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terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012

Exactflat, Traceparts, e uma alternativa aos nanotubos

Eis algo de novo, da DataCad, e porreiraço, uma maneira de mandar cortar placa, certos que essa Placa vai resultar no sólido em 3D que vocês idealizaram!

ExactFlat 3D to 2D flattening software

Generate production-ready 2D Industrial Fabrics parts from 3D Models – Accurately & Automatically
ExactFlat helps you create a 2D flat pattern from a 3D CAD file faster and easier than before.
From CAD to Cutter – in 5 Minutes
If you're using 3D CAD and you need to create 2D flat patterns for the cutting table, ExactFlat is the fastest, most accurate and simple way to do it.
For manufacturers working with industrial fabrics, the common workflow to flatten a 3D CAD model can take up to 2-4 weeks to complete. ExactFlat automates this process, getting you from a 3D CAD model to a production-ready 2D flat pattern file in minutes.
See 3D to 2D Surface Flattening in Action
Watch ExactFlat reduce 2-4 weeks of manual effort into 5 simple steps in less than 5 minutes.

Mais Catálogos de Fábricas, mais peças na TraceParts, para que os vossos Planos incluam tudo, e tudo encaixe:

E uma alternativa aos Nano-Tubos mais económica, e mais manuseável, Nano-Fibras de Plástico que se auto-montam(!):

Self-assembling plastic nanofibers present cheaper alternative to carbon nanotubes

By Antonio Pasolini

French researchers have produced highly conducive plastic fibers with a thickness of only a few nanometers that self-assemble when exposed to a flash of light. The tiny fibers (one nanometer equals one billionth of a meter) could become a cheaper and easier-to-handle alternative to carbon nanotubes and play a role in the development of electronic components on the nanoscale.
Researchers from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), an organization funded by the French government, and the Université de Strasbourg say the fibers combine the properties of metals and plastic organic polymers, which are commonly used to conduct electric current, and see applications in several fields ranging from electronics to architecture.
Lead researchers Nicolas Giuseppone and Bernard Doudin now want to demonstrate that the plastic fibers have the potential to be integrated into products such as flexible screens and solar cells.

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