Blog Posts

sábado, 11 de janeiro de 2020

Faça o seu Retro-Projector! Multi-Máquina, fornalha do micro-ondas(?), Dremel CNC, e um Scanner 3D

Isto faz-me um Engenhocas feliz...

Podem fazer isto com alguns plásticos de embealagem, e acho que vou fazer isso mesmo!

5 Minute Cheap and Easy Rear Projection Screen 

Looking for a new way to decorate for the holidays? This projection screen is great for Halloween, Christmas, New Years, 4th of July, just about any holiday you want to make cooler!
We use this projection screen in our front window at home as well as at my husbands work (makes for a great eye catcher right on main street).
With 5 minutes and a few dollars worth of supplies, this is a great project that really makes holidays and special occasions fun. We are entering this into the halloween contest, please vote for us!

Vão figurar SEMPRE, aqui.
Por isso, cá vai mais uma:

$150, 12″ Swing, Metal Lathe, Mill, and DrillPat Delany
The Lucien Yeomans “secret” that was almost lost.
Your developing world school needs almost-free machine tools?
Your developing world factory needs unavailable spare parts?
You need a complex part that is too expensive to have made?
Need to bootstrap a factory but only have a few bucks?
No problem!
You just need a metal lathe. Metalworking lathes are necessary to the production of almost everything but are very expensive. In 1915, special lathes made from concrete were developed to quickly and cheaply produce millions of cannon shells needed for World War I. Lucien Yeomans, the inventor, won the nation’s highest engineering award for it but sadly the technique was almost forgotten after the war. We re-discovered it as a way to quickly make inexpensive but accurate machine tools for use in developing countries and in trade schools and shops everywhere. We made modern construction practical by replacing the original poured, non shrinking metal with cement grout.

Aqui, podem aprender com fazerem a vossa própria Fornalha...
De Micro-Ondas?

DIY Microwave Kiln | Fuse Glass in Your MicrowaveShakeTheFuture 
In this Instructable, we'll look into way to make a microwave kiln.
For those who don't know what is a microwave kiln, here is a quick introduction.
Microwave kiln is a kiln that you can put in your regular microwave oven.
It does not use a wire heating element or gas to heat up. Microwave kiln is covered with silicon carbide.
Silicon carbide absorbs microwaves and turns them into heat.
Microwave kilns are usually used to fuse glass.
You can turn broken glass into amazing jewelry.

Eis outro Engenhocas feliz, pudera, já fez a sua Frasa CNC, dum Dremel!

DIY 3D Printed Dremel CNCNikus
When I got my first 3D printer I was extremely happy with all the new possibilities to create things but after some time I noticed the limitations of 3D printing. Plastic is easy to melt, sometimes it's not mechanically resistant enough and most importantly sometimes doesn't look good. Don't take me wrong here, I love 3D printing and I like plastic (except plastic waste) but there are things that look, work or feel way better when made out of nonplastic material. Imagine all your furniture made out of plastic. Sometimes I prefer wood, when I need strength, metal (mostly aluminum) is a way to go. That's where CNC milling machines are used. Usually, the cost of such machine is really high, most of the hobbyist, small makers can't afford such expensive equipment. That's why the idea of building my own CNC machine sparked in my head

E para terminar, um Scannner que fazem com pouco, mas faz o serviço!

DIY Budget 3D Scanner V3


Hey guys, it has been a while I didn't publish any instructables. This time, I brought to you guys one of the project I made back in Feb 2019. The version 3 Budget 3D Scanner!