Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

Uma Impressora 3D barata?

Bem, é a metade do preço, a 14.500 Dólares:

3D Systems ProJet 1500: an affordable personal color 3D Printer

On September 26th, 3D Systems announced the immediate availability of the ProJet 1500 personal 3D printer priced at $14,500, making high-resolution durable color parts accessible to more designers, engineers, architects, marketers, educators and students.

This new 3D printer print high-resolution, durable plastic parts in up to six different colors. Parts printed on the ProJetTM 1500 are tough and suitable for a variety of functional testing and snap-fit applications.

The ProJet 1500 is network ready, featuring email notifications and an intuitive web browser interface for shared access and is office compatible, emitting no excess heat, odor or dust.

quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011

É bacano!

Não é uma coisa do outro mundo, fazer isto, em casa:

...E direitinho da Itália, Feltro cortado a Laser, com envio Grátis para todo o Mundo, atenção, Designers...

Felt in six colors now available in Personal Factory

We’re pleased to introduce felt in six colors in Vectorealism material catalog. Soft and condensed, felt can be laser cut with perfect results. Raster engraving is not allowed, while vector engraving gives great effects.

Vão lá!

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011

Origo, e FablabEdp

Isto é porreiraço, e prometedor, pôr a míudagem a fazer de tudo, em 3D:

"Origo: 3D Printing @ Home" by Artur Tchoukanov from Umeå Institute of Design on Vimeo.

Lego vezes 1000, ou até 1000 novos Legos! 

E a FablabEDP reformulou  o Site, e têem lá Reservas e um Blog:

"Fablab" é a abreviatura de “Fabrication Laboratory”, ou como muitos preferem chamar, “Fabulous Laboratory”. O conceito surgiu no Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) do Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), através de uma disciplina designada How to do (almost) anything, dada pelo Prof. Neil Gershenfeld.
Um FabLab consiste num conjunto de ferramentas industriais de prototipagem rápida, como fresadoras de pequeno e grande porte, máquinas de corte a laser e de corte de vinil, dispondo ainda de uma bancada de electrónica, computadores e respectivas ferramentas de programação informática suportadas por software open source e por freeware CAD e CAM. Este é um conceito desenhado e pensado para a comunidade, fomentando uma educação técnica informal, peer-to-peer, vindo proporcionar o ambiente ideal para a invenção. Os projectos são concebidos em 2D (no computador) e depois materializados em 3D (nas máquinas), assegurando uma aprendizagem assente no “Learn by Doing”...

Vão lá:

domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011

sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011


As coisas que se podem fazer!

Neste fenomenal Site,

Para além do tópico bué, Pulse Jets...
Ainda nos oferecem este magnífico Post!

re: Thermite Rocket?

Postby Axt on Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:11 am
While its correct that thermite type mixtures will never be high performance, they can actually work. MnO2/Al is a known propellant as the reaction is hot enough to boil manganese. PbO2/Al is hot enough to boil the lead and some Al2O3, but may be too explosive. HgO/Al would obviously form gasseous mercury :P again maybe too explosive not to mention toxic. CuO/Al is explosive but generates less gas then MnO2 and is more dense.

Al/MnO2 will generate 2645°C with phase changes, 4556°C without, where Mn boils at 2097°C (at 1 atm).

4Al + 3MnO2 -> 2Al2O3 + 3Mn + 1159cal/g (4651 cal/cm3)

Regarding Al/water, I had the idea some time ago to use KMnO4/fuel mixture to catalyse and ignite a mixture of H2O2/H2O/Al/guar gum, I made a prototype to test the reaction, it wasnt meant to actually fly
but it was never fired. I'll attach picture, essentually the oxidiser rich KMnO4/fuel fired in an inverted fountain down into the gelled peroxide fuel hopefully catalysing the peroxide with KMnO4/MnO2, generating enough heat/O2 to ignite the Al in a sustainable reaction. It was a long shot and I never did try it, though I did test the fuel for explosive properties and yep, when initiated with a detonator it detonated with a thunderous boom when in a 50% H2O2:Al ratio of 1:1 (this is balanced to Al2O3 + H2 products).

Pictures/movies attached of rocket, CuO2/Al being shot with rifle (its impact sensitive) and H2O2/H2O/Al/guar detonating.


sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011


Comecemos pelo Made In Portugal, do nosso amigo Inventor Fernando Lopes, um Escudo Anti-motim que, estando-se ao pé dele, mete respeito...

Outros Inventores, de Além-Mar, este Alicate para imprimir em 3D:

Uma ilha artificial, quem não sonhou com isto...

Paypal founder invests in floating autonomous cities

By Bridget Borgobello

When creating new companies has become passé, why not start creating countries? So is the case for Paypal co-founder and billionaire Peter Thiel, who is currently the Seasteading Institute's "most generous funder." His support constitutes a bold move towards creating floating autonomous states. The initiative is inspired by the idea of creating cities that are free from political agendas and social construction. These "floating cities will allow the next generation of pioneers to peacefully test new ideas for government," says the Seasteading Institute. "The most successful can then inspire change in governments around the world."

Um Mini Sintetizador, mais uma ideia bacana do Blog da Ponoko:

The Nebulophone from L E K R M O I on Vimeo.

Electronic kit review: Bleep Labs Nebulophone
I got my hands on a Nebulophone kit for the first time last week. The Nebulophone is a little synth that is both a powerful musical instrument and far out noise-maker.

I was interested in using this kit as a teaching aid for students with zero electronics experience. Having now built one myself and taken a few students through the process, I have to say I can barely think of a way to improve this kit, they’ve really nailed it. The hardest part for me was getting the students to leave my workshop after they had finished because they were all having such a great time playing their new keyboards!

The instructions are clear and explicit, with good quality colour photographs of every step, and videos online to help demonstrate the basic techniques such as populating and soldering a circuit board. All the parts are clearly identified and the layout has been designed to simplify assembly as much as possible. It took me about 40 minutes to assemble, and even the students who had never touched a soldering iron only took about 2 hours to finish.

E um Automóvel feito de raiz a pensar em Utentes com Cadeira de Rodas!

MV-1 van is designed specifically for wheelchair users

By Ben Coxworth

The AM General auto assembly plant in Mishawaka, Indiana is where they used to build Hummer H2s. Now, its workers are making something a little less ... controversial. It's a van called the MV-1, MV standing for "Mobility Vehicle," and it's designed specifically for wheelchair-using passengers. Its designers claim that it is better suited to the handicapped than converted conventional vans, and the first factory-built model rolled off the assembly line yesterday.

A product of Miami's Vehicle Production Group, the MV-1 has a large 56 x 36-inch (142 x 91 cm) side door, and a 1,200 pound (544 kg)-capacity deployable ramp that stows under the floor when not in use. It can accommodate two

Àgua do Esgoto para produzir Hidrogénio?

Researchers turn wastewater into “inexhaustible” source of hydrogen

By Darren Quick

Currently, the world economy and western society in general runs on fossil fuels. We've known for some time that this reliance on finite resources that are polluting the planet is unsustainable in the long term. This has led to the search for alternatives and hydrogen is one of the leading contenders. One of the problems is that hydrogen is an energy carrier, rather than an energy source. Pure hydrogen doesn't occur naturally and it takes energy - usually generated by fossil fuels - to manufacture it. Now researchers at Pennsylvania State University have developed a way to produce hydrogen that uses no grid electricity and is carbon neutral and could be used anyplace that there is wastewater near sea water.

The researchers' work revolves around microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) - a technology related to microbial fuel cells (MFCs), which produce an electric current from the microbial decomposition of organic compounds. MECs partially reverse this process to generate hydrogen (or methane) from organic material but they require the some electrical input to do so.

terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

Um Brinquedo Magnético em 5 Minutos

Um tubo de Acrílico, uns Ímanes de Neodímio, um Protector de Ouvidos em Espuma, Esferas de Rolamentos, colem o Acrílico a um Íman, nos outros não é preciso, enfiem o Protector na outra ponta do tubo, e divirtam-se!

Construíram um Brinquedo Didáctico.

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

Ponoko, com Material de Suporte, em Material como ABS? Porreiro, pá!!!

Isto tirou-me as chatices todas da cabeça, um Material com a resistência do ABS impresso com um material de suporte, que sai com àgua, isto é, podem fazer PEÇAS EMBUTIDAS.
Por exemplo, umas rodas, dentro dum carro, que não saem, porque o eixo roda dentro do carro.

New material: Durable Fine Plastic for 3D printing — with gelatin support material
We’ve got another new 3D printing material for you, and this one is a real performer!

Durable Fine Plastic will give you excellent detail, a nice smooth finish, and tough-as-ABS durability. It also has great temperature and impact resistance.

But the best thing about this material is that your design is actually printed in two materials — one a UV curable resin that will harden into the final product and the other a gelatin support material that is removed in post-production.

This means you can make stuff like nested, interlinking, or hollow objects.

The support material is printed alongside the plastic resin and is removed using high pressure water spray. Your design will need to be strong enough to stand up to the water spray. For hollow objects, you’ll need to design a hole through which the support material can drain out. And if you have a super intricate design, it could be tricky to wash off all of the jelly. : )

sábado, 17 de setembro de 2011

As notícias continuam a aparecer...

O nosso amigo Jon Cantin, da Woodmarvels, publicou outro livro cheio de planos, é de ir ver:

Uma máquina do caraças, corte CNC por Plasma, dá para uma data de materiais, como Metais e mais o quê...
E ainda... Podem comprar só a máquina de corte, e fazer tudo o resto!

Vejam este Vídeo... QUE ESPECTÁCULO!

O sonho de tanto Artista, a vossa própria Máquina de Projectar!
This week a friend of mine introduced me to a great VJ system called the Tagtool. The Tagtool allows an artist to create drawings and animations for projection in a live performance environment. It’s all open source, and plans are available online for you to build you own.

E por falar em Arduíno, uma catrefa de novas actividades no AltLab!

Vão lá, é no AltLab,
BUS Stop (Paragem do Autocarro): Rotunda da Encarnação
25, 705, 781, 210 and 745

sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

É Bom!

Tudo o que ajude o País a avançar... É bom!
Parabéns aos Inventores!

Suberlyme: a argamassa ecológica tem patente portuguesa

Suberlyme: a argamassa ecológica tem patente portuguesa
Se não trabalhar na indústria da construção sustentável, então o mais normal é nunca ter ouvido falar no Suberlyme. O Green Savers ajuda-o. O Suberlyme é um produto ecológico novo que pretende responder às exigências do mercado da reabilitação e construção nova, mobiliário urbano e de interiores ou segurança rodoviária.
Com múltiplas aplicações, pode ter a forma de argamassa (para isolamentos, revestimentos e enchimentos) ou modular (peças pré-moldadas), apresentando como características dominantes o facto de ser extremamente leve, apresentar elevada resistência térmica e absorção acústica e alta permeabilidade ao vapor de água. E, além de ser resistente ao fogo e 100% reciclável, a variedade hidrófuga apresenta baixíssima permeabilidade à água no estado líquido.

Antes que mos peçam, cá vão os contactos da Empresa:

Rua Fernando Pessoa, 83 - 7º Dto.
São João do Estoril
* Estoril - Portugal

Tel.: +351 914 515 605
Tel.: +351 914 068 836

quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011

Uma Roullote-Barco!

Boa ideia, e algo para sonhar...

Sealander - Schwimmcaravan - Grenzenlos mobil from SEALANDER - Der Schwimmcaravan on Vimeo.

Sealander amphibious camping trailer gears up for production

By Pawel Piejko

Designed and built by a German-based industrial designer Daniel Straub, Sealander is a clever two-in-one vehicle that combines features of an electric power boat and a camping trailer. And it's not just a blue-sky concept - a prototype has been built and successfully tested on the road and on the water and Sealander is now reportedly being prepared for production.

Not surprisingly, Sealander isn't built for a trans-Atlantic crossings - as a boat it's designed with very little draft allowing it to be navigated on shallow waters and launched from just a small patch of clear shoreline.

Sealander's shell is made of fiberglass reinforced plastic with a double bottom to prevent sinking in case of a leakage. Power is via a 5 hp electric motor which doubles as a source of energy for on-board devices.

Hé, hé!
Já estou mais bem-disposto...

terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2011

Uma grande Ideia!

Vejam isto, com atenção, uma maravilha da Medicina!

Technology Incredible ‘Skin Gun’ Heals Severe Burns in Days
by Jonathon M. Seidl Jonathon M. Seidl
The name is slightly misleading, but the results aren’t.

It’s being called the “skin gun,” and if it takes off it could revolutionize how burn victims are treated. The invention, which looks and acts more like an airbrush than a gun, uses a patient’s own stem cells (taken from healthy skin), combines them in a solution in the gun, and then sprays them on the burned area. In the small number of patients that have been treated, the results have been nothing short of miraculous: skin that might normally take weeks or months to heal rejuvenates in days. And to the naked eye, signs of the burn are barely visible.

segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2011

David 3D, e mais

O programa David, um Scanner 3D cada vez melhor, está na versão 3.0:

A newsletter é tão cheia de coisas boas, que decidi apresentar uma parte, tal-qual:

New DAVID Version 3
Voilà: After more than a year of development, DAVID 3.0 is now available!
The most important innovation:
DAVID is the first and only software that supports both, "classic" Laser Scanning AND Structured Light Scanning! The Structured Light method is presented below.
Also, the completely new user interface (see below) makes DAVID3 more flexible, extendable and user-friendly.
Of course the new version is compatible to the same hardware: cameras, lasers, calibration patterns...
As always we offer a Free Version for everyone. Please feel free to test everything! Only saving results is limited. Download DAVID 3 now!
If you would like to purchase a license, please click here.
Of course if you already own a DAVID 2.x license or original USB key, you can upgrade to DAVID 3 at a lower price.

To purchase your upgrade, please contact your local reseller or visit our shop.

Structured Light Scanning
Structured Light (SL) makes scanning faster and easier! For this method you can use a standard video projector instead of the line laser.
This animation demonstrates the setup:

The video projector is connected to the PC and DAVID 3 uses it to illuminate the object with several stripe patterns. Click "Start" - wait a few seconds - see 3D result on screen!
Our Mexican reseller VISI Series has already tried it and made a short demo video (thank you!). Watch this video on YouTube.
Of course an SL setup needs to be optimized and calibrated (first the camera, then the laser). Our DAVID 3 user manual will guide you through it.
So what are the pros and cons of Structured Light Scanning compared to Laser Scanning:
+ Scanning without calibration panels in the background! (Panels are only initially required for camera and projector calibration.)
+ Much faster
+ One-click scan
+ No moving parts / no influence of hand tremors etc.
+ Can use photo camera, e.g. DSLR (still not recommended, but will be great and comfortable with a future DAVID version - work in progress)
- Projector prices are dropping, but they are still more expensive than lasers
- Room needs to be rather dark, usually darker than required for laser
- Not suitable for very small details on small objects because projectors usually can't be focused to very short distances
You should definitely give it a try!
E já vos disse que tem uma... Versão grátis desse programa?

E como não fosse tudo eis mais 2 links para impressão 3D, sim, também da Newsletter!

All  in 3d:

Often, interesting ideas do not get the attention they deserve. In a presentation they lack that certain something, the transfer from intangible brainchild to tangible, true-to-life object. One or another idea can be acceptably outlined by pictures and texts, but any type of creative conceptual design turns into a real eye-catcher only when showing its third dimension. This is when imagination transforms into a physical likeness and literally takes shape, when a thought turns into a real “object of desire”.

At 3D-Idea, we make this come true for you.

...E Rapid Objects:

Um Jet-Pack já à venda!

After Record-Making Flight, Martin Jetpack Will Soon Be on Sale
Buy one next year for just $100,000
By Gregory Mone

In May, inventor Glenn Martin—along with fire-rescue officers and crews on board a pair of chase helicopters—watched as his jetpack flew for nine minutes and 43 seconds, soaring 3,500 feet into the New Zealand sky. Had the machine been holding a live person instead of a 150-pound dummy, it would have smashed the record for the longest and highest jetpack flight ever. Every other such device in history has managed to be airborne for, at most, only a minute or two. But Martin was out to do more than set records with his demonstration. He wanted to prove that his design was safe enough to become the first commercial jetpack—one anyone could buy and fly.

E para o fim, por hoje, Nanotubos de Grafeno para substituír o fio de Cobre.

Lightweight Cable Made of Braided Nanotubes Could Replace Copper Wires
By Rebecca Boyle

Cables made out of nanowires could be just as efficient as the copper cables we’ve been using for more than a century, but at a fraction of the weight, according to a new paper. Braiding billions of carbon nanotubes into a nanowire cable can efficiently replace copper in a light bulb circuit.

Traditional cables are made by braiding or twisting together two or more wires or optical fibers, usually metal or silicon, to carry a current or signal. In a new study, Rice University researchers instead used double-walled carbon nanotubes, made of concentric rolled-up sheets of graphene.

sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

Fricção e Wi-fi

Lembram-se daqueles carrinhos de brinquedo, chamados de fricção?

Agora, há AUTOCARROS que vão acumular energia, travando, e libertá-la, arrancando, usando o mesmo sistema de roda volante.

Flybus to start testing flywheel hybrid bus

By Ben Coxworth

Gas/electric hybrid vehicles tend to be pricier than their conventional counterparts, and many people still worry about the limited range of all-electrics. If you want to move away from purely petrol-powered vehicles, though, is there any alternative? The four-company Flybus consortium would definitely say there is. It recently rigged up a bus with a prototype flywheel-based energy recover system, that stores the energy that would be wasted when the vehicle brakes, then returns that energy to the drivetrain when the bus accelerates. The researchers claim that it could deliver hybrid-like fuel economy, at a fraction of the price.

The flywheel assembly is mounted on the side of the bus's transmission, which is a product of consortium member Allison Transmission. The setup could reportedly be easily added to existing conventional transmissions, however.

E algo de fantástico, ondas de spin, vão ser utilizadas para os componentes wi-fi do Futuro:

Nanoscale magnetic waves could replace microwave technology

By Ben Coxworth

The microwave technology used in applications such as mobile phones and wireless networks may be on its way to being replaced - with parts that are smaller, less expensive, and that consume less resources. Instead of microwaves, devices of the future may use spin waves, which are nanoscale magnetic waves. For almost ten years, it has been theorized that spin waves could be propagated using magnetic nanocontacts. Recently, scientists from the University of Gothenburg and the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, became the first people to demonstrate that the theory meshes with observable phenomena.

The study began two years ago, when the researchers started construction of their magnetic nanocontacts. Using one of the world's three advanced spin wave microscopes, at the University of Perugia in Italy, they were able to visualize the movement of the spin waves created by those contacts. The waves rippled out through a thin film of nickel-iron alloy, which was three nanometers thick.

According to the scientists, these results have opened the way for a new field of research known as "magnonics," that utilizes spin waves. The technology could reportedly be integrated into traditional microwave-based electronic circuits, although the added magnonic components would be much better suited to miniaturization than their present-day microwave counterparts

 E uma pequena dissertação minha sobre um uso para aquela Moldagem a Vácuo, anteriormente mostrada neste Blog...

Um bom uso para essas folhas de Plástico moldadas a Vácuo, é o de as usar para alojarem os vossos Protótipos, tanto para os protegerem quando os tranportam, como para terem onde os colocar, à mão, verticalmente.

Lembrem-se é de porem algures uma Cunha, antes de moldarem, para terem onde pôr um dedo para desalojar o aparelhómetro...

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

Helicóptero eléctrico!

Isto promete...

Modern-day aviation pioneer achieves world's first untethered, manned electric helicopter flight

By Loz Blain

It's easy to look back at the history of exploration and aviation and feel like there's no mountains left to climb, that the age of the great pioneers is behind us and we're doomed to a future of LCD tanning and monitor hypnosis. But don't try telling that to Pascal Chretien. On August 12, this electrical/aerospace engineer and helicopter pilot took to the air in the world's first untethered, fully electric manned helicopter flight in a prototype machine that he designed and built almost entirely by himself within a 12 month development period. In his 2 minute, 10 second test flight, Chretien beat aviation giant Sikorsky into the record books - but it was not without significant risk. As the man himself puts it: "in case of crash I stand good chances to end up in kebab form."

E notícias da AltLab:


Altlab offers fun, cheap, and interesting classes!
Next classes, please check the calendar and online registration here.
ÚLTIMAS VAGAS ! + info e inscrições aqui

E mais esta maravilha!

Do Blog da Sculpteo:

3D Printing complex parts

In this Robot Dreams video, Hiro Maruoka (Marubeni Systems) shows some complex parts/assemblies produced on Stratasys 3D Printers.

Hiro Maruoka of Marubeni Systems showed us several complex mechanisms that were 3D printed as complete assemblies. The internal gaps and clearances were printed with a soluble material that was easily disolved after the object finished printing.

terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011


Um Motor eléctrico do tamanho... DUMA MOLÉCULA!

Electric motor made from a single molecule 
Researchers have created the smallest electric motor ever devised. The motor, made from a single molecule just a billionth of a metre across, is reported in Nature Nanotechnology. The minuscule motor could have applications in both nanotechnology and in medicine, where tiny amounts of work can be put to efficient use. Tiny rotors based on single molecules have been shown before, but this is the first that can be individually driven by an electric current. "People have found before that they can make motors driven by light or by chemical reactions, but the issue there is that you're driving billions of them at a time - every single motor in your beaker," said Charles Sykes, a chemist at Tufts University in Massachusetts, US. "The exciting thing about the electrical one is that we can excite and watch the motion of just one, and we can see how that thing's behaving in real time," he told BBC News. 

Uma Célula de Combustível a Propano quadruplica o alcance dum Avião Não Tripulado, e o que não fará ela por Ultra-Leves?

Flight time of Stalker small UAS quadrupled with ruggedized propane fuel cell
By Darren Quick

Small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) have become an increasingly important intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance tool for the military and their use will only continue to expand. While vehicles that are small enough to be carried provide soldiers in the field with capabilities such as over-the-next-hill imagery or the short-term monitoring of convoys, much research is going into finding ways to extend mission duration through better battery systems. DARPA researchers say they have overcome this limitation with the development of a compact solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) fueled by propane that quadruples the endurance of Lockheed Martin's Stalker small UAS.

The new fuel cell formed the basis of the hybrid power source for the Stalker XE, (eXtreme Endurance), a variant of the Lockheed Martin-developed Stalker UAS that boasts a wingspan of 120-in (305 cm) and is powered solely by a battery-driven electric motor that gives it a flight time of around two hours. By combining a high density fuel cell system with a conventional lithium polymer battery to handle peak power requirements, the Stalker XE is able to quadruple the endurance of the baseline Stalker version to provide a flight time of over eight hours.

E algo para os Ciclistas:

Hase Bikes' KLIMAX tricycle converts into a velomobile

By Ben Coxworth

While there are those of us who are strangely attracted to velomobiles - recumbent tricycles with full aerodynamic fairings - the idiosyncratic vehicles certainly have their drawbacks. Among these are the fact that the fairing, which is usually a hard shell, adds weight and traps heat inside with the rider. It also contributes to the sky-high price of the trikes, which can reach around US$15,000. Hase Bikes has taken an interesting approach with its KLIMAX 2K recumbent tricycle by using a weatherproof fabric fairing, that folds down and comes off when not wanted.

domingo, 4 de setembro de 2011

Electrónica sem problemas

Para quem não gosta, como eu não gosto, de soldar e treta, mas gosta, como eu gosto, de Electrónica, eis uma dica da Ponoko:

Getting started in DIY electronics September 2
Victorian synthesizers, laser microphones, and space explorers

If you haven’t had any sort of training in electronics, it can be a daunting world to get started in. It’s no use having someone talk about what you can do with an Arduino if you haven’t first been shown the basics of how circuits work, or say, what you can do with just a battery and a speaker. I have a little experience teaching electronics to absolute beginners, so I’m always on the lookout for resources. I invariably start by pointing people to Handmade Electronic Music by Nic Collins, a book which has spawned hundreds of DIY electronics enthusiasts, many of whom share their progress on the web. Victorian synthesizers, laser microphones, and space explorers

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

Aeromodelismo e Oxigénio

Eis um Objcto que pode servir de inspiração a muito Modelista, um Painel de Controlo para um Modelo de Avião feito através da Sculpteo:

Eis o Avião, do qual o Modelo foi feito:

Aeromodelling – 3D Printed Plane Dashboard Replica 
Posted on 2011/09/02 by sculpteo 
User “Tortilla”, from Dijon Flying Club, modeled this Robin DR400 dashboard ready to be 3D Printed. “The Robin DR400 is a wooden sport monoplane, conceived by Pierre Robin and Jean Délémontez. The Robin DR400 first flew in 1972 and was still in production in 2008. It has a tricycle undercarriage, and can carry four people. The DR400 aircraft have the ‘cranked wing’ configuration, in which the dihedral angle of the outer wing is much greater than the inboard, a configuration which they share with Jodel aircraft. This model is considered easy to fly by many and quiet during flight due to its wooden frame” (Wikipedia)

... E algo de incrível, nano-geradores de oxigénio para combater o Cancro!

O tamanho da coisa!

Miniature oxygen generator implants to boost effectiveness of cancer treatments 

By Darren Quick 

Some cancers, such as pancreatic and cervical cancers, are notoriously hypoxic, which means they contain low oxygen levels. Because radiation therapy needs oxygen to be effective, hypoxic areas of a tumor can be difficult to kill. To combat this, researchers at Purdue University have developed and tested a miniature electronic device that is designed to be implanted into solid tumors to generate oxygen and boost the effectiveness of radiation and chemotherapy treatments. Once implanted into a tumor, the new "implantable micro oxygen generator" uses ultrasonic signals to generate a small voltage to separate oxygen and hydrogen from water in a chemical process called water electrolysis. The devides are just under one centimeter (0.39-in) long and are inserted into tumors with a hypodermic biopsy needle. 

quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2011

Chega Setembro

Chega Setembro, e com ele, mais um Workshop da AltLab:

Informações e Inscrição, aqui.
...E agora também, com Cursos do Programa de 3D, Blender:

Blender Beginners Class

(for people new to Blender and 3D)
This is your friendly introductory class to Blender.  In this seven-hour class we will:
  • Get an introduction to Blender User Interface
  • Learn 3D-Navigation
  • Cover Object-Mode and Edit-Mode functionality
  • Show you how to get more help in the future for all your projects
Please be sure to bring your laptop computer and a 3 button mouse!
We will provide the rest!
The class will be taught by Altlab members.
Next Classes : coming soon  calendar and online registration here.
Price : Donation (suggested 25€)
Where : @ altLab Praceta Domingos Rodrigues, nº2

Uma Gigajoga para andar por aí...

LiquidRoam RoamBoards ready for sale 
By Paul Ridden 
Motorized two-wheeled and three-wheeled personal transport innovations like the Solowheel and the cheap and cheerful Solaron certainly look like a fun way to get around, but if it's four-wheeled action you're looking for then the new RoamBoard is definitely worth a look. The result of two years of designing, building, testing and tweaking, this stand up transportation solution brings together technologies seen in the electric skateboard, bicycle, snowboard, and automotive industries and merges them into a land-surfing motorized skateboard.

E um Microscópio à prova  de tudo, não é que usa Hologramas em vez de Lentes?

Cheap, portable microscope uses holograms instead of lenses
By Ben Coxworth 
While financial contributions are certainly a great help to health care practitioners in developing nations, one of the things that they really need is rugged, portable, low-cost medical equipment that is compatible with an often-limited local infrastructure. Several such devices are currently under development, such as a battery-powered surgical lamp, a salad-spinner-based centrifuge, and a baby-warmer that utilizes wax. UCLA is now working on another appropriate technology in the form of a small, inexpensive microscope that uses holograms instead of lenses to image what can't be seen by the human eye.