Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2017

SUREFLY! OOOOHHH, YEAH! E Engrenagens, a Roda de Genebra, um Instructable meu, 19(!) Programas CAD, e um Professor e seus Relógios

Desde que apareceu o primeiro Quadracóptero que andava à espera que isto aparecesse, e agora...
Já cá tá!

E atenção, este veículo, não é uma carroça que se pilota a ela mesma, o que seria extremamante perigoso, pois podia até aterrar calmamente num Edifício em chamas.
É pilotável, cabe numa Garagem, e estará à venda em 2019:

The Surefly is Your Personal Octocopter That Flies Like a Drone and Can Even be Parked in Your Garage

The time has come. After 78 years, the helicopter has been reinvented. SureFly is a personal helicopter/VTOL aircraft designed for safe and easy flight. With eight independent motors each driving a single carbon fiber propeller, a backup battery power system, and a ballistic parachute to safely land in the event of emergency, the SureFly provides unparalleled safety for a personal aircraft.
SureFly is changing the helicopter industry. Now is the time to discover the affordable, easy-to-pilot, safe answer to personal flight.

Ora aqui está um belo Mini-Curso, da Sculpteo, sobre Engrenagens, com a Teoria toda, e Links para onde mandar ou cortar a Laser, ou Imprimir a 3D, as ditas cujas.
Por isso, toca a aprender:

From 3D printed gears to functional mechanism
Boris Vaxelaire
In our previous blogposts, we explained how to create your own spur gear thanks to Sculpteo laser cutting service and to our 3D printing service. We now explain how to choose wisely between both technologies and how to succeed with each one.

Podem ver uma bela duma Roda de Genebra, na imagem acima, e se precisam de cortar ou imprimir uma, com N passos, pois não têeem mais do que seguirem este meu Instructable, que vos permite visitar um Site onde se calcula tudo para as rodas, e se cria um Modelo, que podem animar.

Daí, é um processo simples, que eu explico, para sacar esse modelo e transformar as imagens em desenhos Vectoriais, que podem depois mandar cortar por laser, ou imprimir em 3D:

Geneva Wheels À La Carte, to Sgv

What Gizmo maker won't, some day, need a Mechanism that will transform a continuous rotation into a move-pause-move one?
That's the Geneva Wheel!

And the question is, where do you get a Vector Drawing of the parts, so you can Laser cut/3D print/machine from a template/whatever?
I've managed to make these parts in sgv format, from an Online Geneva Drive Generator, great program, highly configurable...

But I've not got an Svg directly! No such luck...
I've managed it by snapshotting that page, and then using both Gimp and Inkscape, to make Vector drawings of those parts.
And that's why I've made this Instructable.

Podem escolher, desta lista de 19 programas CAD, não é pouco, outra dica da Sculpteo, o Programa CAD que melhor vos sirva...

E são todos Grátis!

É bom.

Best free CAD software: Top of 20 simple CAD program
Claire Chabaud 

To make a 3D print, you need a 3D file, but to get it you don’t need to be an expert or have a significant budget; you can download 3D files from dedicated marketplaces or try to create it by yourself using 3D CAD & Modeling software. One of the main advantages of free modeling software is that they are often more intuitive than professional software, and are user-friendly for all experience levels.
Today we are going to give you an update about 20 Best Free CAD software for both personal or professional purpose that can be used to assist you in the creation, analysis, manipulation or optimization of a design

Todos queríamos ter tido um Professor assim...

Ensina a fazer Relógios, dos antigos, feitos pelos Alunos, a partir de Cartolina!

Visitem este Site, convencidos que se vão fartar de aprender, porque é verdade, Mecânica, Autómatos, Relógios, tudo o que é Mecanismo:

Gears and Gravity: Finished Clocks (Day 13)
J. E. Johnson

Wow, took me long enough to post this. The last day of DEEP camp on June 28 and I learned so much from my students that I’ve been completely absorbed in revising the clock design that I haven’t taken time to post the photos of my student’s truly excellent work. Can’t wait for next year.
The video below shows six cardboard clocks running (mostly) all at once. What a lovely sound.



segunda-feira, 19 de junho de 2017

$99 3D Printer! Sim a impressora a 99 dólares não pára! E re-programar umRobot Industrial em MINUTOS, invólucros para a electrónica, Bits para a Dremmel, e ponhaam a 3D a render!

A Fabulosa Impressora 3D a 99 Dólares, está ainda melhor, agora, com a nova versão a uma resolução incrível, para o Preço:

You suggested. We listened.
Get ready for an even better STARTT.

The new batch of STARTT printers will be with us in three weeks and this is your chance to reserve your very own.

Improved STARTT features

Early buyers of the STARTT have spoken so we've made a few changes to improve your printing experience. 
    3D printed parts have now been replaced with injection moulded parts.
    The power supply has been replaced with a new, more reliable version.
    New, upgraded firmware improves usage.
New printing software profile
The new Cura for STARTT is now available! No more need to create your own profile. Download objects directly from MyMiniFactory within Cura for a streamlined printing experience!

Grandes Companhias por todo o Mundo começaram numa Garagem, agora, Grandes Indústrias poderão começar assim mesmo!

Estes super-bacanos, da TaskMate, vão-vos permitir comprar um Robot Industrial em 3ª mão, programá-lo em Minutos, como se estivessem a instalar um Sstema Operativo num PC...
E se um dia for preciso, re-programá-lo! 



Engineering the "Swiss-army knife of robots"
Kristin Hanson

The Cohen Translational Engineering Fund is helping promising startups like READY Robotics bring their innovative technologies to market as quickly as possible
"The Cohen funding allowed us to see how our product would solve problems in real-time, and how it could provide value, rather than just existing in the lab as a research toy," Guerin says.
Now READY Robotics' president and chief technical officer, Guerin calls the startup's product, TaskMate, the "Swiss-army knife of robots."

The company installs its software in a pre-made robot, making the machine easy to program and adjust — similar to how Microsoft made personal computing accessible to non-programmers with software like DOS and Windows. Once trained in the system, users can switch the tasks their robot performs in minutes or hours instead of days or weeks and cut out the cost of an outside programmer.
After using the Cohen grant to build and test a READY Robotics prototype, the technology earned a $100,000 Maryland Innovation Initiative grant from TEDCO — the Maryland Technology Development Corporation — and then raised $3.75 million in seed funding. Since opening for business officially June 2016, READY Robotics has grown to house 12 employees in its South Baltimore office, and Guerin and his team have kept busy testing prototypes with manufacturers and attracting more investors and customers.

Se andam às voltas com caixas para as vossas Engenhocas, aprendam com quem sabe, a desenhar os Invólocros de que precisam, e como precisam deles:

Your Guide To Making Electronics Project Boxes
DJ Harrigan

Introduction To Electronics Project Boxes
You’ve just made something great: It blinks, it whirrs, it speaks in tones, it’s voiced-controlled and it’s “cloud connected” (of course). And now this assembled heap of your own design is waiting on your desk for the final touch. If you want to keep your electronic creation alive for years to come, and draw fewer eyes as you ferry it through airport security, you’ll want to make a robust electronics project box to house and protect it.
The benefits of a small electronics case are clear: Your project will last longer, work more reliably and demonstrate a detailed attitude about showing off your work. It’s time to think outside the box when it comes to thinking about the insides of boxes.
But where to start? Where to finish? This post will guide you through the many different kinds of materials, joinery and aesthetic options for your electronics project enclosure.

Eis uma Ferramenta lixadora para a Dremmel, que podem fazer em minutos, poor quase nada, para acabamentos sem despesas:

$1 Inflatable Sander Replacement DIY

Inflatable sanders are problematic, leakage being a problem with anything full of air. I decided to make a replacement from a piece of dowel, some velcro, and a bolt. The cost is less than $1. I really like the resulting round sander, and I hope you find it useful too.

Compraram uma Impressora 3D, e querem-na a trabalhar, para complementar os vossos ganhos?
Não querem comprar, mas querem ver se arranjam quem imprima umas coisitas em 3D?
Cá está a Treatstock, para que, localmente, possam resolver o voso problema:
Duma rede Mundial de Impressoras 3D, um App escolhe a Impressora mais próxima, e trata de encomendar o trabalho.
É bom! 

About Us

Treatstock is an online platform where consumers can search and purchase anything made through 3D printing. With 3D print services located all over the world, Treatstock can deliver a finished product in a turn-around time of just about a week. We also have many partnerships with online platforms which provide a countless number of designs to get 3D printed. We realize the potential 3D printing has to offer and we are glad to be a part of this growing industry.
Our core values include offering the best possible customer service and providing a quality product. We recognize that Treatstock has many competitors, and by ensuring exceptional customer service, we can set ourselves apart. Every order matters, every customer matters, and we take pride in treating everyone equally as if they are our only customer at the time.

quinta-feira, 8 de junho de 2017

Faz-tudo CNC! One for all CNC! Aroundinspire, inspiração nacional, 3D scan da Câmara, Modelshop, e medir Campos Magnéticos

Yup, you'll have English intros to these posts, now
Hope you'll like it...

Tudo o que for CNC, é o que esta magnífica Iniciativa e Engenhoca nos oferece:
Corte e/ou Gravação Laser, fresa, Impressão 3D, plasma, etc. 
E por ser baseada num Braço Robótico, ainda por cima, pode ser a base para a vossa própria Fábrica Automatizada...
E como é tudo Open Source, podem fazer e vender umas tantas!

Anything CNC, that's about what this Gizmo can do...
Primarily a Robot Arm, so it can stack stuff and what not, the innovation is that it also can be fitted with a 3D Print head, a Laser Engraver and/or Cutter,  for Milling,  Plasma, etc...
And, it's Open Source, so YOU can build and sell one!
Or plenty of'em, and make your own automated Factory.


Evezor is a go-to tool for all your building needs

Cabe Atwell  
Evezor is an open sources robotic arm that can cut, etch, engrave, 3D print, and carry out various tasks for your project needs. This robotic arm can help take your product from the prototype phase to the final stages (Images&Video via Evezor)
Sometimes you have an idea for an invention or product, but don’t know where to begin getting it off the ground. Andrew Wingate has been there and wants to help fellow creators with his latest project, Evezor. Evezor is a new tool that aims to simplify the building process. The tool is an open sourced robotic arm manufacturing platform with the ability to pour, pick, cut, weld, engrave, grab and do other tasks you need to get to your end goal.
The robotic arm is powered by Raspberry Pi and boasts some impressive internal hardware with a 64-bit ARM Quad Core Processor and 1 GB of RAM. It’s also equipped with four USB ports, an HDMI outlet, Wifi and Bluetooth low energy connectivity. It even has a 7-inch multitouch screen and a wide-angle camera along with a toolhead to support a macro camera. Thanks to its open source hardware, the arm has the capability to share and automate hand tools you already own. You can even make your own toolheads to use with the machine. 

 Mais uma vez en destaque esteve esta ideia genuínamente Lusitana, obra de João Guerreiro, da Aroundinspire, permite-vos ter àgua quente a sair da torneira, só quando está MESMO quente, e isto, sem obras em casa..
Está à procura de Distríbuidores por todo o Mundo:

 Having your hot water faucets pouring only when the hot water is really hot, without any plumbing work needed, that's what João Guerreiro, of Aroundinspire, offers you, and he's now searching for Distributors worldwide:


Muita gente quer usar as suas Impressoras 3D para a primeira coisa de que eles se lembram, um Retrato 3D! 
E é o que se faz aqui, e com uma Câmara, por isso, aprendam:

A lot of folks wants to use their 3D Printers, for the first thing that comes to their mind, a 3D Portrait!
And that's what is done, and with a Camera, so learn:

3D Scanning Yourself in High Resolution With a Camera

shuang peng 
In this instructable, I'll share with you how to create a 3d model of yourself with a camera. Then clean up, fix the mesh make them printable models.
Things you'll need:
A camera (or a phone with camera function)
Autodesk Remake
Autodesk Mudbox
Geomagic studio (optional)
A 3d printer (if you want to print them)

Podem fazer valer a vossa veia poética, ou demonstrar Mecanismos, como neste excelente Site, Modelshop, se os fizerem em Papel, o que não é tão difícil quanto possa parecer...

Basta fazerem o Download deste App:, que vos forneçe planos para o corte e colagem em papel, a partir dum Objecto 3D, no formato DXF.

Por isso, contactem este Site, ou façam a vossa própria loja online!

A good idea and an Excellent Site, Modelshop, Models and Gizmos in Papercraft, and making those is not as hard as it seems...
Just download this App: will cough up Papercraft Plans, from a 3D Object in the DXF format.

The Pioneer of DIY Creative Models – Modelshop 
Paper automata are not just toys. They are works of art and demonstrations of science. A lot of thought goes into the design of every model. Each is marvelous on its own, and shines even more brightly as part of a collection.
All Modelshop automata are constructed from paper rather than plastic. Paper is lightweight, strong, easy to work with and environmentally friendly.
From Famous Ships and Cruises to Taiwan Vintage Model Houses and European Automata Art Masters Collections, all Modelshop collections recall poignant moments in history. They are equally appealing to adults and children.
Pull the levers, turn the crank and watch with delight as the model springs into life.

Um Engenhocas vai sempre ter de medir a força dos seus Ímanes e Electro-Ímanes, por isso, saibam como o podem fazer com precisão:

Gizmo Makers will all eventually get to need to measure Magnetic Fields, of their static and electro-mangetic Magnets, so learn how to do that accurately:

Measuring Magnets 
We like to use this blog to answer common magnetic questions in a bit more detail.  Here we can provide a fuller explanation than might be possible in an email or brief conversation.  It’s also nice to share this kind of stuff online so people can find it for themselves while searching!
In this installment, we’re going to focus on questions about measuring the field strength of a magnet.  Perhaps the most common question is:
I’m measuring the Surface Field of a specific magnet with magnetometer, and I’m measuring less than the specified Surface Field.  Why are my readings low?  Is something wrong with the magnet?
Let's dig down into the details and see how these measurements can be useful.  We'll also learn about what their limitations and pitfalls might be. 

sexta-feira, 2 de junho de 2017

Cimento 3D! E Cortar por Waterjet por tostões, Protótipos feitos à medida, Um Robot para todos, e um Torno de Metal DIY(!)

Que tal, o vosso Laboratório, ou Oficina...
Impressos em 3D?
Foi o que foi feito em Dubai, pela Empresa Holandesa CyBe, isto é um Mundo fantástico:

Dubai’s New Drone Laboratory is 3D Printed from Concrete

Matthew Mensley 
And the award for the most “the future is now” headline goes to this story, and the news that concrete 3D printing company CyBe has completed its first project in Dubai.
The Dutch firm has been working on the city’s new R&Drone Laboratory, one of a number of progressively technology-focused projects commissioned by Dubai’s numerous authorities.
Located in the desert at the city’s Solar Park, it will be home to exciting research facility. Exciting indeed, since 3D printing will be one of the areas of focus, alongside the building’s titular drones.
The Dubai Electrical and Water Authority, architects Wanders Wagner, engineering consultants Witteveen + Bos and construction firm CONVRGNT all have a stake in the project. But it is CyBe that planned and physically constructed the structure.
To achieve this the company used its array of proprietary, concrete-based products. This includes software, material and the CyBe RC 3Dp mobile printer.

Abram os olhos, Engenhocas! 
Cortar por jacto-de-àgua, a 150 Dólares!
Podem ver no vídeo como é, corta Alumínio, uma maravilha à espera de ser transformada em Máquina de Corte CNC, nalgum Fablab...

Waterjet cutter built with a cheap pressure washer
Applied Science
Building an abrasive waterjet cutter with a $150 pressure washer.

Há quem tenha muito Tempo e pouco Dinheiro...
Mas há quem tenha Dinheiro que chegue, mas pouco Tempo!

Para esses, e para quem tem de apresentar um Protótipo já num  nível muito mais avançado, já para a pré-producção, eis esta empresa, que vos resolve o problema:

EPD is a high-tech, full service product development firm. 
We are devoted to providing uncompromised quality and service at a competitve cost. We have the skill and expertise to develop your product to its fullest potential. We believe that products are only complete when styling, function, ergonomics, economics, ecology and manufacturing are fully balanced.
From concept to manufacturing, we can make your product a reality. We use state-of-the-art computer aided design and engineering to develop your product, and the latest in material and process technologies to prototype and manufacture your product.
We've worked in many different industries that span from architectural components, automated equipment, automotive parts and products, bicycles and components, consumer appliances and electronics, furniture, luggage, marine products, medical products, snowboards and other sport-related products, toys and vending machines, just to name a few.

Eis um simpático Robot Open Source, o One, e é mesmo para todos, Programadores, Educadores, Hobistas, ou mesmo os mais novos!

Porque pode ser programando com um Interface de programação intuitivo, o Scratch, ou para Engenhocas mais sabidos, em  C++, Java, PHP ou Python, vai ser uma ferramenta bacana:

The Perfect Platform for Kids, Educators and Developers
Qbo Robot One is built to be easy. It is easy to adopt because it is relatively inexpensive, it is easy to understand because it is interfaced with very simple parts and it is easy to build applications on because its hardware and software are open source.
Programming language such as C++, Java, PHP or Python can be used to program One. Notwithstanding, those with little or no programming language experience can always start with Scratch. Scratch is easy to learn, so much so that even kids can pick it up. Essentially, Scratch is supported by comprehensive and interesting tutorials together with references and discussion forums to get the learner up to speed. It is designed to be graphical so that users can just pick and drop various modules to write a program. It similar to building a jigsaw puzzle, only that this time, instead of putting an image together, the user writes a program. 

Quantas vezes já não vos falei do Torno Gingery!
Pois para vos inspirar a fazerem um, cá vai esta história de sucesso, para verem que sim, pode ser feito:

Re: Home made tools!
Here’s my ultimate home made tool. My lathe! It swings 10.5” over the bed. Turns 24” between centers. Threads the full compliment of SAE threads. Has steady and follow rests as well as a Southbend inspired taper attachment. Yep, I cut all the change gears, made most of the tooling (except chucks) including a sector type dividing head with hole plates. This little lathe still turns with +/- .001” (or better) accuracy and I still use it on occasion. I completed it back in the late 90’s and as I recall it took me about two years of pretty much devoting every spare moment I had to it. 
I was inspired by the David Gingery book Metal Lathe. The book outlines detailed plans and instructions for building a small lathe from aluminum castings. I used no castings for mine but the shop lore and techniques in this little book were all I needed to understand the processes and basic machining skills needed to complete the project. Even if you have no intention of building such a thing the book is well worth looking at. Gingery is a genius of what I like to call “bootstrap engineering”. He takes scratch building to a whole new level. He has several other project books out including how to build a drill press, a shaper, a horizontal mill, sheet metal brake, dividing head, etc.