 3D® or AutoCAD® Civil 3D® software environment. 

Project Hydra for Simulation Mechanical or Multiphysics Try improvements to the Parametric Design Studies (PDS) feature, importing temperatures from Autodesk CFD (formerly known as CFdesign®), new fast Subspace with AMG solution of dynamics analyses, inquiry of results by part, improvements to the Drop Test Wizard (DTW) feature, and rerelease of the GPU-enabled AMG Solver (AMG-MF) in Autodesk® Simulation® Multiphysics 2013 and Autodesk® Simulation® Mechanical 2013 software.

E como gramo à brava ver a Malta Surfista ir praticar Desporto, só lhes faz é bem, embora eu nunca pratiquei,  cá vai uma para elas e eles, como tirar Marcas de Alcatrão da Fibra de Vidro!

Removing Tar from Fiberglass
audreyobscuraI have just begun the restoration process of my tiny fiberglass trailer. When I pulled the windows off of the hull, there was this tar-based weather stripping sealing the window from the elements. I knew that if I was to replace the windows at any point, I would have to replace the weather stripping too, and the new weather stripping wouldn't stick to anything besides a pristine-clean surface.

I removed what I could with a razor blade and a putty knife, but there was still a thick layer of black, sticky residue remaining. I went to the hardware store and found a product called GooGone. WEARING GLOVES, I put some the solvent on a paper towel and rubbed an ample amount on to the surface of the hull. I allowed the solvent to set for a few minutes before wiping it off with another paper towel.

(Note: I am using very heavy duty shop paper toweling)

The GooGone took off, or kind of melted, most of the tar. The small amount of tar remaining cleaned up with lacquer thinner.

In summary:

4)Lacquer Thinner