Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2015

Protoptimus! E mais uma Soldadora, Crawlbot, e Formlabs

Esta, vocês têem de ver!
Madeira e Alumínio, e o Alumínio pode ser usado para Moldes para Injecção de plástico.
E tudo isto, de Código aberto...
E Made in Brazil!

Protoptimus F1 Router Fresadora CNC desktop modular de código aberto.
Por que...
Por ocupar pouco espaço nas versões com área de trabalho de até 400x300mm.
Por ser montada a partir de um conjunto intercambiável de peças, pode receber upgrades futuros substituindo poucos componentes.
...Código aberto?
O projeto mecânico da Protoptimus F1 é livre, open source hardware, sob a licença CC BY-SA 4.0. Você pode criar, modificar e compartilhar livremente novos projetos a partir do original, inclusive para fins comerciais.
Os kits mecânicos da Protoptimus F1, chamados de Maker, possuem as versões Hobby e Pro, disponíveis em diversos tamanhos.
O projeto desta máquina contém um conjunto de peças intercambiáveis entre as versões Hobby e Pro, e também entre os diversos tamanhos.
Design simples e funcional. Veja a documentação e os vídeos tutoriais. Qualquer pessoa pode montar!
Peças intercambiáveis: Monte uma versão Hobby. Faça o ugrade para a versão Profissional quando desejar.

Mais uma maneira de terem uma Soldadora em casa usando Sucata, eis uma Soldadora que constroem usando um Micro-ondas velho...
E como o Micro-ondas é feito usando muito Cobre, e não como uma Soldadora baratucha, esta Soldadora...
Tem potência!


Build a Microwave Transformer Homemade Stick/Arc Welder

I had no idea making a DIY welder would be so easy to do. And, it's pretty muchFREE!
Additionally, the stick welder you get is definitely better than anycheap commercial welder you can buy.
Why is this homemade thing better than something you can buy? Because when you factor in shipping and labor and the little bit of retail markup - the companies that make typical cheap buzz boxes will skimp on copper as much as possible. Whereas you can use enough copper in this to make something really juicy, and still spend less, to nothing, compared to a store-bought arc welder.
So here's what you need to build a welder:
- Two beat up old microwaves
- Some 10 gauge wire
- Wire nuts
People throw out microwaves all the time, if you keep your eyes on the curbs.
Or, you can get microwaves at the local thrift store for $10 each.
Try the warehouse that processes donations - they have to pay to get rid of tons of broken ones.

Agora, se quizerem maquinar Placas MESMO grandes, atenção, malta das Pranchas de Surf, para Moldes, têem esta maquineta que vai maquinando a placa, andando nela!
Boa ideia, que vos poupa uma fortuna, e ainda vos poupa espaço na Oficina.

Review: Printrbot Crawlbot Changes Everything About Large CNC Routing
Jason Loik

Printrbot just released the Crawlbot, a game changer in the world of CNC. It takes one basic fundamental of CNC machines and throws it out the window: The idea that if you want to cut a large piece of material, then your machine needs to have an even larger frame. Instead, the Crawlbot is the size of a golf bag but can cut material larger than a sheet of plywood.
This is the perfect machine for the at-home tinkerer, someone who doesn’t have a lot of work space but can back the car out of the garage on the weekends. If you want to cut full sheets of plywood, you no longer need to put an unmovable, VW-sized machine in your shop, taking up a substantial amount of room. Instead, you store the Crawlbot in a tight space, then when needed you simply strap it to a single piece of plywood on a few sawhorses and let it run. And it costs $4000 (currently set at an introductory $3500), where traditional machines with comparable capabilities start in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Esta Impressora 3D SLA, as tais dum acabamento sem igual, da formlabs, vem com uma data de coisas boas, como maior volume de trabalho, e melhor Macânica, e podem ver a análise completa no link embaixo:

Formlabs’ Brand New 3D Printer, the Form 2
Formlabs has been listening, and their latest 3D printer brings home much-wanted features
Matt Shultz

With the release of the Form 2, Formlabs has taken all they have learned and released a machine that is set to keep them on top.
Today, Formlabs announced Form 2, a larger machine with a bigger build volume and new technical innovations. It’s not just an iteration, but a reimagining of the printer that brought stereolithography (SLA) printing to the desktop. It’s priced at $3499 and, unlike their initial release, will not be Kickstarted.
Make: magazine was invited to Formlabs’ headquarters earlier this month to test out a beta version of the Form 2; this is our full review of the brand new device from the upcoming Ultimate Guide to Desktop Manufacturing in our November issue of Make:.

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015

Uma fresa CNC a sério, mas para todos nós! E façam um braço-Robot, um Tico-tico numa caixa, e uma Mini-Forja,

Fresas para o Povo! 
Uma Fresa CNC que maquina até ao Titâneo(!), mas por menos de 5000 Euros?
Como podem ver, cabe nas vossas Garagens, Cubículos, Barracos, e Sótãos, por isso, é a oportunidade que muitos Industriais por conta própria esperavam...

The New Tormach PCNC 440: Welcome to the Era of the ‘Desktop’ CNC Mill

Charles Cooper  
Tormach today introduced its most compact milling machine ever, a unit that takes up as much space as the average table saw.
If that sounds small, it is. The PCNC 440, the latest entry in Tormach’s line of personal CNC mills, is a 450-pound unit that occupies a footprint of just 40″× 32″×42″. By way of comparison, consider the PCNC 1100, Tormach’s first personal CNC, which weighed 1,500 pounds with dimensions of 56″× 45″×60″.
“We’ve been working to try and package our technology in ways that would make it more accessible to users, whether they’re Makers or bootstrap entrepreneurs, educators, or inventors,” says Tormach’s product marketing manager, Andrew Grevstad. He adds the unit was “perfect for anybody that wants to do real cutting, but doesn’t have a lot of space.”
Tormach Inc., which is an employee-owned engineering company based in Waunakee, Wisconsin, has been around for 12 years and makes a variety of small mills, lathes, and grinders.

Continuando na senda de fazer uma Fábrica para cada Engenhocas, que tal fazerem o vosso próprio Braço-Robot?
Este, pode-vos servir de Soldador e de cortador a Laser, e, quem sabe, cortador a Plasma?
Vão ver, este Instructable, que até lá dão os planos do bicho! 

Build a Laser Cut and Soldering Dobot Arm

In this instructable project, we will build a laser cut and soldering Dobot arm. The high precision Dobot arm is made up of 6061 frame and manufactured with CNC. Its machinery accuracy is 0.02mm and the repeat precision is 0.2mm which is 50 times better than servo. I will show you how to build a basic Dobot arm with more details later.
With Dobot‘s high precision, we can apply it to industry. We can do some repetitive, menial tasks such as tightening the screws and nuts and carrying some components by changing its end effector. We can even bring Lego together and help assemble Lego blocks with this low-cost desktop robot arm.

Isto faz muita falta a muito Engenhocas, por isso, cá vai disto, como tranformarem a vossa Serra Tico-tico, numa Serra de Mesa: 

Convert your Jigsaw into a Scrollsaw

After trying to cut out intricate shapes using a jigsaw (to no avail), and seeing guyzo35's Instructable on the subject, I knew I had to make one of these for my own. In this instructable, we'll convert a handheld jigsaw into a bench-top scroll saw, allowing us to cut small and complex shapes from light materials with ease. We'll also see if we can improve guyzo35's method, to make the scroll saw more functional.
What you'll need:
-The Sacrificial Jigsaw: Don't worry, we wont break it.
-Scrap wood: You'll need some ply wood and something a bit thicker for the supports.
-Wood Screws
Tools: Drill, Sandpaper, Clamps, Measuring implements. 


E como isto não é só Hi-Tech, os Ferreiros nas horas vagas podem ter agora a sua Mini-Forja, para sabe-se lá que mais Engenhocas, e Artesanato...
E atenção, estes nossos amigos pensam em tudo, se virarem o bicho c'oa boca para cima, serve para fundir Alumínio e Bronze!
É bom! 

A mini-forge is a fantastic tool to have around the shop. The mini-forge will allow you to make everything from jewelry to small pocket knives. It is an indispensable item for any shop where metal working will happen from time to time.
Bonus: Although not shown in this Instructable, this mini forge can be tilted on it's back and used to completely melt metals such as bronze and aluminum for molding purposes by adding a hardened steel kettle in the center.

sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2015

Maker Faire Lisboa! E mais um Invento Brasileiro, cuidado com as Molas, e Tinta Eléctrica!

É hoje!
Começa a Maker Faire de Lisboa!
Lá irei, a ver as novidades. Talvez traga algumas fotos de volta, se me lembrar... 

MakerFaire Lisboa 2015 
A Maker Faire é o maior espetáculo de "mostra e conta" do mundo. É um local onde afamília e os amigos podem assistir a uma enorme mostra de invenções, criatividade e desenvoltura, e à celebração do movimento dos Makers (fazedores). É um local onde as pessoas nos mostram e partilham o que andam a fazer, aprendendo com essas experiências.
Portugal é desde sempre um país de Makers, uma nação de pessoas talentosas que fazem o inimaginável com parcos recursos. A Maker Faire Lisboa  vai reunir num único espaço e durante 3 dias 100 Makers nacionais que vão mostrar-nos e surpreender-nos com o que de melhor se faz neste contexto.
Dia 18 - 17:00 às 22:00
Dia 19 - 10:00 às 22:00
Dia 20 - 10:00 às 20:00

Dica do nosso amigo Marcus Laria, inventa-se no Brasil!
Em vez de buzinar, pode agora enviar mensagens curtas aos veículos à sua volta,  que os sinais de luzes e os gestos não são nada úteis, para coisas tão simples quanto "Olha o pneu  esquerdo detrás!", ou "A porta está mal-fechada", ou "Perdeste o Colchão voou do tejadilho!"
Pois agora, podem mandar Mensagens assim:

Brasileiro cria sistema eletrônico de comunicação entre motoristas para evitar acidentes 
Marcus Lauria 
Quantas vezes você já não passou por alguma estrada e recebeu um piscar de faróis do motorista que vinha em sentido contrário, fazendo gestos loucamente, sem entender nada do que ele realmente queria te dizer? E quantas vezes o sinal de internet estava tão ruim que você não conseguiu usar seus aplicativos de trânsito? E quantas vezes enviar uma mensagem por meio do aplicativo de trânsito se tornou mais um martírio do que solução – por causa da complicação até enviar a mensagem, ou digitar alguma outra mais específica?
Para ajudar nessas situações e diminuir acidentes causados por problemas no trânsito e nos veículos, o inventor Paulo Gannam desenvolveu o “Sistema de Cooperação no Trânsito”. É um sistema eletrônico de comunicação instantânea que alerta, com frases pré-gravadas bem curtinhas, qualquer problema identificável num veículo.
A comunicação é feita pelos usuários de outro veículo que também disponha do aparelho. Alguns exemplos: luz de freio queimada, pneu murcho, luz de ré queimada, porta entreaberta, pessoa doente no carro, e assim por diante.
O dispositivo também facilita o rápido intercâmbio de informações entre motoristas, que poderão alertar uns aos outros sobre problemas identificados nas rodovias, como acidentes e animais à frente, incêndios, neblina, etc.

E este vídeo é bastante importante, e não só para quem repara Caçadeiras!
As Molas nas vossas Maquinetas têem de ser bem-acabadas, e não só por uma questão de estética...
Mas antes, porque sem estarem a assentar a direito, VÃO MOENDO as peças onde deviam assentar!
Vejam bem, antes de fazerem Protótipos que, por esta razão "de meia-tijela", não duram nada.

Tip From The Workbench--Finishing Springs 
Gary Howes 
AGI Master Gunsmith Ken Brooks demonstrates the correct way to finish the ends of a cut coil spring. This needs to be done to remove the sharp point of the last spring coil to prevent it from digging in to its seat or whatever it is up against.

Isto é muito importante, por exemplo, na estrada, com Capacetes e partes das Bicicletas, e Motorizadas, que acendem, tornando-vos mais visíveis...
E também porque é espectacular!
Tinta Electro-luminiscente, isto é, Tinta que acende e apaga, com corrente eléctrica, não se trata de Flourescente, que perde o brilho num instante.

How to make Electroluminescent (EL) Paint!! 
Before you read, please vote for me by pressing the vote button in the top right of your screen! Thanks!
I first came across EL Paint when researching how to make my own EL panels. Lighting is something I really love and the applications for this type of lighting are endless!
This is my first Instructable, it's also very long - so apologies for that!
This project is also VERY EXPENSIVE to get going. Fair warning! ;)
**** I must warn everyone of the following before you begin****
- Ensure you read ALL safety directions and the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for each chemical prior to using it,
- This project deals with high voltage AC, it is very easy to electrocute yourself if you do not seal the circuits prior to applying power!
- Ensure you use all PPE (personal protective equipment) when handling the paints and chemicals! and,
- Store all chemicals in a safe place, away from children.

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2015

3D para Injecção, para todos! E Algodoo, esboçem a máquina, mais Iris, um Drone acessível para filmar

Ao tempo que eu já andava a dizer isto, e lá alguém o fez;
Uma Impressora 3D imprime num Plástico duríssimo, Moldes de Injecção encaixáveis, e podem-se assim produzir peças em pequenas séries, ao preço da uva mijona!
Protótipos, objectos repetidos, como em jogos de construcção e outros, peças caríssimas, devido a Taxas, Réplicas para Escolas e Pequenos Museus... 
Pequenas séries, de objectos de Autor, até podem ser numeradas, como a Serigrafia?
Agora, já podem!

See How HASCO 3D Prints Quick-Change Injection Molds to Set New Price/Performance Benchmark Michael Swack

Stratasys 3D printing is an agile solution for designing, testing and manufacturing injection molds.  3D printed injection molds are fairly low cost, quick turnaround method of testing mold designs and injected materials prior to mass production. And here’s a major new innovation that’s further facilitating economic low volume production – HASCO’s new K3500 quick-change mold system. It employs Stratasys 3D printed injection molds, enabling molders to cost-effectively produce low volumes of injection molded parts for samples, prototypes and small production runs.

HASCO 3D prints the inserts with Stratasys’ ultra-tough Digital ABS material using the Objet500 Connex Multi-material 3D Printer. With a 3D printed mold insert taking only hours to produce, molders can make design modifications to the product for a fraction of the time and cost of conventional tooling methods.  

Se andam às voltas com uma ideia, que tal um Simulador de Máquinas, de fácil manuseamento, e de Download Grátis?
Pois cá o têem, Algodoo, mais uma ferreamenta para o Engenhocas, e até funciona no Linux, se tiverem o Wine, e baixarem a versão para Windows.

Algodoo creates a new synergy between science and art
Algodoo is a unique 2D-simulation software from Algoryx Simulation AB. Algodoo is designed in a playful, cartoony manner, making it a perfect tool for creating interactive scenes. Explore physics, build amazing inventions, design cool games or experiment with Algodoo in your science classes. Algodoo encourages students and children’s own creativity, ability and motivation to construct knowledge while having fun. Making it as entertaining as it is educational. Algodoo is also a perfect aid for children to learn and practice physics at home.
FunctionalityWith Algodoo you can create simulation scenes using simple drawing tools like boxes, circles, polygons, gears, brushes, planes, ropes and chains. Easily interact with your objects by click and drag, tilt and shake. Edit and make changes by rotating, scaling, moving, cutting or cloning your objects.
Physical elementsYou can also add more physics in your simulation like fluids, springs, hinges, motors, thrusters, light rays, tracers, optics and lenses. Algodoo also allows you to explore and play around with different parameters like gravity, friction, restitution, refraction, attraction, etc.
Analyze and visualizeFor deeper analysis you can also show graphs or visualize forces, velocities and momentum. You can also enhance your visualization by showing X/Y components and angles.
Algobox – Sharing scenesIn Algobox, our scene library with over 50 000 scenes, you can easily save and share your creations with friends or browse and download other user made scenes. Algobox is easily accessed from within Algodoo or from this website under Scenes.
CommunityWith a large and active community, engaging educators, parents and kids you can discuss and share your thoughts about Algodoo.
TechnologyAlgodoo is based on the latest technologies, from Algoryx Simulation AB, for interactive multiphysics simulation, including variational mechanical integrators and high performance numerical methods.
Algodoo runs on Windows and Mac OS. Algodoo is optimized for the Intel® powered convertible Classmate PC and interactive whiteboard systems like SMART Board. 

Não é muito caro, mas já não é um Brinquedo, se querem começar a gravar Vídeos aéreos, podem começar por menos de 500 Euros, com este Quadracóptero.
Vejam a Loja online que, tem outros Drones, e uma data de coisas boas: 

The 3DR IRIS+ is your aerial passport: all you need to get started shooting photos and video from incredible new perspectives. Powered by 3DR’s world famous autopilot, IRIS+ is a robot that will automatically fly itself where you tell it to go, while keeping a camera dead steady with two-axis gimbal stabilization.

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2015

3D Router!!! E uma máquina 3D sem CNC, Uma Fonte de Alimentação, e Porcas nas peças

Isto resolve-vos uma incrível quantidade de problemas, com as Ferramentas que já têem em casa, e pouco mais, é mesmo algo de insidpensável, para muito Engenhocas...

Uma gigajoga que fura, fresa, corta em 2D, e esculpe em 3D, usando apenas Bitolas, e Moldes... 
Isto é muito, mas muito bom!

3D Router: When a CNC machine is overkill

Paoson Luthier 
The idea arose after dealing with the difficulties and loss of time in preparing for certain CNC jobs. Sometimes I spent more time preparing for the CNC than the work itself. With this manual router, you can make holes or mill very fast. A universal 43mm collet makes it very versatile and you can change the milling tool to drill very fast.
There are certainly lots of wooden router table and CNC router plans floating around in cyberspace. What makes this project noteworthy are the feature set and the cleverness of how it’s all put together and designed for maximum versatility. This router table can be used as a 3-axis drill press, sanding station, a 2D router, and you can do simple shapes 3D milling via a reference model. Using a series of accessories, you can also cut circles, straight-cut squares, and cut to a 2D reference model.
The uses of this tool are varied. I am a guitar maker and my plan consists of devising several templates of guitar bodies and necks to be made with the 3D Router, without switching on my CNC. Besides, it can also be used for other woodwork tasks. I have tried to make a design which can be easily built, with rather simple and cheap parts.
Overall dimensions: 800mm high, 740mm width and 700mm depth.
Useful dimensions: 425mm in X Axis, 535mm in Y axis and 185mm in Z axis. 

Transformar uma Placa numa espécie de tecido, flexível, e fácil de curvar, é o  que este Corte CNC faz, por isso, tomem nota desta maravilha, já há cortes que permitem a dobra numa direcção, mas este, é em duas direcções:

Super flexible double curvature surface - laser cut plywoodkofaktorlab 

Carl Friedrich Gauss distinguishes between three types of curved surfaces, single curved - neutral (cylindrical), and double curved - negative (hyperboloid) and positive (spherical).
Curved surfaces are very attractive, especially negative double curved surfaces, but also very complicated to perform. What’s interesting about them in constructive terms is the increase in stiffness and load capacity as the surface is bent in one and two directions.
In a small book DIGITAL Gehry Material Resistance Digital Construction (Bruce Lindsey, Bitkhäuser 2001) writes that if flat piece cost one dollar, single curvature piece cost two dollars, double curvature piece cost ten dollars. This is true for all materials wood, metal, plastic, glass, concrete ...
It is immediately clear why some engineers are crazy about double curved surfaces and are constantly trying to find a method that can simplify and cheapen the process.
From time to time I search the Internet on that matter. One day I stumbled upon the wooden book covers that can be done on a laser cutter, with interesting technical solution of the spine; wooden board is slit in such a way that can be bend like rubber.

Este é, sem dúvida, o melhor Projecto para transformar Sucata de Computador numa Fonte de Alimentação, e uma que é regulável e uma ajuda valiosa para a Oficina:

Super recycled benchtop power supply


Working with electronics you are bound to need different voltage sources for your projects. So having a good and reliable benchtop power supply is way, way, waaay easier and more convenient than having to combine batteries in different ways or trying to find a power adaptor that can deliver just that right amount of voltage.
Now, obviously you can easily get one of those pro made power supplies by trading a sh*t load of money for it. But in my opinion that is both less fun, easier, more safe and less recyclingy...(that should be a word) and also it costs more... and will make a less interesting instructable... unless you tend to review them...
Anyhow this is not going to be a full super detailed instructable on how to mod a PSU to a benchtop PS since there is a ton of those all around but rather give some tips and inspiration and show how I did mine. 

..E se uma simples Rosca se transforma numa dor-de-cabeça, para mandar imprimir em 3D, porque não usar uma Porca, que já tem Rosca?
E para não ter a Rosca solta, nem partir a peça, o melhor, é esta ideia completamente genial,
Usar calor para encaixar perfeitamente uma peça, aquecendo a porca um pouco, o que práticamente solda o plástico à porca... 

Making Custom Threaded Inserts (3D Printing)

Many times when you print a downloaded part, the fastener holes or hex recesses are too tight. Other times, the type or size fastener that the design requires is just not available, which happens a lot here on Maui. The Item pictured here is a spindle bracket to replace the motor on a ShapeOko CNC router. Since the fasteners on the original machine were metric fasteners, the new bracket was designed the same. The problem was that the 3" long clamp bolts were not available at all. The through holes were of the proper size to be able to accept a length of 10-24 TPI all thread. That meant I could substitute a hand-made bolt assembly for the designed fasteners, but the recess for the nuts on the back side were too small to accept the 10-24 nuts. My solution was to double nut the threaded shaft and use heat to insert the nuts into the recess forming an insert that had a threaded shaft attached.  

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2015

BBC Microbit! E Kodu, uma Ligação IoT com Linux, e acessórios mais baratos para Cadeiras de Rodas.

Mias outra pequena maravilha que apareceu, é este micro-computador num Cartão, o BBC Micro:Bit, que vai ser lançado no Reino Unido, primeiro para as Escolas, mas depois, para o Público, e apesar de ser um óptimo Instrumento Didácrico, parabéns, BBC, também vai ter muito uso para Engenhocas, Inventores, e Modelistas, pela sua fácil Programação, e tamanho reduzido...
E a Element14 vai sortear 5!
É bom!

We’re giving away 5 BBC micro:bits! 
Last month the BBC unveiled the design of the micro:bit, part of the BBC Make it Digital initiative. element14 joins other key partners Barclays, BT, Google, Code Club and the British Computing Society in this major initiative which will see one million micro: bits gifted to each 11-12 year old in the UK in Autumn.  The micro:bit has been designed to teach entry level coding and the initiative has been created as a result of the skills shortage currently facing the UK.  It is estimated that 1.4 million ‘digital professionals’ will be needed in the UK in the next five years.
Leveraging its expertise in supporting a product from design through to production element14 involvement in the project has included cost optimization, options for design for education, and manufacturing services of the micro:bit. element14 has worked closely with ARM on the design of the board, Freescale, providers of some of the silicon on the board, and IO Note on the manufacture and shipping.
The only way to get hold of a micro:bit outside of the classroom right now is here on element14. We have five micro: bits to giveaway as part of our RoadTest.  

... Um Vídeo a demonstrar o bicho, usando o Kodu, de que vamos falar a seguir:

Uma iniciativa da Microsoft, agora os vossos filhos podem fazer os seus próprios Jogos de Computador, os Professores podem imaginar Jogos Didácticos, etc.
E o que é melhor, é que é grátis! 

What is Kodu? 
Kodu lets kids create games on the PC and Xbox via a simple visual programming language. Kodu can be used to teach creativity, problem solving, storytelling, as well as programming. Anyone can use Kodu to make a game, young children as well as adults with no design or programming skills.
Since Kodu's introduction in 2009, we have visited the White House, teamed up with great groups like NCWIT and DigiGirlz, inspired academic research and been the subject of a book (Kodu for Kids).
Kodu for the PC is available to download for free. Kodu for the Xbox is also available in the USA on the Xbox Marketplace, in the Indie Games channel for about $5. 

A Internet of Things, ligar os vossos Electrodomésticos, e a casa toda à Net, ganhou este aparelhómetro, que vem com Linux, oque o faz um Computador que liga desliga, e tudo o resto lá por casa.
Mas também pode servir para Protótipos que quizerem testar, os sensores, etc. por isso, tenham atenção à Máquina:

Onion Omega Linux WiFi Development Board Launches (video)
Julian Horsey 
Following on from our article February introducing the new Onion Omega development board and invention platform for building Internet of Things projects, those of you that have been patiently waiting for its Kickstarter launch will be pleased to know that it is now available.
The open source Onion Omega is a hardware development platform that has been designed specifically for software developers and takes the form of a small yet powerful Linux + WiFi development board.
The Onion Omega also features cloud integration and app store, making projects is as easy as say installing applications on your smartphone. Its creators Onion explain a little more :
“It comes with built-in WiFi, Arduino-compatible and it runs full Linux. It lets you prototype hardware devices using familiar tools such as Git, pip, npm, and using high level programming languages such as Python, Javascript, PHP. The Onion Omega is fully integrated with the Onion Cloud, making it a breeze to connect physical devices to the Web to create Internet of Things applications.
The Onion Omega’s powerful processor is capable of running the full Linux operating system. This means you can install OpenCV with a single command to add image recognition capabilities to your drone. You can use git to check out the latest changes your colleagues made to the coffee brewer. 

Uma Iniciativa memorável, embora não a primeira, eis como se pode ajudar quem anda de Cadeira de Rodas, usando  Impressão 3D.

3D printed wheelchair Hand Drive is an affordable replacement to expensive lever-powered wheelchairs
Time and time again, one of the most exciting developments that we’ve been seeing with 3D printing has been in disrupting traditionally manufactured products with products that users are capable of manufacturing on their own for much cheaper than what they would otherwise retail for.  Among other reasons, this dramatically brings the cost of goods down since there is little overhead in terms of marketing, shipping and the cost of manufacturing the parts through traditional processes.    
When combined with how easy it is to share these open source product designs, it becomes clear just how powerful this notion can be - especially for niche-specific medical products that are oftentimes not covered by insurance and are very expensive for what they are.