Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2018

Oficina de primeira! E Youmagine, uma Airsoft feita por 3D, um Barraco para a tralha, e um Microscópio do Smartphone!

Com isto, qualquer cantinho se qualifica como uma Oficina!
Com uma estação de re-carregamento, mais espaço para malas, com um modelo Sketchup, é de aproveitar:

DIY Power Tool Storage W/ Charging Station

Let's build this awesome power tool wall storage system. I had to organize my power tools in my shop, and decided to design and build this wall storage unit. This woodworking project is pretty simple to make, all made from plywood and 1 piece of pegboard. You can also add some stain and varnish for a final touch. I used imperial unit for this build but you can find all the metric dimensions below. Also, i added for FREE my SketchUp model, feel free to download it and modify it to yours needs. Happy Building ! :)

Para além do Thinghiverse, há agora o Youmagine, diferente, por ser mais centrado na Open Source, duma maneira mais adaptável à modificação ao gosto de cada um:

YouMagine: share, remix and 3D print.

Browse through over 10.000 designs that are ready to print.
YouMagine is an online community of 3D printing enthusiasts who wish to work together to share, remix and make better 3D printed things. YouMagine facilitates this community, empowers and gives you the tools you need in order to improve, invent & make.
Uniquely YouMagine is primarily a vehicle for supporting open source creation and wants to be a force multiplier for the entire 3D printing community. Uniquely we are focused on building the entire end to end open source software toolchain to make things malleable.

Quem não quer fazer um Brinquedo como os da Toys R us, com a Impressora 3D?
Eis aqui uma espingarda Airsoft que podem fazer em casa.

Atenção, dispara bolinhas de plástico, accionada por molas, e NÃO é uma arma,  nem pretende ser, mas um simples brinquedo, que nem fura copos de plástico...
Mas um brinquedo, muito divetido!

3D Printable Airsoft Gun

When 3D printers started to dramatically drop in price and were thrust onto the commercial market, I was immediately hooked. This is every engineer's dream come true! The storm of cool printable products really hasn't developed as I expected however. Most people were, and still are, only printing little sculptures and vases. In terms of pushing this technology to its potential, we're not off to a great start! I came to the conclusion that it is not a lack of vision that is limiting the use of these desktop printers, but a lack of designs. People would print more awesome things if there were more awesome things to print. So I put two and two together and started designing this printable airsoft gun. It's the start of many designs I hope to produce for people who really want more than just a vase from their printers. I hope it will inspire you to get your creative mind in gear and contribute some awesome designs for a 3D printable future!

Build Your Own Storage Shed!

Hello Instructables! This is my entry into the Shopbot Contest. This Instructable will show you the steps to building your own shed. We decided that our shed would be for storage because we wanted to get some stuff out of the garage so we can use it as a shop. One of the challenges of building a shed in our backyard was that the ground was sloped in the area that we wanted to put it, so we had to find a way to get around that. Another was that we are building beside some well established trees, and we didn't want to harm their root structure. This is why we went with cinderblock and mortar rather than poured concrete.

Isto, não é uma Engehnoca engraçada, mas sim, um projecto de grande mérito, para auxiliar a várias necessidades em Trabalho de Campo, fora dos Laboratórios, com uma adaptação para os vossos Smartphones, que vos permite ter um Microscópio à mão, em todo o lado.


Open Source 3D Printed Clip-On Microscope For Smartphones
Anne Freier

This is an open source design for a smartphone camera microscope which can be customized, downloaded and 3D printed.
A team of researchers at RMIT University in Australia have developed a 3D printable clip-on microscope for smartphones. The design of the microscope has been shared on the Centre for Nanoscale BioPhotonics website.
Led by Anthony Orth, a research officer at the centre at RMIT University, the device has been developed to allow anyone, from students to medical staff to people at home, to take a closer look at things invisible to the naked eye.
The solution also means that the microscope can be used in situations where laboratory equipment may not be available. This could be hugely beneficial for application in less developed countries to help detect malaria or other blood borne parasites.
Orth explains in a post for The Conversation:
“What we’re hoping is that our design, or something like it, gets used for ultra simple, cheap and robust mobile phone based devices – be it for medical diagnostics in underserved areas such as the remote Australian outback and central Africa, or monitoring microorganism populations in local water sources.”
The researchers are also hoping that the final design can be optimized further to suit different people’s needs.


segunda-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2018

Grafter! E um Gerador por 30$, Motedis, uma Dobradeira, e ChinaFacture! YEAH!

Já pensaram fazer Maquinetas, ou apenas, Impressões multi-coloridas, mas as peças não encaixam?
Problema resolvido com este Software bacano, que trata de que as coisas funcionem, porque podem  mexer, virtualmente, nos mecanismos, e aferir quais são os que encaixam melhor.

Grafter Software Remixes and Improves 3D Printing Models into New Forms
Anne Freier

Grafter can remix 3D printing models into new, functional machines, without the need for extensive tweaking or testing.
Remixing 3D models to create newly printed objects is a common technique in additive manufacturing. A team of experts at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany have gone a step further, by developing software to remix 3D printed machines with moving parts.
When remixing, creators often combine parts from parent models with those of a different model. However, this can lead to poorly fitted parts as models often do not match each other.
Grafter, the software developed by Thijs Jan Roumen, Willi Mueller and Patrick Baudisch at the Hasso Plattner Institute addresses these issues.
It does so by fully automating the entire remixing process – from extraction and recombination of the separate 3D printed elements.
However, it also enables the user to see which mechanical elements would fit and work best together.
This saves users the effort in having to re-engineer and tweak or even test the original mechanisms before combining them.

Vento, não falta!
Por isso eis como podem fazer o vosso Gerador Eólico, por cerca de 30 Dólares, e tudo bem explicadinho, num vídeo que não necessita de legendas, por isso, serve para qualquer Geek no mundo:


$30 DIY Kilowatt Wind Turbine - Build Tutorial v1.2

Full construction tutorial text and resources at: Facebook discussion group: This is the up to date build process for the $30 Lenz2 vertical axis wind turbine. The turbine can be made almost entirely from recycled materials with basic tools in six hours for $20-35. It is tested at 35-40% mechanically efficient, generates 130 watts mechanical in a 30 km/h wind, 1 kilowatt at 60 km/h, and can survive 100 km/h gusts.

Isto entusiasma qualquer Geek que se preze: 
Uma loja online com Perfis, peças, e componentes, sim, podem fazer a vossa própria Impressora 3D, mas muito mais...
E a preços MUITO em conta.
Vão lá.


A robot bringing you the perfect range of matching construction components: this is Motedis.
No matter how ambitious your project is: from a model railway to industrial structures, you can find anything you need in our online shop. Our broad selection of products includes high quality and versatile aluminium profiles, profile accessories, mechanical components, drive components and 3D printing materials.
Having a robot as a supplier has considerable advantages. We fully automated the purchase process in our online customer interface and cut off unnecessary services to be able to offer you very competitive prices – for big orders as well as for small orders. In this way, industry standard products are available to anyone who is able to deal with a robot of few words. Our customers don’t require product applications assistance as they already know exactly what they need and how to use it to make their ideas come true.

Dobrar chapa metálica, como deve de ser, dá-vos a possibiliade de constuír de tudo um pouco...
Por isso, vejam como é com este nosso amigo, que para além disso, vos ensina muitas mais coisas, tem um sem-fim de Links bacanos!

Dobradeira Manual - Faça Você Mesmo (Repostado) Sheet Metal Folding Machine
Oficina Garagem

Tudo bem Família Oficina Garagem?
Nesse vídeo você vai aprender a fazer a sua dobradeira de chapa para dobrar chapa de até 50 centímetros de comprimento.
Aprenda nesse passo a passo bem detalhado que você vai economizar um bom dinheiro, você vai poder dobrar chapas para reparos de funilaria, pequenos trabalhos de serralheria e dobrar diversa chapas usadas em trabalhos hobby.
Se você gostou e ainda não é inscrito não perca tempo e se inscreva que vem muito vídeo bom por ai.

Não há nada como um dia, como ver as vossas ideias no Mercado
Mas como?

Eis como, mandem fazer na China, se não conseguirem encontrar quem o queira fazer, na vossa terra. 

Dica duns gandas bacanos, do Movimento Maker Portugal, e estejam à vontade, que lá estão também dois Portugas, o que é uma garantia de Universalidade, damo-nos bem, e entendemo-nos com toda a gente...



China Facture's mission is not to be a middle man, or a factory, or a consulting company. We want you to feel China Facture as a member of your team, like one person that is responsible for finding suppliers, manufacturing and getting all the logistics going in China