Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2017

Façam a vossa Impressora 3D! E magia LED, Acabamento 3D, Peltier para Câmaras, e Craftware

Se têm acesso a uma Impressora 3D, dalguma Fablab, ou de alguém que conheçam, podem, em troca dumas Bobinas de Filamento extra, e mais uns Trocados à parte, ter esta bestial Base CNC, que pode ser uma Impressora 3D, uma Fresa CNC, uma Cortadora Laser...~
Ou as três, com 3 cabeças de encaixar!

É bom!

Cheap Scalable Arduino CNC (Plotter, Mill, 3D Printer...)

In this Instructable I'll show you how to make a cheap scalable CNC machine controlled by Arduino. My printer has a usable volume of 1500x1000x200mm. It will provide a computer controlled plate where you can add any kind of tool for your application: laser, mill, drilling machine, 3D printer head, pencil…
In order to maximize customization capabilities and reduce costs:
Most parts are 3D printed
Open source hardware / software
Tube profiles work as Rails
If you are looking for a CNC but don’t want a single purpose thousand-dollar machine, this is your project!!
Be sure to watch the video above, and if you like it please consider subscribing to my channel which has been recently created and will be updated with new amazing projects.
Before starting you should know the usable length, width and height you want for your machine. The less heigth (Z) the better.
This project is based on Allted's design CC BY-NC 3.0 

Algo fácil de fazer, mas espectacular, é este Globo LED que podem fazer, e ter a satisfação de criar, sem dar cabo da cabeça...
Claro, isto vai-vos convencer a mererem-se em mais Projectos, mas há Vícios bem piores! LOL

Make Your Own POV LED Globe

In this project I will show you how I combined a couple steel pieces with an Arduino, an APA102 LED Strip and a Hall effect sensor in order to create a POV (persistence of vision) RGB LED Globe. WIth it you can create all kinds of spherical pictures or even letters which is a definite eyecatcher. Let's get started! 

Uma Impressão 3D para uma Prova-de-Conceito, não precisa de ter um acabamento especial, mas há alturas em que o Aspecto vende uma ideia.
Para isso, ou seja lá para o que for, Montras, festas, Modelos para Arquitectura, etc. vejam bem aqui, como obter um Visual de fazer chorar as Pedras da Calçada...
Belas Dicas do Site: Let's Print 3D

Guide: How to Finish 3D Prints

While I have 3D printed hundreds of designs over the years, not once have I taken the steps to finish a single print. There are plenty of videos and articles covering the process but they are often a general overview and leave out small but important bits of information. For someone inexperienced like myself who prefers to follow explicit instructions, the artistic process can be a rather daunting task. Unfortunately I purchased my 3D Printers for costume and prop design and can’t leave them unfinished forever, where this guide will cover my successful, albeit awkward adventure into the task of post processing 3D prints. 

Não sei se não se poderá usar isto para cabeças de extrusão das Impressoras, ou mesmo para os Computadores sobrecarregados dos Engenhocas, mas já para estas Câmaras espectaculares, é uma Maravilha...

Peltier Cooling for ZWO Astro Camera

After stumbling on these two YouTube vids showing how to add cooling to an uncooled ZWO Optics Astro Cam
DIY Guide Making a Peltier cooling fan mod for ZWO ASI120MC S
Peltier Cooler for ZWO Cameras - Based on Martin Pyott's Vid
I thought I'd give it a go myself.
My completed mod is shown in the image above. 

A Impressão 3D depende em tudo duma boa traducção dos nossos belos sonhos em 3D, em GCode que produza algo de jeito.
Sem isto, é só Filamento estragado, acreditem que sei do que estou a falar...
Por isso, estes Programas Grátis, que encontram na Net, são tão importantes!

CraftWare is a FREE, fast, easy-to-use slicer software that converts your digital 3D object into a .gcode toolpath format understood by most 3D printers.
CraftWare primarily works as a slicer for solid 3D digital objects, but it is also an excellent tool for many other tasks. You can interactively manage your prints, thus reducing build time and finding the optimal build supports. CraftWare also utilizes the most impressive gcode visualizer on the market; this allows you to see each print layer-by-layer, from any angle, easily allowing you to detect any places that you may want to modify before printing. It is basically like seeing a finished print in front of you before you press the start button.
CraftWare utilizes dual channel communication for real time interaction between the software and the printer -just another great tweaking option. 

terça-feira, 12 de setembro de 2017

Robots de Papel! E Inventores de Drones, um Móvel para as Ferramentas, Electricidad de pesos, e um fidget!

Robots de Papel! 
Isto é muito bem achado, da Industry News... 
Robots que se movem como Minhocas, e podem mover-se por aí, muito mais baratos, pequenos,  e fáceis de fazer.
Não vai passar muito tempo até que se faça disto por toda a parte, e nem sei se não vai alguém fazer uma espécie de micro Stepper, e daí uma micro-CNC! 

Researchers Make Robots Out of Paper 
A team of researchers from the University of Illinois Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering has made a pair of crawling robots, Peri and Poly, out of little more than a sheet of paper, a few 3D printed parts, and a handful of screws.
The researchers used origami paper folding to create cheap robots that move like earthworms.
Poly is 51 mm wide and uses a pair of origami towers that expand and contract when twisted to make the worm robot crawl forward. The robot has directional feet made of hard plastic and rubber. The 3D-printed toes allow the robot to slide forward while the rubber heal stops it from backsliding. This particular example of bio-mimicry was inspired by the setae on earthworms.
Peri is more than twice the size, and fully mobile. Peri is 106 mm wide and runs on batteries unlike the Poly, which is tethered to the power source. Peri also uses on-board controllers to navigate. 

Podem pôr a Míudagem a fabricar Drones, aprendendo técnicas que os vão potenciar para um futuro emprego.
É bom!
Vem com mais de 16 Missões, mas o que é SÓ isso para um Engenhocas? As aplicações são INFINITAS!

Kids can create their own custom Droid and bring it to life it with littleBits electronic blocks.
Create a Droid from scratch
Go on 16+ missions in the free app
Customize & reconfigure for new powers

Cá está uma coisa que faz falta a todos os Engenhocas e Fabbers, para arrumarem a Tralha em que se transforma a vossa querida colecção de Ferramentas e etc.
Grátis, e para irem cortar na Fablab local, que eles quererão logo cortar umas tantas para eles mesmos!

The Amazing Tool Organizer (lasercut)jasonwelsh 
Have tools? Have a desk?  OCD?
You need this!

Da Página da Facebook, Zink, vem esta ideia muito bem-vinda, usar o velho mecanismo de pesos dos Relógios, para produzir electricidade para iluminar uma casa, em zonas sem Rede Eléctrica.
Muito Bom.

The Problem
Over 1.2 billion people globally have no access to electricity and millions more have an unreliable supply. Instead they use dangerous, polluting and expensive kerosene lamps for light.
A typical kerosene lamp is made by taking an empty bottle or tin can, putting a wick in the middle, filling it with fuel and lighting. Using kerosene for lighting is extremely inefficient, dangerous and expensive, and it has extensive health and environmental drawbacks.

How It Works
Combining kinetic and potential energy, GravityLight works by connecting an elevated weight — filled with rocks or sand — to a pulley system that slowly powers a generator as the weight falls to the ground. 

Para se divertirem um pouco, fiquem com esta ideia, que é uma boa maneira de renovarem a Novidade dos Fidget Spinners:

Electromagnetic Fidget Spinner Accelerator
Fidget Spinners are little plastic toys with a bearing in the center. They are fun for a little bit, but get boring after a while due to their slow spinning speeds. There are ways to make them spin faster, but these methods involve using a bulky air compressor or an expensive can of compressed air. Luckily, I have found a cheap way to accelerate these fidget spinners to extremely high speeds with the power of electromagnetism. You can even hold the spinner in your hand while you accelerate it! I have clocked a spinner that is spinning with this accelerator at speeds up to 1440 RPM, that is fast. You can build this accelerator too, it is really cheap and really simple to build.