Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2014

Inspiração, Tamanho, Patreon, e Génio!

Este glrioso Engenhocas, orgulho  da Gréica Geek, faz maravilhas de toda a ordem, por isso, deliciem-se a ver o que PODE mesmo ser feito...
Com Engenho e Arte!

Micro Engines and Tools Made From Scratch
Nick Normal
Primarily working with miniatures, but also exploring solar, steam, and thermoelectricity, I stumbled upon the YouTube channel of Greek maker JohnnyQ90 and felt compelled to share his projects with you.
His engine projects are fascinating for their diminutive size while mostly functioning as desired. His channel description says everything is “made from scratch”…”and a lot of patience!” No doubt. Some of his engines aren’t much bigger than a large coin:

Cortesia do Site, cheio de coisas boias, eis a maior Impressora 3D do Mundo, e imprime a Cores, cortesia dum Engenheiro de Taiwan:


Taiwanese engineer working on the world's biggest CMYKW 3D printer


Anyone who's ever bought or built a 3D FDM printer, will know that there are currently dozens of models on the market. But despite all the available options you have to consider – complicated or user-friendly, heated or regular printbed, SD-card or Wi-Fi and so on – most of them are fundamentally about heated filament, a single extruder and a limited print size. Various options and printers can result in higher-quality results, in shorter print times or in more convenience, but the fundamentals are largely similar.
And while that might be just fine for most of us, there are always some people looking for a bit more. People like the mechanical engineer James Chang, from Taiwan. Chang had an itch that regular 3D printers couldn't scratch, so he's been working a truly unique and inspiring project for the past few months: the Super 3D Printer.

Mais um Crowd-funding, este mais para Criadores, que são Patrocionados pelos seus Fâs, como também há Fâs Geek, se tiverem uma série de Vídeos, vão lá à Patreon, para ver como é:

Founded in May 2013 and based in San Francisco, California, Patreon was created to enable fans to support and engage with the artists and creators they love. Empowering a new generation of creators, Patreon is bringing patronage back to the 21st century. 

Energia Grátis?
Mas vejam-me só o que se pode fazer com galhos, ou palha, plástico serradura, lixo orgânico, etc.
Um punhado de Lenha de Jardim (ou Mato), e produzem Electricidade, refrigeração, calor, claro está e 3 diferentes tipos de Combustível!!!
Este Vídeo vai-vos manter presos ao Monitor, e é um espectáculo de obervar...

wood stove runs a generator, produces gasoline, runs a fridge and heats hot water at the same time


This is the most efficient wood stove on the planet it will make gasoline run a generator and a propane fridge, heats hot water and your home at the same time. this system works on any dry organic material.

segunda-feira, 24 de novembro de 2014

Modelos 3D a partir de fotos? E uma Engenhoca para Inventores, Piecemaker Impressãoi 3D a a brincar, e PLA3D, Modelos para a fresa CNC

Mais um Instructable para transformarem não importa o quê, em modelos 3D...
Com Software Grátis, e um Estúdio de Fotografia faça-você-mesmo, feito para esse fim:

Make a 3D model from pictures

Without having an expensive 3D scanner I found a way to take pictures and make a 3D model with completely free software.
In this Instructable I will take you through creating your own small scale picture taking studio to using the free software to create and edit your model.

Eis algo para uma série de Invenções e Engenhocas, Equipamento de Laboratório, e, claro está, Fabbing!
Esta Maquineta posiciona o que for preciso com precisão, sejam os Eixos duma Máquina CNC, seja o que mais imaginarem: 

Inventor's Positioning Axis (8 micron accuracy)
Michele and Jim Gray

Life is made up of pieces of time. For inventors, time is of the essence. Spend your time creating the fun parts, we’ve taken care of the first step.
We’ve created the essential building block. Our axis is the critical element to allow inventors to put together a fully functional 3D development kit for about $1000, still having the accuracy normally found in more expensive commercial solutions. 



...Algo para entreter a Míudagem, nas Lojas Toys'R Us!
E para os preparar para a Impressão 3D, a Piecemaker imprime peças dum Catálogo, e assim é tanto um espectáculo, quanto uma realização dum Sonho, de imaginar, ou neste caso, ver, para ter um Objecto real!

PieceMaker Factory: A Glimpse Into The Future of Toys?

Marc de Vinck
Late Friday night I saw what may be the future of toys, or at least something completely unique at my local Toys’R’Us. Additive manufacturing, often referred as 3D printing, has become common place in the maker movement. However, there is hardly a day that goes by where I don’t meet someone who has no idea what it is, or what it does. Well that’s about to change thanks to PieceMaker and Toys’R’Us.


Descobri este simpático Site, PLA3D, onde o Artista Pierre-Luc Arseneau vos oferece a sua gama de Modelos para gravarem algo na vossa Fresa CNC, e pode ser um modelo a seguir para tantos outros Criadores...

Welcome to PLA3D's Corner,

After a decade of relief modeling experience PLA started his freelance career in 2012 (as PLA3D) when he teamed up with Vectorclip3D to offer his custom model services. While continuing to lead the custom department here at VC3D, PL will now be offering you individual 3D clipart models for your CNC production needs. All the relief models offered in PLA3D's Corner come in 5 different formats (STL, RLF, VNA, PTN and BMP) and each model format comes in 3 different styles (Regular, Dish & Chisel) giving you a total of 15 different types of model downloads with each purchase. Your feedback is welcome, for any 3D clipart model ideas or carved model result photos please contact

For more information on products and services from PLA3D please visit


quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2014

Electrónica Fácil! E Impressoras SLS mais baratas, Um E-Book da Sculpteo, e Coragem a sério!

Dica excelente do nosso amigo Alan Metcalfe, nesta Rubrica de E-Revista a seguir, Electronics Weekly, Engineer in Wonderland, surge esta maravilha, ou melhor, uma série de maravilhas, 10 Programas de Simulação de Circuitos Electrónicos, como Fontes de Alimentação, Apmlificadores, de monitorização, etc.
Tomem nota do Artigo, da Revista, e do Link para a série de programas que figura nele:

LED flasher 2: Hats off to Mr Kurt and LTspice

Mr Kurt, wise commenter of this parish, drew my attention to LTspice.
What a revelation :-)
LTspice is a free version of spice from Linear Technology, and it is delightfully easy to use, intuative, and seems to work rather well.
Note, there is a flasher version 3
Current through component and voltages on nodes can be displayed with a single click on the schematic.
Having messed for ages with my little flasher circuit on the bench, running it through LTspice has helped me think through its limitations and confirm some suspicions I had.
Good thing 1: It oscillated in spice – once I had messed with some values a little.
LED flasher block diagramThis is the basic idea of the circuit
My cunning idea (now proved to be not-so-cunning) was to have constant current supply to a capacitor and load it with an oscillator whose load is an LED.
The oscillator senses the capacitor and turns the led on when the supply voltage reaches a high threshold, then off when it drops below a lower threshold.
Providing the LED current is greater than the supply current, it should flash along happily and regulate the capacitor voltage.

As Impressoras SLS, as de pó sinterizado, estão cada vez mais baratas, dica da 3D Printers Online Store, o que as torna acessíveis a cada vez mais gente...
É bom!
Dica de Scarlett Jackson, vejam este Artigo sobre a Ester 3D Printer, a 2500 Dólares:

SLS 3D Printing Machines Are Getting Affordable

Even the expensive and most wanted SLS machine are getting affordable. Addictive manufacturing is getting more popular among scientist and engineers, who is not buying a 3d printer for research instead making a 3d printer with some unique features that no other current market does.

In no quick time we are hearing some good news about SLS machine which are hitting the market with bang, Ester 3d printer has launched their product in indiegogo at the rate $2500 which comes as unassembled. For those who doesn’t know about SLS machine cost won’t be surprised since the price usually around beyond $200,000, Brandon Fosdick is the genius behind this invention of Ester 3d printer and provides all these parts, hardware, software so that people can upgrade, modify this machine into a better one. This machine doesn’t support material as they accept the powder kind of material to get print.



Como saber que peças mandar imprimir, ou que Máquina comprar, quando se escolhe a Impressão 3D como parte da nossa Vida Profissional?
Eis um livro bastante completo, com os vários métodos de Fabrico, omparando-os e dando várias dicas sobre como mandar imprimir em cada caso.
Basta preencherem com o vosso nome e emal, que têem direito a este E-book, e ficam ainda a saber as novidades da Sculpteo.
De notar, o Link no fim da página, para o caso de quererem saber em quanto ficará mandarem fabricar uma peça repetidas vezes, para a Sclupteo: :

3D Printing / Traditional manufacturing: Guide to cost efficiency

In this guide, you will find a comparative study between 3D Printing and Plastic Injection Molding. In order to download it for free, all you need to do is fill the above fields.
In comparison with traditional production techniques, especially plastic molding, the advantages of 3D Printing go far beyond Rapid Prototyping or object customization.
Sculpteo’s online 3D Printing services allow professionals and consumers to produce short series in an economically competitive manner.
We conducted a study on cost efficiency through short series manufacturing with the hope to prove 3D printing’s competitive edge. The study’s goal: determine when it’s more cost effective to use 3D Printing (through SLS processes) as opposed to Plastic injection for your production.
Our study first takes into consideration qualitative aspects such as elasticity, resistance and finishes before switching to more quantitative research.

Isto é que é um caso de Coragem, de Família a sério, e de Serviço à Humanidade!!!
Estão todos aqui, de parabéns;
As Crianças, os Pais, e também, essa maravilhosa ideia que foi a KidMob.
Leia, e maravilhem-se com o melhor que a Humanidade produz, graças a Deus...

Playful Prosthetic Arm

I met nine-year-old Aidan Robinson at a summer camp he attended called Superhero Cyborgs. This camp, run by KIDmob, is a place where kids with a variety of limb differences design their own prosthetic and orthotic devices. Each kid's design was impressive, but Aidan's playful ideas really resonated with me. To me, Aidan's ideas were a model for how prosthetic devices could and should be more appropriate, useful, and fun than those typically used for both children and adults.The typical prosthetic arm has a robotic hand or a hook that does not adapt well to a variety uses.
Aidan was born without a left arm below the elbow and has had many different types of prosthetics, all leaving him feeling almost better off without them. Despite these hurdles, and like the resilient and creative kid he is, Aidan adapted extremely well to life with a limb difference and is more active than most kids his age. Because the prosthetic is a part of him, we both felt that he needed a device that accurately reflected his personality and interests.



terça-feira, 18 de novembro de 2014

Imprimir em Metal, um Jogo de Construcção, um Lançador de Aviões em Papel, e reciclem Plástico

Neste Kickstarter, dica de Dave Addinsal, na 3D Printers PT, uma Impressora 3D que cria peças em Metal, não só para Joalharias, mas peças sólidas e densas, por menos de 4000 Dólares!
A Equipe por detrás desta maravilha criava Motores de Foguetão, mas demorava muito tempo...
Por isso, vai de juntar esforços, e fazer uma Impressora que vai dar que falar.


At Last! A Metal 3D Printer for Under $4,000
Geoffrey Craig
There is a perception out there that the 3D Printing Industry is about plastic trinkets, being pumped out of Makerbot machines, but there is an ever-growing list of industrial applications for this technology. Metal 3D printers have had a surge in popularity in recent times, owing their ability to craft complex components for the medical, aerospace and automotive industries. Until now these metal 3D printers haven’t been cheap. With price tags upwards of $100,000, small businesses would have a hard time leasing them, let alone buying them.
Earlier this year, San Francisco based startup MatterFab introduced their version of a cost efficient metal 3D printer, which they hope to start building and shipping to partners earlier next year. Although the exact price of their metal 3D printer wasn’t revealed, they claim it would cost a fraction of the cost of previous metal 3D printers.

Este jogo de Construcção é especial, porque compram as peças, dum Estojo-Base, como tantos outros, mas podem aumentar o número de peças, na vossa Impressora 3D.
Para além disso, vem num tamanho que permite fazer coisas de jeito...
E ainda vem com uma app que permite à míudagem, e aos Pais que estão lá a ensinar brincar também, criar e visualizar Projectos antes de os construír, para testar a idéia!

Ingocraft: 3D Printable Construction Set and 3D Modeling App
About this project

Ingocraft is a holistic approach to modern design/build, but for kids!
Modern tech meets nuts and bolts, a combination to inspire and educate young people to be makers, inventors, creators, and future 3D printers!
The Ingocraft App:  Our app simulates 3D modeling in 2 modes of play. First, in level mode, learn to orient 3D space while completing 3D design challenges. The ingocraft Kit no 1 allows you to build the first 3 levels of the ingocraft app.


Um momemto de saudável Loucura Criativa, eis como fabricar um Lançador de Aviões de Papel, uma boa lição para aqueles que se ficam, sem criarem os seus Sonhos, por causa sabe-se la do quê...
Este, foi à luta, e fez o que idealizou, e assim é que é!

3D Printed Paper Airplane Launching Gun

Cabe Atwell

What’s cooler than a paintball gun? How about a gun that fires the most lethal of all 21st Century weapons- paper airplanes. That’s right folks, feast your eyes on the paper airplane gun!

One tinkerer is very serious about his paper airplane game. So serious, in fact, that he developed a gun that actually takes standard 8.5 x 11 in computer paper and folks it into quality paper airplanes that soar through the air, neutralizing every enemy within two feet.


Ora eis como fazerem nas calmas um Bloco para furar material sem estragar a mesa,  Um Pisa-Papéis, ou qualquer outra ideia que tenham, com Plástico Reciclável.
Com o Molde certo, fazem Blocos, Chapas, ou Peças, sem gastar quase nada:

How To Recycle HDPE Plastic The Easy Way


After spending 2 hours cutting up a single milk bottle with kitchen shears, I knew I couldn't do it again.
I felt like a late night infomercial and may have actually uttered the phrase, "There has to be a better way!"
Turning old milk jugs and bottle caps into useable stock for making. In this short video I process a 2 milk bottles and about half a dozen bottle tops into a 1 1/2" x 3" x 5" turning block.

You could just as easily press this into sheet material for use in box inlays or scroll saw art. The possibilities are endless. The total processing time was under an hour from bottle to blank! Less than waiting for a glue up!
The result is a stunningly colorful blank ready for some new project!


sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2014

3D, 3-em-um! E a Vacina Mecânica, uma Lancheira PC, e medir curvas!

Isto é mesmo inovador, pois têem aqui uma Impressora 3D, um Scanner 3D, e uma Gravadora Laser CNC!
Porque as cabeças deste Robot Delta são intermutáveis, podem ter tudo muna Máquina. Ultrapassando 5 vezes a sua quantia-alvo, pode-se dizer que esta pequena maravilha é já um Sucesso...
E apressem-se, se quizerem uma, que estão a esgotar!


Bring your imagination to life with FLUX’s 3D printing, 3D scanning, laser engraving and more modular functions.
A Difficult Choice Made Easy
With so many 3D printer options, it can be difficult to decide on the right model. Luckily, FLUX makes the choice easy by combining printing, scanning, laser engraving, and more modular functions. It is the only 3D printer you will ever need – for work or at home.
The Right Choice for Everyone
Unlimited, elegant, and simple — FLUX is the right choice for everyone because it is simple to set up, elegantly designed, and has an unlimited capacity for expansion. In addition to the basic FFF (fused filament fabrication) 3D printing, FLUX is equipped with a built-in 3D scanner and supports an ever-increasing array of interchangeable modules. FLUX is the everything 3D printer that grows with you— meeting not only your 3D printing needs today, but also of all your tomorrows.


Livros sobre Propriedade Industrial, quantos mais melhor...
O nosso amigo Aniceto Pires vem-nos convidar para o lançamento do seu Livro, "A Vacina Mecânica", um livro que reflete a sua experiência pessoal, de luta pelos Direitos dum Inventor, e quem puder, compareça ao Palácio dos Aciprestes, dia 22 deste Mês:

A Vacina Mecânica

Composto por um conjunto de desenhos, que ilustra, do que se trata como objecto da Patente de Invenção, que durante a ausência deste equipamento, trabalhadores, foram vítimas de acidentes, que deixaram marcas, alguns deles fatais, ao qual atribui o nome do Invento; “Pórtico Alberto”. Abertura e fecho automático das portas dos contentores de acondicionamento de gás embalado.

Um PC na Lancheira, ou uma Lancheira PC, eis um Instructable que não deixa de chamar a atenção!
Usando a famosa placa RaspberryPi, eis algo para fazerem com uma, que não necessita grandes esforços, nem informáticos nem de Hardware, o que faz um grande primeiro Projecto com a Raspi!

Lunch Box Computer with Raspberry Pi

This is a quick and easy project to build a portable Raspberry Pi computer that fits right in a lunch box. It's a good first Pi project since it requires no coding, soldering or tooling of any kind. All you have to do it acquire the parts, plug everything in and secure it in the lunch box.
The Raspberry Pi isn't a very fast machine, but it IS extremely versatile and easy to use. This rig will have all the functionality of a wifi netbook, if a slow one with a very small screen.

There are lots of ways to do a project like this so feel free to deviate from my plans. All of the parts are modular and you can change its abilities a bit by using different parts.
EDIT: While I used a Raspberry Pi model B in this instructable, I would advise folks to use the Model B+, it uses less power than the Model B which sometimes can't run both the Wifi and Bluetooth dongles. 

Atenção, pessoal dos Cursos de Engenharia, Engenheiros já feitos, e Designers e Engenhocas em geral, podem agora medir a curvatura duma peça com este interessante Aparelhómetro, que podem fazer em casa:

Get started with the Bend Sensor

We started by looking at how the Bend Sensor is buildt up, and how it works.
We then looked at different areas we can see it beeing used in.
Finally we made a lamp were you can change colour of the light, and also the brightness of a LED.
You will find the steps of how to make your own lamp, including code and fritzing wireing at the end.

...E aos estrondos, entrou, de repente, esta maravilhosa Maluqueira, Paintball com estes Monstros vindos da Ficção Científica, para uns belos momentos de Apocalipse Geek...


Megabots: Paintball with giant robots

David Szondy

Who hasn't looked at a sporting event and thought that it would be better if it involved giant robots wailing on each other? That seems to be the thinking of the people behind the MegaBots Kickstarter campaign, who are raising money to build giant humanoid robots with human drivers to take on each other in paintball arena games.
A MegaBot is the sort of robot that stands out in a crowd. Run by a driver-and-gunner team, the 15-ft (4.5-m) tall walking robot weighs 15,000 lb (6,800 kg) and has modular arms tipped with pneumatic guns firing 3-lb (1.3-kg) paint MegaBalls at 120 mph (193 km/h). According to the makers, it’s clad in customizable breakaway armor plating that flies off when it takes a hit while, like a videogame, a computer keeps track of "damage" and makes the robot eject limbs, limp, make noise, and jam its weapons as the hits mount.


terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2014

Imprimir em Super-conductor? E como preparar ficheiros para Imprimir 3D, o novo Raspi, e um Smartphone de sonho

Poderão imprimir TODO um aparelhómetro com circuitos eléctricos e electrónicos, com este novo Filamento para Impressão 3D, notícia muito bem-vinda, pois agora, já têem como construír Protótipos completos, tudo em casa!

New Kickstarter Promises “World’s Most Conductive Filament”
Matt Stultz

For a few years now, many of us in the 3D Printing community have been eagerly awaiting a highly-conductive filament that would allow us to print circuits as part of our 3D printed projects. Now a new kickstarter is promising a filament that is “1,000 times more electrically conductive” than previous filaments that have come to market. Using a dual extrusion machine and their new filament, the team at Functionalize has already created demos of a 3D printed flashlight and a magnetic levitation device.

Partilho este Convite pessoal com vocês, porque vos vai poupar a MUITA Dor-de-Cabeça;

Um Webninar, dentro de 2 dias, sobre como prepararem os vossos belos Ficheiros 3D para o Mundo real, que é como quem diz, para a Impressão ou  Maquinagem em 3D...

Personal invitation for free webinars: Best PracticePrepare files for 3D Printing

Dear Customer ,

Due to the great success of the previous webinars, we are happy to announce you
there is yet more to come
. Come our live online introduction to netfabb Professional using real and practical examples!

"Best Practice—Prepare files for 3D printing"
» Thursday, November 13, 2014
» Choose your starting time: 9:00 AM CET or 6:00 PM CET
» Duration: 30 min.

Course details:
  • Watch a real-time demonstration of netfabb Professional's key features at work
  • See how to prepare and optimize your files for 3D Printing
  • Learn how to fix frequent errors easily and quickly
  • Ask our expert trainers any questions about the team play of netfabb and 3D Printing
To register for your free netfabbinar, please choose your desired starting time:
  • For early session (9:00 AM CET) please click here.
  • For late session (6:00 PM CET) please click here.
Please be aware that each course is limited to 25 participants!
Our free webinars will show you how to improve the workflow in your company. We are looking forward to meeting you online!

Kind regards

Susanne moser


Por 20 Dólares, e ainda mais pequena, eis a nova RaspberryPi, uma Placa que é um Computador, ou todo o Controle dum Protótipo, ou o cérebro duma Impressora 3D, ou lá o que vocês queiram...

Raspberry Pi Model A+ Revealed: Smaller and Just $20

Matt Richardson

This morning, the Raspberry Pi Foundation took the wraps off of their newest creation, the Raspberry Pi Model A+. Just as the original Model A was a stripped-down version of the Model B, the new A+ inherits the many improvements from the Model B+, but in a smaller size and with fewer features. Available for purchase starting today and pegged at a mere $20, the Model A+ is now cheapest Raspberry Pi that you can buy.


Uma fabulosa Gigajoga desdobrável que é ao mesmo tempo, um Smartphone, um PC Portátil, e um Pad, está no Indiegogo, e já ultrapassou 20 VEZES a sua Quantia-Alvo, eis um Smartphone que é mesmo uma Sensação...

The Dragonfly Futurefön


One Device to Unite Them All™: Introducing the Dragonfly! With its unique folding and transforming architecture, the Dragonfly Futurefön ™ capabilities extend far beyond any other single mobile device! The Dragonfly is the most flexible mobile platform, since it provides both a Windows and Android user experience out of the box. Made of high-quality aluminum uni-body construction, the Dragonfly is tough!