Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012

Stitch, costure as contas da sua Empresa

Mais coisas boas que a Ponoko nos traz... Stitch, um software para Pequenas Empresas:

Stitch — software to manage your small business! (Get a FREE 45 day trial from Ponoko)

You make stuff. Stitch makes selling your stuff easier.

People don’t just make cool lookin’ stuff with Ponoko — they start their own maker businesses! (You can check out their stories in our new blog series “Retail Ready“.)
So when we came across Stitch, a new subscription-based software for managing your small business, we thought “We should share this with our customers! And see if we can get it to them for FREE!”—-software-to-manage-your-small-business-get-a-free-45-day-trial-from-ponoko/

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