Blog Posts

domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015

IMPORTANTÍSSIMO! E Open Source Ecology, e Colido DIY, mais uma Impressora fácil... E faça-voçê-mesmo! Mais um Scanner 3D feito em casa.

Isto não pode ser sobre-valorizado!
Com tantos temores, e bem-fundados, sobre o Futuro, nestes dias, ISTO é um Projecto sempre a crescer, para ter FERRAMENTAS Open-Source, tão completo, que serve tanto para tornar acessível uma Vida Melhor, mas mesmo a sério, para qualquer um...
Como para re-construír a Civilização se for preciso, e sem as sensaborias palonças dos Filmes à la Mad Max! 
Algo a seguir, apoiar e aplaudir! 

Open-sourced blueprints for civilization
Marcin Jakubowski: 
Using wikis and digital fabrication tools, TED Fellow Marcin Jakubowski is open-sourcing the blueprints for 50 farm machines, allowing anyone to build their own tractor or harvester from scratch. And that's only the first step in a project to write an instruction set for an entire self-sustaining village (starting cost: $10,000).

Descobri esta maravilha, numa incrível Fonte de Recursos, no Open Source Ecology, este Pin dedicado a tudo o que é Open-Source, claro: 

Open Source Ecology
The innovators of the world come together to collaborate, prototype, and advance 3D printing, open-source hardware, and DIY culture in order to lower the barriers of entry for anyone to be able to create a small-scale civilization from scratch. All of the blueprints are published online for free, accessible to everyone. Let's move closer to a world without poverty 

E eis mais uma Impressora, barata, 299 Dólares, e que vocẽs montam em casa, com todo o apoio da Colido:

It is fun and playful!  CoLiDo DIY is the best for learning and sharing more about 3D printing.
Assemble the 3D printer manually – best for educational use
Large build size – 7.9″ x 7.9″ x 6.7″ (20 x 20 x 17cm)
Clean and easy to use
Very high print quality and smooth build surface – up to 0.1 mm resolution
Small, light weight, quiet and odorless

Para terminar, eis como fazer um Scan 3D em casa... Com este Scanner que fazem vocês mesmo, também, com coisas de casa, e um Arduino:

DIY Arduino 3D Laser Scanner
FabScan is an open-source, do-it-yourself 3D laser scanner.It started out as a Bachelor's thesis by Francis Engelmann, supervised by René Bohne. You can find official project here.
I made my own box from MDF hood sheets and use different hardware parts.I decided to make this guide to show to you my work.
All credits for Arduino software and computer application goes to FabScan team, so thank you very much for this great open source 3D laser scanner!
Dev: Francis Engelmann Official page: 

quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2015

Sculpto, 3D mais fácil! E imprimir ao Cubo, Farmacêutica em casa, e CNC quase grátis

Não há mais fácil que uma Impressora 3D pensada para toda a família...
Não importa o vosso grau de Geek, porque, se poderem desenhar o que querem, podem imprimir; 
Não se pode facilitar mais do que isto!

A 3D printer for the whole family
Created by
Simon Breum Fiske

Sculpto is a 3D printer and app for the home - where families can create their own toys, gadgets and inventions 

Notícia da DIY 3D Printing, aqui, trata-se de imprimir nas 6 facetas dum Cubo, ou Paralelepípedo, criando assim um Objecto com muito menos problemas de Impressão, como apoios e assim, e com uma cavidade interior onde se podem alojar Mecanismos e/ou Sensores, etc:

RevoMaker Multi-directional 3D Printing with Embedded Electronics 
RevoMaker uses hacked standard 3-axis FDM 3d printer and a laser cut cube core to print on its six sides. Cube core element can contain electronic components so ypu can make compex geometry objects with active components. 
From project description:
We present “RevoMaker”, a self-contained 3D printer that creates direct out-of-the-printer functional prototypes, using less build material and with substantially less reliance on support structures.
By modifying a standard low-cost FDM printer with a revolving cuboidal platform and printing partitioned geometries around cuboidal facets, we achieve a multidirectional additive prototyping process to reduce the print and support material use. Our optimization framework considers various orientations and sizes for the cuboidal base.
The mechanical, electronic, and sensory components are preassembled on the flattened laser-cut facets and enclosed inside the cuboid when closed. We demonstrate RevoMaker directly printing a variety of customized and fully-functional product prototypes, such as computer mice and toys, thus illustrating the new affordances of 3D printing for functional product design.  

...Para que a Malta das Retortas, Química, e Farmacêutica, não pense que não há nada para eles, eis um Bio-Reactor, que podem fazer em casa, para as vossas Experiências Laboratoriais, criando Microorganismos que sintetizam produtos químicos!

Farma: a home bioreactor for pharmaceutical drugs
Synthetic Biology has rapidly developed from a scientific discipline into a large industry. Many new companies are designing microbes that produce valuable chemicals, such as pharmaceutical drugs and fragrances, in very large fermentation reactors.
Today, we are on the verge of using synthetic microbes within consumer products. How should we incorporate synthetic organisms into our products, clothing, and homes?
Farma brews Arthrospira platensis, also known as Spirulina, that has been modified to produce pharmaceutical drugs. The reactor brews, measures, filters, and dries the Spirulina into a powder. The consumer then fills gel capsules using the accompanying pill maker and consumes the drugs.

E por hoje, ficamos com uma fresa CNC construída com a E-Sucata que se encontra por aí aos pontapés, e asssim todos podem criar Objectos, Protótipos, Modelos, Ferramentas e Máquinas, sem gastar uma Fortuna, apenas 160 Dólares:

Built from Scrap: This CNC Machine Was Made for $160
Donald Bell  
There’s been a surge in affordable desktop CNC routers over the past few years, but you’d be surprised at how easily you can cobble your own together. Using dirt-cheap chipboard, an Arduino, motor breakout board, angled aluminum, and a few gears and servos pulled from a tray-style computer CD drive, Norbert Heinz has created an unbelievably inexpensive CNC router — the total cost for Norbert was around €150 (or about $160 in US dollars). 

terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015

MECANUM! E esboçem as vossas Ideias, Mini Laser CNC, e Inducção!

ISTO é que é mesmo re-inventar a Roda!
Um sistema de propulsão terrestre que, pela primeira vez, pode andar de lado, de viés, ou seja, em diagonal, rodar sobre si próprio, e é claro, andar normalmente.
Naturalmente, já existem Cadeiras de Rodas com este sistema, que farão andar como nunca antes, só poderem-se desviar de quem queira passar, e andar por todo o lado nas casas e fora, é uma MARAVILHA!
Para não falar em Veículos Todo-o-Terreno e Drones que irão onde nunca antes poderiam ir.

Mecanum wheel robot - bluetooth controlled

Since I can remember I always wanted to build a mecanum wheel robot. The mecanum wheel robotic platforms available on the market were a little too expensive for me so I decided to build my robot from scratch.
Like no other robot meacanum wheel robot can move across without any difficulty. This feature makes it unique and allows for easy maneuvering in tight spaces without the need to rotate in place.
Well, it's time to get down to work!

Podem levar um Esboço a uma oficina local e mandar fazer o que precisam, SE souberem fazer um Esboço!
Por isso, cá vai mais um Instructable sobre como o fazerem, e aprendam, que vos poupará muito dempo a explicar o que uma Imagem explica num segundo... 

Inside the Engineer's notebook- A guide to pictorial sketches
First of all... a pictorial Drawing is a 2 dimensional illustration of a 3 dimensional object, it shows 3 faces of an object in one view, and it provides a realistic view of an object. There are Three types of pictorial drawings: isometric drawings, oblique drawings, and perspective drawings. We will go through all 3 of them. You might be asking yourself, why should I be reading this? what use does this have for me? and when will I use it? Well, It actually is used quite often in the engineering, inventing, and product designing worlds. Which, I would tend to think, DIY fits nicely into. So, you should be reading this, because, well, it is good information to know, it can come in very handy if you ever start getting into professional engineering or other similar things. What use does it have for you? It provides you with a lot of valuable information that could be useful later in life, you never know. Lastly, when will I draw pictorial sketches? Welp, if you are a professional engineer, then, all the time, or if you want to manufacture something, etc. This is not an extremely detailed guide on pictorial sketches, but it is an intro to it, meant to get you started into it.
I would have to also recommend that you ALWAYS use a ruler and graph paper.

Este Instructable ensina-vos a montar um Kit de Mini Cortador-Gravador a Laser, ao custo  de 86,99 Dólares, e assim poderão fazer pequenas maravilhas, em vossa casa...
Muito bom para começar a fazer pequenos trabalhos, que podem criar Moldes em Esferovite/Isopor, para Fundição de Alumínio, para peças para as vossas Engenhocas, como Rodas Dentadas, e também, Artesanato para venderem, ou até só artigos em Couro, para gravarem, que as Ferramentas estão caras...  


Laser engraver/cutter
This instructable is about using a laser engraver/cutter. What can you do with it? Engrave someting on your notebook, plastic, phone case, wallet, wood, cardboard and cut paper and foam. Max engraving size: 38mm x 38mm and laser power is 300mW. The accuracy is great you can see it on video above or on the photos in next steps.

Endurecer Peças Metálicas, ferver àgua em 10 segundos, derreter Metais, soldar, desempenar peças, Levitação por Inducção, e tudo isto até pode ser portátil!
Eis algo de fantástico,  para as vossas Oficinas, ou os vossos Laboratórios... 

7 Uses For an Induction Heating Machine + How to Make One
Proto G 
In this instructable, I will show you how to make an induction heating machine and 7 different applications for it. Induction heating has many practical applications and making one is incredibly simple. First, I will go over the applications and then you can decide if you want to make one of these awesomely useful machines.

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2015

MakePrintable não pára! E Modelos 3D à borla, Nylon condutor, mais uma Impressora 3D feita de E-Sucata

Há mais capacidades da MakePrintable, que repara e faz tudo o mais pelas vossas Impressões 3D.
E eles querem a vossa opinião, por isso, vão lá ver as novidades:

MXD3D Launched the public beta of its cloud-based 3D Files healing and repairing service “MakePrintable.” The release includes integrations with Shapeways, Box, and Google Drive. In addition to future Plugins for Blender and Sketchup design softwares.
Most of 3D content is not printable and usually faces common printing errors when users try to print them. The root of the problem is that most 3D content is usually prepared for visual representation and not for 3D printing, leading to the most common 3D printing errors.
The process of healing a 3D model requires a lot of manual work and know how of the process involved for each 3D printer and the material used. The available healing and fixing solutions are very costly and only solve basic's related to 3D printing errors. They are also focused on industrial printing, and too costly for the Maker community.
MakePrintable’s platform is easy to use by 3D design experts and novice users.
MakePrintable addresses all common 3D errors like non-manifold, flipped faces, boundary edges, intersecting objects and solidity issues as well as more complicated issues such as wall thickness making 3D model repairing simpler, faster, automatic, and more enjoyable for all hobbyist and professionals.

Dica do nosso amigo Helder Paulo Fernandes, têem aqui uma lista de nada menos de 25 Sites donde podem extraír ‎Modelos 3D, e muitos deles, Grátis, para as vossas Impressoras 3D...
É bom! 

3D printers are going mainstream, as more consumers warm up to and adopt the idea of 3D printing. The Micro, for example, is a Kickstarter project for a 3D printer for consumers. It was funded in mere minutes. But you can’t start printing once you get your printer. You will need to get the materials and more importantly the blueprint to printout your product.
If 3D modelling sounds difficult to you, fret not, the Web is filled with sites that offer users free 3D models to print on their printers free of charge. In this post, we’ve compiled 25 websites that you can use to search and download free STL models for 3D printers. Hopefully you will be able to find what you are looking for in these spots. 

Não me ocorre para o quê, agora, mas é claro que ocorrerá a quem precisa, aprendam como sintetizar o vosso Nylon, não Isolador, mas Condutor de Electricidade!!!

Synthesizing Conductive Nylon
Nylon is a popular fiber used to make everything from parachuting material to tights. Maybe you've hear Nylon referenced as a popular thermoplastic or thread. Regardless of how you use it, Nylon is a versatile material that can be made in the lab.
In this experiment, I added some bells and whistles to Nylon by synthesizing fibers with graphite to make them conductive. They're a bit crumbly and highly resistive, but will register on a continuity test at about .2kohms resistance per centimeter. 

E mais uma pequena maravilha, esta Impressora 3D feita para quem não podia comprar, mas pode é fazer esta, com Sucata!
E vem com uma Páginna no Facebook, e tudo, por isso vão lá ver:

Curiosity 120$ eWaste Educational 3D Printer
Please join our Facebook group in order to enable more and more people into the world of 3D prototyping:
Introduction & Vision
Co-developed with the Poly University of Hong Kong, the Curiosity is an easy-to-assemble educational 3D printer which offers a super low-cost platform for educational purposes. 3D printing closes the gap between an idea or inspiration and the first prototype and enables people of all ages and backgrounds to make the leap to become an inventor!
However, since most 3D printers still cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars, the price has remained a huge barrier for most schools, parents, educators and kids. The Curiosity tries to close this gap! By up-cycling eWaste such as old DVD drives and PC Power Supplies, the Curiosity not only costs less than USD150 (we hope to reduce this to around 100USD once we can bring this project up to scale) but also educates children and adults about eWaste, environmental issues, recycling and up-cycling while learning everything about 3D printing!
Similar to what “one laptop per child” has done, I would like to open-source this technology and encourage educators around the world to adopt this platform and use it in their classrooms, i.e. “one 3D Printer per child”.
I could also imagine a Kickstarter/Indiegogo campaign, where people can buy a kit for themselves for let’s say $250 while sponsoring at the same time a child somewhere in the world who can’t afford it. 

terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2015

Protolabs, é bom saber! E Portugueses Ganham Prémios, 5 Robots impressionantes, e um Top de CAD

Apresento-vos a Protolabs, nos EUA, na Europa, e no Japão, que forneçe serviços rápidos de Prototipagem, e Producção em baixas quantidades, para quando a vossa Invenção está mesmo avançada, e ainda nos oferece um Pdf sobre qual a melhor Técnica a utilizar para os vossos Protótipos, caso a caso:

 A Empresa:

"Proto Labs was founded as The ProtoMold Company in 1999 by Larry Lukis, a successful entrepreneur and computer geek. Larry previously was co-founder of a successful $100 million company that wanted to design a better printer—and was floored at the time and money it took to get injection moulded parts. His answer was to develop an automated process for producing injection moulded parts in a fraction of the time and cost it had taken before. With a stated mission “to radically reduce the time it takes to get prototype injection moulded plastic parts” and “to make plastic injection moulding a practical option for products not requiring large quantities of parts” Protomold was off and running. 
With a rapidly growing customer base demanding more, we pushed the technology envelope to produce bigger and more complex parts, introduced the Firstcut CNC machining service, opened up manufacturing facilities in Europe and Asia, and changed the name of the company to Proto Labs to reflect our growing capabilities. In 2012, we decided to take the company public and became one of the most successful initial public offerings of that year. As the world’s fastest provider of machined and moulded parts, we take pride in providing customers real parts really fast." 

O Pdf, um de muitos, vejam também os outros: 

Prototyping Processes White Paper
Whether you're a newbie, expert or in-between, our Prototyping Processes white paper will help you choose the best process for your project. It's packed full of excellent info on strength, finish, material properties, and more.

A science4you tem ganho uma data de prémios por toda a parte, e por isso está de parwabéns, cá vai a Notícia, para animar todos os outros que, se Deus quizer, um dia, lá chegarão:

Queria partilhar 3 novidades que têm marcado a Science4you em 2015:
1) Ganhámos mais 7 Prémios! Desde a Condecoração do Presidente da República aos Independent Toy Awards no UK!
Mais info:
2) A nível internacional, iniciámos vendas na TESCO, Toys R Us, John Lewis, no Reino Unido, e na FNAC,em França.
3) Aumentámos o Capital em 7.180.000€ reforçando assim financeiramente a Science4you. Este ano pretendemos faturar 10 milhões de euros, duplicando praticamente o valor obtido em 2014.
Mais info:
4) Estamos a lançar novos produtos para a época do Natal: Smart Monkey, Fábrica de Chocolates e Fábrica de Rockets são apenas algumas das novidades! 
Obrigado pelo tempo dispensado!
Até brev

São impresionantes, estes cinco projectos de Robótica, que podem bem seguir, haverá smpre um que tenha mais a ver convosco:

5 Impressive Robotics Projects You Don’t Want to Miss
Gareth Branwyn  
Over the years, Make: has featured some amazing robotics projects. I decided to go back through the archives and find a few projects I thought were particularly special and worth making sure current Make: readers knew about. Here are five of my favorites.
You’ll notice that all of these robots, while being reasonably affordable and moderately difficultly to build, all have a lot of character designed into them. Amateur robot builder I-Wei Huang believes that building this kind of character into a robot is something of an evolutionary driver; make it cute, make it funny, make it characterful and people will want to interact with it more and read more sophistication into its behaviors (and will be more motivated to build their own). There may be something to this. I didn’t choose these five with that design aspect in mind. I only realized this commonality once I had put the list togethe 

E eis outra Lista bacana, Dica de Claire Chabaud, da Sculpteo, se, como eu, andam sempre à cata de Software CAD Grátis, têem aqui 19(!) Programas, à escolha!

Tanto para os  Iniciados, como para os mais Avançados, vão ver:

TOP 19 of the best free CAD software
Claire Chabaud 
To make a 3D print, you need a 3D file, but to get it you don’t need to be an expert or have a significant budget; you can download 3D files from dedicated marketplaces or try to create it by yourself using 3D CAD & Modeling software.
Last week, we introduced you to various professional CAD software, but these might not be the best suited for you if you are an individual user or if you want to give 3D modeling a try. One of the main advantages of free modeling software is that they are often more intuitive than professional software, and are user-friendly for all experience levels.


sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2015

Empacotar, é preciso! E Inventar no Brasil, um relógio de pulso Arduino(!), e uma Serra Portátil do caraças...

Empacotar alguns exemplares duma Invenção, para se ter uma ideia do Produto, de como será, nas Lojas, é uma bela duma ideia...
E junto com este Tutorial do grande DiResta, dá para vos chamar a atenção, para terem noções de como têm MESMO de fazer tudo para VENDEREM as vossas Invenções:

DiResta: Package Design

Jimmy DiResta 
I teach at the NYC School of Visual Arts, and each year I give a lesson in package construction design. This is the design of the box or package itself, not the graphics. There are several factors that must be decided when designing a package. Most importantly is the die cut line (AKA die line).
In this video, using Adobe Illustrator I lay out all the sides and rearrange them until I find the best arrangement of the six sides or the die line. There are several sizes of corrugation known as “flutes,” ranging from A (5mm) to G (0.5mm). For this project, I am using a 1.6mm-thick E-Flute board. If you use a corrugated board, chose the thickness scaled to your box. If you are making a smallish box, use a chip board. To achieve a perfect box, you may have to make several samples until you have the perfect die line for your project. Enjoy!

Não é só em Portugal que os Inventores batalham contra um Mar de Contrariedades, no Brasil, é mais do mesmo, e cá vai um Artigo do nosso amigo Paulo Gannam, falando disso mesmo:

Por que é raro inventor bem-sucedido no Brasil?


Já mostramos que ser inventor tem suas dificuldades. Agora, o inventor Paulo Gannam explica por que temos poucos inventores bem-sucedidos no Brasil. Veja só!
Porque uma invenção tem tantos filtros pelos quais passar, que isso gera longos períodos de descoberta até se chegar — isso se chegar — a uma inovação escalável.
Porque investidor não quer problema, não quer ideia crua, quer solução. Você tem que estar com tudo pronto para apresentar a ideia de um produto/serviço nos moldes que ele deseja. Ou seja, com o projeto blindado com a patente, com um protótipo físico fresquinho e estudos de viabilidade económica e pesquisa de mercado que validem a ideia proposta.
Porque, dependendo do investidor, você vai precisar apresentar projeções crescentes de vendas de uma eventual empresa que já você tenha constituído a partir de sua ideia — algo ainda mais improvável de um inventor independente conseguir. 

Com a Sucata que se vende por aí, bem que podem mas é fazer os vossos próprios Relógios de Pulso, com este Projecto usando um Arduino:

Arduino Watch Sport

Alexis Ospitia 
In today's technology, especially electronics have come a long way, to the point that today can make projects a few years ago were very complicated to implement, thanks to these technological advances are now able to design and implement our houses projects.
and through this article I come to show you my new project, which consists of a wristwatch, so I called Arduino Watch Sport

Não sei para que é que se pode precisar duma Serra de Corrente Manual, mas também, não tenho uma Quinta, nem faço Campismo.
Mas sendo Inventor, SEI que vou precisar disto um dia... 
Só não sei é quando! LOL

Pipe-Handle Manual Chainsaw
This Instructable was inspired by member CobyUnger's Manual Chainsaw. He did a great job creating a versatile tool that fits right in your pocket. My only hesitation with creating his version is that I tend to abuse my tools and I had concerns that the fabric strap would become frayed and fall apart over time. So I modified the design a bit to put on some pipe handles.