Blog Posts

sábado, 27 de outubro de 2018

Hardware city? E façam um Estroboscópio, mobília CNC, dobrar metal, e actualizar o Marlin!

Eis algo para vos ajudar a levar as vossas Engenhocas, no campo do Hardware, Startups, partilhar ideias, e contactar Industiais...
Uma grande ajuda, para concretizar coisas, penso eu!

Hardware City closes the gap between hardware startups and contract manufacturers

Hardware Startups
Developing hardware products is Hard! Here you can find a community that can help you during the pipeline of industrialization

Community of Makers
Makers are one of the most creative communities worldwide. We want to engage this community to stimulate the creativity and share of technical skills

The step from product development to industrialization is the most difficult. We want to bridge the gap between hardware startups and the contract manufacturers

Um Estroboscópio a partir dum LED? 
Algo de útil para Fotógrafos, Engenhocas, Curiosos, e Cientistas, por isso aprendam, que é bom.

Make Your Own LED Stroboscope

In this project I will show you how the stroboscopic effect works and how we can use it to determine the RPM of a motor. Also I will be showing you how to create a simple LED stroboscope at home by utilizing an Arduino or a 555 Timer circuit. Let's get started!

Mobília, a partir da ideia, passando ao CAD, e depois ao CNC, passo a passo, ora aqui está algo de porreiro para os Designers!

CNC Furniture: From Sketch To Prototype Using Rhino & Grasshopper!
Ezequiel Lopez
About Carlos and Modifile
Carlos Travaini is the lead designer at He's an Argentinian that moved to Venice, Italy many years ago and is constantly busy alternating between private projects he gets hired for and his new website.
Intrigued by how he's able to mix all the elements that enable him to create all his fun and very original furniture pieces, I asked him for a favor: I wanted to get to know his creative process. Note that most of the times this is a very private process and many artists simply won't let you into that space, but Carlos was gracious enough to let our cameras in not only during the sketching portion but the entire process, from sketch to prototype production.

Aprendem aqui como dobrar a eito, Tiras de Metal, usando um pouco de Faça Você Mesmo:

Homemade Mini Bend Brake
Improbable Construct

In this Instructable I will show you how I made a Mini Bend Brake to bend some 1/16" aluminum.
I needed to make clean straight bends in strips of aluminum for my Hidden Bookshelf Light Switch.
I had pretty good luck bending the aluminum in my bench vise, but it was hard to keep the bends square and even.
So, this is what I came up with.

O Tempo passa...
Se o vosso Software Marlin precisa de ser actualizado, este nosso amigo explica como se faz.

Easily upgrade the Marlin firmware on your kit 3D printer!
Thomas Sanladerer

Ever wanted to get rid of the buggy or outdated version of the Marlin firmware that shipped with your printer? Just update it to the most current one! I show you how to set up the mainline Marlin firmware on your kit 3D printer using the Arduino software package.

quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2018

3D no Mapa! E imprimir peças que encaixam, MESMO, grandes Motores, Um Osciloscópio de Bolso, e uma Impressora de 60 €!

O que vos pode safar a vida de muitas chatiçes, é este simpático Mapa de Fornecedores de Filmento , peças, e Impressoras 3D, dos nosso amigos da
Poupa-vos terem de esperar meses por uma peçita de nada, por encontrarem a Loja mais perto de vocês, que uma Loja física, é outra coisa...
Vão lá:

Mapa de onde adquirir uma Impressora 3D, Peças e Filamentos para uma RepRap em Portugal
Mapa de Peças, Filamentos e Impressoras 3D

Não és administrador deste mapa? Pede-nos que enviamos-te o link para alterares e adicionares a tua localização. Este mapa também é para quem tem uma impressora 3D e quer imprimir. Vê como está organizado e adiciona uma nova camada ou adiciona a uma camada já existente.

Tantas vezes que se tem de ajustar à bruta, e por tentativas, quando se quer imprimir em 3D, peças que encaixem umas nas outas...
Mais uma dor-de-cabeça!
Mas a scupteo vem-nos ajudar, com este belo deste Tutorial, sobre como ajustar a Impressão para peças que servem, à primeira!

The ultimate guide to designing 3D printed interlocking parts
Katarzyna Plewa

With 3D printing technologies, the design freedom is just endless. Additive Manufacturing allows for the absolutely new use of design tools, such as interlocking tools. Thanks to 3D printing you are not able to combine different technologies and materials. Discover the benefits of 3D printed interlocking parts now!

In this blog post, we will go over the advantages of 3D printing interlocking parts, we will advise you which 3D technology will the best for different production needs and our 3D printing experts will show you our own study case of designing interlocking parts.

What are the benefits of 3D printing interlocking parts?

First of all, Additive Manufacturing gives you a wide range of materials, providing you with the best choice for your production needs. Every product you design is different, and to give you the best 3D printing experience we offer 18 materials across 8 3D technologies. Surely, one of them will perfectly fit your manufacturing preferences, whether you need your parts to be flexible or heat resistant.

Additive Manufacturing gives you amazing design freedom as the technology is capable of much more than traditional manufacturing methods. Your products can reach a new level of complexity allowing for better solutions for your production needs. Indeed, with 3D printing, you can easily design interlocking parts thanks to the high accuracy of 3D printing.

A não ser que queiram queimar Motores, e aleijar os dedos, podem muito bem recootrer a este Mini-Curso de 5 Aulas, sobre como montar e controlar as bestas que arranjam nas Sucatteiras e afins, para fazerem aquele Kart eléctrico, ou lá o que seja...


In this class I will show you how to control motors that are suitable for building go-karts, electric scooters, large robots, and much more. This requires a very different set of knowledge and skills than would be necessary for controlling a small hobby motor.
This class is intended for students with some experience working with motors, and mechanical systems. By the end of the class you will learn how to pick the correct power supply, build a control circuit, and adjust the speed of a motor. You will also learn how to make a circuit which reverses the direction the motor is spinning.
Motor control is demonstrated by a range of techniques such as using motor controllers with analog throttles and also with Arduinos and motor controllers.
I hope that you will come join me in the wild world or large motor control.

Um Oscisloscópio de Bolso? 
Ainda melhor, do tamanho duma caixinha de Fósforos!
Espantem os Colegas com esta pequena maravilha, que nem preciso de dizer mais nada, bolas, isto é a ambição de qualquer Engenhocas que se preze!

Oscilloscope in a Matchbox - Arduino
Peter Balch

Why would I want a tiny oscillscope? I've got a room full of electronic Stuff including four oscillscopes. But it's a fuss using them. It would be nice to have something that fits in my pocket, that sits next to the circuit I'm working on and that's as easy to use as a multimeter.
This oscilloscope costs the price of an Arduino Nano (£2 and a display (£3) plus a few pence for resistors, etc. It's specification is:
  •  max 1M samples/second, min 1000sps
  •  8-bits per sample
  •  DC 0-5V; AC +/- 550mV, AC +/- 117mV, AC +/- 25mV
  •  USB "PC scope" or built-in display
  •  could be battery-powered
  •  optional logic display
  •  optional frequency meter
  •  optional voltmeter

Conseguem ter uma Impressora 3D em casa, com cerca de 60 Euros, e Material Reciclado!
Sabe-se lá quantos Jovens Génios não se despertará com esta bela Miniatura, que pode imprimir...
É que isto é mais un Curso de CNC disfarçado, que outra coisa, com o bánus de se ter algo de bem útil, no fim, e se conheço a Malta Geek, quem faz esta, fará outra bem maior, um dia...
Quem faz um Cesto, faz um Cento!

Intro: EWaste 60$ 3DPrinter

This project describes the design of a very low budget 3D Printer that is mainly built out of recycled electronic components. The result is a small format printer for less than 100$.
First of all, we learn how a generic CNC system works (by assembling and calibrating bearings, guides and threads) and then teach the machine to respond to g-code instructions. After that, we add a small plastic extruder and give an overview on plastic extrusion calibration, driver power tuning and other few operations that will bring the printer to live. Following this instructions you will get a small footprint 3D Printer that is built with about an 80% of recycled components, which gives it a great potential and helps to reduce the cost significantly.
On one side you get an introduction to machine building and digital fabrication and on the other side you get a small 3D Printer built out of reused electronic parts. This should help us to be more conscious about the big problems related with e-waste generation.

domingo, 7 de outubro de 2018

Fui aos Cartões! Hackesschool, Blokcstec, Portlaser, Papel, e 3D

Cá vão 3 Sítios Bacanos, foi só ir ao monte de cartões e folhetos que tenho, e aqui têem uma data de coisas boas, que saem destes 3 Links...
E para fazer 5, mais 2 Links porreiros,  com Temas de interesse, da Pinterest.

Instituto Superior Técnico

Nesta simpática iniciativa do IST de Lisboa, têem aqui uma quantidade de Tutoriais, Programas e Parcerias,. desde corridas de Drones, até ao Hacker Entertainment System...
Iformmem-se no Link abaixo:

A Fabricante de Impressoras 3D Portuguesa, Blockstec, oferece-vos uma gama de Impressoras 3D, Blocks, que está a aumentar, e é de seguir, e por isso...
Vão lá:


E ponho aqui esta Dica, há uma Empresa de Máquinas de Corte Laser, em Portugal, e é bom saber, também, que aqui encontram Acessórios para o Laser CNC, como sistemas de Exaustão de fumos, que também podem servir para imprimir 3D em ABS, e outros Materiais de que convém não respirar os fumos...
Para além dos próprios Lasers, e outros consumíveis da actividade.


A Portlaser é uma empresa portuguesa especializada no desenvolvimento, fabrico e fornecimento de equipamentos laser de corte, gravação e marcação, com 20 anos de experiência, sobretudo na área do laser industrial.
A empresa distingue-se no mercado pelo fabrico de um vasto conjunto de sistemas laser, capazes de permitir o processamento industrial de diferentes materiais rí­gidos e flexíveis, como os metais, acrilico, madeira, cortiça, pele, tecidos, pedra, vidro, borracha, plásticos, cartão, entre outros.
Desde a sua criação, em 1998, que a Portlaser apresenta uma capacidade única no design e desenvolvimento dos seus sistemas laser, colocando á disposição dos seus clientes uma variedade de aplicações tão diversas como os diferentes tipos de tecnologia laser existentes no mercado em configurações de estações de trabalho standard e equipamentos customizados podendo ser integrados em linhas de produção com sistemas automáticos de manuseamento e transporte.

Esta Página, chama-se "cool", e é mesmo!
Toda uma série de coisas boas, a ver com 3D, que podem fazer, ou apenas tomar como inspiração:

quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2018

Esferovite CNC! E aprendam Moldes, Facturar com 3D, uma Prusa SLA, e gravar a Laser com uma Prusa!

Isto é muito importante!
Já imaginaram, podem construír uma Impressora 3D, MAS, com uma armação em BARRAS MACIÇAS?
E tudo o resto que possam imaginar, porque é só verter Sucata de Alumínio derretida, para peças sacrificáveis em Esferovite/Isopor...
E já está!

A note: This, and Lost Mold Aluminum Casting, will make great solid Projects, as in, solid frame 3D Printers, for example...

4-Axis CNC Hot-wire Foam Cutter (Arduino+Ramps1.4)

A CNC Hot-wire cutter is an awesome tool to have when you are building aeroplanes out of foam. It allows the ability to cut out any aerofoil shape from a CAD design accurately. A properly configured machine can save you a lot of effort and produce a smooth finish.
The machine has a Nichrome wire stretched between two towers. The wire is heated by passing current through it and the towers move relative to each other to define the shape of the cut. The 2D CAD design to be cut out is turned into G-code and fed to the machine, which moves in four independent axes to create complex contours like tapered wings.
The motion of each axis can be achieved by any means such as linear bearings on smooth rods or by using drawer slides of various sizes. Each axis is driven by a stepper motor through a Leadscrew, a GT2 belt and pulley can also be used depending on the size of the machine. The cutting forces involved is minimal and the construction only needs to be rigid enough to withstand the tension of the wire stretched between the towers.

Nem de propósito, aprendam aqui como fazer Moldes, nem que seja para técnicas menos radicais que a Fundição! LOL

Paige Russell

Welcome to the infinite world of Mold Making & Casting!
In this class, you'll learn how to make easy molds that will allow you to cast multiples of virtually any object – including 3D prints – in a variety of materials, like soap, plaster, chocolate, crayon, resin, metal, and more!
In this introductory class, you’ll gain a solid understanding of fundamental techniques that will empower you to tackle almost any mold making project.
You'll learn what undercuts are and how to recognize them on your models, determine what kind of mold and mold material to use, how to build and properly seal mold walls, and how to cast in numerous materials.
It may seem daunting, but I’m a product designer and ceramicist who has been making molds for over 15 years, and I'll be with you every step of the way. I look forward to teaching you how to cast your way to a customized world!

...Uns bons duns conselhos que eu devia ter ouvido antes, é o que este Bacano, Angus, da Maker's Muse vos dá, e aprendam, que podem assim fazer uns cobres com a vossa Impressora 3D...

3D Print on Demand for Profit (Without 3DHubs!)

In this video I'll share my experiences in running a successful, profitable business around 3D Printing on demand, without using 3DHubs and similar style websites. NOTE! This video contains my opinion and experiences on this subject and is not legal or business advice. You are responsible for your own business decisions!

O grande Prusa, mais a sua Equipe, oferecem-nos esta pequena maravilha, agora, uma Impressora SLA Open Source, e com a Qualidade prusa!
É bom...

Introducing Original Prusa SL1 - Open-source SLA 3D printer by Josef Prusa
Prusa 3D by Josef Prusa

Introducing Original Prusa SL1 3D printer, which is based on the MSLA printing process. It uses a high-resolution LCD panel and a UV LED to cure thin layers of resin to achieve an unprecedented level of detail.

Falando de Prusas, podem também GRAVAR, e quem sabe, cortar por Laser CNC, com umas adaptações...
O que vos aumenta as capacidades da vossa Oficina!

Laser Engraving on Your Prusa MK3

Yes, your 3D printer is totally capable of making awesome laser engravings. Follow along to see how I did it. Hint: it's not complicated (well, probably just a manageable amount), and I created tools to make it easy for beginners and advanced skill levels to jump in and laser away.
There are many steps and I included a lot of details. I want to be sure you understand why and how things are happening.
Disclaimer: Lasers are very dangerous, so you need to use proper care and basic common sense to not get in trouble. I warned you, I will not be responsible if you shoot down a space pirate... or lose an eye. Arrr.