Blog Posts

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2020

Fresa CNC de 5 eixos, Bio-Impressão 3D contra o covid(!), Scanning 3D LIDAR em Apps, Balestra de berlindes, e plantar àrvores a partir de galhos!

Uma muito boa ideia, com Instrucções.

Para fazerem uma Fresa CNC de 5 eixos!

É bom.

DIY Desktop 5-axis CNC Mill


OK, you bought your router and you are happy with it. If you are an artist. 

But... if you are an engineer... you probably are not so happy.

You cut some 2D stuff. Then try some 2.5D and start getting excited. And then, there comes a day when you start wondering... What if I can make something more out of my 3-axis router?

Then it comes to your mind that you can always convert one of the axis from linear to rotary! Yes this is it! You start doing it... you succeed, but deep down inside you know it.

You have to go all the way to the end and do it properly. You need to make the conversion to a full 5-axis machine to be satisfied! If you feel like it, then follow my lead...

Não serve só para testar tratamentos para o covid, serve para sei lá que outros testes e tratamentos...

An Unexpected Bioprinting Advantage Over COVID-19

Kerry Stevenson

Researchers have been using bioprinting technology to assist in the development of COVID-19 treatments.

According to a report in the New York Times, researchers at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine unexpectedly discovered a new approach: 3D bioprinted miniature organs. These human-like replications mimic much of the actual body functions, and thus are ideal for use in testing.

The miniature organs, which apparently include lung and colon analogs, offer a trouble-free testing platform that doesn’t risk any human or animal well-being. In addition, these miniature organs are far more closely related, biologically, than mammals that have previously been used for testing.

There’s another advantage in that these bioprinted organ analogs can be continually monitored, unlike, say the lungs inside of a test subject, which are a bit hard to access. In this way those performing tests can directly observe the effects of their prototype treatments.

A tecnologia LIDAR em Apps vai-os permitir scans com muito mais fidelidade:

First LIDAR 3D Scanning Apps Appearing

Kerry Stevenson

There’s now at least one new app that takes advantage of Apple’s new LIDAR capability.

A few months ago Apple unexpectedly announced a new iPad Pro model equipped with LIDAR. LIDAR is a range-sensing technology that is often used in high-end equipment for 3D scanning, particularly for landscapes. Seeing it appear in an affordable consumer tablet was quite a shock.

Apple’s intention was to provide additional sensor information to aid their Augmented Reality operations. In other words, when you’re pasting that virtual IKEA couch in your living room view, the couch is positioned more accurately.

However, the presence of a new 3D scanning sensor in an iPad obviously hints that someone would, sooner or later, develop a specialized 3D scanning app to make good use of it.

That now seems to have happened, with startup SiteScape now beta-testing just such an app

Há-que admirar o rapaz, isto é uma bela duma Engenhoca, para atirar berlindes, um Brinquedo feito para o tiro-ao-alvo de Escritório, ou Oficina...

Toy Crossbow


I started designing this crossbow in Tinkercad a while back, and it came out pretty well. After I finished, the design just sat untouched. Recently, I have looked back at my old design, noticing it still had many issues, like the fact that you had to use hot glue to assemble it, the striker was very short, nothing held the marble in place, it wasn't very powerful, and so on. So, I started refining this design, and fixed a lot of problems and made this crossbow easier to use, easier to assemble, more powerful and more accurate.

I made this toy crossbow to be a toy, and also part of a game. You can just launch marbles around for fun, but you can also play a game with these, with as many players as you want. In the game, you have a crossbow, some marbles, and 5 targets (I used plastic army guys). Then, you take turns shooting at your opponent's targets. You launch a marble, they launch a marble, and so on. I usually draw boundaries of how close your crossbow can get to your opponent's targets. You are eliminated if all 5 of your targets fall, and the last person who still has standing targets wins!

In the rest of this instructable, I will tell you how to print, assemble, and use this crossbow.

Podem assim ter as vossas àrvores, a partir de galhos?

Uma grande ajuda aos Jardineiros, amadores ou profissionais...

Grow Trees From Twigs On Your Homestead 


Want to grow trees from twigs on your homestead? Use this method to save money and time as you watch your trees thrive and grow!

quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2020

Ficheiros 3D À VENDA

Ficheiros 3D À VENDA 

2 novos Objectos 3D, ambos, disponíveis tanto em Cults com no CGtrader 

2 new 3D objects, both, available both on Cults and CGtrader:



It's a fun thing to make. It creates small bubbles on a water jug.
No any other property added to the water implied, or expected. You insert the magnets into the isolating piece, flat side up, on the central case, and as you plug the magnets, on the correct order, see halbach.jpg, you move the central part one magnet at a time,on the isolating piece, see Plug in order. Otherwise it's very hard to insert the magnets.

Better print the central part 45º,on it's edge, on the central case, and straight up, on the isolating piece.

Better print the central part 45º on it's edge, on the central case, and straight up, on the isolating piece.


From 00 to 59, use as is, or take 00 as 60, either way, there are 60 possible results. It's better to print them on their edges.

It's better to print them on their edges.

 3D file format: STL
 3D model size: X 7.3 × Y 4.49 × Z 3.73 mm


Water magnetizing Linear Halbach magnet array and isolating box 3D print model

It's a fun thing to make. It creates small bubbles on a water jug.
No any other property added to the water implied, or expected. You insert the magnets into the isolating piece, flat side up, on the central case, and as you plug the magnets, on the correct order, see halbach.jpg, you move the central part one magnet at a time,on the isolating piece, see Plug in order. Otherwise it's very hard to insert the magnets.

Better print the central part 45º, on it's edge, on the central case, and straight up, on the isolating piece.

60 numbers pair of dce 3D print model

From 00 to 59, use as is, or take 00 as 60, either way, there are 60 possible results. It's better to print them on their edges.

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2020

Carpintaria! Mais, Perspectiva, Desenho, Montanha Russa, Secretária Rústica, e um Torno Hidrálico E Manual!

Esta ideia é porreira, e há muittas mais donde esta vem...
Aproveitem, que é um sem-fim de ideias para DIY na carpintaria e não só!

Do U ❤️ 🎥 woodworkingarts & Build diyprojects ? What can u make with woodworking pro & diyplans
How to Build a 🎥 diyprojects ? ❤️

Woodworking is Awesome

Com o domínio da Perspectiva, podem explicar, por um Desenho, o que leva muito tempo só por palavras.
Para aprenderem Perspectiva, este Link é muito bom:

The Beginning Artist’s Guide to Perspective Drawing

Learn to Draw by Putting Things into Perspective
We’ve probably all heard (or even uttered) the phrase, “That really puts things into perspective.” Perspective is all about relativity; when you pull back and look at the larger picture and take a different view, maybe things aren’t so bad, or maybe there’s a solution where it seemed like there wasn’t before. Drawing with perspective will help you understand the big picture of your work and perspective drawing for beginners is much easier than you think. 

E se gostam de aprender pelos livros, eis uma lista deles, para aprenderem a desenhar como deve de ser:

How To Draw' Books Every Artist Should Own
Dan Beardshaw

In this video I recommend some excellent 'how to draw' books that have proved to be very valuable in my pursuit in learning how to draw. 

E o nosso amigo das experiências, NightHawkInLight, tem para nos oferecer, desta vez, este Projecto para quem tenha Quinta, fenomenal!

How to Build a Backyard Rollercoaster (for less than $500)

In this video I speak with the man who literally wrote the book(s) on backyard rollercoasters: Paul Gregg.  Check out my sponsor Brilliant for a really fun way to learn! 

I'm calling this a 'how to' video, but really it's deeper than that. This is a dive into what it takes to design a backyard rollercoaster. I took a lot of inspiration for the style of this video from Destin at Smarter Every Day. Let me know if you'd like to see more of this type of video on my channel!

Paul Gregg is a retired aerospace engineer who I spent the day with learning about his backyard rollercoasters. His rollercoasters are designed and tested to the same standards as airplanes, which is incredible considering the materials to build them are available at any hardware store. Paul has made backyard rollercoasters accessible to anyone with basic tools and a yard to work in.

E para construírem uma Secretária ao esilo Rústico, têem aqui como fazer:


Today i will show step by step how i made a FARMHOUSE OFFICE DESK X-style. Hope you will enjoy it:)

E o melhor de dois mundos, por assim dizer, Um Torno tanto Hidráulico, quanto Manual.

Combined Hydraulic Vise & Screw Vise
The other Finnish guy


My name is Tuomas Soikkeli and this is my Instructable about making combined hydraulic screw vise Similar builds can be made in many ways, obviously i had to make mine using the tools that i had.
Therefore some parts are made with the "hard way" to get accurate and working result.
There is several hydraulic vise build videos on youtube.
Most of them are based to same desing origin, and therefore those all are somewhat similar.
All those has that same little problem. Usability is limited by the length of the hydraulic jack.
Maximum opening of the vise with standard sized hydraulic jack is about 150 - 170 mm ( 4-7 " )

Sometimes less.