Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013

Despertar empresários, Franquia Virtual, regenerar Ímanes, uma Célula de Combustível, e a Inventables

O Grupo Onebiz pôe-vos à disposição várias ferramentas para auxiliar Empresários, por isso, aqui vai a notícia, para recém-licenciados com ganas de fazer algo, e Engenhocas em geral;
Estão convidados para um Pequeno-Almoço Empresarial, no Hotem Ipanema, no Porto:

O Grupo Onebiz, através das suas quatro marcas Esinow, Exchange, EZ Trade Center e MarketSales, criou um ciclo de pequenos-almoços empresariais, a realizar mensalmente nas principais cidades do País.

Cientes de que actualmente o networking é a mais preciosa ferramenta de comunicação, o objectivo destes eventos é, de uma forma informal, juntar à mesa empresários locais de diferentes áreas de actividade, envolvendo desta forma todos os parceiros e clientes.

O primeiro pequeno-almoço realiza-se já no próximo dia 5 de Fevereiro, a partir das 8h30, no Porto - Hotel Ipanema Porto.
O custo do pequeno-almoço é de 5 euros, pagos no momento do check-in, a partir das 8h15.
Inscreva-se já aqui.

Venha despertar para os negócios!

O Brasil também não está mal-servido, em apoio de Empresas, eis a Franquia Virtual, para vos ajudar na vossa Vida Empresarial:

Apresentamos a Frankia Virtual!
A Frankia Virtual é um conceito inovador que promove serviços de inclusão digital para empreendedores individuais. A Frankia Virtual está presente em diversos países em todo o mundo, procurando agora em Portugal parceiros que detenham já um negócio na área das TI's ou que pretendam iniciar a sua própria actividade na internet, desenvolvendo e promovendo a notoriedade da marca no nosso país.
O que inclui o Package da Frankia Virtual, no valor de 15.630,00 euros?
- Elaboração de logomarca, layout e programação em completo de site para e-commerce de produtos e ou serviços;
- Acesso a 35 serviços e 1500 produtos para comercialização física ou via site;
- Acesso para anúncios(livre) no Portal "Vendeateamae";
- Formação/Consultoria in loco ou no Brasil (inclui deslocação e estadia por 5 dias)
- Abertura de empresa no Brasil, caso o parceiro deseje aproveitar o mercado de e-commerce de produtos no Brasil
- Possibilidade de realização de palestras
- Licença para realização de ações sociais
- Sem cobrança de royalties ou mensalidades e apenas com pagamento único de taxa de investimento

Voltando às Engenhocas, Catrapázios e Afins, eis algo para quem des-magnetizou um Ímane, por o ter sobre-aquecido, nós os Engenhocas temos destes precalços. ;)
Dá vontade de des-magnetizar um Ímane de propósito, só para testar esta Máquina...

How to make your own Metal Pulse Magnetizer 

Four weeks ago I was searching for an magnetizer that can revive my dead magnets (I killed them heating up at a high temperature, trying to encapsulate in a piece of glass), but I haven't found a instructable project that can help me, so with physics teacher's support  I made one that works.
With it's help you can revive dead or old magnets, or you can magnetize things like screwdrivers, nails, paperclips, or any metal which can be a good magnet.
It looks like a game console, isn't it ?
This device is only a PROTOTYPE, so maybe I will try to make a big one that can magnetize your hammer.
Now let's start the work.

Inventor que é Inventor, quer ter uma Célula de Combustível, como as da NASA, por isso, agora, eis a vossa oprotunidade, agora, com mais um Super-Condensador!

Fuel cell-powered H-ROVER puts you in the NASA tech's seat

Ben Coxworth

It’s probably safe to say that most of us will never get the chance to operate a Mars rover. While it is now possible to purchase remote-control miniature buggies with onboard cameras, most of them still seem like ... well, like toys. The H-ROVER, however, is a little different. Looking like it would be right at home trundling across the Martian topsoil, the little tracked vehicle is powered by a hybrid hydrogen fuel cell and super-capacitor system.


...E se achavam que a Fresa CNC vendida pela Inventables ers fraquinha para maquinar todos os vossos Materiais, eis que eles lhe juntam mais peças, num Kit adicional, que vos permitirá então maquinar Madeiras duras, e até Alumínio!
É bom!

NEW PRODUCTS! - Shapeoko Dual Drive Kit

Inventables started selling the Shapeoko CNC Mill in April 2012. The response from customers has been humbling. The Shapeoko CNC Mill is part of an open source hardware project by Edward Ford hosted at

In October of 2012 Inventables hired Edward. This is giving him more time to spend working on the project, advancing the Shapeoko, and also helping us add materials, components, and tools to our inventory. Our goal is to stock every material, component, and tool that you might need to build a product. That's a tall task but we believe if we accomplish it we will dramatically reduce the complexity of designing and building new products.

You'll hear more about this later in the year. We have some very interesting things going on behind the scenes.

Today we are launching something special for Shapeoko owners - the dual drive kit. The kit makes it easy to add a fourth motor on the Y axis of your Shapeoko so you can cut hardwoods and aluminum.

quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013

Um Jet-Pack, Ponte de Sucata, Pez, Anel-ferramenta, Luz Azul, e uma Prótese 3D

Eis um Jet-Pack à maneira, de mark Newson, e desenhado para ser acessível a toda a gente:

Marc Newson's “Body Jet” re-imagines the jetpack

Adam Williams

The jetpack is arguably the most game-changing method of transport one could envision using technology available today. However, despite some progress, a jetpack-powered commute still seems a very long way in the future. Not to be daunted by this, Australian designer Marc Newson has turned his hand to producing a compelling jetpack design concept, dubbed the “Body Jet.”

Com as dificuldades económicas que vigoram, por todo o lado, eis uma ideia que pode vir a ser seguida, uma Ponte feita de Contentores!

"Econtainer" bridge to rehabilitate 25-million ton waste mountain

James Holloway

Yoav Messer Architects' competition-winning "Econtainer Bridge" will become what could well be the first bridge to be made from disused shipping containers. The bridge will cross the Ayalon River granting entry to the planned Ariel Sharon Park which will transform 2,000 acres of the Hiriya waste dump into a nature reserve to the southeast of Tel Aviv.


E que tal fazerem dinheiro com os vossos Makerbots?
Esta é apenas uma de muitas ideias possíveis, para rentabilizarem a vossa Oficina de Fabbing:

Hot Pop Factory turns people into 3D-printed Pez dispensers
Jonathan Fincher

What could be better than a 3D-printed model of yourself? The answer of course is a 3D-printed model of yourself filled with candy. That's exactly what Hot Pop Factory recently made, when it created several working Pez dispensers fashioned after individual people's heads.

Eis um autêntico Anel-Canivete Suíço!
Feito à medida, em Titâneo, e Bronze, é um anel que pode ter as Ferramentas que quizerem:

The Titanium Utility Ring makes your fingers extra-useful – and manly

Ben Coxworth

While wearing jewelry is a great way of expressing your individuality, when it comes to things like rings, some men can get a little ... uncomfortable. Today you’re wearing a ring, tomorrow it’s high heels, right? Well, perhaps those guys would feel better about donning the rough n’ ready Titanium Utility Ring.

A Luz Azul é cada vez mais usada para eliminar Infecções, de Pele, e Tecidos Moles, o que abre novas perspectivas par Infecções reisitentes a Antibióticos:

Bacteria-killing blue light used to stop infections

Ben Coxworth

Over the past few years, blue light has allowed us to understand heart problems, control brain functions, and activate muscle tissue. Now, another biomedical function can be added to its list – because it’s known to have antimicrobial qualities, it’s been used to stop infections of the skin and soft tissues.
According to the American Society for Microbiology, such infections are the second most commonly-encountered type in private practice, and the most common type presented in emergency rooms. Unfortunately, as bacterial resistance to antibiotics grows, other means of stopping these infections are increasingly needed.

Algo de realmente inspirador, é este uso de Impressoras 3D pessoais, para contruír Próteses acessíveis, e personalizadas, algo que pode pôr um sorriso como este em muita Criança, por todo o Mundo.

E o Mundo Lusófono, com tantos Amputados, vítimas das Guerras Civis, que preste atenção a isto!!!

Inexpensive home-brewed prostheses created using 3D printers

Jason Falconer

According to the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO), there are some 32 million amputees in the world today, around 80 percent (25 million) of whom live in developing countries where only five percent have been fitted with an artificial limb. It is estimated that 200,000 people lost a limb as a result of the 2010 Haiti earthquake alone. Two low-cost, printable prostheses highlight the potential impact 3D printing could have on the quality of life for millions as the technology becomes more accessible around the world.

terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2013

A Ray Gun à venda, um Quadracóptero para o Povo, um Robot Escavador, e Raios Tractores!

Depois dalguns percalços, eis outra vez a Ray Gun à venda, e desculpem o Mau-jeito... 

Ray Gun, tried and tested

A hommage to all those cool Sci-Fi movies, a Fluorescent Acrylic Ray Gun, with place for Electronics on the box, and a hole trough the Barrel, to place the Laser Pointer, LED, whatever.
You can use a Rubber Band as the Trigger spling, and it will also hold the back lid in place!

Não acertam com as Fotos? Este Quadracóptero faz o trabalho, e até vos segue, enquanto andam, por aí!

A US$49 personal autonomous micro UAV?

Ben Coxworth

Imagine if you had your own tiny quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that you could control with your voice, that would automatically follow you while avoiding obstacles, and that could shoot and stream video of you using an onboard camera. Now imagine that you paid less than 50 bucks for it. Well, if the hype is to be believed, that’s just what tech firm Always Innovating is promising with its MeCam.


A Corrida aos Minerais do Espaço já começou, agora, é a Nasa, a entrar com esta Escavadora-Robot para minerar pelo Sistema Solar...

NASA working on RASSOR robot space excavator

Jason Falconer

Recently we've seen preliminary asteroid mining plans from Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries, but what about NASA? The government agency would like to do some excavating on the Moon, Mars, and asteroids, too – but it isn't in it for the profit. NASA wants to clear the way for construction projects and mine materials for use by astronauts, and is developing a teleoperated robot called the Regolith Advanced Surface Systems Operations Robot (RASSOR, pronounced "razor") to get the job done.


Lembram-se dos Raios Tractores, da Ficção Científica? Pois os Cientistas estão a utilizar a Luz Laser, para começar a fazer algo de real, com esse conceito, agora:

Scientists turn light into a tractor beam

David Szondy
From The Skylark of Space to Star Wars, no self-respecting science fiction spaceship would break orbit without a tractor beam on board. We’re still a long way from locking on to errant shuttlecraft, but a team led by Dr. Tomas Cizmar, Research Fellow in the School of Medicine at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, has turned a laser into a tractor beam that works on the microscopic level.
Tractor beams are one of those things that seem on the far edge of what’s possible. The idea of a beam of energy streaming out that pulls things in is counter-intuitive, but scientists have been developing things that work like tractor beams since the 1960s and light manipulation has been tried since the 1970s.

segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013

Modi-Bots, algo de importante! E um Gerador de Funções Análogo, um Dobrador de Arame Open Source, um aspirador-caneta, e Raspberry a queijo.

Modibots, vendido pela Shapeways, é um Sinal do Futuro... 
Trata-se duma Linha de Brinquedos, do designer de Brinquedos, Wayne Losey, e que é Impressa em 3D, pela Shapeways!
Super Bacano!

ModiBots toy line takes advantage of 3D print-on-demand service

Jason Falconer

The ModiBots, a line of poseable action figures which can be outfitted with all sorts of accessories, sell for around US$15 apiece, which isn't much more than what you'd expect to pay for any other toy at retail. The difference is that these aren't being churned out in massive quantities by a major manufacturer – they're available for purchase online via Shapeways' 3D print-on-demand service. It's an example of how entrepreneurs are taking advantage of 3D printing technology to build new businesses.
ModiBots is the brainchild of toy designer Wayne Losey, who tried to launch a similar line of toys called Stikfas during a 13-year tenure at some of the biggest toy companies in the world. Stikfas, which share much in common with ModiBots, were meant to be more like Legos or other creative mix-and-build toys, but failed to stand out on the shelves next to products based on recognizable movies and TV licenses.

Falando de sinais, este gerador de Funções dá-vos a possibilidade de gerarem sinais, como Ondas Sinusoidais, e se for Análogo, as Ondas são MESMO Sinusoidais, sem as "escadinhas" do Sinal de origem Digital...

Analogue Function Generator 

I was in need of a function generator to produce audio signals for testing effects / amplifiers; as well as TTL clock signals for digital circuits. As function generators generally cost about £200 new, I decided that I would instead build one myself.

This project uses the XR-2206 integrated circuit to generate the waveform. It can produce sine and triangle waves of selectable amplitude and frequency and also a TTL sync signal fixed at 5V. The frequency range is about 20Hz to 300KHz - so this function generator will easily cover the full human hearing range of frequencies.

There are inputs for controlling the frequency of all the waves and also the amplitude of the sine / triangle wave.

É só boas notícias!
Querem ser Fabbers por quase nada?
Estes Inventores, "PENSA!", fizeram esta maravilha, que dobra Fio de Arame, um Robot simples mas eficaz, por dados de Computador, vocês criam uma data de Gigajogas!!!
E o que é o melhor, é que vos ensinam como fazer a máquina, vos dão o código, a papinha toda!

DIWire Bender

D.I.Wire Bender is a rapid prototype machine that bends metal wire to produce 2D and 3D shapes, pushing the limits of what can be produced in different materials, forms, and methods, anywhere from a model shop to your home.

For the code, full bill of materials (parts list), and readme files, visit the project page on our Google Code site.



Quem faz a sua quota-parte de Engenhocas, vai precisar desta Ferramenta, um Aspirador-Caneta, para todos aqueles cantinhos irritantes onde se acumula toda a espécie de lixarada...
É feito a partir duma Bomba de Aquário;
Como tenho uma bomba-bombona, duma máquina de Café Expresso Profissional, acho que me vou meter nisto, Muáháháhá!


Electric Vacuum Pen From Aquarium Air Pump. 

A vacuum pen is used to pick up tiny little things such as beads, small shells or sometimes electronic components depending on their size.  They aren't very useful for picking up larger things like coins or larger computer chips, but are great for things so tiny they are hard to even pick up with your fingers, especially if it's something you are worried about crushing.  They sell manual press pumps for around $10 that can do this but if you want a little more oomph in your suction ability, an electric vacuum pen can be the the way to go.    Unfortunately those can be much more expensive starting at $50 to $80.

My goal while making this was to do it for as little money as possible, so I will try to lead you on how to do that too.  This one was under $20 in total parts, and half of it was stuff I already happened to have around the house.

Raspberry com Queijo, ou quase-Queijo...
Qualquer ideia que põe a Criançada feliz comó caraças, vai logo de aparecer aqui, por estranha que seja, e um carro controlado por Queijo, é algo de Incrível!!!

Raspberry Pi + iRacer + Bluetooth + Makey Makey = Cheese Controlled Car (CCC)


We had a lot of fun this Christmas using a Raspberry Pi and MaKey MaKey to control a Bluetooth RC car called the i-Racer.

Normally you use a simple Android App to do this but we figured it might be more fun to use cheese and Python. MaKey MaKey is a beautifully simple idea. It's an Arduino-compatible board you plug into a computer and it emulates various key-presses and mouse clicks. You then connect whatever you want, as long as it is vaguely conductive, and use that for input. It works perfectly with the Raspberry Pi.

sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2013

A vossa cabeça, em papel! E Uma Sauna em Cortiça, Ar Comprimido, (num Híbrido), Meetup da Shapeways, cabos eléctricos que se auto-reparam, e um Super-Gel... Ah, e RAY GUN COMPLETA!

Se têem uma grande cabeça, e Fotos dela, porque não fazem uma escultura, em Papercraft?
Agora, a faz exactamente isso, a partir das vossas fotos, envia-vos um Kit de colar e montar!

Paper-Kit transforms 2D portraits into a 3D model 

Jason Falconer

Papercraft projects tend to be based on 3D models from video games or custom-made art projects. The basic idea is to take a 3D model and flatten it out in software such as Dunreeb Cutout or Pepakura Designer by Tama software. Then you print it, cut out the parts, fold them where necessary, and paste the whole mess together. Now, thanks to, if you've got a big head – or simply want one – you can use the same technique to build an over-sized three-dimensional paper model of yourself using 2D photos.

Completamente Portuguesa, esta sauna, da Balness, é feita em Cortiça, Material com todas as qualidades para vos permitir um Relax impecável:

Cabine de Sauna Lusa 13.13 Basic

Através dos tempos, a cortiça tem sido utilizada graças às suas inúmeras características tecnológicas como um componente essencial no desenvolvimento dos mais diversos projetos industriais. Definindo-se como um projeto natural, esta sauna é renovável, não poluente, quimicamente inerte, inócuo para a saúde, resistente fricção, com baixa termo condutividade, luz, com um excelente comportamento acústico, alta impermeabilidade a líquidos e sem lançamentos de gases tóxicos. A cortiça foi inserida em protótipos ou produtos finais das aeronáuticas e empresas produtoras de automóveis, bem como em arquitetura, design de moda e interiores, entre outros.
Como o resultado de um processo de recriação de ascendência da sauna, este modelo é uma ideia de inovação que combina os detalhes de cortiça com os de madeira de cedro, resultando numa simbiose perfeita entre a tradição e contemporaneidade. A luz, discreta e elegante, acentua as texturas e o design minimalista.


Uma grande ideia é, também, este Híbrido Ar Comprimido/Gasolina, da Peugeot, com 45% de poupança, e 90% mais de alcançe, assim sim, eis um Carro para a Cidade, que não é um Brinquedo Caro, mas sim, uma Ferramenta Útil!

Peugeot Citroen to introduce compressed air hybrid by 2016
Darren Quick
Various compressed air-powered vehicles – of both the two- and four-wheeled variety – have graced our pages over the years, but with a few exceptions, such as Volvo’s Air Motion Concept, major automotive manufacturers have generally shied away from such technology. PSA Peugeot Citroen is bucking this trend with its “Hybrid Air” powertrain that addresses the limited range of compressed air energy storage technology by combining it with a gasoline powered internal combustion engine (ICE). The company plans to have Hybrid Air powered vehicles on the road by 2016.

Já só têem 2 dias para organizarem um Meetup da Shapeways, na vossa àrea! Sim, Fabbers de todo o Mundo vão partilhar experiências, nesse dia, vejam a notícia:

Announcing Shapeways World Meetup Day on February 28th

Without doubt, the best Shapeways community events are our Meetups. Every time we attend one, we meet great people, hear inspiring stories and make new friends. People are often surprised to find fellow community members in their town and stay in touch.

So far, we've had Meetups in cities all over the world, including New York, London, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, San Francisco, Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, Newcastle and of course Eindhoven (Shapeways' birthplace!). We can't be everywhere all the time and we know you're eager to share Shapeways with your friends so we're excited to announce...
Shapeways Community World Meetup
This year, on Thursday February 28th, we will be hosting our first ever Shapeways Community World Meetup, and we need YOUR help to make it happen!
During the World Meetup, we will have as many local Meetups on the same day as possible, sharing pictures and videos with each other. We'll be partying around the world!

Isto vai fazer História, cabos eléctricos que, quando cortados, esticam, e, re-fazendo o contacto, auto-regeneram-se!

Stretchable electrical wires heal back together after being severed

Ben Coxworth

Last month, we heard about how a team led by North Carolina State University’s Dr. Michael Dickey had created an electrical wire that could be stretched up to eight times its regular length ... and still carry a current. This was possible thanks to a conductive liquid metal alloy of gallium and indium, contained inside the wire’s elastic polymer outer housing. Now, Dickey's team has developed a new wire that not only can be stretched, but that will heal itself when severed.

Eis um Super-Gel intrigante, fica líquido com o frio, e solidifica, quando aquece!

New “super gel” is liquid when cold and stiffens when heated

Ben Coxworth

Gelatins take on a semi-solid state when cool, and become a liquid when heated, right? Well, not always. Chemists from Radboud University Nijmegen, in The Netherlands, have created a “super gel” that behaves in the opposite manner – it’s liquid when cool, and stiffens when heated. What’s more, it reportedly absorbs water 100 times better than other gels. To make it, the researchers copied the protein structure of human cells.
A team led by Prof. Alan Rowan and Dr. Paul Kouwer made the gel using a synthetic polymer known as polyisocyanide. Its molecules twist together to form strong, stiff networks of what are referred to as “nano ropes.” Each cell in our bodies contains thousands of protein structures that are structurally very similar to these ropes.

E a Pistola, está montada! 
Muito trabalho de Serra Pendular, muita serradura, e lá fiz a coisa encaixar as peças todas, neste Proof of Concept, em MDF de 3mm, um material nada parecido com o Acrílico Translúcido, para o qual a pistola foi criada, mas que serve para provar o Conceito!
Cá vai Vídeo: