Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2015

MAKERBLOCK! E o PulleyBot, poupar na Impressão 3D, e imprimir em 10 Materiais simultâneamente!

Podia só dar esta Notícia, hoje, e dava-me por satisfeito, isto é uma Ferramenta que faltava ao Inventor, ao Modelista e ao Engenhocas em geral.
Junte-se o Arduino a um Sistema de Construcção dedicado ao Automatismo e à Robótica, e teremos muita gente feliz... 
E vem com Instrucções, e tudo!
Vejam a análise dum Kit, por estes Bacanos:

Makeblock, robots con Arduino al alcance de todos: Análisis

En Xataka Smart Home sabemos que os encantan las entradas dedicadas a la automatización. Hace tiempo nos contactaron de Makeblock para ofrecernos un Starter Robot Kit V2.0 para su revisión, y aquí os traemos la primera parte de nuestro análisis, en la que nos centraremos en la descripción del kit y el montaje de uno de los modelos básicos para comprobar que todo funciona y familiarizarnos con el conjunto.
En concreto vamos a construir un agente autónomo que se desplaza con un par de orugas y que cuenta con un sensor de ultrasonidos para evitar obstáculos y un sensor de infrarrojos para poder controlarlo a distancia. Y todo ello con una placa de control Arduino Leonardo que ya tiene todo lo necesario para que la construcción sea coser y cantar.
Makeblock es un sistema de construcción de elementos basado en Arduino, con elementos tales como actuadores, motores, interruptores y hasta controladoras bluetooth. Todos estos módulos electrónicos son de código abierto. Cualquiera puede descargarse las librerías CAD o esquemas que los forman.

Mas para que se lembrem que às vezes, o mais simples resolve melhor, eis um Robot que funciona por simples sistemas mecânicos:

PulleyBot: A Pulley Driven Robot
The PulleyBot is a simple, single actuator 3D printed toy with a transmission entirely made up of pulley systems. This instructable is a tutorial on how to assemble the PulleyBot, but if you are interested in pulley, cable, and chain mechanisms, then I would suggest checking out this Pulley Mechanisms Instructable. I hope you have fun building this, and even more fun designing your own!The PulleyBot is a simple, single actuator 3D printed toy with a transmission entirely made up of pulley systems. This instructable is a tutorial on how to assemble the PulleyBot, but if you are interested in pulley, cable, and chain mechanisms, then I would suggest checking out this Pulley Mechanisms Instructable. I hope you have fun building this, and even more fun designing your own!

Já mandaram imprimir um Objecto vosso, e custa uma Fortuna?
Eu, já!
Pois aprendam estas dicas, simples, DEPOIS de se descobrirem, de como reduzir dramáticamente os custos, ao som de, até 70% de Poupança!
É bom!

Cheaper 3D Prints
Have you ever uploaded a 3D design and been shocked at the high cost of production? Well I just spent the last few months getting one rude shock after another from various printing services. But I learned a few things the hard way during the process.
Getting your prints manufactured in laser-sintered nylon has a lot of advantages over printing at home. But for the first few weeks (okay, months) I was very confused. Two similar prints could vary in cost from $5 to $50. I tried making walls thinner because I thought all the costs were based on the amount of material used. Slowly I started understanding where a lot of the hidden costs were, and how to eliminate them to lower my prices
These tips are going to seem laughably simple to an experienced designer, but by using these very basic tips I reduced my average print-cost by over 70 percent since my first attempts at 3D printing through a service provider. For example, one of my very first designs dropped from $38 per print to less than $5, with no loss in quality... so I'm sharing the lessons learned.

...E se imprimir Objectos para vocês, soa a Música para os vossos Ouvidos, cá vai Orquestra, obra do MIT, nada menos de 10 Materiais, sim, 10 Materiais diferentes, usados numa só Impressão!
E imprime sobre Objectos já existentes, e resulta pouco mais caro que os tradicionais Makerbots...

Right now, the typical 3D printer is a tool for making plastic objects. Assembling them in layers according to a pre-programmed plan, the printers can quickly make weirdly shaped parts, but they’re often limited to working with just one material at a time. Additive manufacturing, as 3D printing is also known, offers so much more. A new printer, created by MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), can print up to 10 materials into a single object —and incorporate other, finished parts directly into the design— all at a fraction of the cost of complex industrial 3D printers
Their new printer, known as the MultiFab, is a system of systems. A central computer runs the printing program, but as it does so it receives feedback from 3D scanners and machine vision, which map the object as it’s being made, allowing the computer to adjust the printing process and materials accordingly.

terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2015

IdeaWerk, uma Forja, Correias, e uma fresa CNC por 20 Dólares!

Da RS Components chega-nos esta proposta, uma Impressora 3D por 590 Libras, que não produz cheiros, e não precisa de Manutenção, parece ser só um caso de comprar, e imprimir, como as Impressoras a cores, de Papel A4:

NewRS IdeaWerk Pro FDM 3D PrinterRS Ideawerk Pro 3D Printer RS Ideawerk Pro produces no toxicity, chemical pollution or smell. No professional site or maintenance is required
RS Ideawerk Pro is easy to print either from computer or from USB Flash Drive
RS Ideawerk Pro is modularized and convenient for maintenance
The software Doraware-P has all kinds of support model to print different models
Only small noise during printing, RS Ideawerk is Ideal for office, home or class
The software Doraware-P is user friendly and simple. No professionals required
With stable performance and reliable quality, the RS Pro prints out 95% models successfully
High accuracy
Printing Filament: PLA/ABS/Flexible/Wood/HIPS/PC/PA/PVA
Compatible System:
Windows XP/ Vista/ Win7/ Win8/ Win8.1

Forjas, Fundição, e mais Forjas!
Essencial para se ser um Engenhocas de respeito, eis uma Forja basrtante simples de se fazer:

ForgeAustin Noble
In my first instructable I'm going to show you how I made a forge. I hope it gives you some ideas. Please note that this is just one of many ways to do this, and improvisation is the key to making something that you really love.

Algo sobre que sempre convém ter-se umas luzes, são os Sistemas de correias, o que se ensina, aqui, e ainda, tem um Link para um Robot!
É bom!

Basic Pulley Mechanismsprinteraction
From tank treads to bike gears to fishing lines, pulleys are used all over the place when it comes to mechanical transmissions. All types of pulley mechanisms consist of some sort of flexible belt (chain, cable, rope, etc.) turning around the circumference of a wheel, and pulleys can be incredibly useful in a variety of situations. In this Instructable I'll go over some basic pulley concepts and interesting mechanisms, and hopefully you'll be able to design your own pulley systems and make stuff like this!

..E para terminar em beleza, por hoje, que tal uma Fresa CNC por 20 Dólares?
Cá vai ela:

$20 CNC MachineTchbuilder
I got inspired for this instructable when I viewed the Easy To Build Stepper Controller
instructable .When I read the instructable I knew I could make a decent looking and functioning cnc machine for under 20 dollars with a recycled twist, Not to mention I did this in under a week.
I expect you to have basic knowledge on power tools and hand tools
and of course this instructable requires you to have a rotary tool such as a dremel.
Even if you don't have knowledge on power tools or hand tools I advise you to try this instructable because you will learn a lot about hand and power tools and you can build this for less then 20 dollars
so if you mess up it's no biggie and it would not cost to much to replace a part.
Let's Build!

quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2015

Façam o vosso Portátil! E controlem os Fogos de Artifício, Astroprint, e o Gadget Set!

Eis algo que é espantoso, e faz mesmo muit falta, fazerem o vosso próprio  Computador Portátil, desta forma, fazem-no como quizerem, e a um preço muito atractivo...
Utilizando a cada vez mais poderosa Raspberry Pi, este portátil é melhor que muitos Computadores desktop...

Pinebox Portable Computer


This is a multi-part instructable for a Portable Raspberry PI computer and development system:
It's a Pi, in a box, a box made of pine, hence the name: PInebox!
Portable Linux computer/laptop
Raspberry Pi hardware/software project development platform
Backup emergency PC (web browser/email)
General 5 Megapixel Camera/HD Video (with audio)
Portable Audio recorder/player
Remote ZoneMinder CCTV camera source and ZoneMinder CCTV camera montage monitor
DVB-T2 television receiver?
VOIP/Skype phone?
And more! 

Como há tanto Acidente por aí, por se usarem métodos artesanais, com o Fogo-de-Artifício, cá vai esta ideia para modenizarem a coisa, sem percalços:

Firework Control Module


A few years ago I came across a firework control module built by Instructables user: systemf92. His module was a great design (found here) and I knew that I would one day have to build something similar because it combined two things that I really enjoy: Electronics and Blowing Stuff Up on Independence Day. Well, a few years passed and I finally decided it was time to build one of my own.
My module is Arduino powered for a few reasons. 1) I need to work on my programming skills. 2) I wanted it to be "smart" or "aware" of what connections were present. 3) I wanted to have control over timing adjustments that a more analog solution wouldn't allow. 4) I wanted a more graphical user interface that would be fun for my kids. The complete solution was a two part module that allows you, children, babies, etc to safely enjoy launching fireworks from a minimum distance of 50 feet. I wouldn't have felt comfortable sending my 3 year old up to a mortar tube with a punk, but I would let him launch them all day with this and its included safety features.

Estou às voltas com esta nova maravilha, a Astroprint, que vos facilita a vida que é um regalo! 
Pois não é que mandam para lá os vosso Objectos 3D, o Site aanalisa e repara, e podem fazer o download do bicho, ou do G-code, para imprimirem? 

 Cá estão os meus "Óculos-Radar"... E já tenho o G-code. 

E têem uma Loja para venderem os vossos Objectos, (mas só se já os tiverem impresso), um Aparelho para imprimirem na vossa Máquina a partir de qualquer lado, uma data de coisas! 

AstroprintAt a Glance
  • Disruptive 3D printing software startup founded in 2013
  • Global Headquarters: San Diego
  • 500 Startups Batch 11 Graduate
  • Company achieved its Kickstarter fundraising campaign goal in 1 day and exceeded it by 400%
  • Team has 40+ years combined experience in software development and interface design
  • 49% month over month user growth
  • Partners include the NIH, Airwolf3D, 3D Hubs, and CGTrader
OverviewAstroPrint develops the software that makes 3D printing simple. THE cloud infrastructure for the 3D printing industry, AstroPrint makes 3D printing hassle-free for everyone regardless of technical skill, offering 1-click-to-print from any web-enabled or mobile device. With its intelligent auto-settings and cloud based slicing that gets smarter over time, AstroPrint reduces failed prints, optimizes the user experience, and ultimately accelerates the potential for mainstream 3D printer market adoption. Tech Cocktail recently declared AstroPrint a rising star startup to watch at CES 2015 and a top five (5) technology that VCs will fund in 2015.

Cá está o Retro Geek Gadget, em toda a sua glóra...
As 3 peças, Os Óculos-Radar, o Capacete Aéreo, e os Auscultadores:

Ficam mais ou menos, assim...

Retro Gadget Goggles
Designed by edgarinventor

Retro Gadget Helmet
Designed by edgarinventor

Retro Gadget Headphones
Designed by edgarinventor

segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2015

Mais uma Gigajoga para imprimirem! Façam uma Turbina, cubram com Carbono, distríbuir as vossas Impressões 3D, e Células de Combustível!|

Eis algo para mandarem imprimir em 3D, ou mesmo, imprimirem por Streaming, pela Net, nas vossas  Impressoras 3D, em casa! 

Para mandarem imprimir, à Sculpteo:

Retro Gadget Googles edgarinventor From a Viral Photo, here's the simplified version, for you to comment Techie stuff on Youtube: 

Para imprimirem nas vossas casas, por Streaming, pela Pinshape, por apenas 3 Dólares:

Retro Gadget GogglesDesigned by edgarinventor Send a single print of the design directly to your 3D printer. Available for selected 3D printers.


Dum Estudante Chinês inspirado, vem-nos esta pequena maravilha, como fazer uma Turbina, com um Motor eléctrico e pouco mais!

Turbine engine

The Turbine engine is usually used in airplane.S o regard as ordinary people, maybe we couldn't have a way to get in touch with the turbine engine.

But today, I want to share a easy and accessible way which you can make a micro turine engine with yourself .
So, let's go.

Como costumam aparecer muitas perguntas sobre Fibra de Carbono, cá vai mais isto, como envolver peças em Fibra de Carbono, vem com um Link para um Kit, e tudo:

How to cover parts in carbon fiber (fibre) by skinning or wrappingcarbonmods 
In this video we show you how to take an existing part and cover it it real carbon fibre. In the video we use a carbon fibre skinning kit which includes all of the materials needed to cover a number of parts in carbon fibre. We call this technique skinning but other name are carbon fibre wrapping, coating and covering.

Dos nosso amigos da Pinshape, onde já lá tenho Objectos para vocês imprimirem em casa, vem também este Artigo sobre exactamente, como distribuírem as vossas Obras em 3D:

How to distribute your 3D printing models!
So you’ve finished a design and now you’re ready to put it out there into the world. The next step is to figure out how you’ll get the 3D model into the hands of everyone who wants it. The good news is that the 3D printing landscape offers several methods of distributing your work, with options for all types of designs and designers. We compiled the methods here with their pros and cons, and also interviewed a few of our community members to see why they chose the channel they’re using now!  

E por hoje, terminamos com este fácil e divertido Projecto Didáctico, como criar electricidade a partir de Hidrogénio, com uma daquelas Células de Combustível das Missões espaciais...

Making Your Own Clean Electricity from Water Using a PEM Fuel Cell
Tek-Think Writers 
PEM Fuel Cell – ( TeK-THinK)
This next video shows you how to make electricity from hydrogen using a small proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. The hydrogen is made by electrolysis of regular tap water which produces hydrogen and oxygen.