Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2015

Novo Método de Impressão 3D! E Woodworking Tips, um Arduino feito em casa, e ainda mais uma Impressora 3D feita por vós

Dica da 3D Printers Online Store:
Por ser baseado num Gel que endurece com Ultra-violetas, exibe a facilidade de impressão da Impressão de Filamento, e a resolução incrível da DLP, e ainda, com um Volume enorme, e uma rapidez fantástica, parece-me que ISTO é mesmo o Futuro do Fabbing:

MASSIVit 3D: GDP Gel Dispensing 3D Printing technology  
When we think about 3d printing more often than not we are thinking about a small desktop printer, but not everything can be printed on these small printers. If we have to print larger models we have to slice it into smaller parts so that it can fit the build base of the printer. This is actually a crude stop gap solution to a problem at hand, but FDM 3d printing being extremely slow and the inability to control failed prints makes printing large objects a real task at hand. The Biggest 3d printer that we know of is the BigRep ONE.2 which has a 1M³ working volume, but it still inherits the shortcomings of the FDM printing technologies we discussed earlier. So is there a solution at sight? There certainly is and it’s coming from the promised lands of Israel. - See more at: 

Ora vejam lá... Se isto não é uma solução bacana também para o Laser Cut!
Pois é, pode-se aprender MUITO com estas Dicas de Carpintaria, da Woodworking Tips, que serve também para o Fabbing, e Engenhocas em geral: 

 Wedged Mortise & Tenon
Tap, tap, tap. The wedges go home, the glue squeezes out and a big smile lights up your face. “This joint isn’t coming apart for a hundred years,” you say. “It’s as solid as a rock!”

E se têem pouco dinheiro disponível, mas precisam dum Arduino, porque não, fazerem o vosso próprio Arduino, em casa?
É o que podem fazer com este Instructable: 

Beeduino : Homemade Arduino on a Budget 
Hey what the cost of this blue board thingy, "Arduino" i think its called?? Well the cost is about $30 per board. Woah $30 for just this simple circuit. Whats so special in it? Well nothing actually. Its just a simple open source development platform with awesome I/O and programming potentials. Open source eh? Doesn't that mean we can make our own possibly much cheaper? Well i think so....
These were my thoughts when i got into the world of ARDUINO. After having bought many original and chinese arduinos i have finally decided that its time for me to make my own arduino. Now i wouldn't recommend people starting arduino to make this but people who have worked with arduino even a little should try this. 


Como não quero que vos falte nada, aqui vai, ainda mais outra Impressora 3D para fazerem nas vossas Garagens, Oficinas, ou Cantinhos das Ferramentas... 

A low cost 3D printer with basic tools
Introducing the 'Ad(str)apto'
Welcome to our 1st attempt at doing an instructable. This is a cheap, quick and very 'hackable' bootstrap printer loosely based on the reprap 'Adapto' ( The print volume of this printer is approximately 8 litres (200x200x200mm), but could easily be adapted to print a bigger volume. 


quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2015

Fresa CNC de 5 eixos, por 3.300 Dólares! E uma Impressora 3D por 299, um Aspirador impresso em 3D, e um Retrato dum Inventor!

Isto é incrível, podem agora fazer objectos complexos em Cera, Madeira, Plásticos E Alumínio!
É uma máquina topo-de-mesa, mas não se esqueçam de que podem fazer peças grandes em segmentos, e desenhar as Engenhocas de forma a usar Tubos e Chapas nas partes menos complexas...

Pocket NC - The first 5 axis CNC mill for your desktop.

Pocket NC 

What is the Pocket NC?
The Pocket NC is a 5 axis desktop CNC mill. 
Now let’s break down exactly what that means: 
Milling Machine: Today, most people are familiar with the concept of 3D printing which is an additive manufacturing process. The part is built up from the base by adding a layer of material at a time. Milling is a subtractive process where material is removed from a solid piece of stock using a sharp tool to reveal the part inside. 
CNC: CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control. This means that the machine is controlled by a series of codes and numbers output by a computer. These codes can either be output by software, or written line-by-line in a text file. For more information on the software you need, keep reading. 
5 Axis: If you are having a hard time visualizing what “5 axis” could mean, don’t worry. It’s a lot more simple than it sounds. Conventional milling machines typically can move in 3 linear axes at a time. An example of this would be a milling machine where the part fixed to the table can move back and forth in two directions (X and Y axes) and the cutting tool can move up and down (Z axis). The extra 2 axes of movement are rotational, which for the Pocket NC means that the part can also rotate about the X axis (A axis) and about the Y axis (B axis). The main advantage of this is that you can now machine on multiple faces of the part without having to refixture it. 

Dica de Peter Smith, e notícia da, têem esta Impressora 3D portátil por menos de 300 Dólares, para venda:

New High Quality Portable Afinibot Creality 3D Printer Launches for Just $299


The majority of 3D printers are large, clunky, and somewhat fragile machines. The idea of moving them back and forth between rooms, or in and out of a closet just isn’t very feasible. We have seen several “portable” 3D printers come to market over the past couple years, but most are expensive or simply don’t do what they say. This may be about to change though, with the new Afinibot Creality 3D printer now available at 3D Printers Online Store.
The new 3D printer kit features a decent size build volume of 130 x 150 x 100 mm and can print with a layer resolution of 100 microns. It is built with a sturdy aluminum and acrylic frame, and weighs just 4.9 kg (approximately 10.8 pounds). Best of all, it’s priced at just $299 with even larger discounts available for higher quantity purchases.

Como o lixo se acumula à volta do PC duma forma assustadora, eis uma simpática ideia para usarem as vossas Impressoras 3D, que vai agradar à Patroa, um Aspirador que funciona alimentyado por uma saída USB do mesmo Computador:

[Updated] 3D Print a Mini USB Vacuum Cleaner


My purpose to design a mini USB vacuum cleaner was the consequence of the mess I was confronted to, after making stuff for hours with plastic, wood, and electronic parts on my desk.
I needed a small and efficient device to clean the mess, so I decided to design and make my own.
This mini vacuum cleaner is very helpfull ! I can now easily clean my laptop keyboard, my desk, and all the small fragile items I collect. 

Dica importantíssima da RS Components, eis a explicação do que significa ser Inventor, não um Cientista de Filme Infantil, mas um homem do Mundo Real, que resolve um Problema, de forma viável e económica!
Será que em Inglês, as nossoas "Autoridades" irão acreditar que a Invenção não é mais um Cambalacho Elitista e Corporativista do Estado-Novo, SÓ entre Universiades e Empresas, e NINGUÉM MAIS, só por causa duns "estudos" feitos por uns Burocratas Falhados, em Bruxelas, a Capital da Idiotice?

GripIt Fixings Jordan Daykin Portrait of an Inventor
RS Components
View our stock of GripIt Fixings at RS Components
Entrepreneur and inventor Jordan Daykin talked to us about his journey creating GripIt Fixings, and successfully pitching the product to Deborah Meaden on the BBC’s Dragons’ Den television programme.
GripIt Fixings are the world’s strongest plasterboard fixing supporting a weight load of up to a massive 180kg. 
For more on Jordan and others like him, follow us on Twitter , Facebook .

terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2015

Peças que encaixem, Pulseira de Acessórios, 3D de encher(!), e mais truques para a Impressão

Quando fazem alguma coisa com mais de uma peça, é de ver se essas tais peças encaixam, para não ter problemas dos grandes...
Ainda mais quando encomendam o trabalho fora! 
Pois aqui está mais uma achega de como o podem fazer, no Programa grátis de CAD, da eMachineShop:

How to Assemble Your Parts For a Perfect Fit 
When using the eMachineShop CAD software to design parts that fit together, it's important to know how to make sure they will really fit. It's easy to do in eMachineShop's CAD Software. 


Eis algo para levar para o alto dos Escadotes e Telhados, etc. para não ter de levar uma caixa de Acessórios, uma Pulseira de Acessórios!
Ora aqui está uma boa sugestão para terem algo que imprimir, e sigam o exemplo, que até tem um Link para um Instructable: 

3D Printed Tool WristBand

Designed by MrFSosa

Please do me a favor vote for me at this instructable contest
3D print an entire tool wristband in one or two printjobs. No screws or much assembly required.
Save your self 200-500 dollars
direction or printing needs to be adjusted to match pictures.. print it at 50% infill and insert the drill bits while still warm for best results.

Dica de Eddy de Ridder, eis impressão 3D, que é 4D, pois é para Músculos Artificiais, por isso, tem de ser  extensível...
De forma que é impresso o Músculo por cima dum Balão de Silicone! 
O que eles imaginam! 

3D / 4D printing inflatable structures 
Fergal Coulter 
Artificial muscle membranes are created by spray depositing silicone on to a air-permeable shape. The silicone membrane is stretched by inflation, 3D scanned and then printed upon.

Como isto da Impressão 3D parece que dá muitas dores-de-cabeça, até de domesticar o Bicho, cá vão estas Dicas sobre como ter Impressões impressionates!

3D Printing HacksJubal117
Entering the world of 3d printing can be a little intimidating for a non-engineer or young gun trying to earn his salt. This instructable will give you some tips and tricks from an engineer who has used an Ultimaker original for a little over 6 months. My goal is to take the issues I faced in 3d printing and guide you in solving them. With that introduction lets jump into some steps to get you printing your first part (which in my case was the Ultimaker Robot!).

sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2015

Uma Impressora DLP por 60 dólares! Outra por menos de 500, mais Crowdfunding em Português, e

As Impressoras DLP são as que resultam numa Impressão mais fiel ao modelo, nada das "escadinhas" das Impressoras FDM, de Exrtusor e Filamento, e agora, podem construír uma, com 60 Dólares, o que é fantástico!
Com umas tralhas que praí tenham, um Projector Vídeo em 2ª mão, e um DVD velho, mais isto e aquilo, vão poder fazer esta pequena Maravilha: 

Chimera: $60 DLP High-Res 3D Printer


I have been on a hunt for the past several years to find a cheap and simple, yet moderately high resolution 3D printer. I had 3 different 3D printers partially constructed when I heard about the amazing technology of DLP Stereo lithography (SLA) printers. I have finally found enough parts at the right price to construct a fully functional printer capable of amazing quality with spending less than $100. Top down DLP printers in their simplest form have only one axis of motion, a video projector, and minimal electronics. They do not require a heated or perfectly level bed, there is never a clogged or wrong temperature in the extruder as it does not use an extruder. And the resin used has a comparable price to FDM printers.
The chimera (ky-meer-a) is a mythological creature that is made up of 3 different animals, this printer is made using the recycled/modified parts of 3 different categories (projector, toys, and old computer stuff), hence the name.
I am always looking for constructive criticism, let me know if you think i can improve on the project, or the instructable!

E se quizerem uma Impressora capaz de imprimir objectos maiores, têem esta, que fica um pouco mais cara, mas faz com que a diferença valha a pena!
E, francamente, é bem mais sólida.

"Little Dipper" SLA/DLP 3D printer for under $500 (projector included)


A brief overview:
This Instructable is about building a simple yet versatile resin (SLA) 3D printer that uses a cheap DLP projector to build the part from the "top down". This orientation of the light source is similar to other large scale industrial SLA machines. It has some advantages in simplicity, scalability and disadvantages in minimum feature size and print time.
This version build is budget conscious, has a low part count, can easily be upgraded and scaled in size. The entire 3D printer (projector and resin included) can be built for just about $500 or less which makes it one of the cheapest bang-for-your-buck 3D printers using SLA resin out there.
There are many good Instructables and resources that contain more exhausting detail about DLP resin 3D printers and background information. If you are interested in learning more about this will be one of your best community resources for knowledge relating to the topic.

Dica do nosso amigo José Abrahão, eis mais um site de Crowdfunding que fala esta mesma língua, de origem Brasileira, tomem nota.
E esta tem uma particularidade, a de vocês conservarem os fundos acumulados, MESMO se não atingirem a Meta pretendida!
É bom!

Dando vida a ideias, sonhos e projetos com crowdfunding. 
Lance sua campanha de crowdfunding e a primeira contribuição será por conta da Kickante. É INÉDITO e EXCLUSIVO!
Arrecadar fundos com a Kickante é muito mais fácil
Nós fazemos a primeira contribuição para sua campanha! Campanhas "Tudo ou Nada" ou "Flexíveis" (leve o que arrecadar, independente da sua meta)! 

.. E uma proposta que não podem recusar, um Drone Kit, para transformar não importa o quê, num UAV, um Projecto tão maluco, que TEM de ter muitas utilidadfes práticas, eventualmente...
Em que ninguém tenha pensado! 

DIY (Drone It Yourself) Kit v1.0


The DIY (Drone It Yourself) v1.0 kit offers you the opportunity to turn any object into a drone (or technically, an UAV). The kit consists of multiple parts that are easy to assemble and can be attached to a wide range of different objects.
For more advanced uses, you can take the original designs and alter the kit by making your own custom clamps or add-ons as needed.
The plastic parts have been 3D printed in ABS. The control unit contains a receiver, four ESCs, a bluetooth module and an Flight Controller. I've provided a list of the hardware and electronic parts I've been using, but feel free to try your own combination. 

terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2015

Freaks3D, uma Oficina no Quintal, como encontrar o Centro, Bricolage, e Bitmovel

Dica do nosso amigo Eddy de Ridder, cá está mis uma Impressora 3d, esta mais portyátil, fácil de operar, e barata...

[Pre-Order] Freaks3D - a reliable and affordable 3D printer. Take It Everywhere !

As makers, we love 3D printing.3D printing makes our lives easier. We use it to print mechanical parts, tools, prototype our product, verify our assumptions or just make gadgets we love. It’s easy, fast and low cost.
We are amazed by 3D printing technology. However, the 3D printers on the market are far from satisfying. Most of them are bulky, not light-weight enough to be carried around, hassles to use, plus price ridiculously high. We want a reliable, affordable and portable 3D printer that we can take everywhere. Moreimportantly, it should be easy-to-use for general consumer crowds like artists/designers, educators, household wives, even children who are curious about creation. 

Quem tem um Quintal poderá ter uma Oficina, com este Instructable, para consertar o Carrito, e / ou ser um Fabber a trabalhar com condições, com este Instructable...

2 Car All-Metal Workshop For 2 Grand


Overture: A Tale of Two Cards...
It began as a blueprint on an index card...
It began with a Lowe's credit card...
Based on a True Story,
Building Steel!
You say you'd love to have a two car garage, but you can't afford it? Or you need a workshop to build your dream airplane/car/boat/World Domination project? Here's a 400 square foot (20 X 20) all-metal shop for a little over two thousand dollars (A slap in the face to the bank!), built entirely from common parts available at any home improvement center.
This shop fits our budget because it's built without using a concrete $lab, expensive framing or siding. It's based on the old Quonset Hut design dating to World war II, although the construction method is different. The original Quonset Hut was a 20 by 48 foot hemicylinder (half cylinder); this one is slightly less than half the size of the original. Anybody that knows anything about structural design will tell you the dome is the strongest shape possible for a building - Buckminster Fuller made geodesic domes a household word. But domes are hard to build, and don't make the best use of floor space. The Quonset Hut is a "dome" in one dimension, while still maintaining a rectangular floor plan. It's much easier to build, because there is no need for tricky angles (as a geodesic dome requires) or compound curves, and it's still very sturdy.

Uns sabem, outros não, outros já esqueceram: 
Uma maçada comum na vida dum Engenhocas, é achar o centro duma Circunferência, e eis como se pode fazer, com Instrumentos que têem bem à mão, o que é bem bom!

Skill Builder: How to Find the Center of Any CircleJordan Bunker  If you need to drill a hole in the center of a circular material, you’ll have to find it first. You could buy a fancy center-finding tool, or you can use simple measuring tools and these easy methods to mark the point. 

Ora eis aqui um belo Site em Português, com Vídeos que fazem de qualquer um, um Às da bricolage, vejam só como se livram de Garrrafas de Vidro, a construír uma estante!

Vamos construir uma estante com garrafas recicladas e tábuas de madeira. Para isso vamos utilizar: Pattex Não Mais Pregos Invisível, garrafas, tábuas de madeira, um pano, lápis e régua. 

Mais uma Loja com Impressoras 3D, peças, e tudo o mais, que isto de Impressoras, é bem melhor comprar numa Loja online onde lá esteja o que for sendo preciso, mais adiante.
Que isto não é só comprar uma máquina, há o Filamento, e uma data de peças adicionais...
Podem também de lá encomendar um Kit da Impressora Prusa, por menos de 500 Euros:

A satisfação do cliente é o mais importante. A necessidade de uniformização de produtos e expedição de encomendas, deu origem à fusão de e com a Bitmovel em Abril de 2014.
Hoje em dia, a Bitmovel possui um alargado leque de clientes, nomeadamente no sector automóvel, arquitectura, comércio a retalho e indústria transformadora.
Abdicando de loja física e dos custos inerentes á mesma, a Bitmovel consegue obter e garantir os preços mais competitivos do mercado.

[Kit] Impressora 3D - Prusa i3

Kit completo com todos os componentes necessários e pronto a montar.
Dimensões (X, Y, Z):
Impressora com bobine: 460 x 370 x 583mm
Impressora sem bobine: 460 x 370 x 510mm
Área de impressão: 215mm x 210mm x 180mm
Embalagem: 400mm x 400mm x 250mm
Resolução de impressão:
Muito alta: 60 microns
Alta: 100 microns
Média: 200 microns
Baixa: 300 microns
Velocidade de Impressão:
Recomendado: 50mm/s
Máximo: 80mm/s
- Frame de alumínio pintado (na cor escolhida)
- Varões lisos cromados
- Varões roscados pretos
- Rolamentos LM8UU e 623ZZ
- Esteira Igus Energy Chain
- Acopulamentos flexiveis para eixo Z
- Base de nivelamento com 4 pontos de apoio.
- Base de impressão de mudança fácil, com clips.
- Ventoinha com rolamentos axiais

quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2015

Máquina-Maravilha! E façam uma Lixadora de Cinta, Ebooks sobre 3D, mais um Misturador acessível.

Rida Banaki partilhou um Vídeo que figura em, e ficamos agradecidos a ambos, porque esta Engenhoca é FENOMENAL! 
Não será preciso enunciar as vantagens duma multi-mãquina que se leva numa mão, para todo o Engenhoca com pouco espaço ou pouco tempo, ou para o Modelista que leva tudo para onde possa testar os Modelos, e ainda menos para os Inventores, que tẽem de expôr as suas Invenções em Exposições onde falta sempre alguma coisa por fazer, ou precisam de consertar algo à última hora...
Boa ideia! 

POWER8® Workstarion
The world´s first cordless workstation. Ideal for professional tradesmen and DIY enthusiasts, the set includes a stainless steel armoured case which when combined with the four 18-volt cordless tools transforms them into their powerful benchtop equivalents..

Uma Lixadora de Cinta que fazem em casa, é o que podem fazer, se seguirem as ideias bastante fáceis de implementar expostas neste Vídeo de Marcos del Aguila, que tem o detalhe de poderem lixar à volta duma roda, ou a direiro, e muitas outros detalhes a notar:

Homemade 2x72 belt grinderMarcos del Aguila
My name is Marcos. I made this from and old bumper, some scrap metal and a treadmill I bought for $50. Check it out.

Podem ter à vossa disposição todos os E-Livros seobre Impressão 3D, nesta página, e olhem que vale a pena, para não perderem tempo a aprender o que já lá vem, e sobretudo, não perderem a paciencia com Impressões falhadas...

All the Sculpteo eBooks in One Place 
Sculpteo not only provides one of the most elite 3D printing services on the market today, we also have a wide berth of expertise that we love to share. So if you’re looking for some light reading on the 3D happenings of the day check out our eBook Collection!
To date Sculpteo has released four eBooks (listed below), this article will give you a quick summary of each – but for the complete thing go ahead and click on it directly!
  • 3D Printing vs Injection Molding
  • Top 20 3D Printing Stories of 2014
  • Design Guidelines for 3D Printing
  • Fix your Files for 3D Printing

Vai ser preciso, um dia, melhorar o acabamento das vossas Impressões 3D, ou então,  pulverizar ou misturar algo, por exemplo, Bentonite, para Fundição em Areia, ou Ferrugem e Alumínio para Thermite, (MUAÁHÁHÁ, grandes pedaços de Sucata convenientemente cortados, e em segundos!).
Para isso, não gastam quase nada, se seguirem este simpático Instructable: 

Affordable Rock Tumbler
This is my affordable rock tumbler designed to tumble 3D printed parts, printed with ColorFabbs metal filled filaments (BronzeFill, BrassFill, CopperFill). It is also possible to add a 'golden' shine to regular PLA when the parts are tumbled with brass screws. It should be possible to build this tumbler for less than € 40.- which makes it much more affordable than 'professional' tumblers that can do nothing better than this one ;-)
With the 110mm drum it turns with approx. 22rpm - feel free to adjust the speed with different gear wheels (see note below).
You can go with a drum of your choice (i.e. old tins, etc.) but I found that PVC pipe couplings that are sold in hardware stores are perfect and cheap. This tumbler is designed to run with either diameter of coupling like 110mm, 125mm or 160mm (latter not tested yet). The 110mm drum is large enough for most of my parts and should be the starting point for your first try. For those who like a rubberized drum it is a good idea to print the inset for the drum with flexible filament. 

terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2015

Grande Prémio de Invenções do Irão! E uma Impressora 3D em Promoção, na Soluções Electrónicas, Plasma com Bitolas, e façam-no em casa! E ainda, Plástico em Placa.

Já sabem como é, de todo o Mundo, se envolve Invenções, está aqui!
Eis o Grande Prémio de Invenções do Irão, para concorrerem, se quizerem, com algo que resolva algum Problema.
Lembrem-se, os Homens veem e vão, mas as Invenções ficam:

Iran Inventions Grand Prize
About the Grand Prize 
Home technology as an organizer in cooperation with the Ministry of Mining Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology launched its secretariat. In this way the organizations as sponsors to support the Technological Home. Technological Home on various steps can engage in partnership to enhance an advocate for innovation and entrepreneurship.
1. Understanding the policy- making organizations and technological for the moral and material support of the project 
2. Attract agencies and industrial centers across the world 
3. Signed agreements with industry and the real need to use the technology 
4. Sign in Iran’s Science and Technology reconciliation with the agencies and organizations around the world in order to interaction of the world novel technologies and focusing on the production and commercialization of technologies

Este Site, Soluções Electrónicas, que eu desconhecia até ontem, permite-vos comprarem as vossas Impressoras 3D com toda a comodidade, e por isso, cá vai só um exemplo, uma Promoção, sim, está mais barata ;) ...
Uma Prusa por menos de 500 Euros:

O kit completo é composto por 7 partes (kits internos), todas devidamente identificadas e com os respetivos componentes para facilitar ao utilizador tanto a compreensão da parte de montagem como a identificação dos componentes incluidos. Os kits internos são:
Eixo X
Eixo Y
Eixo Z
Bolsa material suplente

Não têem dinheiro para uma Crtadora de Plasma CNC? Mas têem uma Maçarico de Plasma?
Esta é uma das tais ideias de coçar a cabeça, e perguntat porque não pensámos nisto, USEM UMA BITOLA!
Podem assim cortar na FabLab local o baratíssimo MDF, e com essa Bitola, cortar METAL, Muáháháhá! 
Vejam só este vídeo demonstrativo do método, duma série com muitos mais, e todos bons, deste grande Engenhocas DiResta:

Watch me make a Machete using one of the many old crosscut saw i own. To shape the machete i use my new Baeumont Belt Grinder The Handle is made from ziricote wood from Belize. Please share and enjoy! ... the original upload was deleted by accident in my iphone app ! apparently there is not secondary warning!!!


Como não quero que vos falte NADA, pois então, cá está como fazerem o tal Maçarico de Corte de Plasma...
EM CASA, com Sucata que tenham por aí!
Instructable de Categoria.
E muitíssimo obrigado ao Bacano que fez este Instructable, Plasanator:


How to Make Your own Plasma Cutter....Plasanator 
Check out new video of the Plasanator on
This Ebook is designed for Guys and Gals who like to create tools and machinery.
I hope my Ebook gives you hope that no matter how hard a project may seem, keep plugging away until you finish and you will succeed.
I spent 3 years putting this together and now finally all my hard work and research has paid off.
I studied diagrams from commercial venders, but to no luck. They tend to leave a lot out – on purpose - so it’s hard to reproduce their design. I’ve see different attempts at people making their own on You Tube and other sites, but what a death trap. Messy water resistors and wiring like a darn Christmas tree.
So I began reading books and articles on their workings and took my home schooled-knowledge of electronics to build my own plasma cutter. I was determined; failure was not an option.
I started by collecting parts from old microwaves, stoves, water heaters, air conditioners, car parts and more in the hopes of creating a low budget way to create a plasma cutter for myself. I mounted it all on a simple piece of scrap wood; well it’s scrap wood now. We, didn’t need that table anyway (shhhhhhh don’t tell the wife).
Then one day it all came together. I hit the power switch, placed the head to the metal, started the arc, felt the air kick and then a second hard kick (the current being drawn into play). Then BAM, it was slicing through quarter inch steel like a hot knife through butter.

Podem apenas precisar de fazer Placas ou Blocos em Plástico Reciclado, para terem à mão quando precisarem, ou maquinarem como quizerem... 
Aqui está como fazerem Plástico à fartazana, sem mais, neste exemplo, um Bloco de todo o tamanho foi ao Torno, e já lá canta uma Terrina: 

Milk top bowl
This insturctable will go through how I turn milk bottle tops (and various odd ones) into blanks for working with, mainly for turning but you can work it just like timber so your imagination is your limit :)
To start off with you need LOTS, just to be clear here LOTS of milk bottle/coke/fabricsoftner tops I get various places like cafes, staff canteens an family to save them for me just ask whoever you can.
A mold, this should be near the shape/size you want to use less caps, in my case im making a bowl so i used a bowl. If you want to be safe have one that you can melt into at 200 celsius because trying to melt it and move molds is unplesnt the lids retain loads of heat and stick to most surfaces so its just asking to cause serious burns.
An oven to melt it in. an expensive bit of kit but if you look hard in the kitchen (the place you take the lawnmower apart when it breaks before you manly shave the lawn) you might be as suprised as me that you already have one. (same applies to the mold the next cake my wife bakes will have plastic in it...)
And a work shop or tools to create! in this case a lathe was all i needed