Blog Posts

terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2012

Pleasant 3D, um Vídeo de montagem, e Ambiente na Galiza

Do nosso amigo Maurício Martins, Pleasant 3D, um programa só para o Mac, mas bacano para Impressão 3D, resolvendo alguns problemas irritantes de edição e formato, em STl:

Pleasant3D v2.0

I frequently had the problem that downloaded STL files needed some minor editing in order to be printable on my MakerBot. Most of the time it was just a simple move to the center of the build platform or a resize.
In addition to that, I already wrote OpenGL code to visualize STL and GCode files a couple of months ago for another larger project.
Finally I had sometimes the problem that I downloaded a ASCII encoded STL file and wanted to open the file in my 3D/CAD application. Since this application can only read binary STL files I needed an easy way to convert ASCII STL to binary STL.
So I wrote Pleasant3D, a small utility which solves these problems and uses the above mentioned visualization code to display STL and GCode files:

...Um Cupcake da Makerbot a ser montado, num filme acelerado:


E os parabéns aos nossos colegas Inventores da Galiza, pelos seus Prémios que conquistaram, no domínio do Ambiente:

As empresas augas de Mondariz e Teaxul, gañadoras da sección galega dos premios europeos de medio ambiente

Estes galardóns son un recoñecemento público aos sectores empresariais europeos que cumpren co desenvolvemento sostible e representan o avance cara a un desenvolvemento económico e social que preserva o medio ambiente
Esta edición organizouse en torno ás seguintes categorías: xestión para o desenvolvemento sostible, produto e/ou servizo para o desenvolvemento sostible, proceso para o desenvolvemento sostible, e cooperación empresarial internacional para o desenvolvemento sostible
Proximamente publicarase a convocatoria para as axudas ás pemes destinadas á prevención, protección e mellora ambiental, cunha dotación de cinco millóns de euros

...E ando a dizer isto há uns bons anos, os Inventores têem agora duas incríveis Ferramentas, a Impressão 3D, e o Kickstarter e outros:

3D printing, Kickstarter and old-fashioned perseverance: The tools of the modern inventor

By James Holloway

The near concurrent rise of Kickstarter and semi-affordable 3D printing means we live in a time when it is easier than ever to be an inventor of physical things. Kickstarter, the social network which lets members of the public invest, or, more accurately, support and become early adopters of new technology, has opened a completely new route to funding that is both democratic and meritocratic. 3D printing on the other hand means inventors can create test prototypes with relatively little expense and minimal difficulty. But though it may be easier than ever to be an inventor, that is not to say it is at all easy.

segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2012

Ainda a prototipagem...

Não se faz Prototipagem 3D mais simples que isto!

É claro que se cortar um Objecto 3D em fatias e se mandar imprimir, é mais fácil, e até se pode prever que algum Geek talentoso faça um programa que transforme Gcode numa série de Imagens para imprimir nessa Impressora.

Um programa grátis para imprimir numa Impressora 3D mais completa que esta, é o novo ReplicatorG, e como podem ver, já o pus a funcionar em Linux:

Se quizerem aprender muito sobre Impressão 3D, podem ir a esta página da Wiki da Makerbot:

Notícias e Vídeos como este da Impressora, estão sempre a aparecer, daqui:

Mas atenção podem ver primeiro como ficam os vossos Objectos em 3D, NOS VOSSOS I-PODS!

Inglobe Technolgies released today the ARmedia Augmented Reality Player for iOS.
“ARmedia Player” is the first iOS application that allows users to interact with virtual models created by means of the popular ARmedia Plugins directly in the real physical space using AR (Augmented Reality) technology. The software is a general purpose player suitable for studying virtual prototypes of any kind in physical locations. In addition, it is a unique tool for presenting projects and ideas in many fields including Design, Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Education.

...E um momento de lusitano orgulho, um Bioquímico Português está-nos a livrar duma futura Surdez!

Bioquímico português abre caminho para travar surdez

“ARmedia Player” is the first iOS application that allows users to interact with virtual models created by means of the popular ARmedia Plugins directly in the real physical space using AR (Augmented Reality) technology. The software is a general purpose player suitable for studying virtual prototypes of any kind in physical locations. In addition, it is a unique tool for presenting projects and ideas in many fields including Design, Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Education.

quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

3D pró Povo!

Com esta minha nova Gigajoga, podem cortar Esferovite, Isopor, no Brasil, com o método do Fio quente, sim, um fio de Tungsténio, e um transformador de 12 Volts.
Faz-se um Objecto em 12 cortes que são feitos a partir de outras tantas Bitolas, que são feitas a partir de 12 Vistas Paralelas dum Objecto, 360º à volta.

Dentro em breve, haverão Instrucções, mas aposto que os mais Reguilas já podem montar a coisa, só com esta imagem...
E com o meu Post que já viram, daquele Instructable bacano!

Pois cá eu, inspirado nessa grande ideia, idealizei uma máquina de corte que vos faz o trabalho todo:
Vocês enfiam o bloco de Material a cortar numa  peça que suporta o bloco em 12 posições sucessivas, e cortam à volta das Bitolas que encaixam na base dessa peça.
Vista 1, cortam,
rodam 1/12 da volta completa,
mudam a Bitola,
vista 2, etc.
Depois, é só lixar.

À venda, os Planos na Ponoko:

Plástico, Papel com plástico, CNC, e Vento

Para quem pensa que o Plástico não serve para os seus Protótipos, que é muito frágil, eis este exemplo:

How to make a Polymer AR-15 Lower at Home

Sebastian and a friend have described in detail their latest successful attempt at making an AR-15 lower at home. They used a CNC mill to machine the lower out of a block of Delrin.

Neither of the pair were machinists. Anyone with enough motivation can learn how to make an AR-15 at home. If you can't afford a CNC mill, you could always build one yourself.

Voltando aos Materiais e ao que se vai inventando, eis um Material híbrido, Papel-Plástico, será que é assim que se vai finalmente produzir em 3D, sem gastar uma Fortuna?

The shell of your next device could be made of paper ... partly

By Ben Coxworth

It's possible that your next laptop computer could contain parts of your present-day notebook ... not your notebook computer, mind you, but your actual notebook. At least, it will if China's PEGA Design and Engineering has anything to say about it. The company's new Paper PP Alloy, made from a combination of recycled paper and polypropylene, is intended for use in the shells of consumer electronic devices.
According to PEGA, not only is the material strong and flexible, but it is also recyclable and reusable, and it's inexpensive to produce. Additionally, because it can be injection molded, it could be used in existing production facilities without having to make extensive changes.

E que tal uma Turbina que não se tem de empoleirar a 20 Metros, em torres ridículas, nem faz um barulhão?

Versatile Wind Harvester breaks from traditional turbine design

By Paul Ridden

From huge kites to sea-bound flywheels and roof-top installations to tree-like art creations, we've seen many different approaches to capturing energy from the wind. One design, though, reigns supreme - the tri-blade turbine tower. It's not exactly a trouble-free life at the top and there are those who do not look upon these monsters favorably, most often complaining about the noise and the not so picturesque view. With support from Nottingham Trent University's Future Factory project, Heath Evdemon is currently building a new type of wind turbine called the Wind Harvester that's claimed to be virtually silent, doesn't need to loom high over the landscape and can operate in a variety of wind conditions.

E que tal, um carro novo, em que estacionam 3 no espaço dos actuais?

Hiriko - the fold-up electric two-seater set for 2013

By James Holloway

That the Hiriko electric car prototype is small is obvious to anyone. Perhaps less obvious is that, in parking, the Hiriko becomes even smaller. Thanks to a folding mechanism that tucks the rear of the car in under the chassis, the Hiriko's length can be reduced to the width of an ordinary automobile. The result? It's possible to park three Hirikos in a single parking bay.

Para concluír, ainda mais um Vídeo sobre Maquinação CNC:

E como sou um adepto de FAZER ALGO, em vez de se andar a chorar, e ficar-se num Bem-Bom que sufoca, eis que apareceu uma E-revista grátis, de auto-aperfeiçoamento, vejam se gostam:

domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012

3D, que se farta

Eis um Post que tem Impressão 3D, que se farta, de todos os tamanhos...
Começemos pela Impressora 3D de bolso!
Esta notícia, veio pelo amigo Maurício Martis, se já não o fizeram, adicionem-no como amigo, ao Facebook e ao Google Plus.
Temos aqui,  uma boa ferramenta para Modelistas, Cientistas, Coleccionionistas, Ilusionistas, e sei lá mais quem, Joalheiros e Designers, por exemplo, obra duma equipe onde figura um engenhoso Luso-Descendente, o nosso amigo Tiago Rourke, da Diatom:

Piccolo is a pocket-sized stand-alone CNC platform. For less than $70, you can assemble your personal Arduino-compatible kit for tinkering, developing and deploying basic 3D output. Be it plotting quick graffiti, printing a one-off business card on the fly, or multiple Piccolos working together to create a large mural, this kit provides a platform for experimenting with 2D or 3D digital fabrication at a small scale. This open-source design emphasizes simplicity, and is entirely composed of digitally manufactured components and inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware.

Tiago Rorke | Diatom Studio,
Greg Saul | Diatom Studio,
Cheng Xu | CMU CoDe Lab,
Huaishu Peng | CMU CoDe Lab,

Força, pessoal!

Um pouco maior, eis outra Impressora 3D Portátil, notícia que apanhei da Ponoko, e não a ùltima deles que cá figura:

Portable 3D printing with the Tantillus
Cute, portable, printable

RepRap aficionado Brad has designed a portable, mini-3D printer called the Tantillus. Not only is it pretty cute, it’s also capable of running on batteries!

The inspiration for the printer came when Brad found that his Prusa was too large to bring with him on holidays, and that full-size 3D printing capability was unnecessary during travel.

As expected, the build area is small (100mm x 100mm x 110mm), but actually isn’t too far off of the original MakerBot Cupcake’s intended usable build area. Also, printable extension panels are planned in case a larger print is required.

The most intriguing planned feature to me is the daisy chain option. Two printers sharing a single set of electronics could be used to mass-produce duplicate sets of prints at a reduced cost. (Like fleet of Tantillus devices printing copies of themselves, for example.)

Mais uma dica da Ponoko, este, dá para todos os gostos, e tamanhos.
Um sistema configurável ao que queiram, atenção, é só a parte Mecatrónica, sem a parte electrónica, nem extrusor, mas disso, também se pode comprar à parte, e usar uma fresa CNC, etc.

ORD 3D printer kits using MakerSlide now available for pre-order

A mechatronics kit for a clever DIY 3D printer.

The ORD 3D printer from Buildlog.Net that we posted last month is now available for pre-order. It will offered as a mechatronics kit, which means that it does not include the extruder or any electronics. These kits are intended as a starting point for your own project, not as a complete 3D printer, although there is a note on the site that a complete kit may be offered if enough people express an interest.

That being said, it looks like an excellent and highly adaptable system. The two kits are nearly identical except for the length of MakerSlide, so the system scales up and down very easily. The smaller Quantum ORD kit is projected to cost $225-$300 and the larger Hadron is expected to be $275-$350. The reservation fee for either is $30. 

Uma Fresa CNC, Instructable de valor, para fazerem nas vossas casas:

Homemade 2'x4' Wood CNC Router

Here I am going to show how I made my CNC (Computer Numerical Controlled) router. The table measures 24"x48" and the cutting envelope is about 19”x38.” I made this CNC when I was 17 and if you would like to see more on this CNC, visit my website at

Para acabar, sem CNC, e para a Páscoa, um Ovo da Páscoa, para o grandinho...

Giant Easter Eggs
Easter is coming soon and I hope that a lot of you will find this instructable helpful. I'm going to show you how to make giant Easter eggs out of regular insulation polystyrene. I used 100 milimeters thickness polystyrene for making 1 meter eggs. You can use this technique for making almost any round shaped object.

quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2012

Esculpir por Computador, e o Acrílico moldado

Isto é fantástico, e promete...
Esculpir a partir dum Objecto 3D, no Computador: 

Digital handheld milling device lets you sculpt anything without screwing it up

By Eric Mack

Even if you think you're pretty handy with a chisel, often all it takes is one wrong angle or strike of the hammer to ruin an entire sculpting project. MIT's media lab has a solution - the FreeD is a handheld smart milling device that gives the artist creative control, but won't let you totally screw up your project with one wrong move.

E uma nota sobre o Acrílico, um simples Fogão Eléctrico como este, tirado do vosso Sótão,

...Pode servir para aquecerem uma chapa de Acrílico, até que vejam uma espécie de embaciado no lado debaixo.
É então a altura, porque o Acrílico ficou mole como borracha, para titarem a chapa e a moldarem, com Luvas de trabalho, para qualquer forma que queiram, usando um Molde.

Depois podem furar, cortar, etc:

Poupam-se assim, a uma data de trabalho!

Eis alguns conselhos bacanos, do EHow. mas quanto a fazer o mesmo no Forno. Mas podem usar esses conselhos nos dois casos, inclusive, usar blocos de madeira para o Acrílico não aderir, e assim, quando o Acrílico estiver a dobrar, já sabem que está bom:

If you have an electric oven, then you can mold acrylic. It can be time consuming, but forming acrylic can become a great tool for your craft projects. Allow time to practice this technique before diving into a project. Testing different temperatures and times will allow you to perfect your acrylic molding technique.

... E esta notícia chegou agora, cortesia da minha amiga Catarina Mota, o primeiro Curso Grátis Online do MIT, de Circuitos e Electrónica:


Circuits & Electronics


6.002x (Circuits and Electronics) is an experimental on-line adaptation of MIT’s first undergraduate analog design course: 6.002. This course will run, free of charge, for students worldwide from March 5, 2012 through June 8, 2012.


segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012

Ponoko e a Fresa

Se quizerem fazer trabalhos em grande, como mobiliário, caixas para os vossos Computadores, Impressoras 3D, ou sabe-se lá o que mais, eis uma ajuda da Ponoko para que os vossos desenhos resultem MESMO naquilo que queriam fazer.
É que uma Fresa CNC tem uma ferramenta de corte com um Diâmetro de trabalho, regras de fabrico, e um acabamento, que não são a mesma coisa que um corte por Laser...

Rules & guides for making your own CNC routed projects with Ponoko

In addition to lasercutting and 3D printing, Ponoko lets you make your own stuff with CNC routing.

Working with CNC routing lets you make much bigger stuff than you can make with lasercutting. But it’s a tricky technique to work with, so we’ve put together some rules and guides to help you get the best results from your CNC project.

Têem lá três links para que possam trabalhar como deve de ser, por isso...


...De boleia, vai este Vídeo da Shapeways, sobre o seu novo material, porreiro para Engenhocas...

domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2012


Wow Stuff, uma prova provada que o Povo da Grâ-Bretanha continua a surpreender, também, e pelas melhores razões;

E um dos seus Produtos, dum Inventor do caraças, o grande Jaimie Mantzel, ora, eis uma maravilha fantasmatástica:

Inventor claims this robot is "the greatest toy in the universe," might be right

By Jonathan Fincher

If you're going to call your invention "the greatest (fill in the blank) in the universe," you'd better be prepared to show off something truly amazing. Luckily for toy maker, Jaimie Mantzel, he may be onto something with his remote-controlled, six-legged robot. It may not have a name yet, but with its various attachments for shooting different projectiles and break away battle armor, it's sure to show up on some Christmas lists in the future.

E a malta bacana que vende a Invenção:

About Us

We aim to sell the highest number of gifts, gadgets and toys per square foot within the stores of our major retail partners.
Every product we create goes through the most stringent testing and factory audit procedures to ensure they meet the values of the brands they represent. By providing great licensed brands, in-house developed products and innovative ways to bring them to life, we are focused on increasing shareholder and retailer value.
We are continuing our aim of inventing and bringing to market fresh, exciting and innovative products with mass market and international sales appeal. Our stuff is now available in the USA, France and Germany and we're targeting 40 more countries over the next 3 years. We really do invent our stuff too, as opposed to sourcing stuff that's already sitting on a factory shelf somewhere and being sold by loads of different people in loads of different countries.
New 'invented here' products will increase by more than 300% over the next 36 months and we're targeting sales revenues of $250m, (this figure used to say £75m but we're more excited by our new stuff than ever). This makes us one of the fastest growing privately owned British companies; the really very nice people at the National Business Awards said we were none too shabby and gave us a lovely award for our Growth Strategy. Oh, and for our Marketing Strategy.
P.S. We know we're a little bit up our own bottoms sometimes, but if you hide your light under a Bushel* who's going to see it?

sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012

Três boas notícias

A melhor, para os Engenhocas, é a dum novo hub Fablab, em Lisboa, nos Anjos:

Conferencias Lisboa Talks
by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
A sala do arquivo dos Paços do Concelho acolheu, no dia 26 de janeiro, o ciclo de conferências Lisboa Talks, com a participação da vereadora da Economia e Inovação, Graça Fonseca, Paulo Soeiro de Carvalho, diretor municipal da Economia e Inovação, e moderadação de João Seixas da Costa, investigador e professor universitário.

Depois, esta, o vosso próprio canal de TV!


Tecnologia portuguesa permite a cada um criar o seu canal de televisão
A Portugal Telecom está a patentear o novo serviço, disponível para os clientes MEO.
09-02-2012 16:16 por Cristina Nascimento

A Portugal Telecom (PT) lançou um serviço inovador que pretende patentear a nível internacional. Trata-se da possibilidade de cada um criar o seu próprio canal de televisão, no universo MEO.

Um avanço que a empresa considera revolucionário e que representa mais um passo nos objectivos da PT.

“Aquilo que anunciámos é algo inovador, é uma inovação radical em Portugal e no mundo”, garante o presidente executivo da PT, Zeinal Bava.

E notícias do AltLab, Soldar, é preciso:

Próximo Domingo - 12 de Fev. Vem aprender e se divertir com electrónica no SUNDAY SOLDERING ! Inscrições Abertas:

quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2012


Vi este Instructable, e pensei logo no Carvaval...

Turn almost any 3d shape into a real object
I'm going to show you guys how to turn almost any 3d shape you have into a real object. I used a regular hot wire cnc. The hot wire cnc is that computer controlled machine that cuts letters out of eps or xps foam. I actually saw an instructable on this site about making a cheap hot wire cnc. Adding a turning table to a foam cutter cnc allows you to make any round shape like columns, vases, spheres, eggs.

Óptimo para fazer  toda a espécie de coisas em 3D, a partir de chapa cortada a Laser, e usando o Autodesk Inventor, eis este Instructable, para um candeeiro:

Desktop Lamp simple.

Jesse Harrington Au

I created this desktop lamp because I was inspired by another one I saw on Instructables but wanted something a bit simpler in style and creation.

Created with Autodesk Inventor, 123D Make http://123D Make and at TechShop

E isto, é uma ideia simples, mas muito importante!

Car Door Warning Color


This is a simple 'Ible about using color to increase automobile safety.

Where I live, traffic is dense. We have a plethora of motorized vehicles in a relatively small area, from big trucks on down to scooters. We have a lot of narrow streets and alleys too. Also, here in Taiwan we enjoy a high percentage of motorcycle and scooter ownership. It used to be highest in the world, and may still be. Scooters and motorcycles are often streaming past cars, whether those cars are parked, standing, or under way. It is dangerous when a car door opens and oncoming traffic, either two- or four-wheeled, does not have enough warning. 

...E ainda dá para meter esta notícia, um Carro Desportivo eléctrico Português:

Carro desportivo português

Fonte: Jornal de Negócios
VEECO-RT é o nome do primeiro carro desportivo elétrico português que gasta apenas um euro aos 100 quilómetros. A viatura terá uma velocidade máxima de 160 km/h e promete uma aceleração dos zero aos 100 km em oito segundos.

quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

Sketchup foto-realista, em Realidade Aumentada, e em Carpintaria!

Eis um post cheio de Sketch, e vale a pena:

Um plug-in que vos dá uma imagem foto-realista!

SU Walk: Photorealistic animations for SketchUp

Sometimes a SketchUp model is only as good as its presentation. Users often take advantage of render plugins to add realism and detail to their work. But to truly illustrate the power of a 3D model, nothing beats a video. To that end, Cadalog, Inc., the makers of SU Podium (a popular render plug-in) have introduced a new plugin, SU Walk.
With SU Walk, you can create beautiful, photorealistic animations from your SketchUp models. Key features include:
  • Photorealism. Apply reflections and lights directly inside SketchUp.
  • Keyframe animations. Export a variety of formats including .mp4 and .avi.
  • Weather environments. Choose from clear sky, moving clouds, rain, fog, even moonlight to add realism to your animation.
  • Speed. Polygon reduction makes camera movement in the scene very fast.

E que tal... Realidade Aumentada,. para verem as vossas Criações em 3D, nos vossos I-Pads?

3DOn ARchitecture: Augmented Reality for iOS devices
Thursday, December 22, 2011 1:00 AM

Paul from 3DOn Ltd. presented at an event I attended a month or so ago. After his presentation, I asked him if we could tell the SketchUp community about his product, 3DOn ARchitecture. He said yes, but at the time the app was only available in the UK. Now it’s available to SketchUp users all over the world. Hooray!

E atenção, Designers de Mobiliário, podem mandar fazer os vossos planos no mundo real, cortesia deste novo Site:

CustomMade: A community design marketplace

Here’s an interesting twist on our Make Ideas Real project: sometimes great designs aren’t your ideas. The good folks at have developed a marketplace that connects roll-up-your-sleeve makers with people who have project ideas they want to bring to life. (Editor's Note: CustomMade is part of the Google Ventures portfolio.) Have an idea for a one-of-a-kind armoire? On CustomMade there are about 3,000 contractors who can help you bring that idea to life.

Portanto, meus amigos, já vos dei 3 boas razões para se tornarem fâs do Sketchup Blog!
Vão lá:

terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012

Cera, depois... METAL!

Eu era normal
até que o Metal
deu cabo de mim
Depois desta introducção a uma música de Heavy Metal Português, vamos ao que vos vai pôr aos saltos, sem música...
Impressão 3D em Cera, para depois... Fundir em METAL!

Cortesia dos bacanos do Blog da Ponoko, é um projecto de Andreas Sebastian, e um projecto porreiro...
E ainda por cima, isto é um projecto open Source, o que quer dizer que um dia, vocẽs podem ter disto em casa, feito por vocês mesmos!

An Open Source Selective Laser Sintering 3D Printer for Rapid Manufacturing in Wax

The current leading open source 3D printers print only in ABS or PLA and are restricted both by the limitations inherent in these materials and by the limitations of the FDM process. Though these printers are entirely capable of self-replication and of producing parts for a variety of light-duty applications, they cannot produce pieces that can replace the cast aluminum parts found in power machinery, CNC equipment, or in numerous other high-strength applications.
The goal of this project is to provide a method for rapidly manufacturing complex pieces in metal by manufacturing a wax "positive" of the object, which is then used to make a mold for the lost wax casting process. Current metal rapid manufacturing techniques rely on high-power lasers, plasma jets, or electric arcs to sinter metal powder. This approach sidesteps the higher costs and dangers of these high-power systems in favor of a relatively low power laser-sintering technique.
A complete report on the project with more technical details can be found here. A summary of this project can also be found on the RepRap Wiki

É bom... É muito bom!

sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2012

Superfícies Interactivas Multitoque

Vai realizar-se este Evento, e acho importante divulgar:

Workshop de Construção e Desenvolvimento de Superfícies Interactivas Multitoque

Starts Saturday, February 18, 2012 10:00 AM

Event Description

DAR Workshops LEARN Let’s Get Physical Construção e Desenvolvimento de Superfícies Interactivas Multitoque 18/19 de Fevereiro 10:00 às 18:00 Neste workshop os alunos tomarão contacto com os vários métodos para a criação e construção de equipamento multitoque bem como o desenvolvimento de aplicações (TUIO) que aproveitem estas novas capacidades interactivas. (nível básico) Apresentação e demonstração de vários méto e técnicas de construção; Construção de um multitoque front DI (Diffused Illumination); Construção de um multitoque LLP (Laser Light Plane); Implementação de pequenas aplicações usando os multitoques previamente construído, especial ênfase em exemplos de: Processing, OpenFrameworks, Flash e Python.

...E os ficheiros 3D do Printrbot de Brook Drumm já figuram no Thinghiverse:

I just published the official Printrbot files on thingiverse. Enjoy!

E sabiam que as Impressões 3D tẽem os seus problemas?
Mas também têem quem os resolva:

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

Um Aranhiço Mecânico

Notícia da Ponoko, um Aranhiço que desenha!

Pythagoras the drawing robot
A laser-cut delta robot that can draw better than I can

Aaron Fan is a robotics student at Georgia Tech. Over the past few months he has been regularly updating his website with details of his current project: Pythagoras the drawing robot. He covers a lot of ground, from the mathematics to the coding and hardware design.

I love this project because it ticks all my boxes: the parts are laser cut, the design is open source and well-documented, and the finished machine is equal parts ingenious and pointless. Check out this post for an overview of the project, or take a look after the break for video of the bot in action and examples of what it can draw.


Uma besta quadrada dum Motor 1600 CV, em exibição em Paris, esta semana:

1600 hp monster diesel firing up at Rétromobile 2012

By Ben Coxworth

Hey, you like really big engines? Well, here's one that's not going to fit under the hood of your F-150. This 30-ton (27-tonne) Type 9 V.O.S. engine is one of just three built by the French company Duvant in 1962. It's over 18 feet (5.5 meters) long, 11 feet (3.4 m) tall, and gulps down 350 liters (92.5 US gallons) of diesel fuel per hour. With its four valves per cylinder and turbocompressor, it is capable of producing 1600 horsepower. Best of all, should you happen to be in Paris this week, you can see the thing running.

This particular Type 9 spent 50 years in the basement of the Auteuil Race Course, in Paris. There, it drove a giant alternator, that could power the entire facility in the event of a power outage.

Um Instructable  sobre como fazer uma caixa para o vosso PC, em Lego!

Lego Computer Case

Welcome to the Lego computer build instructable!  Through this tutorial I'll show you the general method for how to build a computer case of any style out of Legos!  To help with the instructions I'm going to use a Star Wars Imperial themed case that I put together.  The end goal should be to make a case EXACTLY how you want it though (i.e. custom colors, theme, exterior and interior shape, etc.) so you can accommodate whatever computer parts you want to use and whatever style you like.

E para dominar a besta que é o programa 3D Blender, cursos a 3 níveis, Básico, Médio e Avançado:

(for people new to Blender and 3D)

Inscrições abertas! -

This is your friendly introductory class to Blender. In this seven-hour class we will:

Get an introduction to Blender User Interface...

E uma dica para o Ubuntu, se têem partições FAT, do Windows, e as malditas não dão para escrever nada no Ubuntu, eis a melhor solução:

Have you tried writing to the files with a sudo command? That should work with your current setup.
To get file writes for your normal user working, you need to use the uid and gid options to mount, to set the owner of files on the partition to your current userID. You probably also want either umask or dmask and fmask options.
Your mount command would look like this:
sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda6 /media/FAT32 -o uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=022
# assuming your user's UID is 1000, GID is 1000
# umask=022 sets permission mode 755 for all files on the partition

quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2012

Moldes irregulares em fundição

Isto é muito útil, do Blog Metal Casting Zone, para quando não há uma linha clara de divisão entre as duas caixas, por via do molde não ter superfícies planas que se possam usar...
Reparem só  no truque, muito engenhoso!

Part 7 – Metal Casting at Home – Oddside Mould Making
Making a green sand mold when there is no flat surface to make the parting line.