Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2017

Impressora 3D da loja? E mais uma carrada de Mecanismos, Moldar chapa plástica em casa, Kit de Electónica para Iniciados, e um Canhão para receberem em casa!

Espero que tenham tido um... 

... E desejo-vos um próspero Ano Novo!

A Velleman, que já referi antes, não pára!
Ainda temos mais novidades, sobre a Velleman, mas comecemos por esta GRANDE novidade...
Podem comprar as Impressoras 3D da Velleman, as Vertex, pela Internet, ou apenas indo a Lojas de Representantes por todo o Mundo! 

Em Lisboa, por exemplo, é só ir à Niposom, no Areeiro, encomendar um desses 3 Modelos, e levantar à Loja, quando chegar!

Têem 3 Modelos, uma Delta,  uma Cartesiana, e uma Micro-impressora!

Vertex 3D printers

Learn how to build and operate your own DIY 3D printer.
Accurate, affordable & open source
3D printers designed for Makers.

E no resto do Planeta...
Vão a este Link, abaixo, e vejam, por País, onde encontrar a Loja mais à mão:

Este é um Mecanismo Bacano, no Youtube, ams não pára por aí, porque, ao lado na secção de "up next", no Youtube, figuram uma carrada de outros Vídeos de mecaninmos, uns momentos bem passados!

Reciprocating simple

Uma Moldadora de Folha de plástico, a Vácuo, faz-vos uma quantidade sem-fim de objectos, por uma fracção do tempo e dinheiro que custaria imprimir em 3D, e por isso, cá vai mais um Instructable, porque agora, podem fazer o Molde na Impressora, e reproduzir n vezes...

Vacuum Forming Rig

 I wanted to produce a vacuum forming machine that would allow me to do small parts, just for experimenting. I wanted to go for a self-contained unit with its own heater and vacuum pump. I know you can do a lot with an oven and vacuum cleaner, but my challenge was to do something neater than that, a self-contained machine.
I won’t go into how vac forming works, because there are plenty of explanations on the internet. But the main concerns are to hold the plastic sheet, to heat it, to hold it on an airtight moulding table (platen) and to reduce the air pressure to make the moulding. In short, the heater softens the plastic sheet that is held in the frame. Then the frame is lowered onto the platen, where the object is. The vacuum pump underneath then draws out the air under the sheet so that the plastic forms the shape of the object; it cools and the job is done.


Voltando à Velleman, peçam um Catálogo, onde figura este simpático Kit de Iniciação à Electrónica, que fara a felicidade de muitos Jovens Geeks de todas as idades:

The Velleman K/STARTULF
Soldering Kit for Beginners

This kit contains everything that the experts at Velleman would recommend for a beginner solderer, including a 110v soldering iron and lead-free solder. Included iron has a .04" bit tip and heats up in seconds, making it ideal for your quick-and-easy solder projects.

The Velleman soldering starter kit makes a great gift for new homeowners or board developers - really anyone looking to take up the practice of soldering. The kit is RoHS compliant and contains six pieces to get your soldering career started–all at a great value!

K/STARTULF Kit Includes:
 Soldering iron: VTS20U (20W / 110V AC)
 Lead-free solder wire
 Soldering iron holder: STANDLC
 Pair of wire-cutters: VT057
 Flashing LEDs minikit: MK102

Participem no Movimento Fabbing, pois podem encomendar ESTA Impressão 3D, no vosso País, na vossa  Àrea, promovendo a vossa Indústria fabbing nascente, na vossa Zona, no vosso cantinho do Mundo:

Por exemplo:

Em Portugal, no Empreendedor Norte, parabéns, a Diverte, de Viana do Castelo já vos envia este revolucionário Canhão Gauss de Repetição, a casa, por isso, é Made in Portugal!



sexta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2017

Acabamentos de Luxo em 3D! E Moldagem a Resina, tudo para Robótica, CAD pré-fabricada(!), e uma Calculadora de preços 3D!

É terrívelmente frustrante deitar fora um Objecto acabado de imprimir em 3D, por causa duma falha que desfigura o trabalho feito.

Mas vejam como podem emendar a coisa, e poupar Filamento, Tempo...

E a Santa da Paciência! 

E não só podem emendar erros, como eliminar o ar farrusco da Impressão, com Acabamentos de Luxo:

Visual 3D Print Finishing Guide

Tom Nardi

With 3D printers now dropping to record low prices, more and more people are getting on the additive manufacturing bandwagon. As a long time believer in consumer-level desktop 3D printing, this is a very exciting time for me; the creativity coming out of places like Thingiverse or the 3D printing communities on Reddit is absolutely incredible. But the realist in me knows that despite what slick promotional material from the manufacturers may lead you to believe, these aren’t Star Trek-level replicators. What comes out of these machines is often riddled with imperfections (from small to soul crushing), and can require considerable cleanup work before they start to look like finished pieces.

Imprimir em 3D leva muito tempo... 

E se vos encomendam uma Dúzia de Objectos iguais?

Ora aqui está como fazerem duma peça, muitas, pelo método da Moldagem com Resina.

Eles até oferecem Kits, para o caso de quererem tudo pronto:

Mold Making & Casting Tutorial: 73-20 Figurine Mold

 is a basic "cut block mold" that may be used to reproduce figurines,
model parts, or small ornamental pieces. We used PlatSil 73-20 to create
 a fast, accurate mold. 73-20 is an easy to use 1:1 ratio silicone that
may be demolded in ~1hr. Upon demold, we cast an EZ Flo 60 positive.

Atenção, Inventores, Designers, e Malta das Universidades!

Têem aqui neste Site, não só as Porcas & Parafusos que precisarem, mas também os Motores de Precisão e tudo o mais, para as vossas Máquinas-Ferramentas, ou Robots, Ou Drones, ou o que seja:

Robotic and Automation Applications
There's No End To The Wonders Made Possible By SDP/SI.

Whether it's diffusing a bomb or performing a delicate surgery, every robotics application is dependent on one thing: precise motion.

SDP/SI proudly includes the robotics industry among the many markets it supplies with quality miniature drive components. Robotics is especially important because the possibilities for applications are nearly endless; as a result, robots have become far more commonplace in many different industries over the years. No matter what the application is, the success of any robotic operation hinges on one thing: precise motion. The precision mechanical components offered by SDP/SI ensure just that, whether it's a custom gear assembly, a standard stock item or a modified standard component.

Isto é que é ter a papinha toda feita!

Uma carrada de Wizards em que só têem de inserir as medidas, e ficam com Desenhos CAD à medida do Freguês!

É bom!

Só para dar um exemplo, que há desde Rodas Dentadas, a Dissipadores de Calor, vai esta imagem da caixa que precisam para a Engenhoca XPTO tudo bem dimensionado...


Free Mechanical Design Software


Need a custom part, but aren’t sure just how to get started? eMachineShop lets you design many custom parts in minutes using wizards. Simply fill in the parameters and the wizard produces a CAD drawing for you. You can then modify the drawing or add features as needed. Just Download the FREE CAD software, fill in the dimensions and select a material. Ordering a custom part has never been easier! Please use the buttons at the top of this article.

Wizards include: 

 Front Panel/Name Plate/Sign

 Bolt Plate

 Sheet Metal Box


 Machined Enclosure

 Box Lid


 Bearing Block




 Hex Nut


 Regular Convex Polygon

 Shaft Clamp

 Shaft Coupler



...Mas não acabam aqui as facilidades...

Não sabem quanto hão-de pedir por um Trabalho de Impressão 3D?

É só usarem esta Página, da IC#D, com mais um Wizard.

Desta vez, para saberem quanto devem pedir par imprimir um Objecto nas vossas Impressoras:

3D Printer Job Cost Calculator

We created this little calculator for our friends who run 3D printer farms in their garage as a side business. It’s a quick way to give your customer a quote on a job. The “cost per hour” field lets you easily play with what you want to charge for printing time.

As a fun thing to do, try inputting different costs for “cheap” filament vs. “expensive” filament. Then, try adding 30 mins to the “job time” to simulate having to unclog a jammed extruder / hot-end for using cheap filament and check out the difference in final cost. This is why we put more time and energy into quality over cost.

segunda-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2017

Canhão Magnético de repetição! A Repetition Gauss Cannon! YEAH!

A Repetition Gauss Cannon! YEAH! 
3D print it from the Net:

Repeat fire Gauss Cannon!

It's a Gauss Gun, (10 mm  cube Neodymium magnet),  with the Magnet below, off the way of the spheres, a Newton Cradle inside, and a Ratchet!
Simple. But SOMEONE had to think of it! ;-)
And as the Ratchet keeps the roller balls, (9.5 mm diameter, for ball bearings), in place, you can re-load it for ever. The wheels are kept in place by slightly heating the axis, then, pressing.
As seen on Youtube:  

quinta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2017

Makerspace! E como desenhar com Inkscape, um Touch Screen para o Arduino, a Proporção Dourada(!), Fabpilot, e Acabamentos 3D

Acho esta série de Vídeos muito importante, sobre como fazer, por assim dizer, um Fablab de Garagem, um Makerspace, a nível individual, e com muito pouco.
Têem lá Vídeos para tudo o que é preciso, sobre a Impressora 3D, sobre Ferramentas, como arranjar uma Bancada, um Computador, etc.

The $500 Makerspace Part 1 - Budget 3D Printers

Can you create a makerspace for less than a gaming console? Yes, and this series is going to prove it.

O Programa de Desenho Vectorial Inkscape, já cá foi referido anteriormente, mas com este Artigo da Ponoko, vocês aprendem como usá-lo devidamente, para uma data de coisas como Corte Laser e Perfis que podem ser extrudidos para 3D, am Programas de CAD :

Design Made Easy With Inkscape Vector Tutorials
Shannon Birt

How To Use Inkscape Like A Pro
Want to design products but don’t have the budget for expensive software? Or do you simply like the ethos and flexibility of open source software? Inkscape, a professional vector graphics editor for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, is a great tool you can use to design products for any number of applications, including laser cutting. And the best part? It’s FREE and open source.

Para as vossas Engenhocas usando o bacana do Arduino, podem ter este Touch Screen que vos vai facilitar a vida, por poderem dispensar um Teclado...
Vejam este Artigo, e analisem os Exemplos:

Digilent Shield Brings Multi-Touch Display to Arduino
Andrew Back

Neat shield adds a bright 2.8” display with multi-touch to Arduino projects
The Digilent Multi-Touch Display shield 410-317 (136-8068) and associated software make it easy to add a QVGA resolution touch screen to Arduino projects. In this post, we take a first look at the hardware and software support, before trying out a few of the provided examples.

A Proporção Dourada faz parte daquele número de Descobertas dos Sábios Antigos que ainda hoje espantam e maravilham Físicos e Artistas.

E é claro, Inventores...
Como neste Projecto, em que este bacano, Scott Onstot, alacançou um brutal e bem-merecido sucesso de 2,087%!
Uma espécie de Compasso, em que se descobre essa Proporção em toda a espécie de objectos, Naturais, e Fabricados, uma fonte de Maravilha que só enobrece os seu Criador.

Measuring Success: Maker Crushes Kickstarter Goal By 2,087%
Lisa Horn

The Secret Behind The Elegant Instrument That Measures The Golden Ratio
Sir Edward Victor Appleton, 1947 Nobel Laureate in physics, said: “The golden ratio is the key to universal physics.” And for Scott Onstott, founder of SIPS Productions Inc., the golden ratio is the key to a Kickstarter campaign success story that had this maker crushing his initial goal to raise $1,618 by 2087%.
The Golden Ratio Is Everywhere (Even If You Don’t Know It)
From great works of art down to the credit card in your wallet, the golden ratio is everywhere. In mathematical terms, the ratio is 1:1.618. While these numbers may not hold much meaning to the casual observer, they have been studied by scholars for centuries.
“Some of the greatest mathematical minds of all ages, from Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece, through the medieval Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa and the Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler, to present-day scientific figures such as Oxford physicist Roger Penrose, have spent endless hours over this simple ratio and its properties,” says Israeli astrophysicist Mario

Quando o Fabbing se torna um caso sério, podem experimentar esta Solução de Gestão, para organizar, partilhar, reparar, e produzir, de qualquer parte do Mundo!
Podem assim, ter uma Empresa com Colaboradores de todo o Mundo!

Try Sculpteo Fabpilot for free

Use our industry leading software to manage your production from beginning to end, using modern, proven web technologies for more agility and flexibility than ever before.
  •  Everything organized in one place, from anywhere
  •  Share 3D files and projects with your team
  •  Make sure everyone has the right version to be 3D printed
  •  Analyze, fix and nest files for your 3D printers in minutes
  •  Reduce data preparation costs
  •  Track order and production status

É frustrante ver uma Impressão 3D ter uma falha, que nos trama a vida...
Para fazerem das vossas Impressções 3D um sucesso, podem contar com este Artigo, que vos ensina como emendarem os vosso Objectos, para não perderem N horas de trabalho.

Visual 3D Print Finishing Guide
Tom Nardi
With 3D printers now dropping to record low prices, more and more people are getting on the additive manufacturing bandwagon. As a long time believer in consumer-level desktop 3D printing, this is a very exciting time for me; the creativity coming out of places like Thingiverse or the 3D printing communities on Reddit is absolutely incredible. But the realist in me knows that despite what slick promotional material from the manufacturers may lead you to believe, these aren’t Star Trek-level replicators. What comes out of these machines is often riddled with imperfections (from small to soul crushing), and can require considerable cleanup work before they start to look like finished pieces.

Acabamentos de Luxo em 3D! E Moldagem a Resina, tudo para Robótica, e CAD pré-fabricada(!), e uma Calculadora de preços 3D!

É terrívelmente frustrante deitar fora um Objecto acabado de imprimir em 3D, por causa duma falha que desfigura o trabalho feito.
Mas vejam como podem emendar a coisa, e poupar Filamento, Tempo...
E a Santa da Paciência! 
E não só podem emendar erros, como eliminar o ar farrusco da Impressão, com Acabamentos de Luxo:

Visual 3D Print Finishing Guide
Tom Nardi

With 3D printers now dropping to record low prices, more and more people are getting on the additive manufacturing bandwagon. As a long time believer in consumer-level desktop 3D printing, this is a very exciting time for me; the creativity coming out of places like Thingiverse or the 3D printing communities on Reddit is absolutely incredible. But the realist in me knows that despite what slick promotional material from the manufacturers may lead you to believe, these aren’t Star Trek-level replicators. What comes out of these machines is often riddled with imperfections (from small to soul crushing), and can require considerable cleanup work before they start to look like finished pieces.

Imprimir em 3D leva muito tempo... 
E se vos encomendam uma Dúzia de Objectos iguais?

Ora aqui está como fazerem duma peça, muitas, pelo método da Moldagem com Resina.
Eles até oferecem Kits, para o caso de quererem tudo pronto:

Mold Making & Casting Tutorial: 73-20 Figurine Mold

This is a basic "cut block mold" that may be used to reproduce figurines, model parts, or small ornamental pieces. We used PlatSil 73-20 to create a fast, accurate mold. 73-20 is an easy to use 1:1 ratio silicone that may be demolded in ~1hr. Upon demold, we cast an EZ Flo 60 positive.

Atenção, Inventores, Designers, e Malta das Universidades!
Têem aqui neste Site, não só as Porcas & Parafusos que precisarem, mas também os Motores de Precisão e tudo o mais, para as vossas Máquinas-Ferramentas, ou Robots, Ou Drones, ou o que seja:

Robotic and Automation Applications
There's No End To The Wonders Made Possible By SDP/SI.

Whether it's diffusing a bomb or performing a delicate surgery, every robotics application is dependent on one thing: precise motion.
SDP/SI proudly includes the robotics industry among the many markets it supplies with quality miniature drive components. Robotics is especially important because the possibilities for applications are nearly endless; as a result, robots have become far more commonplace in many different industries over the years. No matter what the application is, the success of any robotic operation hinges on one thing: precise motion. The precision mechanical components offered by SDP/SI ensure just that, whether it's a custom gear assembly, a standard stock item or a modified standard component.

Isto é que é ter a papinha toda feita!
Uma carrada de Wizards em que só têem de inserir as medidas, e ficam com Desenhos CAD à medida do Freguês!
É bom!
Só para dar um exemplo, que há desde Rodas Dentadas, a Dissipadores de Calor, vai esta imagem da caixa que precisam para a Engenhoca XPTO tudo bem dimensionado...


Free Mechanical Design Software

Need a custom part, but aren’t sure just how to get started? eMachineShop lets you design many custom parts in minutes using wizards. Simply fill in the parameters and the wizard produces a CAD drawing for you. You can then modify the drawing or add features as needed. Just Download the FREE CAD software, fill in the dimensions and select a material. Ordering a custom part has never been easier! Please use the buttons at the top of this article.

Wizards include: 
 Front Panel/Name Plate/Sign
 Bolt Plate
 Sheet Metal Box
 Machined Enclosure
 Box Lid
 Bearing Block
 Hex Nut
 Regular Convex Polygon
 Shaft Clamp
 Shaft Coupler

...Mas não acabam aqui as facilidades...

Não sabem quanto hão-de pedir por um Trabalho de Impressão 3D?

É só usarem esta Página, da IC#D, com mais um Wizard.
Desta vez, para saberem quanto devem pedir par imprimir um Objecto nas vossas Impressoras:

3D Printer Job Cost Calculator

We created this little calculator for our friends who run 3D printer farms in their garage as a side business. It’s a quick way to give your customer a quote on a job. The “cost per hour” field lets you easily play with what you want to charge for printing time.
As a fun thing to do, try inputting different costs for “cheap” filament vs. “expensive” filament. Then, try adding 30 mins to the “job time” to simulate having to unclog a jammed extruder / hot-end for using cheap filament and check out the difference in final cost. This is why we put more time and energy into quality over cost.

sexta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2017

Fritzing! E mais um Torno Gingery, Wi-Fi à medida, um Rocket Stove, e um Carregador Portátil

Montar circuitos electrónicos como se fosse um Jogo de Computador!

E ainda tem 3 esquemas de visualização, um, como se montassem um circuito numa Breadboard, outro com a tradicional visão esquemática, e outro inda, que permite levarem esse esquema para imprimir um Circuito numa Placa feita à medida para isso!
Querem mais?
Vem com vários circuitos já feitos, tanto a nível de iniciado, com o mais avançado...

Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for anyone. We offer a software tool, a community website and services in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, fostering a creative ecosystem that allows users to document their prototypes, share them with others, teach electronics in a classroom, and layout and manufacture professional pcbs.

Perdoem a insistência, mas um Torno quase de graça, e feito como um Hobby, é muito importante para um Engenhocas, tanto para obter um Torno...
Como para aprenderem como fazer uma Máquina, e qualquer outra, a partir daí!

Build Your Own (metalworking) Lathe - Part I

You can make an entire machine shop worth of power machine tools, using basic hardware store/home center supplies and scrap metal. Melt aluminum in a metal-pail furnace, using sand, charcoal, and a clay flowerpot! Cast sophisticated metal tool parts using supplies from a gardening shop and modified kitty litter! End up with a full machine-shop lathe ("the only tool capable of making any OTHER machine-shop tool, including itself!") for just the cost of your time, some scrap steel and aluminum, and a motor!

Mais numa coisa bastante útil para fazerem com as vossas Impressoras 3D!
Com isto, vão ter Wi-Fi por toda a casa, e o que é melhor, como vocês queiram, nos quartos que queiram:

Customizing Indoor Wireless Coverage via 3D-Fabricated Reflectors

Judicious control of indoor wireless coverage is crucial in built environments. It enhances signal reception, reduces harmful interference, and raises the barrier for malicious attackers. Existing methods are either costly, vulnerable to attacks, or hard to configure. We present a low-cost, secure, and easy-to-configure approach that uses an easily-accessible, 3D-fabricated reflector to customize wireless coverage. With input on coarse-grained environment setting and preferred coverage (e.g., areas with signals to be strengthened or weakened), the system computes an optimized reflector shape tailored to the given environment. The user simply 3D prints the reflector and places it around a Wi-Fi access point to realize the target coverage. We conduct experiments to examine the efficacy and limits of optimized reflectors in different indoor settings. Results show that optimized reflectors coexist with a variety of Wi-Fi APs and correctly weaken or enhance signals in target areas by up to 10 or 6 dB, resulting to throughput changes by up to -63.3% or 55.1%.


Dizem que este Inverno via ser o mais frio dos ùltimos 100 anos!
Por isso, é melhor terem este catrapázio no Quintal ou num canto na casa, porque um Rocket Stove;

-Funciona com galhos, cartão, e etc;
-Gasta muito mpouco combustível porque o aproveita até às cinzas;
- Como queima até o fumo, e o monóxido de carbono, é muito mais seguro, mesmo para dentor de casa!
Muito importante.
Atenção, a Introducção é mínima, mas as Instrucções, são muito completas:

Building a Rocket Stove for the Cabin

FPS combines my passion for hunting and wildlife conservation with the overall need for self sufficiency.

Há Carregadores Portáteis que resultam mais baratos que construír o vosso próprio Carregador, mas se como eu, coleccionam Sucata...
É de graça!
Por isso, mãos à obra:


Build Your Own Inexpensive Powerbank with 3D Printing
Matthew Mensley

Instructables user Nematic! details how to make your own portable powerbank from laptop cells, 3D printing and a little electronics savvy.
We’ve all experienced that unique feeling of helplessness and anguish that only a dead cellphone battery can bring. Cut off from the internet and contact with others it becomes impossible to navigate, and what the heck are you supposed to do while sitting around waiting for the bus/train/plane. It sucks.
Fortunately there’s no shortage of inexpensive power banks knocking around to keep you topped up with juice on your travels. But for the thrifty with time to kill and a handful of old laptop batteries lying around (a common scenario, we know) there’s an alternative.
In a short-and-sweet post over on Instructables, user Nematic! shows us how with nothing more than a few tools (3D printer, soldering iron and glue gun), a cheap powerbank module and some 18650 cells, you can make your own smartphone powerbank lickety-split.