Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2019

Promo time!

Cá está mais uma das minhas Engenhocas!

Uma pistola NERF, que vai ter a força que os Ímanes que vocês escolham, por isso, escolham bem!

Como dispara:

Magnetic NERF pistol

As strong as the 10mm Neodymium magnets you can get! It re-sets back at the flick of the lever, as the piston magnet is turned around, and so gets repelled by the 2 side magnets. Files at:

Como se re-arma:

Repeat fire Neo NERF Shoot, turn, reset!

No mater how strong the Magnets are, on this Neodymium NERF gun, you always reset them by turning the lever... Easy! 3D files at

E como funciona:

The Magnet NERF, how it works

terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2019

Uma caixa de todo o tamanho! E uma Liga impressionante, Ímanes Auto-Colantes, Mover coisas, e VIVER DAS VOSSAS CRIAÇÕES!

O Desenho Paramétrico é mesmo assim, pode-se ter toda uma espécie de tamanhos diferentes, a partir dum desenho básico!
Aqui têem uma caixa que podem usar para tudo o que queiram, é só mudar aa dimensões ao vosso gosto:

Designing a Parametric "Print in Place" Hinged Container Using Autodesk Fusion 360

The eight different size and color 3D printed "print in place" hinged containers appearing in the cover photograph of this Instructable do have one thing in common; they were all printed from a single Autodesk Fusion 360 model using "parametric modeling".
In a CAD environment, a parametric model is a model whose size and / or shape may be altered simply by changing dimensional values. In this model, I specified the dimensional values in the Autodesk Fusion 360 "Change Parameters" menu for the Length, Depth, Height, Thickness and Tolerance dimensions of a simple "print in place" hinged container. I then designed sketches for the base, lid and ball and socket hinges, and extruded the various components, using the dimensional values I entered. Thus to change the length of the container, I simply change the Length dimension, to change the depth, I change the Depth dimension and to change the height, I change the Height dimension. When any of the dimensional values on the Change Parameters menu are altered, Autodesk Fusion 360 rebuilds the container to the new dimensions, creating a new model ready for 3D printing, thanks to parametric modeling.

Esta Liga metálica é impressionante, pois pode-vos servir para ter peças quase táo resistentes quanto o Aço, mas que podem fundir sem um Forno Bessemer...
Cobre e Alumínio, que podem arranjar em Sucateiras, ou mesmo da vossa Sucata, e nem sei se não poderão fazer uma Impressora 3D como veve de ser!

Making Aluminum Bronze: Melting Copper and Aluminum

Aluminium bronze is a type of bronze in which aluminium is the main alloying metal added to copper, in contrast to standard bronze (copper and tin) or brass (copper and zinc). A variety of aluminium bronzes of differing compositions have found industrial use, with most ranging from 5% to 11% aluminium by weight, the remaining mass being copper. The alloy I made consists of 11% aluminum and 89% copper. I personally made these just for the joy of creating and learning how to make alloys. If you have the resources to safely melt metal, then give this a try.

Algo de novo, para o vosso palmarés de Materiais à disposição, Ímanes Auto-Colantes, o que vos pode resolver muito problema irritante, quando fazem as vossas Engenhocas!

Magnetic adhesive tape for flexible attachments

If you want to attach something quickly and flexible to metal surfaces, magnetic adhesive tapes are very helpful. As if by magic they can attach objects to a fridge or metal shelf, for instance. You can remove them without residue whenever you like.
You can also stick the magnetic adhesive tape to the backside of decorative objects and make them your own magnets.
Manifold applications for the magnetic adhesive tape for private and business use:
  •  Hanging up of seasonal decoration, such as advent calendar, monthly calendar, etc.
  •  Mounting temporary signage, e.g. "We are on lunch break" for the store, office or practice

Que tal fazerem um Servo-Motor mesmo, mesmo, pequenino?
Podem fazê-lo, agora, com estes circuitos Integrados, o que vai libertar, quando quizerem fazer algo de minúsculo, mas com movimento:

Moving Things (and Lasers!) Using Printed Circuit Boards

In this Instructable, I will share my experiments in making a set of PCB electromagnets for motion control.
For about a year, I have been experimenting with dual-axis pointing mirrors for lasers. Initially, I build a laser steering module out of solenoids. Then, I acquired some Texas Instruments TALP1000B modules from a scientific surplus outlet and experimented with those.
The Texas Instruments module had the advantage of being fantastically small, but it was very fragile and is no longer available for purchase. My DIY module had the advantage that had a clear (rather than gold) mirror, allowing it to work with violet lasers and phosphorescent screens. The DIY module was also robust and could be made from easily sourced parts. The downside was the solenoids made the module large and heavy and they could only provide a pulling force, complicating the driver circuit and limiting control.

Se quizerem viver do que gostam mais de fazer, não percam esta Série de Videos, que vos vai dar umas belas dumas noções sobre como avançarem nesse caminho, com uma estratégia de geito, para maximizarem a lucratividade mais perfeita  e rápida do vosso talento:

Making A Living As A Maker: Ep. 1 Finding The Perfect Product
Artfully Rogue

I make a living as a maker and would like to share what I've learned with anyone that is trying to jump off the 9 to 5 hamster wheel and start their own maker biz. 
Keep in mind, there is so much information out there in the world, my way is not the only way by any means. It's what has worked for me. 
Thank you for taking the time to watch my video. I am a creator of things, a metal artist, a maker of stuff, a woodworker, a welder, and a bohemian traveler of the world. 
I hope to inspire, motivate, teach and be a part of the lives that seek to become creators of their own wonderful creations. I rely solely on creating and building custom projects from metal and or wood. If there is something you would like to have created, then you can either reach out to me here on YouTube, email me at or check me out on my other social media platforms.

quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2019

Controlem os Steppers! E uma fresa CNC, motores PMDC, Maker como Profissão, e muita Fundição,

Eis algo de não muito barato, mas que vos permite controlarem os Steppers que tiram da Sucata, de 6 maneiras diferentes!
USB, TTL serial, I²C, porenciómetros, código de quadraturea, e até com consolas de Radio Controle!!! (RC)
Para os Engenhocas é algo a ter à mão, ou pelo menos, a saber que existe, para um dia que precisem...

Tic T249 USB Multi-Interface Stepper Motor Controller (Connectors Soldered)

The Tic T249 USB Multi-Interface Stepper Motor Controller makes basic control of a stepper motor easy, with quick configuration over USB using our free software. The controller supports six control interfaces: USB, TTL serial, I²C, analog voltage (potentiometer), quadrature encoder, and hobby radio control (RC). This version incorporates a Toshiba TB67S249FTG driver with innovative and unique features that include Automatic Gain Control, and it ships with soldered header pins and terminal blocks. It can operate from 10 V to 47 V and can deliver up to approximately 1.8 A per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (or 4.5 A max with sufficient additional cooling).

Uma Fresa CNC, construída também com algumas peças impressas nas vossas Impressoras 3D, e explicado duma forma divertida, é o que vos apresento aqui:

Ivan Miranda

This week I started to make a CNC router with 3D printed parts and leftovers found around the shop, I know that it might seem odd that I claim that I had those guides and all lying around the shop, but the fact is that those were going to be to make a big 3D printer that is no longer an incoming project. We need to go metal!!

Conheçam aqui os Motores PMDC, e como escolher o motor certo para o que precisarem de motorizar!

Spinning the wheels: Selecting a PMDC motor
Bill Marshall

My recent post Spinning the wheels: interfacing PMDC motors to a microcontroller, covered interface hardware and the use of PWM for speed control. In response to a comment from a DesignSpark member, I thought I would go through the basics of choosing a PMDC motor for a particular project. What follows is a highly simplified design process which should yield the ‘ballpark’ parameters of the motor needed.

E como viverem só de construírem Engenhocas, ouçm as dicas importantes deste nosso amigo, de como viverem disso. 
Não é fácil, mas se se empenharem, dá certo!

Making A Living As A Maker: Ep. 1 Finding The Perfect Product
Artfully Rogue

I make a living as a maker and would like to share what I've learned with anyone that is trying to jump off the 9 to 5 hamster wheel and start their own maker biz.
Keep in mind, there is so much information out there in the world, my way is not the only way by any means. It's what has worked for me. Thank you for taking the time to watch my video. I am a creator of things, a metal artist, a maker of stuff, a woodworker, a welder, and a bohemian traveler of the world. I hope to inspire, motivate, teach and be a part of the lives that seek to become creators of their own wonderful creations.

Aqui vai uma página, com links para uma data de Projectos sobre Fundição feita em casa, para escolherem o que ais vos serve!
É bom.

Backyard Metal Casting and Homemade Forges

For thousands of years, man has worked metals. Although some of the technology to work metals is relatively recent, the initial human drive to create is still with us.