Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2016

Invenções e Patentes, uma Prenda de Natal

Eis o que pode ser uma boa prenda de Natal, o livro que vos esclarece tudo sobre Invenções e Patentes, não há Engenhocas que se preze, que não precise de ter este livro à mão...
Nunca se sabe quando vão precisar de patentear as vossas Engenhocas!

Invenções e Patentes - Guia Prático do Produtor de Tecnologia 
João Marcelino, Manuel Lopes Rocha 

"A obra "Invenções e Patentes - Guia Grático do Produtor de Tecnologia" tem como destinatários todos os que se interessam por invenções: do empresário ao inventor independente, do investigador de carreira ao Director de Inovação da empresa, do investidor de risco ao gestor de transferência de tecnologia da Universidade ou do Parque Tecnológico.
No Guia são tratados de forma clara e facilmente inteligível pontos cruciais para o êxito de toda a operação de colocação de uma invenção no mercado, destacando-se a gestão do cronograma da produção de tecnologia, a compreensão dos mecanismos de apropriação legal da invenção ou a explicação detalhada dos custos que intervêm no patenteamento das invenções.
Recheada de exemplos concretos retirados da realidade do mundo económico contemporâneo, a obra oferece uma visão positiva e estimulante do mundo da propriedade intelectual, retirando-o do estatuto de reduto de especialistas, a que muitas vezes está confinado."

...E um Feliz Natal!

sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2016

InventRight! E calcularem o que precisam, uma Micro-Máquina de Jogos, imprimir peças resistentes em 3D, e Imprimir sem Impressora!

Inventar, não é difícil para os Inventores...
VENDER, ou licenciar as nossas Ideias, ISSO é que é difícil!
Podem aproveitar a experiência destes Inventores de Sucesso, e aprender com eles, como abordar Companhias, proteger as vossas ideis, e não serem explorados, nem exigirem quantias exorbitantes.
Uma quantidade de vídeos à vossa disposição, é só irem aprendendo conforme quizerem e precisarem, e podem fazer perguntas, telefonando ou através de email.
É bom!

Award winning inventor Stephen Key and Andrew Krauss, longtime leader of Inventors’ Alliance in the Bay Area, cofounded their one-on-one coaching program, inventRight, in 2001.Since then, they've been teaching creative people how to license their ideas, aka sell them to powerful companies with extensive resources, in exchange for royalties. Learn how to reduce risk and increase your chances of licensing your idea. Visit for more details about inventRight.   
Want to set up a phone call with Andrew or another member of our team to discuss your inventing questions? 
Call 1-800-701-7993 or fill out this short form to book:  Please note: inventright, LLC. is not a law firm and does not provide legal or patent, trademark or copyright advice. Please use caution when evaluating any information, including but not limited to: business opportunities; links to news stories; links to services, products or other web sites.

Uma muito boa Dica, do nosso amigo Vijay Ahire, não precisam de ser Engehneiros, para calcularem algumas peças e partes importantes, basta-vos visitarem este Site, com Apps para de tudo um pouco, e é só escolherem...
Vejam só a imagem deste Calculador de Molas,que marvilha!

Mechanical Engineer calculator is one of the powerful free tool available in the INTERNET which can be used for calculation and design of various mechanical components like gear, lead screw, spring, beams, bearings, sprocket etc. This basic design calculator can save great deal of time taken by hand calculation for these mechanical components.
The calculator has simple graphic user interface for each mechanical component on different web pages which contains input and output display box. The user has to first select the component from menu bar located on top of this page and give correct values with appropriate unit in input display box to automatically calculate result in output display box.     
Mechanical Engineer calculator has wide range of application for mechanical, automobile, structural and automation engineering. 

Querem encantar a Namorada? 
Não há melhor que esta encantadora Máquina de Jogos Miniatura, que é um espanto de Engenhoca.
O Natal aproxima-se...

World’s Smallest MAME Arcade Cabinet is adorable!

Have you ever thought to yourself, “You know what, I’d love to play pac-man on a 0.96 inch OLED display with a tiny joystick and tiny buttons”? No? Us neither! That however hasn’t stopped Adafruit coming up with the ridiculously tiny MAME arcade machine. Built using a Raspberry Pi Zero, a 0.96″ RGB OLED display, an audio amplifier and assortment of buttons, they hacked the arcade machine together over a weekend. 

Empresas, Escolas, Fablabs, e Associações de Inventores, para além de Engenhocas abonados, poderão construír Engenhocas mesmo fantásticas, com a Impressão em 3D de peças com a resistência do Alumínio.
Esta Impressora, faz peças em Plástico, MAS que são impregnadas com Fibra de Vidro, Carbono, ou Kevlar!
Isso significa que muitas mais Ideias poderão ver a luz do dia, como Produtos no Mundo Real, directamente das vossas Oficinas.

The Mark Two combines Markforged's unique continuous carbon fiber reinforcement with workhorse reliability for the strongest, most versatile parts in our portfolio. It is the only printer in the industry that enables you to go from CAD to beautiful, end-use strong parts in hours. 
With your choice of reinforcement and plastics, remove the time, hassle and design iterations and put your parts to use right off the printer engineered with the right material for any job.

Mas como imprimir em 3D sem màquinas, nem Programas CAD?
Ou, têem uma Impressora 3D em casa, a ganhar pó, ou a fazer macacadas, e querem fazer dinheiro com elas, mas não sabem como?
A Treatstock, com uma rede de Impressoras 3D espalhadas por todo o lado, resolve esses 2 problemas, agora, com esta Empresa Associada, que vos permite desenhar pela Internet, e imprimir onde haja uma Impressora mais perto...
É só facilidades.

Fantastic 3D Prints and Where to Make Them 
Leopoly is a user-friendly product design and customization software platform where absolute beginners can customize existing 3D models or start from scratch and create something totally brand new. We are happy to announce that they have now teamed up with Treatstock to offer the option to print 3D models using our global 3D printing network. In this article, we will run you through just how easy it is to create designs on Leopoly and 3D print them on Treatstock. If you would like a more detailed description, you can find our instructables page here.
First of all, create or customize a model using Leopoly. Visit, sign up and decide what it is that you would like to make. You will have various tools at your disposal for customizing and creating your model, and they have made it very easy to use so have fun and let your imagination run wild.
As Leopoly states on their website: “We are the creators of the interface that makes 3D object creation as natural as taking a picture, editing with Instagram or Microsoft Office”. After using their platform, we couldn't agree more!

sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2016

Plotter CNC fácil! E uma Oficina no Quintal, um Torno de Carpintaria, um Simulador de Automóvel, e um Projector potente.

Eis uma Plotter que fazem com um Arduino, e pouco mais...
Uma boa maneira de aprenderem, para fazerem depois uma máquina CNC em tamanho Desktop:

How to Make Arduino Based Mini CNC Plotter Using DVD DriveCNC World  
this a mini CNC 2D plotter made from old DVD drive and L293D motor shield very cheap but intresting
let see how to make
It is very easy to make all the step by step procedure is mention in this instructable

Este Instructable é para uma pequena Casa, no Quintal, ou no Terraço, mas pode-se engenhocar, e fazer dessa casa uma Oficina, para poderem finalmente fazer o que quizerem!
Ou uma Casa-Oficina!
É bom.

Tiny House Series: Pt. 1 ExteriorTrask River Productions  
We at Trask River Productions are building a tiny house! We had great success with our tear drop trailer last year, so this year, we stepped things up a bit and started a tiny house. Due to the enormous task of building a tiny house, we are going to break our instructable down to 3 separate steps;
1) Exterior
2) Interior
3) Furnishing/Finishing Touches
This instructable is the first step of the process, the exterior. Subscribe for automatic updates when we post the next part of our Tiny House Series.

A Carpintaria torna-se mais fácil, com um bom Torno, como este, que podem fazer, para terem um Torno versátil, mas forte, como deve de ser:

Make It - Moxon Vise
I decided to finally add a proper woodworking vise to my arsenal of tools. I choose a Moxon Vise for it versatility and relatively low cost. I picked up a kit for this vise from Benchcrafted and for what you get, the price was acceptable. The downside to living in Canada is that sometimes tracking down hardware at a reasonable price can be challenging. There are other options available to you if you'd like to save a few dollars and don't mind digging around online. 

Para aprenderem a meter as Mudanças, e em geral, a conduzir, podem fazê-lo em casa, e poupar em tempo e dinheiro!
Depois, é só arranjarem um Simulador de Condução...
Como a versão Grátis deste Simulador, aqui: 

Car Simulator Arduino Pedalsjensws  
I have a on going project to build a car-simulator and one goal is to get the feeling like sitting in a real racing-car. With this instruction I explain how I have build my pedals to my car simulator. Of course you can buy stuff like this but I want to build it cheap. My pedals have gas, brake and clutch and use a Arduino (Windows native drivers) to connect to usb port.
Hope I can inspire you with my building and I meet you on a trackday in Project Cars!

Eis um Projector bem potente, 4k, e que vocês podem fazer em casa;
Cinema em Família!
3840x2160 de Resolução, não vão ver uma imagem aos quadrados...
E poupam, assim, a partir de 9,999 Dólares.

World First! DIY Real 4k (UHD) Beam Projector
Hi all.
I want to share my newest build: A DIY "real 4k" Beamer.
The original post is in my Korean blog : go to my Korean blog, and
in my English blog : go to my English blog
Here, the 4k means "3840x2160" resolution (called 2160p) upto 60Hz.
Why did I make this little 4k beamer?
In the current market, commercial "real 4k" beamers are only made by Sony, and the price starts at 9,999 USD except the discontinued models. The another type of 4k beamer uses so called "e-shift" technology, but it is not physically 4k. Anyway, the 4k beamers are way tooo expensive for me.
Want to watch Neflix in 4k resolution!!
I haven't used my DIY 2k beamer, but used my DIY FHD beamer due to several issues; it has poor brightness, the only media source is PC, and 2k resolution is not commonly used. Sorry to guys who followed my 2k builds so far!
I like to build something new by myself.
SO? I've started this little project.
To save your money, I've done many experiments (tests) instead of you guys.
You can make this 4k beamer rather easily using my AutoCAD drawing files and this instruction.
I hope this instruction may be helpful to someone wants to have a 4k beamer. 

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2016

Uma Impressora 3D SLS! E Som do Plasma(!), uma Besta DIY, um Dado de LEDs, um Gerador Van der Graaf, e Esquadria para Juntas

Este jovem Engenghocas está de parabéns, fazendo este Projecto de 1ª, uma Impressora SLS que vai dar que falar...
Boa ideia!

In this Instructable I want to show you how to build a SLS 3D-Printer with a lot of features. I am an 18 years old guy from Germany who wants to understand how SLS-3D-Printers work in depth. I got the inspiration for this project after I saw a laser sintered object from a professionell SLS-machine. It was so detailed and so perfect. However a professionell SLS-machine is very expensive. So I designed, built and tested my own SLS-3D-Printer. It took me three month to develop the printer and I was quite surprised how well it worked. Now I will tell you some spects about the printer

Isto não é para meninos, porque envolve ALTA VOLTAGEM, mas é um Porjecto do caneco, fazer dum Arco de Plasma, um Altifalante...

Advanced Plasma Arc Speaker

Proto G  
Yes, what you hear in that video is only coming from the scorching hot, high voltage plasma arc. It is vibrating the surrounding air similar to a regular speaker but it does so but sending electrons across the spark gap at the same frequency of the music. It's a great conversation starter to keep in your office!
Plasma speakers make amazing tweeters because they can reproduce high frequency sounds better than regular speakers due to the lack of a heavy diaphragm to move. From an audiophiles perspective, plasma tweeters are as good as it gets for high frequency sounds. For low frequency sounds, larger speakers perform much better. 

Tiro-ao-alvo para o Povo! 
Podem exercitar a pontaria, no Quintal, ou no Baldio, com uma Besta feita em PVC, em casa, sem barulheira, nem problemas legais, nem gastar muito. 
È bom.

DIY PVC survival compound crossbowthefrenchmaker  
For this survival ready contest, I will make a compound crossbow in PVC pipe.Why a crossbow? Because when I think to survival equipment present since the beginning of the series The Walking Dead, I see the Daryl's crossbow. And I find it really cool. Silent and precise it is also a good melee weapon if necessary.To make this crossbow, I will use common materials that can be found everywhere, and does not require any electric tools, except to save time, in order to stay in the survival mind.Ready? Watch out for the walkers!Warning! This is not a toy, be careful. Never aim directly at a person or animal.Only walkers.

Um Projecto que é divertido, e ao mesmo tempo, ensina a conceber e a fazer Circuitos Integrados compatíveis com o Arduino, é uma boa aposta para quem quer aprender...

TinyDice: Professional PCBs at home

Emiliano Valencia  
What is the Tiny Dice?
Simply put, TinyDice is just an electronic, Arduino compatible LED die that looks quite neat.
In reality, this project was my attempt at doing things right; making an SMD circuit, a professional quality PCB, a good PCB design, and an effective code, that allows for a very energy efficient project (when not in use, the whole thing consumes less than 0.1 micro amps, yes, less than 1 ten-millionth of an amp!).
What will you learn here?
You will learn how to make high quality, SMD PCBs, from design to use, which consists in; Designing the board, transferring the design into copper clad, etching the copper clad, adding a soldermask, making a solder paste stencil, home reflow soldering, and programming a standalone board. Additionally, you will learn to use and program MSP430 value line microcontrollers from Texas instruments, these can be programmed like an Arduino, but they are very cheap and come in many shapes and sizes, an ideal tool for the average hacker to be able to use.
What will you obtain?
Appart from an incredible skill set, you will obtain a tiny gadget that displays your skills, plus it is a neat little piece of electronics to have and show around. On top of that, you will have a 6 sided die that will help you make decisions, and even win games )you could modify the code to make it be an unfair dice and use it at your favour).
This Instructable is on the Circuits contest, so if you consider it worth it, please vote for it! 

Um Gerador Van der Graaf, é algo de extremamente Geek, a ter em casa, como um Troféu, mesmo...
Por isso, sigam as Instrucções:

How to make a Van De Graaff generator

I've built this Van De Graaff generator for a science coursework and it works pretty well considering it being built in a rush (needa hit that deadline man). With it, I managed to achieve a 1.5cm spark, a happy physics teacher and full marks for my coursework :D. 
All the parts used are easy to find in shops and really cheap. Don't be too intimidated by the looks of it, its not that hard, improvising is key.
It's my first instructables so bear with me and I welcome any suggestions and comments.
All the best!- CCX  

Juntas de Esquadria perfeita, não importa o Ângulo, é o que este Instrumento vos facilita, duma maneira intantânea, poupando-vos tempo e dinheiro:

Angle Divider for Perfect Miters No 2

Phil B  
In January 2016 I did an Instructable on my copy of a Stanley No 30 Angle Divider. This is another version of the Stanley No 30 Angle Divider that looks a little more like the original from 1903. (Search your favorite browser for Stanley No 30 Angle Divider to see images of the original version with a wooden handle.)
But, the chief advantage of this Instructable is a jig for drilling the center pivot hole in the body. That jig makes dead on accuracy almost foolproof. However, this version is also more work with more steps. But, some shortcuts could be taken for those who do not have access to a welder or want to avoid the extra work.
The photo shows this version of the Angle Divider in use to set a power miter saw. The other member of the miter would be set and cut by turning the Angle Divider 180 degrees and adjusting the saw to the other half of the fence. The fence on this saw had a wavy profile. I needed to catch more of the blade because I was cutting some tall baseboard molding, so I added 3/4 inch plywood to the face of the fence. That brought the work out toward the operator and caught more blade. It also gave a flat top surface for the Angle Divider, which resulted in easier and more accurate setting of the saw 

terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2016

Impressora 3D GIGANTE! Mais a Iris Científica, tudo sobre LEDs, latas limpas, e um Mini-Contentor

ISTO é que é uma Impressora 3D em grande!
Capaz de imprimir tento em Plímeros quanto em Cerâmica, quanto ao Cimento(!), quem disponha da quantia de 23 400 €, pode imprimir de tudo um pouco, em tamanho Industrial!

Delta Wasp 3MT 
The Delta WASP 3MT is a step-up in high innovation 3D printing. Its multi-tool capabilities allow new access to personal large fabrication. These interchangeable tool heads include the possibility to print ceramic mixes, concretes, geopolymers and allows for the production of CNC milled parts. FREE installation and training is provided with every 3MT purchased. 

Um importante Livro para os Espíritos Curiosos, é este, a Íris Científica 3, um Livro em Português, escrito por Um Cientista Português, que podem encomendar por email para este link

Haverá água no Sol? E água salgada em Marte? E o que se passa com a mancha alaranjada de Júpiter? Qual foi a rainha portuguesa inseminada artificialmente? As mulheres veem mais cores do que os homens? Será possível “ver” os sonhos? Estas são algumas das perguntas que são exploradas no meu novo livro “Íris Científica 3”, que acaba de ser publicado numa edição de autor. Este é o meu sétimo livro de divulgação científica.
Recordo que o primeiro volume sob o título “Íris Científica” foi publicado em 2005 pela editora Mar da Palavra. Nesse livro, que esteve durante muitos anos no Plano Nacional de Leitura, estão reunidas 20 crónicas de divulgação científica que escrevi, ao longo de 2004, na secção "Temas de Domingo" do Diário de Coimbra.
Os textos de divulgação científica que tenho escrito desde 2011 têm sido publicados, na sua maioria, em dezenas de jornais regionais portugueses, principalmente através da iniciativa da Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica designada por “Ciência na Imprensa Regional – Ciência Viva”, de que fui primeiro coordenador.
Em 2014 publiquei o “Íris Científca 2”, uma edição de autor, no qual reuni 33 crónicas de divulgação científica mantendo o formato do primeiro volume.
No presente “Íirs Científica 3”, como já adiantei, seleccionei 32 crónicas, que permitem ao leitor revisitar e viajar por alguns dos avanços científicos registados nos últimos anos, em diversas áreas do conhecimento. Os 32 textos entrecruzam olhares sobre diversas áreas da ciência como sejam a biologia, a química, a bioquímica, a física, a astronomia, a antropologia, a história da ciência, entre outras. 

Não há coisa sobre como utilizar vários tipos de LEDs que não aprendam aqui, e é Grátis, por isso aprendam que é uma série de Lições bacanas: 

with randofo 
As you can see from this extreme closeup of an LED pictured above, it is actually quite different from a light bulb. LED is an abbreviation for light emitting diode. It is a special type of electronic component that emits photons when electricity flows through it in the right direction. Over the last two decades, LED technology has changed and improved dramatically. LEDs now come in so many countless types and configurations, it would be impossible to survey them all in this class. On account of their versatility and pervasiveness, you could say that LEDs currently shine brighter than all other lights. Let's see why. 


As latas de Alumínio são leves, grátis, e servem para um sem-fim de possíveis usos, por isso, se tiverem um aspecto mais limpo, como, sem tinta, podem ser um exemplo sem rival de re-utilização...
Pois aqui está como terem um número enorme de contentores sem despesas nem muito esforço:

Ink Removal From Soda Cans
Soda cans are involved in all kinds of "reuse" projects. If you have no idea just use the search bar on the instructable homepage desktop and type in "soda cans" and you received various results with projects where soda cans are reused.
However, if you need the can for some more decorative purpose the inprints on the outside wall of the can makes it useless. Therefore, this instructable demonstrates an easy method for ink removal on soda cans. As a result, you will end up with a can having a nice shiny outer surface as given on the picture. In this instructable a vase for flowers was built (see last step). 

E mais um exemplo de reciclagem, é usar estas pequenas botijas de CO2, como contentores para pequenos objectos que importa não perderem, é do mais fácil de fazer que há:

Astuces de Trente Secondes 
I recently got some empty co2 cartiges from a friend of mine. After keeping them in my workshop for a year, I had the idea of transforming them into small containers, that are really resistant, and can serve you as extra airsoft pellets tanks or as containers to keep your money when camping. 

quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2016

Impressora 3D de Bolso? E fazer Plástico com Cola, um Fórmula-1 impresso em 3D, um Drone de Vigilância, e Gás, de Galhos!

Uma Impressora 3D de Bolso, com um Preço também pequeno, eis algo de louvável, para apoiar, e ter um em casa... Ou dois ou três, conforme os Filhos!

$99 palm-sized PocketMaker 3D printer launches on Indiegogo 
While 3D printers do honestly come in all shapes and sizes, the vast majority of models feature roughly the same desktop size – with size differences usually being negligible. While the dream is always to go bigger and wider to facilitate larger prints and more ambitious projects, there’s a lot to be said for downsizing as well. Aside from the obvious benefit of making your 3D printer extremely portable, it also means 3D printing smaller, more efficient objects and optimally using your build volume. Why be tempted to go bigger if smaller means becoming more efficient? If this sounds appealing, then the palm-sized PocketMaker might be something for you. 

Para além do Ooogoo, e do Sugru, podem fazer o vosso próprio Plástico, com Cola de Madeira e Talco, para peças ou moldes:

Making plastic with glue
This instructable is an experiment in making my own plastic using glue as the main binder material.
For this instructable you will need the following:
- PVA Glue
- Talc Powder (material to be bound)
- Mixing cup
- A harp inter-dental cleaner
- A Dremel multi
- A palette to spread samples on
- A spreader

E que tal, um modelo de carro de Fórmula 1, rádio-controlado, feito com a vossa Impressora 3D?
Cá está como o imprimirem, e montarem, e se também quizerem fazer a Electrónica, será adicionada, depois:

3D Printed 1:10 OpenRC Formula 1 car
Daniel Norée  
This is the OpenR/C Formula 1 car. It´s the third generation 3D printed OpenR/C car and this time around focus is on simplicity! You can print everything in PLA except the tires which are done in NinjaFlex! Of course you can print it in any material you like but for those that want to print a car but only have PLA at hand, this is the project for you!
This guide explains how to assemble the OpenRC F1 car. If you want to add electronics to make it radiocontrolled another step will be added later. 

Não há campo de actividade em que não se possa usar um Arduino, ou, neste caso, um Raspberry Pi!!!
Até para terem um Drone para vigiar as vossas Propriedades, Quintas, e Casas, ou sei lá, para brincarem com o Canito, do Escritório! 

Raspberry Pi Surveillance Rover (Land Drone)
Ever wanted to have a surveillance drone to monitor your surroundings? Of course you have!
Using a Raspberry Pi for the on-board logic, this compact, mobile computer, will create a local port that streams a video in real-time while simultaneously creating Bluetooth sockets to read values sent by a custom android app. The app syncs with the drone and uses user input to send instructions to the drone instantly. This project is fairly difficult to make from scratch, so hopefully the following will make life easier and provide some insight for drone enthusiasts like myself. All the software used for this project is provided. The code used was originally written by myself, but a few lines might have come from other sources. Feel free to modify and share the code to your liking. Please use the information provided responsibly and have fun! 

Gás que pode fazer funcionar um Motor, ou até mesmo um Automóvel, a partir de Galhos, e Serradura?
Já foi feito, em tempos de Guerra!
E pode ser uma boa maneira de se ter um Gerador, ou ainda melhor, um Aquecedor de àgua, que limpa o Quintal de folhas e galhos!

Power in the Apocalypse (How to build a Wood-Gasifier)
In this Instructable I will be showing you the steps I used to build my Wood/Biomass Gasifier. It was really a fun project and I would encourage anyone serious about preparedness to build one. Now in case you don't know what a Gasifier is (and don't feel bad if you don't as very few people do lol), they are quite simple, let me explain. Essentially all gasification is, is a form of incomplete combustion, heat from the burning solid fuel creates gases which are unable to burn completely because of the insufficient amounts of oxygen from the available supply of air, it then filters those gasses(which is by weight: 20% hydrogen, 20% carbon monoxide, 50 to 60% nitrogen, and a little bit of methane) And you can really use any kind of Biomass(organic material) that will burn. You can even use things like paper, coal, peat, and lignite. You can then use that filtered gas to run any thing from a generator to a car. So now that you have a basic understanding of what gasification is, lets get down to the build!!!