Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011

IImpressora 3D, impressa em 3D, por uma Impressora 3D, impressa em 3D!

Da Ponoko:

A 3D printer that was 3D printed on a 3D printed 3D printer


Every once in a while someone does a project that raises the bar for the rest of us. This is one of those projects. Webca from Thingiverse 3D printed the CUBE 3D printer piece by piece over 8+ months, using over 15 lbs of ABS plastic in the process. Oh, did I mention he printed it on a 3D printed Makerbot he made before? It’s not the fastest or cheapest way to make a 3D printer ($3000), but that doesn’t mean it’s not awesome.

Each section was printed individually before being attached together with little screws. One advantage of this construction is that the height can be easily increased if you want to print taller objects by printing more pieces and adding them to the construction. For more information watch the video of the printer in action and see the detailed stats on the Thingiverse page.

Vem com um Vídeo, Link embaixo, e comentários, do Autor:

Info about this machine can be found on Thingiverse at my user profile:
The object that is being printed is supposed to slant over a little at the end. Absolutely no skipping of steps..

quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2011


A Mindsets traz-nos o Faraduino:

Developed by Middlesex University Teaching Resources in partnership with East Barnet secondary school.

Faraduino is an open source controller board with built in motor drivers and servo connectors, ideal for robotics. It's fully compatible with the open source Arduino platform that is taking the world by storm, so there is already a wealth of information available to you (see You can use the excellent Arduino programming software to download “sketches” (the Arduino name for a program) to your Faraduino via USB. Alternatively, you can try out Flowino for a simple, flowchart based programming system.

Um motor eléctrico para os vossos aviões de papel!

Power Up gives paper planes an electric boost

By Ben Coxworth

Although they've been around for ages, for some reason paper airplanes have never been adopted for commercial use. It could be because they get soggy when wet, they lack any kind of flight controls, or because you would need an incredibly huge piece of paper in order to make one big enough to carry a human passenger. In any case, practical paper airplanes have now perhaps come a baby step closer to reality, with Tailor Toys' Power Up electric power module for paper airplanes - it allows you to mount an electric propeller on your paper airplanes, so they can fly under their own power.

Um arado coberto de carbono com a estrutura do diamante para deslizar artavés da terra, poupando energia:

Diamond-like carbon-coated plows to save fuel by sliding through the soil

By Darren Quick

Plows are one of the most basic agricultural implements and have been in use for thousands of years. In that time they've evolved from simple ox-drawn scratch plows consisting of a frame holding a vertical wooden stick dragged through the topsoil - which are still used in many parts of the world - to tractor-mounted plows that can have as many as 18 moldboards. The evolution of the humble plow looks set to continue with Fraunhofer scientists working on diamond-like carbon (DLC)-coated plowshares that would slide through the soil like a hot knife through butter, thereby requiring less fuel.

...E mais uma Bicicleta de Plástico:

Frii bike concept made from injection-molded recycled plastic

By Paul Ridden

If Israeli industrial design student Dror Peleg had been around in the late 1950s, I feel sure that his Frii plastic bike concept would have found its way into Mosanto's House of the Future. Over 50 years later, that vision of a world of plastic has also given rise to some serious disposal issues and grave environmental concerns. Frii proposes to be part of the solution, not the problem. Made from recycled plastic, the city cycling concept would be manufactured locally for local use. Components would be injection molded into modular shapes that snap together to form a strong, lightweight and very colorful single-speed bike for quick trips through the city streets.

segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2011

Grafeno incrível!

...Guarda a Energia Solar por períodos de tempo indefenidos, e liberta-a quando for preciso!
Ainda é só teoria computacional, mas quando se fabricar...

Modified carbon nanotubes can store solar energy indefinitely 

Storing the sun’s heat in chemical form — rather than converting it to electricity or storing the heat itself in a heavily insulated container — has significant advantages, since in principle the chemical material can be stored for long periods of time without losing any of its stored energy. The problem with that approach has been that until now the chemicals needed to perform this conversion and storage either degraded within a few cycles, or included the element ruthenium, which is rare and expensive.

Nanoletters- Azobenzene-Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes As High-Energy Density Solar Thermal Fuels

UPDATE - Ars Technica notes that the material has not been made yet and is computational chemistry

In terms of energy storage, the azo/CNT nanostructures outdo lithium-ion batteries. Kolpak and Grossman calculate that the azo/CNT system will have volumetric energy densities of about 690 watt-hours per liter; lithium-ion batteries range from 200 to 600 watt-hours per liter. For comparison, azobenzene alone has a volumetric energy density of only about 90 watt-hours per litter.

Kolpak and Grossman’s proposed azo/CNT system could be adapted for use with other photoactive molecules, as it appears that placing them on carbon nanotubes enhances their energy storage properties. This is perhaps the most important result from their work.

While Kolpak and Grossman have presented a promising new approach to making solar thermal fuels, there are potential drawbacks, and the fact that they haven't actually created the substance isn't even the most substantial. The energy stored in the azo/CNT system can only be released as heat. If you want to use the stored energy to power electrical devices, you would need to convert the heat to electricity. This adds a step that requires more equipment and can result in energy loss during the conversion.

domingo, 24 de julho de 2011

Campos Morfogenéticos, escamas, e óculos impressos em 3D

Um significado completamente novo para a frase "macaco vê, macaco imita"!!!

Talvez assim se explique a ocorrência, ao longo da História, de Invenções e Descobertas em paralelo, quase simultâneamente, por todo o Globo:

100Th Monkey
A very bright female monkey on a small island was taught to wash sweet potatoes in the seawater. She then taught other members of the tribe to do this. When approximately 100 monkeys had learned this procedure, many other remote monkey tribes started washing potatoes in the same manner. But the interesting thing is that these other tribes were situated on other remote islands and also on the mainland. That is, they had no possible way of acquiring this knowledge, other by some form of intuitive universal “sharing”.
The BBC in London tried out Sheldrake’s Theory on 8 million of their viewers. They showed on prime time TV, a difficult puzzle that only a very small percentage of their viewers were able to solve. Then the correct answer was also given on prime time TV. Shortly after, the same experiment was repeated by a TV network in another country. A far higher percentage of these foreign viewers were able to get the puzzle right the first time. As the puzzle was in the form of a universal pictorial concept, language and customs were not considered to be a factor.
The BBC and Sheldrake concluded that as the correct answer was now existing within the human morphogenetic field then the human race now “knows” the answer. Basically Sheldrake’s Theory explains “intuitive” functioning to a degree.
What Sheldrake is saying is that there is a “larger” mind for each life-form and each individual life-form “programs” that larger mind. The theory might be laughable except for Sheldrake’s acceptance in the scientific community and also the BBC experiment.

Passando agora para algo de decorativo, como pintar Escamas à pistola!

Um par de ideias porreiras, do Blog da Ponoko, primeiro, uma maneira de fazer Armações para os vosso Óculos pela Net, ainda em fase de criação:

Design and 3D print your own glasses!

Glasses are, if nothing else a geek status symbol – definitive proof that you’ve done enough all-nighters staring into textbooks, crafting code or generating geometry on computer screens to have blured your vision permanently. Anyone whose spent time at the optometrist will know its tough to select the perfect pair of frames… Fortunately OYO’s 3d print app is set to appear in the cloud soon for a private beta test programme.

E, mais uma, vez através do Blog da Ponoko, mais esta MARAVILHA, transformar tudo num robot!

The Plick Project

Plick is an interactive building toy. It is made of different robotic parts that are connected through elastic wiring. The behavior of the toy can be "programmed" by clicking the various parts in different combinations. The connection is made with this special elastic wiring that allows the toy to be attached to everyday objects, to other toys, furniture, body parts, and make them interactive by themselves.
It would work like this: To put an engine for work, you connect it to the battery. Once connected, it starts spinning. (There is a button to change the direction of the spin). To the same battery, a sensor (lets say, a light sensor) can be attached. When the light sensor is attached to the engine, the engine stop working, and will only spin in the moment the sensor detects light. There are a range of different sensors, such as sound sensor, distance sensor, and many other that can be built. Instead of an engine, many other actuators could be attached to the sensors, such as speakers, lamps and others.
Plick allows complex behaviours and programming to emerge from very simple connections of its different units. And its design allows it to be attached to different objects, to give them the desired actions and interactivity.

...E como é preciso apoiar o que é nosso, ponho aqui uma buxa por esta Empresa, que acho simpática, uma empresa da Àrea das Energias Renováveis:

sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2011

O Triosk, e Dados de Poker com Naipes!

O Triosk, e Dados de Poker com Naipes! 

Já alguma vez viram um Dado de Poker com Naipes?
Só eu é que podia pensar nisto!

1 - Triosk, a Quiosk on the back of a Vespa Tricicle or any car. A self-employment chance for the Paraplegic and Amputees. Hoist yourself from the driver's seat, turn around, you're in business. Simple!

2 - Suit up Poker Die with the 4 suits, more odds to bet! Throw them into a wedge, an open book, etc. The suit that's up is the "card"'s suit.

quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011

MUITO importante para os Países Africanos!

Isto é que é uma boa ideia, para limpar Àfrica dos campos de minas:

Video: Minesweeping Tank-Bot Shreds Land Mines, Rolling Through Explosions With Ease
Digger D-3 laughs in the face of unexploded ordnance
By Rebecca Boyle
Technology is helping de-miners find unexploded land mines in new and cool ways, like the metal detectors augmented with smartphones we learned about this spring. And now, there are mine-chomping tank robots that eat mines for breakfast.

The Digger D-3 is the latest creation of Digger DTR, a Swiss non-governmental organization dedicated to designing mine-clearing devices. It has a spinning tiller of death called a flail, made of tungsten hammers that pound 10 inches into the ground. It also has a rolling tiller that can clear vegetation. The remote-controlled tank was brought to light by IEEE Spectrum’s robotics blog.

The D-3 is fully armored to withstand land mines and ordnance up to 81mm in diameter, Digger says. It has a four-cylinder, 4.5 L John Deere diesel engine, which can crank out 173 hp at 2400 RPM. The remote-controlled robot is as adept at clearing shrubbery as it is at chomping mines, so it’s ideal for minefields with dense vegetation or in mountainous areas, Digger says.

The video below shows its predecessor, the D-2, surviving mine explosions in Sudan. The new model is designed to be easily repaired and modified, enabling it to be used in remote locations with limited resources and plenty of land mines.

...E eis ondas nunca vistas:

Scientists Discover Two Never-Before-Seen Kinds of Water Waves
By Clay Dillow

Of all the things in the physical world we think we know a lot about, water is definitely among them. Nonetheless, by precisely shaking a shallow container of water, researchers have now observed two new types of waves that have never been observed before in water--and one that has never been observed in any other media either.

To conjure the waves, the researchers used what is known as a Hele-Shaw cell mounted on a small shake table. A Hele-Shaw cells is a container consisting of two parallel transparent plates separated by a small gap, much like an ant farm (see images above and .gifs below). In this case, the gap between them was 1.5 millimeters, or less than 6 hundredths of an inch.

...Mais uma para os que pensam que os Cientistas "já sabem tudo", o calor do interior da Terra, só 50% é que se sabe a origem!

The Best Measurement Yet of Earth's Radioactivity Shows Half the Earth's Heat Comes from Nuclear Decay
By Clay Dillow
Scientists measuring the subatomic particles flowing from Earth’s interior have taken the most precise measurement ever gathered of the home planet’s radioactivity. It turns out nearly half of the Earth’s total heat output comes form decaying radioactive elements like thorium and uranium in the Earth’s crust. But that’s an answer that begets more questions.

Previously, there were varying theories on just how much of the Earth’s heat came from radioactive decay, with many--accurately, it would seem--placing that value at about half of the roughly 40 terawatts of heat produced by the Earth. That heat drives convection currents in the outer core and give us our magnetic field, among other natural processes (tectonics come to mind).

quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2011


É a nova aventura do HitLabNZ, um programa que move em 3D, os bonecos dum livro de colorir!

colAR is a computer program that brings colouring book pages to life with the magic of Augmented Reality! You can colour in the book pages and then see them come to life as virtual images on your computer screen.

...E pergunto eu, não servirá também para prever peças cortadas e gravadas na Ponoko, por exemplo?

terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011

Fundição, 3-em-um , e 2-em-um

Fundição! Metal em brasa, o cheiro, o formar o que se queira...

E eis um Site só para isso:

Inscrevam-se e têem direito a 2 E-Books sobre Fundição, muito texto a ler, mas vale a pena...

E têem também um Blog, onde se encointram cenas como esta, tem de se ser um Engenhocas para gostar disto, DERRETER METAL!

Mais instrutivo, é este Vídeo, também do Blog, para fazer Moldes:

...Um Computador feito em Legos, na realidade, um 3-em-um, 3 Motherboards, um monstro, para bons fins, vai ajudar a Pesquisa Médica, roendo números para grandes projectos, trabalhando em conjunto com milhares de outros... 

Home-built LEGO PC donates its computing power to medical research

By Pawel Piejko

Most of the custom-built DIY PCs featuring unusual case mods are made just for fun or fashion. The LEGO-bodied PC by Mike Schropp is quite different, however, despite the fact it looks really impressive. It's a 12-core PC setup consisting of three systems in a single box made of LEGO, with its computing power being donated to medical research and humanitarian projects via IBM's World Community Grid project.

...E agora, um 2-em-um, um tandem, um Carro Voador dum desenho engenhoso:
The Model 367 “BiPod” hybrid flying car designed by Burt Rutan

By Darren Quick

The team at Scaled Composites pulled out all the stops to realize the final design of the company's founder and former CTO, Burt Rutan, ahead of his retirement in April earlier this year. In just four months, the Scaled Composites team went from beginning the preliminary design to the first flight of the "BiPod", a hybrid gasoline-electric flying car that grew out of a program to develop a rapid, low-cost electric test bed using as many off-the-shelf components as possible.

segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011

Uma data de coisas

Nem dá para acreditar, mas esta Gigajoga é Impressa (3D) em Papel!
Do Blog da Sculpteo:

Cube Gears: entirely made of 3D Printed paper

Posted on by sculpteo
If you are a faithful reader of Sculpteo 3D Printing blog you should remember a 3D Printer that use A4 Paper as a raw material
The 3D Printer from Mcor Technologies has printed this Cube made of gears
Now, while you might not think that this object from Mcor is all that extraordinary—after all, the other guys have created a wrench and this appears to be nothing more than a pink geared thing—it is arguably all the more extraordinary because of what that pink geared thing is made with:

O já conhecido Mini Me da Scuplteo, chega a este Site com tudo o que é para Geeks, e não só:!/articles/4980-technopolis-sculpteo-figurines

Desta não estavam à espera, nem eu, um Dissipador de Calor onde também rodam as aletas!

New Spinning Heat Sink Design Could Trim Energy Use and Unleash Processing Power
By Clay Dillow

Heat exchanger technology--the cooling machinery that ferries internal heat away from your PC, your computer, your air conditioner, and other appliances--hasn’t changed too terribly much for decades. That’s led to some limiting problems: For instance, more powerful computer chips can’t be run at their full potential because they might overheat. But a new kind of heat sink developed at Sandia National Labs could change all that--and potentially shave seven percent off US electricity consumption.

Conventional heat exchangers have a few primary components: a solid disk or plate that absorbs heat from the source (like a computer’s processor), a bank of metal fins that help ferry the heat away from that disk (the heat sink), and a fan that stirs up the air around the fins to facilitate the outward movement of heat.

... E este projecto impecável, uma Roda grande do meu amigo Jon da WoodMarvels, ganda Roda, pá!


domingo, 17 de julho de 2011

Rodas dentadas!!!

Estava marreco de tentar encontrar uma maneira decente de fazer Rodas Dentadas, para Impressão 3D, ou Corte 2D...
E encontrei!
Eis, do Site Capolight Electronics Projects, como fazer uma Roda Dentada, Roda Dentada, MESMO...

Drawing gears in Sketchup.
Posted on January 22, 2011 by Richard

The following is a guide for designing gears in sketchup for 3D printing, CNC milling or similar. For a good introduction in general gear design see here. For an introduction to sketchup see the sketchup related links this page.

A collection of the gears seen in this page can be downloaded from the 3d warehouse.

To begin with, download the involute gear plugin and copy it to your sketchup plugin directory. This plug-in was not produced by me and all credit goes to Cadalog Inc for writing this very useful tool. Then open sketchup and choose ‘Involute Gear’ from the draw menu. From the dialogue box you are presented with three options.

A partir do Google Sketchup, e podem-se fazer toda uma data de rodas dentadas, direitas, a 45º, torcidas, dentes para dentro...

É bom!

sábado, 16 de julho de 2011

Fabricators e Instructables

Do Facebook da Ponoko, uma lista de 15 Fresas CNC, a vários preços:

Pricing guide to DIY CNC mill and router kits
This is a pretty thorough guide with brief introductions, images, and links to 14 different do-it-yourself CNC kits available for purchase. I’ve tried to give the cost of the complete kit (not including shipping) next to each kit name, and kits are ordered lowest price first.
If you know of any other complete CNC kits available for purchase, please leave info in the comments.
Also, I couldn’t have put this list together without the wealth of information available at the excellent and very active CNCZone forums.

Este é um Site a visitar, com uma data de acessórios com fotos.

Mas, tendo uma série de Kits de fresa 3D, desses, só têem uma miserável foto, que raios?

E, do Blog da Sculpteo, uma Impressora 3D, com Impressão em plástico tão rijo, que pode fazer peças para a Oficina!

Stratasys introduce the Fortus 250mc Production 3D Printer

Fortus 250mc is the most affordable of all Fortus systems.
Insight software, used to drive the Fortus line of production 3D printers, allows users to control the look, strength and precision of parts: “The engineers interested in this new product will likely be traditional 3D printer candidates, but who want more sophisticated build-parameter control,” says product manager Mary Stanley.

Algo de muito útil, como transformar um Laptop num Desktop:

E algo de completamente louco, mas inofensivo, se se não puserem a armar aos cágados, um "canhão" dum Isqueiro:


quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011

Netfabb, com Wings 3D, uma dupla fabulosa

Netfabb, com Wings 3D, uma dupla fabulosa

Isto é completamente imbatível!
Já o programa Wings 3D, com o seu Plug-in da ManifoldLabs, permite as Operações Booleanas, o que é muito bom, pois podem-se juntar 2 sólidos, num só criar uma intersecção de outros 2, ou criar um sólido cortado por outro;

De trás para a frente, 2 sólidos, a intersecção deles, um menos o outro, e a junção dos dois.

Permite muito mais, até se fazer isto, por exemplo:
A partir daí, pode-se exportar para .stl, mas no Wings, a maravilha pára aí;
O Ficheiro não tem dimensões certas, pode estar cheio de erros, etc.

Aí então, é que brilha o Netfabb!
Repara, testa, pode exportar para 9 opções de formato, corta em fatias para a  Impressão 3D, imbatível, porque é na versão... GRÁTIS!

Netfabb apresenta-se como um Software de fabricação duma nova Era...
Na minha opinião, TẼEM RAZÃO.

O que é que estão à espera?
Até tem versão Windows, e Linux (a minha)!!!
Vão lá: Netfabb

quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011

Mais coisas boas

O MIT não pára, notícia cortesia da Ponoko, eis Painéis Solares feitos por impressão em papel:

MIT unveils Solar cells that can be 3D printed on ordinary paper, plastic or fabric
The new printing process uses vapors, not liquids, and temperatures less than 120 degrees Celsius. These “gentle” conditions make it possible to use ordinary untreated paper, cloth or plastic as the substrate on which the solar cells can be printed.

In order to create an array of photovoltaic cells on the paper, five layers of material need to be deposited onto the same sheet of paper in successive passes, using a mask (also made of paper) to form the patterns of cells on the surface. And the process has to take place in a vacuum chamber.

Uma pequena maravilha, notícia na Ponoko!!!

The teeniest cabinet
Pushing pixels on a scale that makes the Nanocade look positively giant, this miniature Space Invaders arcade cabinet faithfully reproduces that classic retro gaming feel down to the smallest details.

Constructed from 6mm MDF, the unit houses a modded Game Boy Advance SP and features a tiny joystick alongside arcade-style buttons sourced from eBay. The GBA innards are accessible through a magnetically attached rear panel, so that cartridges can be swapped out for some gaming variety if those Invaders get too much for you.

Click through to see some gameplay action in a video where Victor, the man behind it all, talks through a few of the quirks of his miniature construction.

Uma câmara de Visão Nocturna:

Uma loucura sem riscos, uma Bazuca com um Aspirador, e pouco mais:

Mais uma, que a Ponoko está sempre a bombar, neste concurso fiquei a saber do Site, que é fantástico: Um Site com Cursos para aprender uma data de Software!

This month the Ponoko blog is partnering with to give 5 winners a free, 1 month premium subscription to the Online Training Library.

If you’re not familiar with, its a virtual mecca for online learning of software. They’ve got top-notch courses — uncountable hours really — of video training on a 100 different softwares.

Course subjects include 3D, Animation, Audio, Business, Design, Development, Home Computing, Photography, Video, Web + Interactive.

But we think all you makers out there will really like the 3D & Design stuff.

There are courses on 3ds Max, AutoCAD, Blender, CorelDRAW, Freehand, SketchUp, Illustrator, Maya, Rhino, ZBrush and more.

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011

3D na FabLab EDP

Feito na FabLab da EDP!

Lembram-se to Triosk?
Aqui está ele;
Um Objecto em ABS, feito a partir dum desenho de computador!

A partir daqui, eis um corte do desenho:

E, acreditem, TUDO foi traduzido em 3D, tanto o aspecto geral...

...Quanto também, os erros, por isso, pensem bem, e já agora, passem o stl por um programa como o FreeCAD, grátis, que emenda os erros!

O Google Sketchup também grátis, permite depois verificar as dimensões do objecto:

Grande demais?
Ponham-no ao tamanho que for preciso, e já podem até exportar para .stl, directamente do Sketchup!

É bom!

É mais que bom! Esta máquina da FabLab EDP, por imprimir as peças com o material que permanece, e um material de suporte, que depois desaparece num banho de àcido, podem-se fazer máquinas como nunca antes, com peças que movem, dentro dum corpo, sem encaixes!
Feito DENTRO deste carrinho, peças que rodam!

Imagens tiradas de outra máquina, daqui:

segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2011

Novos materiais na Ponoko, e Dyson, na Innoventique

Há dois novos tipos de Plástico ABS, em Branco e em Preto:

Glossy new 3D printing materials for your Personal Factory! 

We’ve just added 2 new 3D printing materials for your making pleasure. And for those who like acronyms, the process is Fused Deposition Modeling or FDM and the material is ABS — the same stuff legos are made out of.
These new glossy materials have high durability, decent detail and accuracy, but a rough surface.
Check ‘em out:

...E James Dyson Inventor extraordinário, nesta Revista de Invenção e Inventores, carreguem no Link, para aceder à E-Revista (Revista Electrónica, na Net):

Please find the second issue of Innoventique, the relaunched and rebranded Inventique.

sábado, 9 de julho de 2011

Câmaras de plástico, e outras coisas

Eis algo de útil para fazer com Impressoras 3D, através do Vectorealism, uma Câmara SLR:

DIY Super Plastic Camera – Kit per il taglio laser!
Se state pensando a quale sarà il vero oggetto tormentone dell’estate, smettete di pensare e iniziate a produrlo.

Grazie a questo incredibile kit di Kit da Studio (o Kit da shit, che ci piace di più) potrete realizzare una macchina fotografica DIY usando plastica nera (o di qualunque altro colore) tagliata al laser con la Personal Factory. A soli 52€.

Mais Materiais da Ponoko:

Staining wood sheet materials — 7 different woods, 6 different stains

Josh Reuss makes 42 wood stain samples

Ponoko’s own Josh Reuss is always putting up nifty experiments, tips & tricks in the Ponoko forum.

Earlier this year, Josh decided to try out a variety of stains on some scrap pieces of wood material. (These are all wood materials for laser cutting with your Personal Factory btw.)

He reported on his staining experiments, detailing the best methods for applying and which stains looked best on which materials. Check it out, and if you’ve done any staining or painting yourself, feel free to add your results and what you’ve learned to the forums.

E da Sculpteo, isto, tem a ver com o projecto Minecraft:

Fully programmable 3D printer in Minecraft

Youtube user Shrogg2 made a series of videos about his 3D Printer in Minecraft.

The first video is a demo of the “birth of a creep”. It’s easy to understand because there’s no explanation :-) Only music. If you want to know how it works, you can check other videos but it’s really hard to understand.

With the Minecraft.Print() project and this fully programmable 3D printer in the Minecraft world, it seems that Minecraft and 3D Printing have a lot of things to share.

...E querem aprender qualquer coisa?
Vão aprender com estes meus amigos, da Altlab:

altlab - Lisbon's Hackersapce

quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2011

Um Post cheio de Fabbing!

E com Vídeos de Fabbing!

Começamos pela malta da Scupteo, os Franceses da Impressão 3D, e os seus mini-modelos Manga!

E o que é isso de mini-modelos Manga?
Cá está:
Sculpteo’s Team at Japan Expo 2011

Thanks to everyone who came at our stand during the Japan Expo “12th Impact”, from June 30th to July 3rd. We were very pleased to meet you \(^ ^)/

Cortesia da Ponoko, este ganda maluco, no bom sentido, fez uma fresa CNC controlada com um Nintendo!
Nintendo controlled 3 axis CNC mill
Check out this awesome electronics/digifab hack from Edward Ford.

Ford created and assembled this NES controller operated DIY CNC mill using his Personal Factory to lasercut the MDF and controlled with an Arduino and some SparkFun easydrivers.

You can read more about the project on Ford’s blog, Ed’s Life. Daily.

And if “CNC + Edward Ford” rings a bell, it’s because Mr. Ford recently launched a Kickstarter project to raise funds for the design and free distribution of a $300 CNC mill — the ShapeOko.

Do Facebook dos Instructables, algo de útil para fazer com os Télélés!

Uma boa para os Steampunks,  Gifanims que viram Zootrópios, isto é, os antepassados da Animação!

terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011

2 boas, e os Instructables

De Plástico do Lixo, a Combustível, é bom!

Plastic2Oil process turns plastic waste into fuel

By Ben Coxworth

While a lot of people may be doing their part for the environment by sending their discarded plastic items off for recycling, the fact is that much of the plastic currently in use is non-recyclable. In a not particularly eco-friendly process, some of this plastic is burned to generate electricity, while much of it simply ends up in landfills. Canadian company JBI, however, has developed a process that uses those plastics as a feedstock, and turns them into fuel.

Criadores de Jogos de Computador, actualizem-se, isto vai auxiliar os Desembarques do Futuro:
Construction of first-of-class Mobile Landing Platform gets underway

By Darren Quick

The U.S. Navy has announced that construction has begun on the first of a new class of ship known as the Mobile Landing Platform (MLP). The MLP is designed to serve as a transfer point between large ships and small landing craft and act as a floating base for amphibious operations to allow for equipment and cargo to be delivered from ship to shore when there are no friendly bases available.

The first-of-class MLP 1 is based on an existing design, the Alaska-class crude oil carrier, but the design has been modified as a float-on/float-off vessel with the ability to transfer vehicles and equipment at-sea and interface with surface connectors to deliver vehicles and equipment ashore. It will measure 837 ft (255 m) long, have a beam of 164 ft (50 m), a speed of over 15 knots, a range of 9,500 nautical miles, and accommodations for 34.

Como Martelar como dve de ser...

Mais uma para o vosso Laboratório, Muaháhhá!

Uma Estufa controlada por Um Arduíno, e é claro que a Míuda ajuda a ver o filme até ao fim...

...E porque armar-se em bom, faz bem, aqui vai um projecto para, bem, armar-se em bom!