Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2013

Ciclóides, peças avulsas, Grafenos-esponja,

Uma pequena maravilha mais do Rob Ives, esta engrenagem se Ciclóide, vão ao Link, para verem o seu Vídeo meio hipnótico:

The hypocycloid mechanism is used to make a compact, simple gear box that reduces rotational speed. In the case of this animation the reduction is 7:1. Follow one of the lobes of the six pointed rotor with your eye and see how it advances one notch anticlockwise for each rotation of the blue rotor. By adding two similar mechanisms back to back it is possible to multiply up the the gear reduction ratio

Já acende a Luz!

Já podem ver no Youtube a minha Ray-Gun com o Laser e Lanterna, um clique rápido, é só Laser, para apontar, um clique mais prolongado, e acende a Lanterna, para procurarem os vosso papéis, na demonstração que façam...

...E a Luz dá um efeito dramático do caraças! :) 

Mas o que é importante, é salientar, que tive de fazer uma peça em três partes, cortada na boa da Serra Pendular, para segurar as Pilhas, e é claro, o Laser e os Leds, na Placa minúscula que tamvbém tem os 2 interruptores:

Não esquecendo a peça, em Acrílico Branco, à esquerda, na parte do meio, que acciona os interruptores, empurrada pelo Gatilho:


Talvez inclua estas 3 peças no Desenho que vendo na Net, mas como não sei o que vão pôr na Ray-gun, vai ser muito modificado, este acessório, por cada um... 

E continuando a Corrida, entre o Aerogel, a Aerografite, e os Grafenos, pelo Material mais Leve, eis este Grafeno que é uma Esponja, de tal maneira, que absorverá, no Futuro, Derrames de Óleo, e podendo ser re-utilizado!
É bom!

Graphene aerogel takes world’s lightest material crown

Darren Quick

Not even a year after it claimed the title of the world’s lightest material, aerographite has been knocked off its crown by a new aerogel made from graphene. Created by a research team from China’s Zhejiang University in the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering lab headed by Professor Gao Chao, the ultra-light aerogel has a density lower than that of helium and just twice that of hydrogen.
Although first created in 1931 by American scientist and chemical engineer, Samuel Stephens Kistler, aerogels have recently become a hotly contested area of scientific research. A “multiwalled carbon nanotube (MCNT) aerogel” dubbed “frozen smoke” with a density of 4 mg/cm3 lost its world’s lightest material title in 2011 to a micro-lattice material with a density of 0.9 mg/cm3. Less than a year later, aerographite claimed the crown with its density of 0.18 mg/cm3.

terça-feira, 26 de março de 2013

Câmara Digital Arduino, Osciloiscópio USB 3.0, Ar Puro, e Velas Dinamite!

Ora cá vai mais disto, esta, é dica do nosso amigo Alan Metcalfe, uma bacana duma Máquina Fotográfica Digital com Cartão, e um Arduino!

Craft Camera

Craft Camera is a simplified D.I.Y digital camera.
It is established of a carboard case and an electronic system runned by Arduino.
All the elements are Open Source, allowing users to master the use and the life expectancy, or to build it as Do It Yourself.
The simplification of the device allows to privilege the spontaneity in the recording. Photos are stored in a memory card, and can be displayed on the computer.
Craft Camera is under Creative Commons license CC BY-SA v3.0. 

E uma dica da DesignSpark, agora, que há a Ligação USB 3.0, com maior rapidez de transferência de dados, podem ter um Osciloscópio em casa, se tiverem esta maquineta, e um Computador!
É bom!

Pico Technology launch a range of USB 3.0 PC Oscilloscopes

Pico Technology

The first PC oscilloscopes with a USB 3.0 interface have been released by Pico Technology.
“USB 3.0 ports are appearing on most new computers and laptops,” explained Managing Director Alan Tong, “so buyers of USB oscilloscopes will expect to benefit from the higher data transfer rate. With the new USB 3.0 PicoScopes, large data captures and streaming of large data sets are now much faster.”
The PicoScope 3207A is a 2 channel USB oscilloscope with 250 MHz bandwidth, 1 GS/s sampling rate, 256 MS buffer memory and a built-in function generator. Basic timebase accuracy is ±2 ppm. Other features include digital triggering for accurate, stable waveform display, and equivalent-time sampling, which boosts the effective sampling rate to 10 GS/s for repetitive signals. The PicoScope 3207B has 512 MS buffer memory and an additional 32k-sample arbitrary waveform generator with 100 MS/s update rate. As the scope obtains its power from the USB port, there is no need for an external power adaptor.

Boas notícias para quem quer um ar mais puro, este Aircide purifia o ar, sem Ozono, e sem nada a limpar:

NASA-developed Airocide tech cleans household air

Some time ago, astronauts on the International Space Station needed a way to eliminate the ethylene gas that was being produced by plants growing aboard the station. NASA collaborated with the University of Wisconsin, and the result was an air-purifying system known as Airocide. Flash forward to the present, and that technology has been licensed for use in a household product that reportedly eliminates all sorts of airborne nasties.
Airocide purifiers have actually been in use in places such as grocery stores and food-packing plants since 1998, and were introduced to medical settings such as hospitals in 2003. Now they're finding their way into the home for the first time.


E uma ideia explosiva, estas Velas-Dinamite, da nossa Amiga BrittLiv, para Inventores, Engenhocas, e gente em geral, com um sentido de Humor bem particular...

Dynamite Candle Holder

n this instructable I'm going to show you how to make a candle holder for tealights, that looks like a dynamite stick.

Just in case you are wondering, dynamite and TNT are not the same thing. It's a common misconception, that is just plain wrong. Dynamite was invented in 1867 by the Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, while TNT was invented in 1863 by the German chemist Joseph Wilbrand. Whilst Dynamite is simply nitroglycerin in a more convenient form, TNT is Trinitrotoluene, so the two are two totally different chemical compounds. The stuff formed into short sticks and wrapped in paper is actually dynamit, not TNT... From now on should somebody sing "Cause I'm T.N.T., I'm dynamite" or should you see a TNT stick shown in a cartoon, you will know better.

Now that I got that off my chest ;-) let's go back to the project. The idea is not new, I've seen a "TNT" candle as part of the Red Dead Redemption merchandise and after searching a bit I found a version very similar to the one I had in mind at Meninos. What bothered me about it though, other than of course it saying "TNT" on it was the shiny finish. So I decided to make my own version.

domingo, 24 de março de 2013

Lidl, aproveitem!

Ninguém me paga para isto (quem me dera!), mas se são dados à Experimentação, Invenção, e Improvização, façam o favor de visitarem estas lojas que oferecem às vezes verdadeiras jóias da Engenhoquice! LOL

Começo por este rolo, tem uma banda auto-colante no topo, mede 55 Cm de largura, e tem cerca de 33 Metros de compriento...

Desde Pintura, o seu uso original, até um conserto de emergência para janelas de casas e vidros de automóveis, passando por um sem-fim de usos, por cerca de 4 Euros, é um achado!

E depois, temos esta grande Engenhoca, que é claro que muitos vão comprar, só pelo gozo de ter um catrapázio destes, mas atenção, Alta Pressão?
Isso serve sei lá para que fins, para accionar sei lá que mais Máquinas, para qualquer Inventor, ou Fabber, que se preze...

E é claro que há N mais grandes Cadeias de Lojas, a visitar, regularmente, mas podem começar por esta:

quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013

Maravilha! CNC com Lego, Pololu, e os vossos Dentes de volta!

Isto é uma  Maravilha e este Génio, Arthur Sacek, não pára de nos surpreender, com as suas maravilhosas Máquinas CNC feitas com Lego...
Subscrevam os Vídeos dele!

LEGO 360° Milling Machine 
Arthur Sacek
It is a new version of my LEGO 3D Milling Machine. It was developed to participate in the WRO 2011 - Abu Dhabi in the "LEGO Robotics Experts" area.

Eis a Pololu, porreira por 3 razões:
Porque tem um sem-fim de Robótica, e Arduino;
Porque tem Corte Laser por encomenda;
E porque tem representantes em todo o lado, só em Portugal, por exemplo, tem dois Representantes!  

Welcome to Pololu Robotics and Electronics, your source for robot kits, robot parts, and robot electronics. You can order online through this web site or through one of our distributors. Please contact us at any time if you have any questions or comments. Our robotics forum is also available for interacting with Pololu engineers and other robotics enthusiasts about our products, your projects, and electronics and robotics in general.


E uma notícia que vai fazer todos sorrir, os vossos dentes hão de crescer outra vez, em breve, com esta Pesquisa que faz crescer os dentes que perderam, a partir de células da vossa Gengiva!


Replacement "bioteeth" from stem cells a step closer

Adam Williams

 New research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre and King's College London, UK, may result in bio-engineered replacement teeth which are generated from a person’s own gum cells. Though artificial whole-tooth implants are currently available to people who are missing a tooth, such implants are unable to fully reproduce the natural root structure of a tooth. This means that in time, friction caused by eating and other movement of the jaw can result in a loss of jaw bone.

segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013

Acendedor de Churrascada, Electricidade mais barata, um Modelo de Hovercraft, uma Sanfona em Papel, e mais rodas Dentadas

Alô, Brasil! 
Uma notícia, cortesia do nosso Amigo Inventor, José Abrahão, cá vai uma Engenhoca para chamar as atenções, para as vossas Chrrascadas ao ar livre...

À Engenhocas! MUÁHÁHÁHÁ!

Também dará para afugentar Onças, mas não tenho a certeza... 
Agora que penso nisso, todos os Cineastas e Cenógrafos de Fim-de-semana, mais as Escolas de Samba, Festas Tradicionais, etc. poderão usar isto como adereço, nas suas Obras de Arte ao vivo, com as devidas e indispensáveis Medidas de Segurança.

Moose/Bear Repellent aka FLAME THROWER
The idea for this project was born from trying to get our campfires started with kindling and wood so wet we couldn't get them to burn with dry paper. Sure charcoal lighter would work but where's the fun in that?

Please don't be misled by the term Moose/Bear Repellent, I only used it to create more interest. It probably wouldn't deter a bear that was intent on inflicting harm. If anyone wishes to visit Alaska to enjoy the great outdoors, I would recommend some sort of bear deterrent. Be advised a big ol' can of pepper spray isn't always effective, they have even been seen licking it from the ground. Making plenty of noise or an occasional blast on a portable air horn while you're hiking will keep surprise encounters to a minimum. As for the moose, beware, they usually aren't afraid of anything and would love a chance to bully you for your snacks, or for no reason at all.

Electricidade a partir da Diferença de Salinidade nos Estuários dos Rios, pode estar mais perto de ser uma realidade práctica, com este avanço no seu até agora fraco rendimento:

Nanotubes boost potential of salinity power as a renewable energy source

Darren Quick

In November 2009, Norwegian state owned electricity company Statkraft opened the world’s first osmotic power plant prototype, which generates electricity from the difference in the salt concentration between river water and sea water. While osmotic power is a clean, renewable energy source, its commercial use has been limited due to the low generating capacities offered by current technology – the Statkraft plant, for example, has a capacity of about 4 kW. Now researchers have discovered a new way to harness osmotic power that they claim would enable a 1 m2 (10.7 sq. ft.) membrane to have the same 4 kW capacity as the entire Statkraft plant.

E algo para alegrar a Malta, um impecável Hovercraft Tele-comandado, a partir de meia-dúzia de Materiais, ora aqui está algo para ter uma desculpa para passar uns momentos ao Ar livre...

How to make a RC Hovercraft  

A while ago I posted an instructable of my radio controlled hovercraft, which you can see here:

I hope you liked it, some of you asked me to make an step by step instructable. I thought that was a good idea and I decided to make one.
In this instructable I will show you how I build my hovercraft, powered by electric motors and controlled by a radio transmitter. I hope you learn from it so you can make it too.

Rob Ives volta a surpreender-nos com esta Sanfona em Papel, se algo existe de interesse, por aí, ele vai, e faz uma versão em Papel!

Make Your Own Paper Squeeze Box Accordion

A working paper squeeze box accordion to print out and make. It only plays two notes but hey, it works and it is made from paper!
Members can download the parts for free as usual, non-members can download the parts file for £2.50 from the link above. The file comes as a coloured and no-coloured version.

Este Instructable é engraçado, mas é bem mais do que isso, dá-vos mais uma maneira de fazerem Rodas Dentadas, desta vez, só com alguns cálculos, um Berbequim, e uma Lima:

Geared Candleholder 

This project is a candleholder with three gears and parallel action arms which move the candles up and down at different rates.It is made from aluminum plate and uses tea lights or small floating candles. The design and the variable gearing make it a playful device.
I Make gears basically by drilling holes in a circle, and then cutting away excess material so that the holes become the "valleys" between teeth. The diameter of the circle that passes through the center of each tooth (the Pitch Circle), is calculated by the formula shown below.

Also note the additional holes marked "#25". These are mounting holes for the connecting rods that join to the parallel arms. They need to be drilled with a #25 drill bit, and then tapped with a 10-24 tap to accept the shoulder bolts that act as pivots for the connecting arms.

sábado, 16 de março de 2013

Legendas, um ganda Engenhocas, Serigrafia para todos, e e um Carro a Balão!

Para os que queiram legendar um vosso Filme, eis uma grande ajuda, Subtitle Editor, que vos dará a possibilidade de legendar grandes vídeos, só têem de carregar na tecla "Insert" e inserir linha após linha de texto, guiados pela imagemdo vídeo, e sobretudo pelo Gráfico de Onda Sonora, que vos permite fazer um trabalho porreiro...

Podem ver acima o Programa, e abaixo, o que agora corre na Youtube, é só irem ao Gestor de Vídeos, e importar o ficheiro .srt que o Subtitle Editor gravou, e já está!

Claro que isto também serve para gravarem os vosso CDs / DVDs com Legendas.
E até podem gravar permanentemente as Legendas no Filme, com outro programa, o Avidemux, para o qual importam o Filme, e adicionam as legendas, com Filters>Subtitles, e escolhendo o que quizerem fazer:

 É bom!

Isto é um regalo para os olhos, estas máquinas maravilhosas deste génio britânico, cortesia da BBC, assistam a esta reportagem inspiradora:

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Twisted toymaker Paul Spooner on his 'wooden cartoons'

Paul Spooner specialises in a field known as 'mechanical automata'.
He makes elaborate constructions from various materials - with a strong preference for wood - as much for the joy of making them, as to further any practical purpose.
Also known as 'vintage hacking', his work fuses the worlds of conceptual art, cartooning, engineering and theatrical set design.
Commissions can come from a variety of sources, including galleries, museums, theatre companies, private collectors and companies who require an elaborate contraption, including, for example, Louis Vuitton.




Continuando na onda da Inspiração, eis algo para os mais Artísticos, cortesia da Stumbleupon, um Material que é deitado fora, pode servir para as vossas Serigrafias Caseiras:

Fun with Foam Printing - Easy Tutorial
I loved this idea because not only can you recycle these horrid polystyrene containers, but the process is really simple.  You could even use tracing paper and trace your design so you don't even need to be able to draw.  You could make a whole series of cards like this or just a colorful print to hang on your wall and cheer up the place.

E eis um Carro que anda por Balão, uma ideia divertida para terem algo para imprimir em 3D, notícia da Shapeways. Reparem que este Modelo aproveita as possibilidades das Impressoras 3D que imprimem peças móveis embebidas no Chassi, não é para todas as Impressoras...

Super Lightweight 3D Printed Balloon Powered Toy Car (VIDEO)

Check out this super cute lightweight 3D printed ballon powered toy car by dominikraskin.
The lightweight design makes use of the possibility to create moving parts such as wheels integrated into the 3D print when design for Nylon 3D printing.



quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2013

Robosavvy, Extreme Electronics, e Carro de Corridas em Kit

Uma novidade para ter em conta, eis os Representantes que já vendem para Portugal a Impressora 3D Replicator 2, da Makerbot, que já tem capacidade para fazer as vossas Engenhocas correr, e funcionar:

Replicator 2

There’s a new standard in desktop 3D printing. Makerbot's fourth generation machine isn’t just our best, it’s the best desktop 3D printer on the market. With a resolution capability of 100 microns and a massive 410 cubic inch build volume (6.7 litres), the MakerBot Replicator™ 2 Desktop 3D Printer is the easiest, fastest, and most affordable tool for making professional quality models. We set a new standard with our work, so that you can set a new standard with yours. Includes a 1 lb spool of Natural PLA filament.

Apareceu isto no meu Facebook, e cá vai, eles apresentam-se como tendo os melhores Tutoriais de Micro-controladores, e lá que têem um Forum, e ainda por cima, uma data de Engenhocas porreiraças, têem mesmo:

Welcome to eXtreme Electronics

Welcome to eXtreme Electronics hobby shop, the only place on the net that takes care of average Indian hobbyist. So here you will find high quality innovative products at the lowest cost, and they will surely ease your life!
After more than three years of experience in creating and selling innovative hardware and software tools for embedded systems, we are proud to present our all new web shopping portal. Now it looks much cool and has tons of new features! 

E para espevitar o interesse de Míudos e Graúdos na Constucção Automóvel, eis um Kit Faça Você Mesmo, para montarem o vosso Bólide Eléctrico, nos vossos Liceus, nas vossas Universidades... Ou nas vossas Garagens! 

iRACER: The world’s first build at home electric racing car kit

Brian Dodson

In what might seem like an odd pairing, Birmingham City University and Westfield Sportscars have joined forces to develop the world’s first build at home electric race car kit. The iRACER is an all-electric vehicle designed to educate and excite, while also supporting the growing forces urging the sport of racing to go local-emissions-free.