Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2018

Motor drivers! E um Hexápede, um Segway à pata, soldar a partir de Baterias, e Vidro metálico?

Tanto para o Arduino, como para o Raspberry Pi, já têem estes bem acessíveis drivers, da Pololu, para os vossos Robots, e automatismos, e o que mais for, controlando um par de motores, motores esses duma enorme variedade de Motores e Voltagens.
É bom.


New products: Dual MAX14870 Motor Drivers for Arduino and Raspberry Pi
For my birthday, I am excited to share two new products to help get your projects moving: dual motor driver boards for Arduino and for Raspberry Pi based on Maxim MAX14870 drivers, which on these boards (without additional cooling) can power motors with a continuous 1.7 A (2.5 A peak) from a voltage source anywhere from 4.5 V to 36 V. This makes the driver ideal for powering a wide range of motors including our high power micro metal gearmotors, and our 12 V 20D mm metal gearmotors. We like the MAX14870 so much that already we make a single driver carrier for it, and we use it on our A-Star 32U4 Robot Controller SV. These new boards make it easy to control two motors using the MAX14870 with an Arduino or Raspberry Pi.



O termo correcto é mesmo Hexápede, (como em "quadrúpede"), aqui está um Robot de 6 patas, que podem construír, e este, por ser alongado, move-se mais como os Insectos:

Capers II, a Hexapod Robot

This Instructable will show you how to build your very own hexapod robot, I call the design Capers II.
A hexapod robot is a robot with six legs. Each leg is actuated by three servos: one for forward/backward movement, one for up/down movement, and one to bend the leg in the middle. This gives the robot three degrees of freedom, allowing it to move in any direction.
Some hexapod robots are symmetrically designed, with the six legs equally spaced around a linearly symmetrical body. Capers II, on the other hand, has a slightly elongated body, giving the robot a more natural appearance and the ability to use gaits reminiscent of insects.

Na brincadeira, na palhaçada, e um pouco fazendo troça dalguma Gadgeteria, cá vai uma Segway à lá Pata, isto é a pedalar, e é para quem quer...
Gandas malucos! 

Steampunk Segway ( Legway )

A self balancing, human powered, steampunk styled, Segway. All you need is a brave self balancing human. This is the ultimate green vehicle for all you eco conscious steampunkers. Is that an oxymoron? I made this out of mostly found materials. This was my first steampunk styled build. Any good suggestions on making it look better will be incorporated as long as the materials are cheap and easy to find. I have been calling it the Legway in reference to the propulsion method. Yes, I know about those Lego self balancers of the same name.

Algo que acho bem ùtil, por contraste ao projecto anterior, é esta ideia de ter um Ferro de Soldar que funciona com uma Bateria de Berbequim! 
Façam uma coisa destas.

Power Your Soldering Iron With a Drill Battery!
Chris Ray

Back in June of 2017 I moved out of my parent's house and started renting my own. One of the many things that changed was my workspace. I went from a 12' x 13' room to a 4' desk which meant I had to make some changes. One of the major changes was switching from a soldering / hot air rework station to a TS-100 as my main iron. I ended up falling in love with this little thing but I still didn't have a way to make it mobile. That is where this little circuit comes in. I designed this circuit to fit onto a Dewalt 20v Max battery and provide power to my iron, as well as protect the battery and charge my phone.

Uma coisa para o Futuro, que com a rapidez com que isto tudo agora se desenvolve, pode ser para a semana que vem, são estas ligas Metálicas amorfas, que não formam Cristais, o que lhes dará uma data de novas propriedades eléctricas e estruturais...

Researchers Reveal Method to 3D Print Metallic Glass Alloys in Bulk
Matthew Mensley

Materials Science and Engineering researchers at North Carolina State University recently detailed their method to produce large amounts of metallic glass alloys using 3D printing. The development could lead to better efficiency in electric motors and tougher materials and structures.
Researchers at the Material Science and Engineering department at North Carolina State University have turned to 3D printing to create a means to produce bulk amounts of metallic glass alloys. Typically produced in small amounts, the material (also known as amorphous metals) is notoriously tricky to produce in any large amount.
Unlike most other metals, metallic glass alloys lack a crystalline structure. With an amorphous structure instead, they boast “exceptionally desirable properties”, says Zyanab Mahbooba, a Ph.D student at the department and first author of the research’s paper.

segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2018

Levitação! E fotos, impressas em 3D, melhorar Impressoras baratuchas, um Porta-chaves bacano, e pintar os Objectos 3D

Sim, podem fazer pequenos objectos flutuar, devido à Acústica!
Ora aqui está uma frase que se não ouve todos os dias... 
E este modelo é uma versão improvisada:

Acoustic Levitator Case

Acoustic levitator from Asier Marzo is a very popular thing here on instructables. I build it, it was working but I noticed couple of issues. For example:
  1.  The 3D printed space between bowls is a bit fragile.
  2.  The levitator can't stand on its own because of its curvature.
  3.  All the electronics are fragile and a bit ugly.
  4. So I built this case. It does couple of things like:
  5.  Serves as a stand.
  6.  Hides all the electronics.
  7.  Iluminates levitated objects.
  8.  Changes the voltage going into driver which is important when levitating liquids.
  9.  Shows input and output voltage.
If you look at the second image you can notice that many changes have been made to the original model.

Uma maneira rápida de imprimir um Presente original, mesmo, são estes Candeeiros 3D, que mostram uma Foto a preto-e-branco...
Não se arranja disto em outro lado!

Lithophane Lamp : 3D PRINTING YOUR PHOTOS!

Every time there's an event of any kind where I need to buy a gift, I always prefer to make something then just buying. But the question always is how can I gift them some unique as well lovable.
Since I have a 3D printer, I always think that the best gift would be something personalized that I would 3D print, something that cannot be bought elsewhere and something that would make me proud to show off my printer's creations! And also, I wouldn't have to keep worrying about finding a good gift idea!
The most personalized item I could 3D print was a lithophane! so I turned it into a Customised Lamp


Este Instructable, diz-me muito, porque comprei uma Delta que é uma bodega!
Partes impressas a 3D, extrusor da tanga, peças de 3ª qualidade...

Vou aproveitar para, aos poucos, a transformar nalguma coisa de jeito:


Cheap 3D Delta Printer Improvements

This instructable will show you som much needed improvements required to get good results out of a cheap 3D printer of delta type.
I had been curious of 3D printing for a while. I did the usual research and found that what most people recommend for beginners seeking to dip their toes into 3D-printing is carthesian style printers. Thinking that this advice can't possibly apply to me, I obviously decided on a delta. Big mistake! But not on all accounts. I have gained a lot of knowledge in my efforts to get the !#%¤&¤ thing working (at least I like to think so because it makes me feel better). I came to realize that I hadn't purchased a gadget. I purchased a hobby fully capable of sucking up most of my free time.
The printer in question is the Geeetech G2S Pro. This is my first and only 3D printer so I can't really say how it stands up to the competition. I will say though, that my instance of this product was of sub standard quality. The few prints I managed to produce in the beginning were of very poor quality and printing dual-color simply didn't work.
Do you have the same printer and problems or maybe a different delta with similar problems? Don't give up! With some alterations you can actually get really good results! Keep reading.

Mais algo útil, para calar Familiares e Namoradas que acham que uma Impressora 3D "é um Brinquedo", eis um Porta-chaves que é mesmo BACANO!
5 em 1, não é nada mau!

Keytool - 5 Tools in Your Pocket!

The Keytool is a 5 keyholder with 5 everyday tools for everyone!
I know, ''another keyholder?'' stick with me, this one is more than meets the eye.
Check out the video above to see the 5 uses of the keytool!
The keytool:
 Holds your keys so no more looking for the right one
 Holds an USB so you always carry your data with you
 Has a small ruler for the quick measurements
 Is usable a a docking device for your phone so you can see all your incoming messages or watch your videos!
 Has a beer opener because we all need to crack open a cold one with the boys
 Is 3D printable in only 1 hour!

E como é chato como a Potassa, imprimir sempre Objectos monocromáticos, que é o mesmo que dizer, só uma cor, eis como os  pintar, mas duma maneira impressionante.
É bom.

Learn How to Paint Your 3D Prints Like a Pro!

Learning to paint your 3D printed parts will enable you to create looks-like prototypes, detailed miniatures, and a variety of other visually accurate models. Navigating the various different materials and techniques can be intimidating, and in this post you’ll learn all of the steps needed to paint your parts from start to finish.

Starting with a detailed and well-printed model will make the rest of the painting process easier and improve your final results. Resin printers like the Formlabs Form 2 are best for painted parts, both because of the high resolution and the ability to use some paints directly on the printed surface.

segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2018

Contactar Fabricantes? E dobrar tubo, como se faz, Popular Mechanics em Espanhol, Mecanismos fascinantes, e um sem-fim de ideias na Pinterest.

Se quizerem pagar por isso, podem ter uma boa lista de Emails de Executivos de Empresas Fabricantes.
Sem serem barrados pelos Idiotas de Serviço que tantas Empresas empestam... 
Mais um serviço do Site de peças para tudo, o EZSelect:

NEW: Direct Email Addresses for Manufacturing Executives

Introducing... Direct Email Addresses for Manufacturing Executives, available with the NEW Premium version of EZ Select, the industrial database for prospecting, sales, marketing, business development, and research.
Our team has been hard at work researching a BRAND NEW data field in our database... direct executive email address.

Direct executive email addresses are a new addition to the database and already available for more than half of all executives.
Subscribing to the Premium version of EZ Select unlocks direct executive emails, making them visible on screen and FULLY EXPORTABLE.
Use of direct executive emails is subject to additional licensing provisions and restrictions. Read the Premium License Supplement for full details.
Log into EZ Select at and visit the 'MANAGE DATABASES' page to subscribe instantly.
NOTE: The Basic and Standard (formerly "Full") versions of EZ Select will continue to include main company email address (e.g. info@, sales@, etc.) at no additional cost.
Please contact us with any questions.

Compraram uma máquina de dobrar tubo, e não sabem o que significa aquilo tem estrito, nem como dobrar tubo tuma maneira bem certinha?
Eis o que precisam de saber...

Using a Hand Tube Bender

Swagelok® hand tube benders provide consistent, high‑quality bends in tubing made from most materials used with Swagelok tube fittings. Watch this video to learn how to use one.

Popular Mechanics. Uma bela colecção de revistas que muito vos podem ajudar, e como nem todos sabem Inglês...
Cá vai em Espanhol, e por exemplo, aqui está como trabalhar Tubos de PVC:



Cuando se introdujo el tubo de cloru­ro de polivinilo clorinado (CPVC), las instalaciones caseras de plomería se facilitaron notablemente, aunque el nuevo producto no ofrecía ningún tipo de sistema, Ahora, con el advenimien­to del tubo flexible de polibutileno (PB), los plomeros disponen de nuevo de las conveniencias de que disfruta­ban con el tubo de cobre, aunque a un costo menor y con mucho menos es­fuerzo. El CPVC sirve como tubo rígi­do y el PB como tubo termoplástico flexible. Cuando un tipo no resulta pa­ra una aplicación en particular, el otro se puede utilizar.

Para o Relax, cá vão estes AnimGifs de mecanismos fascinantes, alguns, até úteis...

Mas ESTA Página, é só coisas bem úteis, mecanismos com Instrucções de Máquinas que fazem mesmo falta fazer em casa, ou mesmo só para as compreender.

quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2018

Scan 3D & CAT! E a LAN Party, LED&MAT, erros de Impressão, e rodas e rodízios

Que tal, fazerem em casa, com um Arduino, uma Engenhoca que fazx, não só Scan 3D, mas também CAT de Luz visvel? 
Já imaginarama quantidade de coisas que podem fazer com isso?
Como um Modelo 3D com partes translúcidas!
Uma fenomenal ideia deste nosso amigo, que nos faz ganhar o dia, com a noção que há coisas boas, neste Mundo, todos os dias.
Obrigado, jbumstead.

Desktop CT and 3D Scanner With Arduino

Computed tomography (CT) or computed axial tomography (CAT) is most often associated with imaging the body because it enables clinicians to see the anatomical structure inside the patient without having to do any surgery. To image inside the human body, a CT scanner requires X-rays because the radiation has to be able to penetrate through the body. If the object is semi-transparent, it is actually possible to conduct CT scanning using visible light! The technique is called optical CT, which is different than the more popular optical imaging technique known as optical coherence tomography.
To acquire 3D scans of semi-transparent objects, I constructed an optical CT scanner using an Arduino Nano and Nikon dSLR. Halfway through the project, I realized that photogrammetry, another 3D scanning technique, requires much of the same hardware as an optical CT scanner. In this instructable, I will go over the system I constructed that is capable of CT scanning and photogrammetry. After acquiring images, I have steps on using PhotoScan or Matlab for computing 3D reconstructions.

Decorre dias 23 e 24 deste Mês, a Lan Party em Ourém, com uma data de actividades, aproveitem, e vão lá, que também ajudam os Animais, com o Bilhete de entrada:

Lan Party Robótica
Escola Profissional de Ourém

É já no próximo dia 23 e 24 de março, sexta e sábado, que os alunos do curso de Informática e Eletrónica da Escola Profissional de Ourém organizam um evento onde poderás mostrar as tuas skills de gamer e robótica!

Uma Ferramenta à vossa disposição, para verificarem como se portará o vosso Produto na Vida real, é este Laboratório do Instituto Pedro Nunes, onde toda a espécie de testes se execem sobre as vossas Engenhocas e o que mais, obtendo-se assim um nível de qualidade que não engana, e evitando uma série de dores-de-cabeça Pós-Producção:

Laboratory for Wear, Testing & Materials

At LED&MAT (Laboratory for Wear, Testing & Materials) we develop R&D activities and technology transfer to enterprises in the field of materials and fabrication processes, surface modification, energy efficiency and fabrication by innovative technologies. We also perform a multiplicity of tests for the characterisation of physical, chemical, mechanical and tribological properties on multiple types of materials. We wish to contribute to the perfect symbiosis between fundamental research and industrial application.
What we do
We develop ideas from their genesis to their application in real situations that are related to problems with materials and processing technologies proposed by our customers, R&D institutions and companies which deserve our special attention. Our actions begin at conception, going through research and development to the prototype and final application. Throughout the process we use methods of product development, generating products and innovative processes, improving production efficiency and providing tailored solutions to meet the needs of our customers.

Por falar em dores-de-cabeça, e desgostos variados, eis mais uma achega para evitarem os erros de Impressão 3D mais comuns, as 3 maiores misérias da Impressão 3D:

3 Most Common 3D Printer Errors and Their Fixes

Features like Formlabs’ one-click print exist for professional machines, but hobbyist printers often require a bit more tweaking and troubleshooting. In this post, you’ll learn about the most common problems you’re bound to run into as a maker and discover their fixes.

Parte duma Invenção minha, que vocês vão apreciar quase todos os dias, são estas Rodas, e não só, que se podem encontrar nos catálogos bacanos que vêem neste link abaixo...
Rodas, escadotes, automatismos e ferragens para portas, etc.


O nosso core business são as Rodas e Rodízios, para todo o tipo de aplicações, com soluções profissionais GAYNER e BLICKLE, dispondo de mais de 30.000 soluções standard.
Presente no mercado nacional desde 1998, a RODALGÉS é a representante oficial das marcas GAYNER e BLICKLE, conceituadas empresas multinacionais, fornecendo soluções profissionais para armazéns, unidades fabris e centros de distribuição comercializando equipamentos para movimentação, elevação e transporte de cargas.
Dispomos de uma gama variada de Handling & Warehouse Equipment para a manutenção operacional e logística in-house, contribuindo para a maior eficiência dos equipamentos e melhoria de processos, para uma qualidade sem falhas e para o aumento da produtividade.

quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2018

Máquinas-Ferramenta feitas em casa! Em Madeira, Aço, e até um Torno CNC! Mais um Robô vencedor, e Iron CAD

Podem fazer todo o Ferramental em vossas casa, com este canal do Youtube, que parte do princípio simples de que a estrutura das ditas Máquinas-Ferramentas pode ser feita em Contraplacado, em várias camdadas...
E muita Engenhosidade!
Boa iniciativa.
Eis, por exemplo, uma Lixadora de Fita:


Making a Homemade Belt Sander - El yapımı Şerit Zımpara Makinası

Building a homemade belt sander, powered by a drill. Simple, cheap and usefull. it's made of plywood. You can find all the measurements at the end of the video. Kontrplaktan yaptığım şerit zımpara makinası. Basit ucuz ve kullanışlı. Tüm ölçülerini videonun sonunda bulabilirsiniz.

Mas podem também fazer um Torno, com Tubo de Aço, e pouco mais, para trabalhar Plástico e Metais macios...

Homemade mini lathe
Homemade lathe machine

My homemade mini lathe for processing small parts of plastic and soft metals.


CNC mini lathe - DIY design and build project from scratch! Part 1
Behrouz Parsee

 Decided my next project is to build an awesome CNC mini lathe, super compact and super accurate is the plan! This video shows my preliminary design and goes through all my thoughts on the engineering behind it.

Eis este Robot, um Vencedor, deste nosso amigo Lusófono, IgorF2, que venceu uma data de Prémios, por boa razão, é excelente.
E vocês podem fazê-lo em casa, também.

Joy Robot (Robô Da Alegria) - Open Source 3D Printed, Arduino Powered Robot!

First Prize in the Instructables Wheels Contest, Second Prize in the Instructables Arduino Contest, and Runner up in the Design for Kids Challenge. Thanks to everyone who voted on us!!!
Robots are getting everywhere. From industrial applications to underwater and space exploration. But my favorite ones are those used for fun and entertainement! In this project a DIY robot was designed to be used for entertainment in children's hospitals, bringing some fun to the kids. The project is focused in sharing knowledge and promoting technological innovation to assist NGOs that carry out charitable work in children's hospitals.
This instructable shows how to design a remotely operated humanoid robot, controlled over a Wi-Fi network, using an Arduino Uno connected to an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. It uses some servomotors form head amd arms movements, some DC motors for moving small distances, and a face made of LED matrices. The robot can be controlled from an ordinary internet browser, using a HTML designed interface. An Android smartphone is used to broadcast video and audio from the robot to operator's control interface.

30 dias de teste, montar os vossos Conceitos, como se fosse Lego, com partes já existentes no Mercado!
IronCAD, em vários diferentes programas, permite-vos ser sérios, nos vossos Designs, com a inclusão de peças existentes no Mercado, optimizando, economizando, e convencendo:

IronCAD Mechanical
A Powerful CAD Parts Catalog for Fabricators

Library of Standard Components
IronCAD Mechanical is an IRONCAD catalog that includes pre-made designs for industry-standard fasteners, bearings, O-rings, piping, and flanges, saving fabricators hours of design time. Just drag and drop these readymade designs into assemblies, where they will attach themselves to other parts thanks to IRONCAD’s built-in intelligent behavior.

... E para rirem um pouco, eis o que um Engenhocas diz sobre a sua Impressora 3D, quando está cansado, frustrado, e farto de regulações, afinações e mais frustrações:

Adventures in 3D printing


 The sufferings of just another geek trying to bleed a print from a cheapo printer.