Blog Posts

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

O Open Hardware saíu mesmo agora...

O Open Hardware saíu mesmo agora...
...Com um Artigo que vai agradar a muita gente:
Com o HiJack e o  techBASIC, têem agora uma maneira de transformar o vosso IPhone ou IPad em Colectores de Dados!

Connect an iPhone/iPad to External Sensors with HiJack and techBASIC
Now there’s an easy and powerful way to connect external devices to the iPhone/iPad using techBASIC and HiJack. techBASIC is a BASIC programming language that runs right on the iPhone/iPad. HiJack is an A-D converter that plugs into the headphone jack on the same devices. techBASIC makes it easy to manipulate data and plot the results from HiJack, creating a powerful tool to collect information from almost any external device without the need to write software first on a desktop computer.

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