Blog Posts

terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2018

Waterjet em casa? E aulas de Metal, um Cão-Robot(!), Caixas para Electrónica, e uma Engenhoca sem-fim

Fenomenal, como se vai,  aos pouco, democratizando a CNC.
Agora, podem comprar uma cortadora CNC de Jacto-de-Àgua, e cortar tudo aquilo que as máquinas Laser não podem!
Isto corta tudo, Metal, Cerâmica, Plástico, Policarbonato, uma limpeza...
Corta até 6 mm em aço Inox, e pode cortar até 25 mm, em tudo o resto!

Yup, an affordable Waterjet CNC, so you gan go where no Laser CNC has gone befoooore! 
6 mm in Stainless Steel, up to an Inch in other Materials.

Tinijet — Affordable Waterjet Cutting At Home
James Hobson

While laser cutting remains the dominant force for rapid prototyping anything made of plastic, MDF or wood, the real holy grail is the ability to cut metal — something most laser cutters are just not capable of.
In the industry, this is done using extremely high-powered laser cutters, plasma cutters, or water jet cutters. All of which are very pricey equipment for a hacker. Until now anyway. Introducing the Tinijet, the missing tool for affordable water jet cutting.
We first covered this project a few years ago when it was just a university research project called Hydro — it’s since evolved immensely, and will be available for sale very soon.

Um Engenhocas que não mexa em Metal, é apenas Meio-Engenhocas!
Aprendam, em 5 Lições, como se faz, para evitarem muita ferramenta estragada, cortes vários e etc...

5 free Metalworking Classes, so you can spare your Tools and fingers... Ouch!


Working with metal is a challenging, yet rewarding, skill.
In this class, we will go over the very basics of metalworking including, cutting, drilling and finishing.
This class is designed for people with absolutely no prior experience ever working with metal. It will give you the knowledge and confidence to move on to more advanced metalworking topics.

O vosso Arduino não ladra, nem faz companhia?
Ora cá vai um Canito-robot, para que não vos falte nada!

You can make your Arduino, your own Pet, with this DoggoBot.

DoggoBot Version 1

Ever since I started programming Arduinos, I wanted to build a robot using one. I also want a dog. However, living in NYC makes it tough to take care of a dog. So after hours of watching videos of robots and dogs, I decided to put my phone down and build myself a pet!
I present to you find readers, DoggoBot Version 1! I created a 4 legged walking bot which can be build with cardboard and hotglue. The electronics are simple and can be ordered from Amazon. However, I noticed the links from Amazon tend not to last very long so the links provided are from websites which routinely carry the items. If you want to get them from Amazon, simply enter the name of the item in the Amazon search bar. You can definitely get a lot of these items cheaper on Amazon then directly from the websites provided.

Electrónica sem uma caixa que a envolva, é apenas desleixo... 
E acidentes à espera.
Evitem muita fumarada, encapsulando as vossas obras-primas numa caixa bem-construída:

No use making your wonder-thingamajig, just to have it taken apart or shorted...
To avoid the magic smoke, learn how to make an adequate encasing:

Your Guide To Making Electronics Project Boxes
DJ Harrigan

Designing And Laser Cutting Electronics Project Boxes Just Got Easier With This Must-Have Tutorial
You’ve just made something great: It blinks, it whirrs, it speaks in tones, it’s voiced-controlled and it’s “cloud connected” (of course). And now this assembled heap of your own design is waiting on your desk for the final touch.
Whether you are making a product for sale or prototyping your brand’s next show-stopping piece of promotional swag, you probably want to not only keep this electronic creation alive for years to come but also add context and personality to your product and draw fewer eyes as you ferry it through airport security. How? By making a robust electronics project box to house and protect your hard work, of course!

Uma Máquina de berlindes que podem imprimir em 3D?
É preciso dizar mais? MUÁHÁHÁHÁHÁ!

A Marble Machine you can 3D print!
Need I say more? MEWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Marblevator Mini, Loop.

I had to dust off my physics textbook for this one...
How fast is too fast for a marble machine? Well, check out the video "Marblevator Mini, Loop, High Speed Test", at 324,000 marble runs per day, it is indeed the fastest marble machine I've ever designed.
"Marblevator Mini, Loop" is not quite as "mini" as my previous Marblevator Mini designs, but is still quite small, and features a 7.5mm radius loop with a tapered auger lift. Using a few relatively simple physics equations, the height of the entrance ramp (H) is determined by the simple equation H = 2.7R (where R is the radius of the loop). My desire to keep the model small determined the loop radius (7.5mm) and ball bearing diameter (8mm). And to add friction compensation, especially for a 3D printed track printed in this orientation, I increased the height of the ramp over the calculated height of (2.7 * 7.5mm) or 20.25mm.
In the video "Marblevator Mini, Loop Stress Test", the stress test ran over 29 hours and is still running. The auger rotates at approximately 75rpm which in this test translates to 75 marble runs per minute. At this rate, Marblevator Mini, Loop has executed (29 * 75 * 60) or 130,500 marble runs without loosing a marble.

segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2018

Façam a vossa Impressora 3D! E imprimir em 5 eixos(!), afiar Serras, Caixas em chapa, e uma Bomba de Àgua!


Podem, façam!
Esta maravilha ode ser vossa, se se deram ao trabalho, e assim ficam com uma máquina bem respeitável, em Volume de Impressão, e Qualidade, e carregada de extras.
Bem melhor que comprar uma Impressora da tanga, por montar... 

3D Printer Cantilever 2.0 C3Dt/c

This is my latest completed project to date. I'll be happy to build one for you (see update below), but if you must go it yourself; here is the instructions for the C3Dt/c (c for cantilever) by This printer was presented at MRRF2018
It is the culmination of many of my other intructables and I will refer/link to those as needed.
The 3D printer is a Cantilever printer with the following features:
  •  200mmx200mmx260mm Build volume
  •  Heated bed
  •  Auto Bed Leveling using inductive sensor and Aluminum bed
  •  Linear Rails (MGN12 250mm) on both X and Y axis
  •  Dedicated Parts cooling
  •  Runing KFB2.0/Marlin 1.1.8
  •  Bowden Extrusion with MK8 Extruder
  •  8080 Inc 1010/1020 frame
  •  Auto tensioning on X and Y Axis
  •  Double Rod Lead Screw Z axis using 12mm rods for extra stability.
  •  V6 All metal hotend with cooling adapter for Noctua cooling fan (ultra quiet)
  •  SD card reader as well as accessible USB port for direct computer access or OctoPrint

Imprimir em 5 eixos, é, numa só frase, imprimir às curvas!
Pode parecer caricato, mas não é de beber, é antes, uma maneira de imprimir formas impossíveis com as actuais,  e imprimir objectos muito mais fortes!
Porque a base onde de imprime roda, as camadas podem ser curvas, o que permite uma estrutura muito mais resistente...
Bem pensado!

In a nutshell, this  makes the Printer lay Filament in CURVES. 
Witch allows both for print jobs not possible on today's 3D printers, and for a very strong print, as it can follow a curved deposition path.
Good Idea!

5D Printing: A New Branch Of Additive Manufacturing
Jessica Van Zeijderveld

3D printing has already been around for quite a few years. Then, a bit more than a year ago, talks of 4D printing started to circulate – which we have wrote an in-depth blog post on as well that you can read here. But now, the idea of 5D printing is being talked about and experimented with. 5D printing is not an evolved version of 3D or 4D printing as it is with audiovisual aspects of different dimensions – it is less complicated than that. You can see 4D and 5D printing as roots originating from 3D printing. In this blog post, we will first explain to you what 5D printing is, then we will tell you what the benefits are and how it can be applied. Last but not least, we will tell you what the differences are between 3D, 4D and 5D printing along with how you can keep up with the latest technological advances related to additive manufacturing.

Nem só de High-Tech vive o Engenhocas...
Eis como podem afiar as vossas serras de Mão, mas suspeito que este conceito ainda servirá para sabe~se lã que outros fins...

A Gizmo Maker's life will occasionally lead him into... Woodworking!
So here's how to keep those Hand-saws fit:

Filer Guide for Hand-Saws

Sharpening a saw can be one of the most "difficult" tasks for a woodworker. I built this guide for sharpening hand-saw teeth at the required relief angles, for both rip saw and crosscut saw.
Inspired in an old tool from 1987 hard to achieve (at least where I live) and using materials available to anyone, I show you the step by step to make it by yourself.
  •  It is very important to clarify that the files work only forward. Therefore, the force when sharpening only has to be in that direction and the backwards without pressing, thus, we will avoid premature wear of the file.

Maravilhas da Net, podem descarregar este Programa Grátis, o eMachineShop, e como vem explicado, desenhar as vossas Caixas metálicas, com a certeza que vão sair como vocês queriam!
É bom!

For free, from the Net, you can download this CAD Program and design your plate boxes to your exact needs!

Sheet Metal Box

To create a sheet metal box:
  • Choose File | New | Box.
  • Fill in the desired parameters.
  • Choose View | 3D.
To create other sheet metal designs with bends:
  1. Draw the flat shape (something like shown here).
  2. Multiple select the above lines.
  3. Draw straight lines where you want bends.
  4. Multiple select the above lines.
  5. Choose Line | Machine | Bend.
  6. Choose View | 3D.

Termina-se por hoje com esta Bomba de àgua que funciona a gravidade! Tanto as Instrucções como a explicação encontram no Link, por isso, vão lá!

We end for today, with this Gravity Water Pump, both the Instructions and the working principle's explanation are down there on the Link, so go there!

Hydraulic Ram Pump

Pump water with no electricity, no gasoline, just gravity!

Sound crazy or impossible? Don't worry, it does obey the laws of physics, but I'll try to explain the operation later. This instructable shows how to build a fairly simple water pump that needs no energy input other than water flowing from a higher point to a lower point. Most of the pump is constructed from PVC, with a couple of bronze pieces thrown in for flavor. I was able to source all of the parts from a local hardware store (Lowes) for a bit under $100.

To function, the pump does require a reasonable amount of water that will drop at least 3'-5'. The level that the pump can raise water to depends on the water's head (total drop the water will make).

quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2018

Silicone fácil! E AstroBox, um PC Raspi, Visão Nocturna, e Inovação Rolls-Royce

Um Molde em Silicone, do mais acessível que há, e com a Dica imprescindível de que é preciso juntar mais Maizena de cada vez que se vai mexer a massa...
Ah! Se eu soubesse isto antes! 

A great Video on Silicone Molds.
Note the main Tip, is that you add more Corn Starch each time you mess with the "dough", so to speak. 
Saves a lot of stress...

DIY Silicone Mold - Easiest and Cheapest Method Ever!! Make a mold for $4.69!!

DIY Silicine Mold! This is the easiest and cheapest method out there! Make your own silicone mold for candle embeds for only $4.69!!! Subscribe and check out other amazing candle tutorial videos!

Se já estão fartos dos controles rudimentares da vossa Impressora 3D, podem usar esta Máquina, que vos vai aumentar em muito as capacidades de Impressão...
Liga-vos a Impressora à Net, à Cloud, e permite ainda mais Apps!

5" Screen - AstroBox Touch DIY Kit

The AstroBox Touch is a simple, powerful touchscreen that is wireless, cloud connected, and infinitely extensible with apps.

The AstroBox Touch at a glance:
 Beautiful 5" touchscreen (800 x 480 pixels)
 Connected to the AstroPrint ecosystem - which includes the AstroPrint Cloud, Developer API, Desktop App(s), and Mobile App(s)
 Runs AstroBox Touch Software. Easy and intuitive to use. Just plug it into your printer and it's ready to go!
 Simple, gorgeous user interface built with simplicity in mind
 Wirelessly control your 3D Printer without needing to use SD Cards
 Developer friendly
 Compatible with all printers running standard Marlin, Repetier, & Sailfish firmware

Um PC por menos de 150 Dólares, é o que podem fazer com um Raspberry Pi, seguindo este Instructable.
Assim, evitam comprar um PC Desktop, para usos que não o justificam, como controlar gigajogas, ou jogar Jogos...

Pocket Pi - a Raspberry Pi Computer for Under $150

This is a affordable $100 raspberry pi computer. This computer is not the thinnest or prettiest thing on instrutables. This is for getting the job done. The shell is 3D printed. There is 1 charging port, for the motherboard. The keyboard has a wire designated for charging the keyboard and will not be noticeable on the outside. There are 3 USB 2.0 ports are for input. 1 will be used by your bluetooth + wireless USB stick. Luckily, I have included a USB holder that holds your USB's.
The screen is 4.3 inches and is not a touchscreen. You can easily make it touch screen compatible. The raspberry pi is a zero. This is because the Adafruit Kippah currently does not support the zero w. You will still need a wifi network! It runs NOOBS, but you can still download PC games on it. All you have to do is to search on google how to install PC games on NOOBS.
You can use this to check up on things, play games, and use applications that are normally on PCs. It can do a lot of things that phones can do, but the computer is significantly cheaper. The parts are spread across 3 different websites. If you do not have a 3D printer or a soldering iron, you will have to but different parts. This will be explained in the steps. It should take you around 1 hour to build, but with shipping times and how long your 3D printer takes to print the parts, it could be longer.

Podem fazer a vossa própria Câmara de Visão Nocturna, e de Bolso, e por bem menos do que custa uma, no Mercado, com este Instructable:

A Pocket $200 Night Scope, now, that sounds real Neat!

3D Printed Night Vision Scope

Hey everybody!!! Hows it going?!?!?! Ok, so for a long time (~3 yrs.) I have been building these digital night vision cameras, and after over $1,000 and hundreds of hours in R'n'D later, I give you the "Eagle Scope 1.0" (named after the camera inside)!!!
It's a pocket-sized, 3d printable night vision monocular that you can build yourself for ~$200!!! Oh, and it is top of the line, sporting a near-eye display (that doesn't burn out your eyeball), a .00001 lux camera with an OSD, a rechargeable 3hr battery, and an (optional) external DVR for recording the footage!!! Best of all, it fits in your pocket!!! Over-enthusiastic!!!!!! But seriously, this thing kicks some major buttocks.

Um Motor feito com Ímanes Permanentes, que é um Anel, com a Hélice no meio!
Vejam o Vídeo, para perceberem as vantagens dum tal Sistema, que vale a pena...

Rolls-Royce | Permanent Magnet Technology

The AZ-PM thruster is the latest in a range of Rolls-Royce propulsion products using its permanent magnet technology. This technology is based on electric drive where the motor is in the form of a ring round the propeller. The moving part of the ring is a rim around the propeller blades which carries a series of strong permanent magnets. The rotor, fitted within a series of magnets, turns within an outer ring which form the stator. When current is supplied to the motor from the variable frequency power supply the electromagnets are excited in a particular sequence and the resulting magnetic fields interact with the field from the rotor magnets creating a torque that turns the rotor and its propeller blades.