Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

Campos Magnéticos, guias no escuro, e CNC em casa

91,4 Teslas!
Um Recorde Mundial de força, num Campo Magnético!

German Lab Generates the Strongest Magnetic Field Ever Created
By Clay Dillow

Call it another victory for German design. Researchers in Dresden have set a new world record for the strongest magnetic field ever manufactured at the High Magnetic Field Laboratory Dresden (HZDR). Using a two-layer, 440-pound copper coil the size of a water bucket, they managed to coax 91.4 teslas from their creation for just a few milliseconds, surpassing the previous record of 89 teslas.

That’s a lot of teslas. Your standard high-power copper coil would be torn apart at something like 25 teslas, the researchers say. That’s because the magnetic field and the electric current that creates it work at cross purposes at higher energies. The current running through the coil generates the magnetic field, but the magnetic field pushes back against the electrons flowing through the coil. The stronger the current, the more the magnetic field pushes back, and once the current crosses a certain threshold the magnet will quite literally tear itself apart.

Um cinto vibrátil, que orienta Soldados no escuro, talvez um dia,  essa tecnologia, mais barata, oriente Cegos, na vida civil:

Haptic Vibrating Belts Guide U.S. Soldiers Through the Darkness
By Rebecca Boyle
Soldiers already have plenty of nighttime tech to help them navigate battlefields, but goggles can be clunky and obtrusive, and backlit GPS displays can betray a lurking warfighter’s position. A new haptic interface developed by Army researchers will help soldiers feel their way through the darkness instead.
Researchers at the Army Research Office developed a vibrating belt with eight mini actuators — “tactors” — that signify all the cardinal directions. The belt is hooked up to a GPS navigation system, a digital compass and an accelerometer, so the system knows which way a soldier is headed even if he’s lying on his side or on his back.

E uma máquina de CNC feita em casa, por 300 Dólares!

Desktop CNC machine for $300 — an open hardware project on Kickstarter 

When Edward Ford told us about his plan to launch a Kickstarter project for his self-built CNC machine — made with SparkFun electronics and laser cut with his Personal Factory — we jumped at the chance to support his project.

The ShapeOko is a complete, desktop CNC machine that anyone can build for about $300. And its all open-source!

From the ShapeOko Kickstarter page: “From CAD and CAM software to the CNC controller; every step has an open source solution. Did we mention the entire project itself is open source? Every nut, every bolt, every belt, fully documented with part numbers and vendor list. Do with it as you please!”

The goal is to finalize the ShapeOko design, make it repeatable, and then freely distribute it under an open source license.

And project funding will go to finishing the design (purchasing materials, paying for laser cutting time, testing new designs, and exploring ways to drive the final build cost even lower than $300)

This project needs just $1,500 by July 26th.—-an-open-hardware-project-on-kickstarter/

terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011

Mineração Lunar, Astronáutica, e... Soalhos!

Minerar Hélio-3 no Lado Escuro da Lua!
Parece um título de Ficção-Científica, mas as Empresas e Países envolvidos nessa Corrida, são bem reais...

Mining Helium-3 will Transform Dark Side of the Moon
Russia, India, China, Caterpillar, Google, and Virgin race for the Moon to mine helium-3--an isotope that can transform our energy future through nuclear fusion
Most people are unaware that our Moon holds countless resources. Some are familiar: titanium, platinum, silicon, ammonia, mercury, and even water (yes, H20 has been confirmed to be present on the moon). But a more elusive substance, which is a rarity here on Earth, is also found on the Moon: helium-3.

Helium-3 is a non-radioactive hydrogen isotope with one neutron and two protons. It is carried through space via the Sun’s solar winds, but burns up as it enters Earth’s atmosphere, making it almost non-existent here on our planet. However, an abundance of helium-3 has built up on the Moon’s surface over the millennia as confirmed in soil samples collected by the Apollo 17 lunar mission, and it is just waiting to be mined. Why you ask? Because, helium-3 can fuel non-radioactive nuclear fusion reactions to produce safe, clean, abundant energy, and can completely transform our energy future.

A Austrália não dorme...

Australia's Plasma Thruster Could Get a Space Trial as Soon as 2013
By Clay Dillow
For all their promise for future space propulsion schemes, plasma drives have had a hard time gaining momentum. A $3.1 million grant aims to change that, giving Australian National University physicists a lift that should help them see their plasma engine all the way to orbit aboard a European satellite within two years.

ANU’s Plasma Research Lab is turning ten years of research into the Helicon Double Layer Thruster (HDLT), and if they can get it working consistently in the next two years it could head to space in 2013 as part of a collaboration between ANU, Surrey University, and European space/aerospace behemoth EADS-Astrium.

E, num trambolhão, de volta para a Terra, um Site para que lida com Pavimentos!

segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2011

Mais novidades

Uma boa, para TODO ESTE CALOR, uma nova Liga metálica que converte o calor em electricidade!

New alloy converts heat directly into electricity

By Ben Coxworth

The heat given off by electronics, automobile engines, factories and other sources is a potentially huge source of energy, and various technologies are being developed in order to capture that heat, and then convert it into electricity. Thanks to an alloy that was recently developed at the University of Minnesota, however, a step in that process could be saved - the new material is able to convert heat directly into electricity.

The multiferroic alloy, with the catchy name Ni45Co5Mn40Sn10, was created by combining its various elements at the atomic level. Multiferroic materials are known for having unique elastic, magnetic and electric properties, and in the case of this alloy, that takes a form of an usual phase change. When heated, the non-magnetic solid material suddenly becomes a strongly magnetic solid.

In a lab test, upon becoming magnetic, the material absorbed heat in its environment and proceeded to produce electricity in an attached coil. Although some of the heat energy is lost in a process known as hysteresis, the U Minnesota researchers have developed a method of minimizing that energy loss.

Uma maravilha, este projecto Britânico, ainda há lá Cabecinhas Pensadoras!

ESA review finds 'no impediments' for SKYLON spaceplane development

By Darren Quick

After nearly 30 years of service, the Space Shuttle fleet is due to enter retirement with the last ever mission scheduled for takeoff on July 8, 2011. In its lifetime, the world's first Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) has provided information that will prove invaluable for the next generation of spacecraft that will succeed it. One such craft is the Skylon, an unpiloted, single-stage, reusable spaceplane currently under development by UK-based Reaction Engines Ltd. (REL). The Skylon got a shot in the arm last month with the release of a technical review of Skylon carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA) that concluded there are "no impediments" that would prevent the continued development of the Skylon and its SABRE engine.
The Skylon design, which grew out of the HOTOL (Horizontal Take-Off and Landing) program by Rolls Royce and British Aerospace that was terminated in 1988, consists of a slender fuselage containing propellant tankage and payload bay, with delta wings attached midway along the fuselage carrying the SABRE engines in axismmetric nacelles on the wingtips.

With a payload bay measuring 4.6 m (15 ft) in diameter and 12.3 m (40 ft) long, Skylon is designed to transport up to 15 tons of cargo into Low Earth Orbit (LEO, approx. 300 km /186 mile) at about 1/50th of the cost of traditional expendable launch vehicles, such as rockets. It could also carry 10.5 tons to a 460 km (286 mile) equatorial space station, or 9.5 tons to a 460 km x 28.5 degree space station, when operating from an equatorial site.

...Não foram a Paris, ver os Aviões?
Vejam nesta página, carreguem no Link:
The 2011 Paris Airshow in pictures

By Noel McKeegan

Over two thousand international exhibitors, 142 aircraft and tens of thousands of visitors gathered at the Le Bourget exhibition center this week for the 49th International Paris Airshow. Despite some grey skies and unwelcome rain, crowds were treated to spectacular daily flying displays and insights into bleeding-edge aerospace technologies that will shape the way we travel around the planet - and beyond - in the 21st Century. Gizmag joined the throng of media organizations soaking up all that the show has to offer - here's our summary of the week in pictures.

domingo, 26 de junho de 2011

Mais novidades

Prototypezone, para Prototipagem Rápida.

Atenção,é um Site porreiraço, com possibilade de escolher a Língua Nativa, e tudo!

Guiding Each Other Through The World Of Rapid Prototyping!

 Come on in and learn about Rapid Prototyping!  Right now is changing over to a Free Prototyping Community Site with Rapid Prototype Forums, Articles, Member Profiles, Learning Tutorials and Media.  I would love it if you would join the site and help build the community with your Prototyping Knowledge and Rapid Prototype Questions.  This is an active community with Prototype Content and Prototype Videos being added all the time. 

...E uma que não lembra a ninguém, mas há os Engenhocas para isso, trazida pelo Blog da Ponoko:
Objectos 3D, no Deserto, utilizando Energia Solar... E AREIA!

3D printing glass in the desert

If you were stuck in the desert & only had one provision to choose from, what would it be? 
Well if your name is Markus Kayser you’d likely take your solar sintering 3D printer of course! The abundance of sand and sunlight in this environment provides both raw materials and energy. Allowing any failed mutineer or downed pilot to make nearly any provisions they could ever dream of!

Markus Kayser - Solar Sinter Project from Markus Kayser on Vimeo.

sábado, 25 de junho de 2011

3 Notícias sobre Inovação

Um Tribunal para casos de Propriedade Industrial...

Criado tribunal para a propriedade intelectual
Quando estiver em funcionamento, o tribunal terá competência para decidir sobre casos que versem sobre direitos de autor e direitos conexos

Um tribunal de competência especializada para a propriedade intelectual foi criado, esta sexta-feira, por diploma publicado em Diário da República. Quando estiver em funcionamento, o tribunal terá competência para decidir sobre casos que versem sobre direitos de autor e direitos conexos, propriedade industrial, nomes de domínios na Internet e firmas ou denominações sociais, entre outros.

As decisões de entidades como o Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial, a Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional e o Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado podem ser alvo de recurso para este tribunal.

Os Brasileiros estão a produzir, um Solvente Universal...

Brasileiros criam solvente universal, que dissolve quase qualquer coisa

Pesquisadores da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) descobriram e depositaram pedido de patente de um composto que dissolve praticamente qualquer material orgânico ou inorgânico.

O agente resolve um problema antigo ao ser capaz de dissolver sem alterar a composição química da substância.

A dissolução é um passo essencial para a análise de amostras, usada para avaliações de controle de qualidade ou da presença de componentes inorgânicos ou orgânicos, tóxicos ou não.
Brasileiros criam solvente universal, que dissolve quase qualquer coisa

E mais uma do Brasil, uma forma de distríbuir filmes HD na Net,

Brasileiros recebem patente por sistema de distribuição de filmes HD

Com informações do Planeta Coppe - 24/06/2011

Vídeo HD sob demanda

Assistir vídeos na tela do computador com qualidade de vídeo HD.

Este é o diferencial do GloVe (Global Vídeo Environment), um sistema inovador de distribuição de vídeo digital sob demanda, em grande escala, que já rendeu duas patentes internacionais para a Coppe, ligada à Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Desenvolvida pelos pesquisadores do Laboratório de Computação Paralela (LCP), a tecnologia inédita de administração e compartilhamento de vídeos é capaz de atender a um número ilimitado de pessoas, simultaneamente, com exibição individualizada.

Desenvolvido sob a coordenação do professor Cláudio Amorim, o GloVe pode ser instalado tanto em redes locais como na internet.

sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2011

Ponoko é do caneco!

Duas boas, da Ponoko:
Este Sintetizador, que até me faz esquecer quanto eu odeio soldar:

DIY synth making workshop
Rich Decibels teams up with Bleep Labs to present a series of DIY electronic audio workshops

For some time now I’ve had an interest in teaching people about electronics, recruiting for the maker army. I’ve found audio projects a great place for people to start learning.

I’ve just announced over on my website that I’m running another series of DIY synth making workshops in Wellington. If you’re interested pop over and have a look at the details.

If you’re interested in this stuff but not a Wellington local, check out the amazing gear available over at Bleep Labs or enjoy this tantalising video demonstration.

...E estes Legos de Papel, um projecto bacano:

Paper building blocks for your imagination

Grace Hawthorne is no stranger to fueling creativity and firing up the imagination. She may already be familiar to fans of ReadyMade, and thanks to her latest Kickstarter campaign, a whole new playful and creative juggernaut is about to be unleashed.

Paper Punk is a system of patterns that are supplied pre-cut from cool retro-futuristic printed stock, and after a few simple folds they become building blocks that can be used to create toys, art objects and more.

Each set comes with patterns in gorgeous complementary colours, posters and instructions, and a plethora of quirky stickers to add character and individuality to your constructions.
Consider Paper Punk as building blocks for your imagination…
it is a creativity tool that’s as much of and art form as it is a toy;
What I love most about Paper Punk is that it’s beautiful and fun!

Follow the link for a short clip where Grace runs us through what it’s all about.

Kickstarter Video from Paper Punk on Vimeo.

...E acabando como comecei, com Electrónica, quem segue a Saga dos Grafenos, fica a saber que a IBM, já fez o seu primeiro Circuito Integrado em Grafeno!

Graphene integrated circuit is a first

IBM researchers have made the first graphene circuit in which all of the circuit elements are integrated on a compact single chip. The new circuit is another important step forward for graphene-based electronics and potential applications include wireless communications and amplifiers.

Despite much progress in recent years and the fact that scientists have already made some high-performance graphene-based devices, it still remains challenging to integrate graphene transistors with other components on a single chip. This is mainly because graphene does not adhere very well to the metals and oxides traditionally used in semiconductor-manufacturing processes and because there are no reliable and reproducible techniques yet to make such circuits.
Integrated inductors

Now, Phaedon Avouris and colleagues at IBM's T J Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, may have overcome this problem with their new integrated circuit that consists of a graphene transistor and a pair of inductors compactly integrated on a silicon carbide (SiC) wafer. The wafer-scale fabrication process the team developed is compatible with conventional semiconductor-fabrication methods and can be used to produce circuits in high yields.

Vacina contra o Cancro?

Um Vírus com uma Livraria de DNA, que permite destruír uma data de Tumores diferentes, preservando o tecido são!
Se isto não é uma boa notícia, não sei o que seja!

New ‘gene therapy’ vaccine approach gives hope in fight against cancer
By Darren Quick
Using a virus containing a 'library' of DNA, researchers from the University of Leeds in the U.K., working with the Mayo Clinic in the U.S., have developed a vaccine that was able to destroy prostate cancer tumors in mice, while leaving healthy tissue untouched. Because the virus contains multiple fragments of genes, the vaccine is able to produce many possible antigens thereby boosting its effectiveness. The technique could be used to create vaccines to treat a wide range of cancers, including breast, pancreatic and lung tumors.

Previous 'gene therapy' vaccine have often delivered just one gene to stimulate the body's immune system to destroy cancer cells by producing a protein, called an antigen. This triggers the production of an antibody to kill or neutralize the antigen, but the development of successful cancer vaccines has proven difficult because each tumor has specific proteins and identifying the right antigen has been challenging. It was also feared that using several genes to increase the chances of producing successful antigens would produce an immune system response that would be too much for the body to handle.

quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011

ElastomatiK, como carregar uma Pistola de elásticos

Eis como se faz:

Autómatos, Astronomia, e Motores


The Singing Bird Pistols

Last month Christie's auctioned off a matching pair of "mirror-image gold, enamel, agate, pearl and diamond-set singing bird pistols". The "pistols" are incredible. They were made by the Frères Rochat in the 1820s for the Chinese market and had an estimated auction price was $2.5 - $5 million. They sold for over $5,866,499.

Isto é que é Electricidade...
The Strongest Electrical Current in the Universe Spotted, 2 Billion Light Years From Here
By Clay Dillow

Galaxy 3C303, Keeping Current Generated from a Very Large Array image, this image shows the huge jet of current stretching for 150,000 light years across galaxy 3C303. Philipp P. Kronberg, Richard V.E. Lovelace, Giovanni Lapenta, Stirling A. Colgate via arXiv

Looking for a source of renewable electricity? Researchers at the University of Toronto have found some serious current emanating from a huge cosmic jet 2 billion light years from Earth. At 1018 amps, the current is the strongest current ever seen, equalling something like a trillion bolts of lightning.

The awesome current was found around the galaxy 3C303, whose core is the origin of a massive matter jet. While measuring the alignment of radio waves around 3C303, the researchers noticed a swift and sudden shift in the alignment of those radio waves, the telltale sign of an electrical current.

E um Motor do Caraças!

Para quem não percebe Alemão, cá vai, em Inglês:
Hüttlin Spherical Engine
How it Works:
This one is so far away from normal engine design it's almost hard to comprehend. To start, imagine a very stout pin in the center of a sphere. Attached to this pin are two pairs of pistons, arranged in a pseudo-triangular configuration. The two sets of pistons face each other and create two semi-toroidal opposed piston combustion chambers. Attached to the back side of the pistons at the top of the triangle are two very large ball bearings which lie in a track on the stationary outer housing. As the piston and combustion chamber assembly rotates, the bearings guide the pistons to create a back-and-forth rocking motion that's recognizable as a four-stroke combustion engine cycle. Output is taken from a gearset machined into the piston housing or it can act as a generator. The incredible part is that this wildly complex engine has already gone through several generations of refinement and simplification.

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2011

Máquinas voadoras

Uma Máquina Voadora incrível:
D-Dalus - an entirely new genre of aircraft arrives

By Mike Hanlon

Austrian research company IAT21 has presented a new type of aircraft at the Paris Air Show which has the potential to become aviation's first disruptive technology since the jet engine.The D-Dalus (a play on Daedalus from Greek mythology) is neither fixed wing or rotor craft and uses four, mechanically-linked, contra-rotating cylindrical turbines, each running at the same 2200 rpm, for its propulsion.

The key to the D-Dalus' extreme maneuverability is the facility to alter the angle of the blades (using servos) to vector the forces, meaning that the thrust can be delivered in your choice of 360 degrees around any of the three axes. Hence D-Dalus can launch vertically, hover perfectly still and move in any direction, and that's just the start of the story.

Isto é que é Dinheiro de Plástico:
Canada Introduces New, Plastic Cash
by Eyder Peralta
The Bank of Canada introduced brand new polymer bills, yesterday. As the Toronto Sun puts it, the move is designed to use high-tech materials to "thwart counterfeiters." The notes, which have two see-through windows, are also cheaper to make and last about 2 1/2 times longer than paper money.

E um Space Shuttle Europeu, sem Asas:
Europeans Plan to Launch Prototype Wingless, Reusable Spaceship By 2013
By Rebecca Boyle
The European Space Agency announced plans today to launch a privately built snub-nosed space bullet, which sort of resembles a wingless, truncated space shuttle, within the next two years. Thales Alenia Space, builder of several International Space Station components and many European satellites, is manufacturing the spacecraft.

The Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle is a 2-ton “lifting body," with no wings whatsoever and only two moving flaps that will control its movement. The spacecraft will launch on an ESA Vega rocket, reaching speeds of 16,000 miles per hour and 280 miles in altitude. Then it will return to Earth much like the shuttle, only with flaps guiding it instead of glider wings. It will parachute to a splash landing in the Pacific Ocean.

E uma dica que não sei se já dei, mas  cá vai, Make Human é um Programa Grátis 3D de Modelação de Figura Humana, tanto Masculina, como Femenina.

E o que é especialmente porreiro neste programa é que se pode exportar o Modelo para o formato .Obj, ir à pasta home/xxxxx/makehuman/exports, onde xxxxx é o vosso nome, e importar para Wings 3d, aqui, com um Modelo Masculino,

E fazem um Rendering para ilustrar como se use uma vossa Invenção, que exija manusear, por exemplo, com as mãos e os braços do Modelo!

Para o Ubuntu, é só ir aqui:

terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011

Toldos e mais coisas

Uma Firma que faz Sombra a muita gente...

Uma Impressora 3D, feita em casa, que é uma Maravilha!
SUMPOD printer has the looks

Check out this fine looking 3d printer from Richard Sum.

The aptly named SUMPOD is currently the focus of an IndieGoGO campaign, where contributors can pledge their support and receive the sum of many parts in return.

It’s interesting to note that Richard has based his printer off the RepRap (as many 3d printers are these days, for good reason!) but has given it a refined visual language that is unusual in the DIY landscape. Exploring beyond the smooth white exterior, the SUMPOD has a build area of 150×150x100mm (a little bigger than the Makerbot) and an overall footprint of 280×350x280mm.

Um MILHÃO de fotogramas por Segundo!!!
Benelli High Technology – Computer Modeling and High Speed Video

An example of how the latest in technology has found its way into the firearm industry is Benelli’s design bureau. The engineers there utilize various CAD software programs, as well as a high speed camera capable of taking 1 million frames per second, to design, test, and analyze their weapons. One of the more interesting things we saw at Benelli was what you’re about to see in this video: high speed camera footage alongside a computer model in motion.

Some of this same technology is in use by automotive racing teams at the highest levels of competition, to squeeze every bit of performance out of their cars. Benelli’s goals are similar, and the knowledge derived from the use of this technology is part of the reason why their shotguns command high prices.

"Olha, Mâe! sem mãos!" Um conceito melhor que o Segway, na minha opinião...

TILTO is a home-built attempt at reinventing the Segway

By Pawel Piejko

Although it's not that uncommon to encounter people riding Segways, self-balancing vehicles haven't revolutionized urban transport as some expected. Created by Argentinean inventor Marcelo Fornaso, TILTO is a new incarnation of the idea behind the Segway. It replaces the stiff platform and wheels with tilting equivalents, while eliminating handlebars or a steering wheel. It is an electrically powered, single-person vehicle, with a maximum range of 15 km (9,32 miles) and top speed of 20 kph (12 mph).

TILTO (from "tilt and go") has no handlebars so turning TILTO is achieved by leaning sideways, which surprisingly is safer than turning a Segway, according to Fornaso. When turning a Segway at high speed, there are forces pushing the driver out of the vehicle. Turning by tilting reportedly eliminates this problem, since there's an inertial system that prevents the driver and vehicle from falling during turns. "It produces the left wheel to accelerate and the right wheel to decelerate proportionally," Fornaso says.

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011


Mais peças para o Traceparts, podem assim fazer os vossos planos CAD, com as peças em 2D, ou 3D, de várias origens:

Isto eu não sabia, Soldadura por Ultra-sons:

Incrível, do Blog da Ponoko, um Copista-Robot:

A marvelous automatic scribe from Chris Eckert

You may recall a piece we did on Chris Eckert’s automated tattoo machine a few months back. His latest piece “Auto Scribe” is set to be even more breathtaking.
So far the machine consists of three pens, a gaggle of stepper motors, and a plethora of tubes and wires that serve to ink, power, and direct the mechanisms. It’s not too dissimilar from a standard plotter in organization, using a stepper controlled spool to manipulate the paper for the Y axis, and moving the pen gantry with a worm drive to control the X.

...E uma data de ideias Meritórias, num Concurso para ideias para construír habitações para os pobres deste Mundo:

Contest seeks ideas for $300 houses to shelter world's poor

By Tannith Cattermole

What started as a theoretical question posed on the obstacles to global housing-for-the-poor has reached fruition as voting closed June 15th on the 300House project. Contestants around the world were challenged to design a house that could be constructed for less than US$300. Prize money of $25,000 was shared among the top sixteen ranked ideas, with two-week prototyping workshops worth $15,000 for the first, second and third designs ranked by the online voting community, and three awarded the Jury Prize.

quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011


Notícias fresquinhas do Altlab, aprendam a montar os vossos Controles Arduino:

altlab - Lisbon's Hackersapce

Coisas do caneco!

O tal écran Amoled, Tecnologia Made In Portugal:

O intrigante Software Multiphisics, para uma data de Simulações:

...E este "bacano, não esteve com meias medidas,e fez este "pequeno" Modelo à escala dum  Dirigível:

You Built What?! A Colossal Flying Reproduction of a 1935 Airship

The model USS Macon barely fits inside a two-car garage
By Gregory Mone

The first time retired computer engineer Jack Clemens tried to build a scale model of the USS Macon, a helium-filled naval airship lost in bad weather in 1935, his cat jumped on the prototype from a high shelf and ruined the hull. Clemens finished a second version in 2008 but totaled it during an unexpectedly windy test flight. Finally, in April, Clemens completed version number 3, a 20-foot-long radio-controlled replica accurate down to practically every detail, from the airbag to the propellers.
Clemens frequently used to commute past the Macon’s enormous hangar in Moffett Field, California. He thought returning a model of the craft to its original home would be a fitting tribute, so he requested the plans from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011

Muitas e boas Notícias!

A Samsung adopta uma Tecnologia desenvolvida em Portugal!
Do Site chamado Boas Notícias:

Poderá ser o fim do velho silicío na construção dos ecrãs televisivos. Investigadores da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa desenvolveram, em colaboração com a Samsung, uma nova geração de ecrãs que recorre a um novo novo tipo de transistores transparentes e mais baratos.

A novidade consiste na substituição do material semicondutor dos transístores, que é neste momento silício, por um novo material transparente à base de óxidos, como o óxido de zinco, e que oferece várias vantagens.

Este material - que tem já muitas aplicações como por exemplo nos cremes cicatrizantes e nos protetores solares - pode ser produzido a um custo muito mais baixo e à temperatura ambiente, disse esta semana à agência Lusa Elvira Fortunato, que coordena o projeto juntamente com o seu colega Rodrigo Martins.

Como construír um Dinossauro, a partir duma Galinha!

Video: How to Build a Dinosaur from a Chicken
By Clay Dillow

How does one build a dinosaur? There’s the much-celebrated Crichton/Spielberg method, in which you extract dino DNA from a preserved prehistoric mosquito. But there are problems with this approach, says paleontologist Jack Horner in a recent TED Talk, and besides: there are plenty of spare dinosaur parts laying around our modern world from which to build a dinosaur. We just need to find the right ones.

Horner has spent a career digging up some of the best-preserved biological artifacts leftover from the dinosaurs’ tenure on this planet, but in none of them, not even the soft tissues like preserved blood vessels, could he or his team find intact DNA--the kind you need to clone a dinosaur a la Jurassic Park. So he and some colleagues are looking for dino-era DNA in dinosaurs’ descendants: modern birds.

...E aviões que vão ser autênticos Transatlânticos do Ar:

Video: Airbus Offers a Peek at the Translucent Future of Passenger Air Travel
By Clay Dillow
Airbus has seen the future, and it's spacious, sunlit and full of interactive screens. Oh, and cocktails will be served in the virtual bar, assuming someone isn’t playing 18 holes in there.

After revealing its larger vision of what aviation hardware will offer us in 2050 at last year’s Paris Air Show--reduced emissions, lower fuel consumption, reductions in noise and increases in speed--the company has turned its attention toward the passenger experience, offering a sneak peak of the future via the video below.

What does the future have in store? Well, assuming populations begin growing less obese and the economics of packing as many people on a flight as possible are discarded (in the future, air travel--like society--will know no class), the future is much more comfortable.
When flights are at less than full capacity, unneeded seats at the rear of the plane will collapse and all seats will redistribute themselves to offer everyone an equitable boost in legroom. These seats will also morph to fit passengers’ bodies.

terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011

Isto é importante!

Carros eléctricos que se recarregam como os a Gasolina?
Isto é importante...

'Cambridge crude' could let EVs refuel like gas-powered vehicles

By Darren Quick

With consumers used to the convenience of refueling their vehicle at the gas station in a few minutes, one of the biggest disadvantages of electric vehicles is the time it takes to recharge their batteries. Now, by separating the energy storage and energy discharging functions of the battery into separate physical structures, researchers at MIT have achieved a breakthrough that could allow EVs to be recharged in the same time it takes to refuel a conventional car. The technology could also provide an inexpensive alternative for energy storage for intermittent, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar.

Skate, Plasticina Magnética, e Células Laser!

Isto é do caraças!

Células Laser?

Using Human Cells and Jellyfish Protein, Researchers Build the First Living Laser
A bright future for internal medicine
By Rebecca Boyle
Researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital built a living laser partly to study interactions between electronic and biological systems, and partly out of sheer curiosity. The world’s first biological laser, made from a single living cell, could lead to better microscope imaging inside the body and even targeted light therapies, researchers say.

A single human cell engineered to express green fluorescent protein can be used to amplify photons into super-short pulses of laser light, the researchers say.

...E# um Instructable para impressionar a malta!

segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011


Do nosso amigo brazilero2008, uma Luz Nocturna... TEZLA!

Uma muito boa ideia, um sinal Laser para avisar da presença de Bicicletas e Motas!

Student-designed bicycle device designed to save lives

By Ben Coxworth

Many people are afraid of riding their bicycles on busy roads full of motorized vehicles, and it's easy to understand why. Not only are bikes slower and offer less protection than cars, but they can also be more difficult for drivers to notice. A device invented by a British design student, however, could help level the playing field a little. It's called BLAZE, and it alerts drivers to the presence of a cyclist by projecting a laser image onto the road in front of the bicycle.
"Eighty per cent of cycle accidents occur when bicycles travel straight ahead and a vehicle maneuvers into them," said Emily Brooke, a final-year Product Design student at the University of Brighton. "The most common contributory factor is 'failed to look properly' on the part of a vehicle driver. The evidence shows the bike simply is not seen on city streets."

Especial para os Sucateiros Amadores como eu, como arranjar Tralha, de Borla, e é um Ebook cheio de ideias, ainda por cima!!

Continuando na onda de poupar, que isto não está para brincadeiras, como fazer uma Bancada, por menos de 100 Dólares...

Este, fabrica biofuel sólido a partir de Papel:

E estão fartos de ver os vossos rolos de Fita-cola desenrolar mal, ou fartos de estarem à cata da ponta da fita?
Isto é para vocês, feito com Contraplacado e uma Lata:

Poupar... é bom!

sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

Invenções Premiadas na Popular Science

Uma Maravilha, uma Mão Artificial com controle muito mais natural, e muito mais barato:

2011 Invention Awards: A Better Mechanical Hand
A prosthetic hand that’s as functional as an electronic model—but at a fraction of the cost
By Lauren Aaronson

Prosthetic hands typically come in three varieties: purely cosmetic models; hooks and other low-cost mechanical appendages that provide a limited range of motion; and electronic versions that better mimic natural hand movements yet can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Mark Stark’s prosthetic incorporates the best elements of each. Although its minimalist plastic assembly is nearly as light and inexpensive as a common steel hook, it looks and moves like a high-end electronic hand.
Stark, who makes his living designing valves for dryers and other appliances, got into prosthetics in part to help his friend, Dave Vogt, who was born without a left hand. Stark’s creation is electronics-free, but its fingers each have three knuckles (two on the thumb) that bend separately to conform to anything the wearer grasps, including irregularly shaped objects that a hook can’t hold.

Algo de muito importante, um reciclador de àgua para Navios, que usa o calor do escape dos motores para vaporizar todo o resíduo, e sai só Dióxido de Carbono, e Vapor de Àgua:
2011 Invention Awards: From Waste To Water

A machine that uses exhaust heat to treat onboard sewage
By Bjorn Carey
When Namon Nassef had to buy a new engine for his boat, he saw an opportunity. He could finally install the invention he had been working on, a machine he calls the Zero Liquid Discharge Sewage Elimination System (ZLD). The device uses engine heat to oxidize and evaporate toilet, shower and galley waste.

A typical combustion engine makes use of only 30 to 35 percent of the energy contained in fuel; the rest escapes as heat through the radiator or the exhaust. The microwave-oven-size ZLD puts that exhaust heat to work.

... E uma Impressora para todo o lado, e quase todas as superfícies!

2011 Invention Awards: A Magic Wand For Printing
A mini inkjet prints on any flat surface with a wave of the hand
By Rena Marie Pacella

In 2000, one of Europe’s largest rubber-stamp companies approached Alex Breton, an engineer from Stockholm, Sweden, for product ideas. Instead of dreaming up a new stamp, he designed the PrintBrush, an 8.8-ounce handheld gadget that uses inkjets, computer-mouse-like optics and navigation software to print uploaded images and text on any flat surface, including paper, plastic, wood and even fabric.
Conventional printers move paper through the machine in large part because it’s the only way to accurately track the position of the page relative to the print head. With such constraints, Breton realized, a printer could never be narrower than its paper—unless the inkjets had an entirely new way to navigate across the page.

sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2011

Veículos estapafúrdios!

Uma data deles!
Este Conceito, já tem Décadas, mas parece que este modelo conduz-se melhor que os outros...

EDWARD - a diwheel student-built vehicle that really works
By Pawel Piejko
Designed and built by a team of students from Australia's University of Adelaide, EDWARD is a futuristic, purely electric dicycle - also known as a diwheel. Although it looks like transportation from the realm of science fiction, the vehicle is fully operational and can be controlled with surprising precision.

Uma prancha de Skate eléctrica, ou lá o que é, de respeito...

Scarpar's high speed, all-terrain powerboard set to launch within months
By Loz Blain

Two years ago, we had a look at the Scarpar - a twin-tracked, high speed all terrain powerboard that seemed like a promising power toy. Well, we've just spoken to Scarpar CEO Andrew Fern, who has confirmed that this unique vehicle is going into production later this year, and he's taking deposits as of now. Basically everything on the board has been changed since the last prototype we saw - it now runs an independent electric motor in each of the two articulating tracks, and the hand-held throttle and brake unit is now wireless.

E uma Hoverbyke!

Australian built Hoverbike prepares for takeoff
By Darren Quick

dventurous motorcyclists might be familiar with the thrill of getting airborne at the top of a rise, but the Hoverbike is set to take catching some air to a whole new level. With a 1170 cc 4-stroke engine delivering 80 kW driving two ducted propellers, the inventor of the Hoverbike, Chris Malloy, says with its high thrust to weight ratio, the Hoverbike should be able to reach an estimated height of more than 10,000 feet and reach an indicated airspeed of 150 knots (278 km/h or 173 mph).

quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011

É bom!

É bom!

Alphasat project from ESA, Powered by Engineered & Made in Portugal

Portuguese Engineers from SME, Evoleo Technologie,, participe in Alphasat project from ESA - European Space Agency, to test electronic embedded component for satellite in partnership with Efacec & National Instruments Portugal,
Complete information

quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011

Publicar as vossas Invenções, porque não?

Sempre pensei que se deviam unir os Retalhistas, Fabricantes e Inventores, para criar edições, limitadas, ou não, das vossas Engenhocas para divulgar e ganhar algum dinheiro, para voos mais altos, ou mesmo viver só disso...
Pois agora, este meu amigo Jon Cantin teve uma ideia onde cabe esse meu conceito, e muitos mais!

ShopMarvels é o nome dum Site onde têem lugar, e podem contactar-se e trocar ideias os tais Retalhistas, Fabricantes e Inventores, e acabou-se o atávico isolamento que matava tanto Projecto à nascença!
Eis alguns que já lá estão:
Faz-se lá disto:

...Mesmo até disto...

...E é claro, disto:

Mas deixemos o homem que teve a ideia falar: Industry Knowledge and Networking Directory

Friday, June 3rd, 2011
Networking is the most critical part of business as, like a tree, each new branch leads to new opportunities for growth and success. This is one reason why I decided to build as I have active discussions with shops, designers and manufacturers on a weekly basis.
Many shop owners want to network with retail shops to cut and distribute laser cut, 3d printed and/or cnc manufactured items for extra income. Many small retailers are looking to expand their product range with unique products. Manufacturers want to actively promote their products to the shop owners and the networking potentials keep growing.
Who started
Jon Cantin, entrepreneur, designer, 3D enthusiast, published author and all around hard working guy! He wanted a resource for his customers across various sites including and to come to one place to share their knowledge with others. The more we share, the more we grow!