Blog Posts

terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012

Inovadores em Português

Impecável inovação Portuguesa, soube-o através do Blog Portugal Inovador, nunca mais mandem emails banais, configurem os emails que mandam, como se fossem páginas da Net!
E é totalmente DE BORLA, isto é, grátis, de graça, não custa nada!


BrandMyMail é uma plataforma tecnológica que permite aos utilizadores de email, empresas ou indivíduos, construírem uma presença de marca através da integração de conteúdos das redes sociais nos seus emails. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube ou Flickr são algumas das fontes que podem ser utilizadas.
 Esta nova ferramenta de comunicação liga assim o tradicional mas incontornável email com as redes sociais de forma simples, objetiva e não intrusiva.

No meu tempo não havia destes, eis uma Prancha de Skate que nada deve às pranchas de Surf, pelo menos nas manobras:

SurfSkate skateboard uses 360-degree rotating trucks for more natural flow

By Chris Weiss

While skateboards have their own merits, fixed trucks and hard pavement don't exactly mimic the free-flowing, natural experience that surfers and snowboarders enjoy. Skateboard designers have tried to fix this shortcoming with all kinds of tricks. SurfSkate uses rotating trucks to attempt to fix skating's shortcomings.

Sabem o que é Liberdade de Expressão?
Parece que vai acabar...
Não gosto de meter Política aqui, mas esta notícia, não se pode passar ao lado, Censura Global, disfarçada de "protecção dos direitos dos artistas":

If You Thought SOPA Was Bad, Just Wait Until You Meet ACTA

Updated below.
When sites like Wikipedia and Reddit banded together for a major blackout January 18th, the impact was felt all the way to Washington D.C. The blackout had lawmakers running from the controversial anti-piracy legislation, SOPA and PIPA, which critics said threatened freedom of speech online.
Unfortunately for free-speech advocates, these pieces of legislation are not the only laws which threaten an open internet.

segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012

Notícias do camandro...

Um novo material do caraças, uma membrana de  Grafeno impermeável até ao Hélio e que só deixa passar àgua evaporada, e deixa-a passar tão fácilmente, COMO SE NÃO EXISTISSE!
Imagino que as possiblilidades abertas por esta notícia vá desencadear uma data de Invenções novas por aí...

Graphene reveals yet another extraordinary property

By Darren Quick

Ever since University of Manchester scientists Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov first isolated flakes of graphene in 2004 using that most high-tech pieces of equipment - adhesive tape - the one-atom sheet of carbon has continued to astound researchers with its remarkable properties. Now Professor Sir Andre Geim, (he's now not only a Nobel Prize winner but also a Knight Bachelor), has led a team that has added superpermeability with respect to water to graphene's ever lengthening list of extraordinary characteristics.

Graphene has already proven to be the thinnest known material in the universe, strongest material ever measured, the best-known conductor of heat and electricity, and the stiffest known material, while also the most ductile. But it seems the two-dimensional lattice of carbon atoms just can't stop showing off.

...E o "canivete suíço" das Motorizadas Eléctricas estará em breve à venda, por 4000 Euros:

Production of the EUR4000 fold-up pedal-electric Voltitude set to begin

By Mike Hanlon

The Voltitude fold-up electric scooter has an ingenious EasyFold system. Once folded, a special button on the handlebar enables you to "walk" it alongside you indoors, so you never raise a sweat in reaching a power outlet, which will fully replenish the battery inside four hours. The 25 kph (15.5 mph) electric assist Voltitude begins volume production in July with an on-line price expected in the vicinity of EUR4000.

...E que tal... DADOS, para aprender a tocar?

Chord Dice give songwriters a chance

By Gizmag Team

We uncovered lots of fantastic technology-driven innovations at NAMM recently, but as we saw with PocketStrings, not all good ideas are built around transistors. Chord Dice is another example. This clever songwriting and teaching tool dispenses with chord charts and books and hangs musical theory on the roll of the dice.

Part of learning to write a song is figuring out which chords sound good together. While experienced musos may be able to reel off all the chords in a particular key, beginners may find themselves constantly referring to charts in order to hit upon the right combination. The idea of Chord Dice is to distill this information onto the face of a die so that it's easy to learn the chords in a particular key. Even if you are not a beginner, there may be some inspiration to be had from rolling the dice.

Ainda mais uma, divulgando a DAR news, vejam lá a introducção ao Arduino:

DAR Training

We can't talk about advanced resources without developing proper training strategies. That's why DAR is developing an intense formation plan that starts with informal workshops but that will also include other types of courses. In January 2012 we will announce our yearly workshops program.
It will be organized in four different main themes distributed along each month four weeks. The idea is to turn a theme into a course and also better evaluate the outcomes.
Also DAR wants to assume all the formation plans as a solid and flexible complement do traditional design education.
This is one of the most important areas of dissemination of all the design resources DAR identifies since the association is completely independent from any political or technocratic rules.

check our facebook page!
or our temporay web page and like us!

domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012

Fabricação digital

Uma maravilha de Apresentação e Apresentadora, de mais um Post da Ponoko...

A primer on 3D printing 
2012 may be the year of 3D printing: Lisa Harouni on TED
We may be preaching to the converted, but for those who still aren’t convinced (or maybe even aren’t aware) of just how exciting 3D printing is, this recent TED talk gives a neat overview.
E vejam só até onde se pode ir!

...E se fizerem uma Empresa de Fabriucação 3D, ou de outras Engenhocas, que tal, apresentarem Cartões de Visita...

Ultraviolet Business Card Flashlight

If you've seen some of my other business cards, I like the idea of giving away cards that are useful in some way.  Most of my others have been more proof-of-concept, but this one is not only fun but easy to make, inexpensive and has a real wow factor.

It's a simple ultraviolet torch, but the basic design can easily be made as a normal (white) flashlight instead, and the components only cost a couple of dollars.

quinta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2012

Criar é preciso

Criar ideias, criar, recomeça as aulas:

E as meninas de todas as idades podem levar uma Boneca para casa, o equivalente de estoirar com coisas, ou criar Engenhocas, para nós, faz bem à Neura! Está aqui:

Workshop de EVA 3D

Sábado, próximo dia 11 de Fevereiro, Workshop de EVA 3D.
Quatro horas de aprendizagem a trabalhar EVA 3D, entre as 12:00 e as 16:00, em Benfica.
Materiais incluídos.
Número mínimo de alunos: 6
Aprenda a fazer e leve uma boneca para casa.
Dois modelos à escolha: a Boneca Moldura ou a Cabelos ao Vento:

E para Máquinas e Engenhocas, eis mais um Programa de CAD, grátis, o DoubleCAD, que vos permite ter mais um posto de autoCAD...
Grátis, é bom!

Need an extra AutoCAD LT® seat for drafting & detailing?

Introducing DoubleCAD™ XT

It's an AutoCAD LT work-alike.  But free.
DoubleCAD™ XT is a great companion with AutoCAD® – and if you are a Google™ SketchUp™ user wanting to go from concept-to-construction drawings – or have an older copy of AutoCAD LT® that can't read the latest AutoCAD® files – DoubleCAD™ XT is an invaluable companion to SketchUp™ and AutoCAD LT®, too.

ElastomatiK, cortada e pronta a enviar pelo correio!

Já juntei mais opções de compra, por isso podem simplesmente comprar e montar a pistola, se viverem nestes Países:

Para além da Itália para Portugal, agora, América, Alemanha, Nova Zelândia, e Brasil, ainda que, no caso do Brasil tenham que importar a coisa da Grâ-Bretanha...

Vejam a opção que melhor vos sirva, aqui:

E se viverem noutro lado, vão aqui, e carreguem onde está sublinhado,que eu vou ver se dou um jeito!

Máquinas de clips!

Isto é um Instructable para quem diz que "não tem jeito", pois podem fazer as suas máquinas a partir de... Clips!

Building Machines From Paperclips

Several months ago I awoke one morning with an idea for a project. I had gone to bed thinking about a presentation I am going to make to a group of middle and high school technology teachers in a couple of months. I wanted to come up with a couple of simple and inexpensive projects they could use to teach their students some aspect of technology and hopefully inspire their creativity. During the night I dreamed of making machines out of paperclips and this project was born.

E um Robot-sentinela, que se atira por aí:

Novatiq enters robotics market with SCORP throwable robot

By Darren Quick

After 15 months of development, privately-owned Swiss company Novatiq is set to enter the robotics market with its first offering, SCORP. Designed for scouting and surveillance applications, SCORP is a Micro Unmanned Ground Vehicle (MUGV) that joins the growing ranks of throwable robots. As such, it is small, rugged and lightweight enough to be carried in a backpack and thrown into buildings or over rough terrain.

quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2012

Chapa dobrada, Software, e Hardware

Eis um add-on ao programa Grátis para uso não-comercial, atenção, Estudantes, que podem descarregar e testar, Medusa, para desenhar uma caixa, ou lá o que queiram, em Chapa dobrada:

Video: Custom Sheet Metal Design with MEDUSA4 Personal™

MEDUSA4 SMD™ is a very simple to use – yet extremely powerful – sheet metal design system, fully integrated within the MEDUSA4 design automation solution. Used by customers all over the world, from specialist truck manufacturers to architectural designers, SMD gives users maximum flexibility in the design of sheet metal parts.

Download the latest version of MEDUSA4 Personal (5.0.1) with Sheet Metal Design

Register to download and use MEDUSA4 Personal commercially

Falando ainda de dobrar chapa, eis uma Firma Portuguesa que faz esta Máquina de dobrar chapa inovadora aparecendo na B2fair em Luxemburgo.
Também se fala aqui da Produtech, uma iniciativa que é para muito Engenhocas investigar, eu cá, sei que vou lá, a seguir:

Mais uns elementos sobre a Produtech:

Os desafios do Século XXI exigem uma resposta estratégica, coordenada e inovadora.

O PRODUTECH - Pólo das Tecnologias de Produção – é uma rede articulada de fornecedores de tecnologias de produção capazes de responder aos desafios e aos requisitos de competitividade e sustentabilidade da indústria transformadora, com soluções inovadoras, flexíveis, integradas e competitivas.
O seu Programa de Acção integra actividades e projectos nas vertentes da Cooperação, Internacionalização e Inovação e desenvolve-se em estreita colaboração com os principais sectores utilizadores e com entidades do sistema científico e tecnológico.

... E esta nada tem a ver com Chapa, como preparar a Areia de Fundição:

terça-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2012


Isto é importante, registros de dados, para já, de luz e temperatura, para o que queiram, porreiro tanto para Cientistas como Inventores, é sempre bom ver o que aconteceu, quando um Protótipo dá para o torto...

Mini Dataloggers
The new Mindsets mini datalogger will be an indispensable tool for all manner of investigations and experiments. These first two versions of the datalogger record temperature or light level. The datalogger is in the form of a USB stick, so no cables are required to retrieve data or configure the device.

... E Invenções para salvar vidas, Made in Portugal:

Biodevices: Quem ainda não conhece a Vital Jacket?

Publicado por renatopovoas

Fonte: DN

A Biodevices é uma inovadora empresa nacional que nasceu em Aveiro e comercializa um produto que veio revolucionar a vida de quem tem problemas cardíacos. A ideia é muito simples e partiu de um grupo de investigação universitário: criar um sistema de eletrocardiograma em ambulatório fácil de usar no dia a dia. O resultado foi a Vital Jacket, uma T-shirt muito confortável e adaptável a qualquer situação do quotidiano. Este produto comporta o sistema Holter, ou seja, permite o registo contínuo do ritmo e da frequência cardíaca, tal como num eletrocardiograma, mas durante o período de 24 horas.

segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012

Já podem comprar a ElkastomatiK, no Brasil!

Como não quero que vos falte nada, aí vai como comprar as peças, cortadas no Reino Unido, e enviadas para o Brasil, mais baratas que feitas nos EUA, por causa das despesas de Correio da América!

Com um grande Saravá para todo o pessoal, do vosso amigo Edgar.

domingo, 22 de janeiro de 2012

Uma ideia bacana prás Garagens e/ou Oficinas dos Inventores!

É claro que também faz uma boa Secretária, mas para os Engenhocas com Garagens, isto dś para muita coisa...

A simple way to create a desk using a pallet and some ikea table legs.
The pallet allows to double the desk surface and to get a lot of storage.
See more images on flickr

sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2012

Da NASA, um programa Open Sorce para desenhar Aeronaves!

Acham que são os próximos Bert Rutamn?
Ou só querem fazer um Avião para o vosso Hobby?
De qualquer maneira, uma descoberta na net da Ponoko, a NASA ofereçe este programa para desenhar Aeronaves:

OpenVSP: parametric aircraft modelling tool 

NASA kicked off this year by greatly expanding their commitment to open source, launching their new site
Ultimately, our goal is to create a highly visible community hub that will imbue open concepts into the formulation stages of new hardware and software projects, and help existing projects transition to open modes of development and operation
Some of the projects they’ve opened up are way over my head, but the one that caught my eye is OpenVSP:
OpenVSP is a parametric aircraft geometry tool. OpenVSP allows the user to create a 3D model of an aircraft defined by common engineering parameters. This model can be processed into formats suitable for engineering analysis.

Aviões, é bom!

sexta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2012

Grandes notícias!

Primeiro, cortesia da Ponoko, um Site que já devia de existir há 10 anos, Inventables, onde podem achar de tudo para...

About Us

We believe that it is currently too difficult for designers, artists, and inventors to source materials. To solve this problem, we are building an online store that will streamline the process of innovation and inspire everyone—regardless of profession—to explore what’s possible.
Our Mission: An R&D lab on every desktop

Cimento translúcido? 
Ímanes flexíveis?
Cortadores Laser CNC, etc?
Vão lá, e vão parecer crianças numa loja de Brinquedos!

Lá encontram esta pequena maravilha, um cortador de placa CNC, sem dúvida, o mais acessível que há, por 2,467 Dólares, mas o que é isto, pessoal, o Natal dos Inventores?

Desktop Laser Cutter
40W CO2 Laser Engraver and Cutter with 9.5"x14.5" laserable area

This is a brand new entry level desktop laser engraver and cutter designed for hobbyists. The manufacturer, Full Spectrum Laser, has designed this machine as inexpensively as possible to make laser cutting a possibility to a larger audience that can’t afford an industry standard machine.

With this laser you can engrave from any application that can print to a standard printer including CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, Autocad, Inkscape and even MS Word and MS Paint. This is made possible because the machine uses Direct Print Drivers with the manufacturers RetinaEngrave USB Controller.

For cutting wood and acrylic the machine has a honeycomb table and exhaust fan. This fourth generation model uses a CO2 laser and a visible red laser pointer.

A notícia original da Ponoko é esta, um bacana dum Sistema de Construcção para Impressoras 3D, mas eu seja cão, se vocês não vão achar 1001 outros fins para esta fantástica ideia, robots, máquinas-ferramenta, sei lá que mais!

A 3D printer built with MakerSlide
A simple, stable, and scalable 3D printer proposal.

Barton Dring (bdring) of Buildlog.Net fame recently designed a 3D printer based on the multifunctional MakerSlide beams. MakerSlide, another of bdring’s projects, was designed to provide a standardized linear bearing for CNC digital fabrication equipment. It launched on KickStarter last year with 5x the requested funding.
This new design takes advantage of the simplicity and scalability of MakerSlide. The result is a 3D printer that is easy to fabricate, easy to assemble, easily scalable for a larger build area, and is extremely stable. Oh, and the wires are hidden inside the hollow space in the MakerSlide. Overall, it looks like a promising project.

Mas porque hoje é dia das boas notícias a granel, não pára aqui;
A Sculpteo, agora, permite-vos fazer a Loja mais especializada que queiram, basta adeririem ao este esquema de vendas, onde adaptam os Objectos da Sculpteo ao gosto do freguês:

What Can the Sculpteo 3D Printing Cloud Engine Make for Your Business?

Today, we would like to tell you more about our 3D Printing Cloud Engine.
As an online retailer, you can now embed the 3D printing revolution directly into your store thanks to the new Sculpteo 3D Printing Cloud Engine solution.
We developed an easy-to-integrate customization solution that let you embed unique 3D customization tools (3D gallery, 3D viewer, 3D customization tool) to your store and give your customers the ability to have their customized products easily 3D printed.
We developed the 3D Printing Cloud Engine as a tailored-made solution. It means that we really adapt to the specific needs of your online store or website to provide you with the best customization solution.

Querem mais uma?
Que tal...
Terem uma calculadora que vos automatiza os vossos cálculos de estruturas, que é incrível, como se tivessem uma folha de Spreadsheet... Mas para Engenharia?

Introducing TurboCalc©
Next-Generation Engineering Calculation Software

TurboCalc© is breakthrough software that enables you to:
  1. Automate design calculations
  2. Evaluate engineering options in real-time
  3. Goalseek (backsolve) exact geometry
  4. Leverage Microsoft Office and CAD
  5. Reuse solutions
How it works (Video: 4 min. 14 sec.)
Example (Video: 4 min. 10 sec.)
If you can sketch it – TurboCalc can solve it!
Price: Euro 199 perpetual license.
To buy, click here.
For installation or questions give us a call at +49 671 836310.

...Agora, deixo-vos a digerir isto tudo, de preferência com um bom  Vinho do Porto.

quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2012


Um Osciloscópio a partir da Placa de Som dum PC!

To start with I must appreciate acknowledge and thank ‘Christian Zeitnitz’ for the fantastic Sound-card Oscilloscope & signal generator software available at his website on which this Instructable is based.

While working with the PC sound-card oscilloscope and signal generator I found the following limitations:

1. A low Input Impedance of the order 10 Kilo Ohms
2. Input voltage range limited to 2.8 V p-p
3. AC coupling of the I/O signals
4. Output voltage limited to 2V p-p
5. Sampling rate limited to 44kbps

Not much can be done about the sampling rate as it is a limitation of the sound card but the scope interface presented here attempts to improve the other factors.

Most significant is the addition of circuitry to estimate the positive and negative peak DC values of the signal and use this to offset the waveforms providing a realistic DC-coupled scope display.

Um Mini-Robot...

Mini 2-wheel robot with IR sensor weight 14gr and ATTiny13 Soic

Hi From France !
My name is Mic
Sorry for my English (:
My purpose a Very Small Bot
A little easier to build for Robot can we have patience and a good magnifyingglasses,
Its name: Roule_Robot
His nikename: RR
Curb Weight: 14gr
Dimensions: 39 x 22 mm

...E um Candeeiro Steampunk!

Steampunk Floating Arm Desk Lamp

Like many of my projects this began with the chance finding of a lovely old brass bowl in a thrift shop. I paid a dollar for it and walked out thinking "I love the patina - it would make a great lamp..." and when I got home tossed it into the box of brass bits and pieces collected over the years from my frequent visits to the recycling plants, the junkyard and the thrift shops I frequent. I forgot about the bowl for nearly a year and then had a hankering to make a floating arm desk lamp in the Steampunk genre and re-discovered the bowl. This provided the impetus and I went looking through my boxes for other bits and pieces which could be re-purposed to provide key elements of the construction. Many of my projects start this way and in a sense, this is what makes them difficult to present as a how-to-do-it instructable. So much of this depends on what bits and pieces you may have to hand or can find, that even planning is no more than a vaguely realized "Concept Drawing". The actual details will vary depending on what components one can find, or, in hitting a problem, how one chooses to solve the problem.

quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2012

Fundição, e peças para Fabricação

Aqui vai mais um Vídeo sobre Fundição, este, sobre como fazer os núcleos que vão ser usados para fazer objectos ocos, ou com orifícios, cortesia de mifordboy, e apresentado no Metal Casting Zone:

Making sand cores:
Time to make a Core!  Don’t know what a Core is?  We can help you with that.

Eis um artigo interessante da Ponoko, uma data de peças já de Fábrica que voçês podem acrescentar às vossas Engenhocas:

Online 3D mechanical resources
Useful content for your projects
For those of you making or interested in making mechanical projects, there is plenty of helpful content available on the net. There has recently been some fantastic examples of working 3D printed mechanical components including Syvwch’s clock – that I covered a few weeks ago. Component manufacturer’s are starting to upload their cad libraries. I looked into a few mechanical precision component manufacturers this week

terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2012

O Poder da Mente

Um Computador que se controla com a Mente, e atenção, sem nenhuma armação atada à cabeça, mas sim uma simples correia, ao braço:

BodyWave lets you control a PC with your mind - without a headset

By Kent Sutherland

A bio-feedback armband called BodyWave is the first of its kind to measure brainwave activity through the body, not the scalp. Instead of an EEG headset recording a user's concentration level, the Bodywave reads brainwaves at the arm by measuring the electric current given off by neurons firing in the brain. Bundled with an interactive software package called Play Attention, it reportedly enables interactive feedback and training towards peak mental performance. Apart from the obvious potential in sport, its ability to train attention and teach stress-control in mobile situations (much less obtrusively than wearing a headset) opens up wider potential. It has already found applications in education, industry and the military as well as in improving the lives of people with disabilities like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Internet para mesmo todos, a India desenvolveu um aparelho análogo ao Ipad, mas comn oi preço de menos de 35 dólares!

Increasing internet usage gives more and more power to the people of India and China
Shannon Buckley

Due to expense, there was controversy in New Zealand mid last year when an Auckland school required the purchase of some sort of digital tablet such as an iPad by every new student. However, India may have developed new technology which overcomes the problem of expense and allows hundreds of millions of Indians in remote rural areas to connect to the internet. It may also soon make Indians the biggest single internet user population in the world.

The new device is similar in function to the Apple iPad – but the major difference is that it can be made and sold for under £35. Professor Prem Kalra, who is a team leader at the Rajasthan Indian Institute of Technology, has commented:

"We expect that within five or 10 years everyone will have one – and every year there will be greater capacity. There will be children learning, farmers checking on irrigation or crop prices, pregnant women getting medical assistance, all through the Aakash [the name of the new device]. It is empowerment on a global scale,”

...E mais um vídeo sobre CNC, com Robots amudar as Ferreamentas duma màquina CNC:

segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2012

Coisas boas à fartazana!

Que tal 306 feeds sobre o Arduíno, para quem queira fazer... Bem, um pouco de tudo?
306 Arduino (and related stuff) RSS feeds

ArduinOPML, _many_ RSS feeds about Arduino and DIY for your blog reader!
Upload this file into your RSS reader and enjoy!

- contains ArduinOPML.xml, an OPML file (should be uploadable into your reader)
- contains ArduinOPML.raw.txt, a text file containing a raw list of feeds

Só para amostra do que encontram lá, que tal um Site chamado Gadget Factory, que exibe esta Gigajoga que vos permite montar a vossa máquina retro de Arcade?

Ou então, este projecto, que capta os sinais dum Tele-controle, e os emite, ao toque dum botão:

Um vídeo de demontração da Impressão 3D duma máquina profissional, a Dimension SST, cortesia do Site Prototype Zone:

E mais uma versão da minha ElastomatiK, desta vez, parecida com uma Pistola Austríaca de renome...

domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2012

Três dicas

A primeira, um Site que é um Canivete Suíço, com uma data de coisas boas:

Foi ali que encontrei este Site, que nos faz relaxar, e ver como somos todos uma só Humanidade, Earthcam:

E faltará pouco até alguém fazer uma versão Open Source disto:

Ortery Technologies shows 3D Pure White Background photography system

By Paul Ridden

As someone who spends a good deal of time taking photographs of new consumer technology, only to subsequently enjoy hours of tedium touching up my snaps in image manipulation software, I have to admit to being pretty excited by the new 3D PhotoBench 260 from Ortery Technologies. Shown at CES 2012 this week, the desktop photography studio is claimed to be the first system in the world to take product shots or create 360 degree Flash/HTML 5 animations with a pure white background.

quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2012

Cubify, algo de novo

Mais uma forma de imprimir em 3D, mas com muito de novo, Cubify...
Eles têem uma Impressora 3D, por 1,299 Dólares:
Também imprimem e mandam-vos pelo correio:
E até podem lá vender as vossas Aplicações, sim as que vocês desenvolverem, no Site deles!
Vou deixar eles próprios apresentarem--se:

What is Cubify™?

Cubify™ is a place to unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life in 3D. combines coloring book simplicity with cloud gaming fun to deliver a fun create and make experience in 3D.
With intuitive 3D Apps, rich 3D printable content libraries of games, puzzles and collections, Cubify™ turns your mobile device, tablet or Kinects into a powerful mobile digital canvas to unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life in 3D.
Intuitive content creation, capture and customization Apps make it simple and fun to personalize creations and Cubify™ them at home on our Cube™3D printer or have them Cubified using our online printing service.
Market your own 3D creations or create new Apps for Cubify™ and earn money while inspiring others to Cubify™ their creations.
Get engaged and Cubify™!

E é claro que já lá está o ElstomatiK...

E falei em ÚNICO?
Estes bacanos ajudam-vos como NENHUMA outra empresa de Impressão 3D ajuda, e elas também são impecáveis, mas esta Cubify faz o que as outras não fazem:
Se enviarem o vosso objecto 3D em formato Stl, ele revêem o bicho, e vocês não pagam um chavo por isso, mas podem-se depois gabar de ter um objecto que funciona... Mesmo! 
• If you load a STL 3D model format, our staff reviews your model and works with you to get to a “3D Printable” state. Once that certification is achieved, your model can be submitted by buyers to be 3D Printed. You then benefit from an additional 10% royalty stream every time the model is submitted to our 3D Printing Service.