Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Instructables e notícias

Uma Bicicleta para correr por cima(?)

New ElliptiGO 3C 'running on air' bike released

By Paul Ridden
ElliptiGO has announced the arrival of a new sibling for its 8-speed elliptical running bike. Elliptical bikes are said to offer users all the benefits of running and cycling in one (strange-looking) machine, without many of the negative aspects, such as back and leg problems or saddle-soreness. The upright position also makes runners/riders more visible in traffic.

Boas notícias para o Terceiro Mundo, Àgua Potável, para todos:

LifeStraw Family to produce clean water and reduce carbon emissions 

By Ben Coxworth
Given that approximately one sixth of the world's population lacks access to safe drinking water, it would obviously be a very good idea to create something that allows those people to easily and cheaply filter their local tainted water. That was the thinking behind the LifeStraw. Developed by European disease control firm Vestergaard Frandsen, the simple device uses the company's PuroTech Disinfecting Resin to kill water-borne bacteria on contact, while activated carbon captures organisms such as parasites.

...Voltando às Bicicletas, como fazer uma em  Madeira:

Trabalho de Forja, como fazer um Escorpião em Ferro Forjado:

E Fósforos que acendem em qualquer superfície, para armarem-se em Trinitás!

sábado, 28 de maio de 2011

Uma data de Países de onde comprar

Para que poupem nas Despesas de Envio, fiz uma versão do Elastomatik, para cada Hub da Ponoko;
Por exemplo, para o Brasil, encomendem à Ponoko USA:
Vão lá, e encomendem aonde vos der mais jeito:

quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2011

segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011


Meninas e meninos, aprendam, que eu também aprendi, eis mais um material-maravilha, com as vantagens do Acrílico e do PVC, e que se molda a quente:

KYDEX sheet is an acrylic-polyvinyl chloride alloy produced by KYDEX, LLC. Engineered for thermoforming fabrication, KYDEX sheet, combines the advantageous properties of both the acrylic and the polyvinyl chloride components. From acrylic, it obtains superior rigidity and formability; from PVC, outstanding toughness, chemical resistance and good interior finish ratings.

Com ele, podem moldar a quente, num molde a Vácuo,

Vão aqui, para fazerem um, em casa:

Ou uma simples prensa de espuma:

Com alguma prática, poderão fazer toda a espécie de Protótipos, com esta qualidade:

É bom!

sábado, 21 de maio de 2011


Como é óbvio, não ofereço garantias de espécie alguma, nem aconselho ninguém coisa alguma, não em casos de Saúde!

...Mas deve ser divertido construír estas maquinetas...

E não é que há uma página com os esquemas e tudo o mais?

Vai dar a outro Link, onde há disto:
Mais um Link, que mostra como construír uma destas engenhocas:
Portanto, experimentem, mas com juízinho... E conhecimentos de Electrónica!

sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011

Um Instructable dum Lusófono

Está bem, é mesmo dum Brasileiro, mas "Lusófono" soa bem.

É a versão baratucha desta experiência, também dele,

A versão mais elaborada,
 A mais rápida e barara:

E o Instructable está aqui:

quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011

Monta, desmonta...

Para além das inúmeras vezes que montei e desmontei esta pistola,  re-fazendo  as peças, para que todas a peças funcionassem a 100%, porque no Papel, TUDO funciona, mas na realidade, é um outro caso...
Agora voltei a desmontá-la...
Para fazer as Instrucções!

Santa Paciência!

terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011

Muitas, e boas Notícias!

Começando pela melhor, um Exoesqueleto mais leve e BARATO, desenvolvido por uma Universidade, para um dos seus estudantes. Impecável!
Video: Robotic Exoskeleton Helps Paralyzed College Student Walk Across the Stage at Graduation
Exoskeletons are valuable for several reasons — they can help military personnel carry a heavier load, and they can be used all in the name of fun. But this one might be the best use of all: A 22-year-old paraplegic college graduate, paralyzed since a 2007 car crash, used an exoskeleton to walk across the stage Saturday to receive his diploma.

Austin Whitney, a history and political science major at the University of California-Berkeley, spent nine months working with Homayoon Kazerooni, creator of the HULC exoskeleton and the eLegs rehabilitation system.

O Aerogel não pára de evoluir, agora é um Aerogel com a estrutura dum Diamante!
New Diamond Aerogel is the Airiest Diamond Ever Made
By Rebecca Boyle
Diamonds are the hardest solid materials we know, and the ghostly space-age materials known as aerogels are the least dense. Looking for a challenge, scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory decided to combine these substances and turn out a spongy, translucent version of a girl’s best friend.

The result is a diamond aerogel, definitely the least dense diamond ever and perhaps one of the most valuable aerogels ever. Both aerogels and diamonds have interesting qualities, so a substance that combines their properties could be useful for, say, optics, quantum computing or structural engineering, among other possibilities.

Traceparts, o Site que vos dá ficheiros 2D e 3D de toda a espécie de peças e componentes tem novidades, novos Catálogos:

...E usem o Traceparts com esta autêntica BOMBA!

Improve the way you create, update, and distribute product information

3DVIA Composer allows you to repurpose existing 3D design data to more rapidly create and update high quality product deliverables including documentation, technical illustrations, animations, and interactive 3D experiences.

By leveraging the power of 3D, you can provide your customers, partners, and stakeholders with more clear, easily understandable product communications that significantly improve their ability to understand and retain complex information.

3DVIA Composer also helps product deliverables to be created earlier in the design process, improving time to market and minimizing costs associated with rework when designs change.

Easy to learn and use, 3DVIA Composer is an ideal complement to Microsoft Office, PDF, and HTML content delivery tools that you are already familiar with. Download your free trial of 3DVIA Composer today and revolutionize the way you communicate technical product information.

ElastomatiK, planos à venda

Já está à disposição, o Elastomatik:

...Respondendo a um Comentário, eis onde arranjar Kits de Fibra de Carbono, já aqui ao lado, na Grâ-Bretanha:

Carbon Fiber Kits

Whether you're a professional composites firm interested in experimenting with some new techniques or a complete beginner who fancies having a go at making your own one-off carbon fibre parts; Carbon Mods' range of carbon fibre starter kits are the perfect way to go.

sábado, 14 de maio de 2011

Já está!

Já está feito!

6 tiros, totalmente feita em Chapa de Arílico, e só precisam duma caixa de vulgares Elásticos de Escritório, porque a própria mola, é um elástico.

À VENDA, EM BREVE (quando estiverem prontas as Instrucções).

quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2011

A não perder

A não perder, Mindsets, a antiga MUTR.
Para além deste Kit de Construcção,
The Kre8TM Making System encourages innovation and open-ended creativity in a practical, easy and affordable way. It will fire-up children’s imagination. Practically anything they can dream-up, from working model vehicles to windmills, can be assembled with ease. Suitable for all abilities.
It can integrate with other construction kits as well as ordinary materials such as wood, metal, plastic and card. Quick assembly is achieved by pushing or clipping the rods into connectors at any position or any angle (using the patented built-in hinge). Can easily be taken apart and re-used, the possibilities are endless.
Free support and worksheets available soon.
‘It literally provides the framework for children express their ideas around…..’
‘I never imagined that children could learn about mechanisms by exploration and discovery….’
This starter set contains a range of Kre8 components with all you need to help you get started.
Includes electrical parts for two vehicles or robots.

...E duma câmara de Vídeo que se pode deixar em qualquer lado, a 27 Libras,
The Mini DV is tiny and simple to operate.
It is small enough to conceal in almost any location.
You could put it inside a small package or in a model car, kite or rocket and it’ll quietly record everything that’s going on in its line of sight.
With a record time of two hours per charge, the Mini DV records AVI video files onto a Micro SD Card (Not supplied; Max 8Gb) that can be played back on a computer.
It captures sound as well as video while on the move.
It comes with a variety of clips and brackets for a variety of uses

toda uma infinidade de coisas porreiras! 


 Uma Bicicleta 100% em Madeira!

Splinter Bike - a bicycle built ENTIRELY out of wood

By Paul Ridden
Just over six months after making a joke bet in his front garden, Michael Thompson has lived up to his idle boast of being able to make anything out of wood. Unlike other bike designs where wood is just one of several materials used in the construction – like the duo from Audi and Renovo, which has a hardwood frame – every part of the Splinter Bike is made from either birch plywood, Lignum Vitae, Ekki or an old broom handle. Thompson's friend and accomplished triathlete, James Tully, now has the unenviable and certainly uncomfortable task of riding the 31 kg (68 pound) engineering marvel into the record books.

 Um Telemóvel Flexível, fino e mais flexível que um cartão de visita:

Thin-film flexible 'Paperphone' created

By Ben Coxworth

Researchers from the Human Media Lab at Canada's Queen's University have created a fully-functioning floppy E-Ink smartphone, which they also refer to as a paper computer. Like its thicker, rigid-bodied counterparts, the Paperphone can do things like making and receiving calls, storing e-books, and playing music. Unlike them, however, it conforms to the shape of its user's pocket or purse, and can even be operated through bending actions.

"This computer looks, feels and operates like a small sheet of interactive paper," said its creator, Roel Vertegaal, who is also the director of the Human Media Lab. "You interact with it by bending it into a cell phone, flipping the corner to turn pages, or writing on it with a pen."

...E por falar em Cartões, eis Vídeo, num postal!
TV in a Card brings video to brochures and greetings cards

By Paul Ridden

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and a moving picture worth even more. Now a company in the UK is enticing businesses to go beyond the confines of eye-catching text, colorful graphics and product photos with TV in a Card.

The brainchild of Russell Lawley-Gibbs and Robert Green, a standard TV in a Card folder has A4 (297 x 210 mm / 11.7 x 8.3 inches) dimensions and opening the cover reveals a 4.3-inch, 320 x 240 resolution, 16:9 aspect LCD display powered by a custom board with built-in storage for about 30 minutes of video footage. There's an included speaker and headphone jack, and the Li-ion battery lasts about 1.5 hours before needing to be charged via the included USB port.

sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

3D Maravilha!

Revelado pela Ponoko:

Feito em casa, open source, e perfeito como sei lá o quê...

Sim, feito por um Brasileiro, Junior Veloso, é uma máquina que tem uma resolução incrível:
Hâ? Impecável...

E vai funcionar o mais económicamente possível.
Por isso, vão ao Blog dele, para mais informações:

sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2011

quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011

Um Objecto 3D no vosso Site, e Instructables

Isto é fantástico.
Podem até pôr o vosso quarto, num embed, no vosso Site!

Ou uma Escultura:

Cortesia da Sculpteo, vive la Scupteo!

E voltando ao mundo das Ferramentas, mas das que podem aleijar os dedos, por assim dizer, um acessório para as vossas Fresas:

Uma ideia bacana, utilizar uma dessas Lanternas-Dínamo, que dão luz, dando à bomba, nos manípulos, para uma fonte de alimentação, sem baterias!

E que tal criar energia com a direfença de salinidade da àgua, onde os rios deaguam no mar?

New type of rechargeable battery – just add water 

By Alan Brandon

Scientists at Stanford have developed a battery that uses nanotechnology to create electricity from the difference in salt content between fresh water and sea water. The researchers hope to use the technology to create power plants where fresh-water rivers flow into the ocean. The new "mixing entropy" battery alternately immerses its electrodes in river water and sea water to produce the electrical power.

segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011

CNC que nunca mais acaba

Para ser mais exacto, INFORMAÇÃO sobre CNC que nunca mais acaba.
Meninos e Meninas, toca a aprender, que Informação, é o que nesse Site não falta...

Mas vejam este Vídeo, e vejam como é:

Vão lá:

Micro-Robots ou Nano-Robots?

Herding Swarms of Microrobots
Tiny robots self-assemble with a single command.
By Kristina Grifantin
Imagine a swarm of microrobots—tiny devices a few hair widths across—swimming through your blood vessels and repairing damage, or zipping around in computer chips as a security lock, or quickly knitting together heart tissue. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, Dartmouth College, and Duke University have shown how to use a single electrical signal to command a group of microrobots to self-assemble into larger structures. The researchers hope to use this method to build biological tissues. But for microrobots to do anything like that, researchers must first figure out a good way to control them.

"When things are very small, they tend to stick together," says Jason Gorman, a robotics researcher in the Intelligent Systems Division at NIST who co-organizes an annual microrobotics competition that draws groups from around the world. "A lot of the locomotion methods that have been developed are focused on overcoming or leveraging this adhesion."