Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Instructables e notícias

Uma Bicicleta para correr por cima(?)

New ElliptiGO 3C 'running on air' bike released

By Paul Ridden
ElliptiGO has announced the arrival of a new sibling for its 8-speed elliptical running bike. Elliptical bikes are said to offer users all the benefits of running and cycling in one (strange-looking) machine, without many of the negative aspects, such as back and leg problems or saddle-soreness. The upright position also makes runners/riders more visible in traffic.

Boas notícias para o Terceiro Mundo, Àgua Potável, para todos:

LifeStraw Family to produce clean water and reduce carbon emissions 

By Ben Coxworth
Given that approximately one sixth of the world's population lacks access to safe drinking water, it would obviously be a very good idea to create something that allows those people to easily and cheaply filter their local tainted water. That was the thinking behind the LifeStraw. Developed by European disease control firm Vestergaard Frandsen, the simple device uses the company's PuroTech Disinfecting Resin to kill water-borne bacteria on contact, while activated carbon captures organisms such as parasites.

...Voltando às Bicicletas, como fazer uma em  Madeira:

Trabalho de Forja, como fazer um Escorpião em Ferro Forjado:

E Fósforos que acendem em qualquer superfície, para armarem-se em Trinitás!

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