Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015

SOLDAR, não colar, Plástico! E Protopiper, uma Bancada transformável, e Dicas para o Acrílico.

Que rica ideia! 
Com C, no fim; 
Não é uma Cola.
É sim, Plástico Líquido, que solidifica com Luz Ultravioleta, como em alumas Impressoras 3D, mas este Sistema, SOLDA o Plástico, não o cola.
Para além das vantagens óbivias, na Reparação de N Objectos, pensem só na CONSTRUCÇÃO de Objectos novos, a partir de várias peças, e tudo o que se lembrarem mais, agora que esta Ferramentta-Maravilha existe!
Mesmo Peças em Metal podem ser unidas, se houver saliências ou orifífios que se encham com esse líquido, fazendo-o uma peça que é um Parafuso ou uma Porca, por exemplo.

Bondic® - The World’s First Liquid Plastic Welder. 
How many times has glue let us down? Fingers stuck together, broken toys that we just can’t fix, having to throw out our stuff because gluing it only made it worse. Not to mention just when we need glue most we discover our 3-month-old bottle is as dry as the Sahara Desert on a hot day.
Bondic® is the only product that works where glue fails. It’s liquid plastic that only hardens when you need it to. YES it stays liquid and won’t dry out like those crazy glues on the market today. Bondic® is a very simple 4-step process (clean, fill, cure and shape) to fix almost anything, saving countless precious items from ending up in the trash before their time.
Never again will we be at the mercy of sticky, messy and exasperating adhesives that do anything BUT what we need them to do. We live in a plastic and disposable world today, so much so that Ken and Barbie almost look human in comparison. Our mission is to save expensive items and hard earned money by not having to replace them every year or even every month! Oh and while we’re at it, contribute to shrinking a landfill or two. 

Ora isto também é fantástico, Dica do nosso amigo Eddy de Ridder, para ser usado em de tudo um pouco!
Não há realmente, como testar as coisas no mundo real, e aqui está como saberem se um Móvel que imaginaram é aquilo que querem ter, mesmo, ou não...
Mas pode servir para desde espectáculos ad-hoc, até Hangares temporários para Aeromodelismo, passando por Hexacópteros mesmo grandes, e até para Auxiliar temporário, quando não há ninguém para segurar nisto ou naquilo, quando montam ou consertam algo!
E tudo isto, feito com Fita Adesiva, que se enrola num Tubo!

Protopiper: Physically Sketching Room-Sized Objects at Actual Scale 

Harshit Agrawal, Udayan Umapathi, Robert Kovacs, Frohnhofen Johannes, Hsiang-Ting Chen, Stefanie Mueller, Patrick Baudisch 

Protopiper is a computer aided, hand-held fabrication device that allows users to sketch room-sized objects at actual scale. The key idea behind protopiper is that it forms adhesive tape into tubes as its main building material, rather than extruded plastic or photopolymer lines. Since the resulting tubes are hollow they offer excellent strength-to-weight ratio, thus scale well to large structures. 

Para pouco espaço, e muitas necessidades diferentes, com o máximo de flexibilidade para encarar futuras mudanças, experimentem esta ideia, uma Bancada de Trabalho que se transforma, conforme o necessário:

Transforming Workbench & Storage
My girlfriend is an artist and has been infinitely patient with the fact that our previous living situations have prevented her from having a nice and functional studio space at home. We bought a house earlier this year which meant that we were no longer living under the constraints of a tenant-landlord-no-major-alterations relationship and we were free to do as we liked. She was away for about a month this summer, during which time I overhauled the room we had designated as her studio space. Though she knew it was happening and had given me some parameters, I was allowed considerable creative license in the renovation. Buuuut, old habits die hard and I tackled the redesign with the knowledge that we will likely move SOMEday and maybe a home studio might not be a selling point for future buyers and maybe she'd like it so much she would like to take it with us. So I set about to create something big and amazing yet still portable. (In all honesty, this project will leave considerably fewer holes in the walls than most other shelves I've installed in have no fear!) 

...E por último, este conjunto de Dicas para trabalharem o Acríulico, que vos vai servir vezes sem conta, no Futuro:

Acrylic Cheat Sheet: How to Cut, Glue, Bend, and More

Jordan Bunker  
Acrylic is a wonderful plastic that can be used for all sorts of different projects. It comes in both transparent and colored options, and can be machined, laser cut, or heated and bent into almost any shape. 

segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2015

Makeprintable Beta! E Cerâmica em 3D, Matrizes e ferramental, Impressão 3D multi-material, e Mecanismos animados

Já podem lá ir, Versão beta, mas funciona, eu testei, e consertar os vossos Objectos 3D Online, o Site Makeprintable permite-vos consertar, gravar em 3d ou G-Code, e imprimir directamente!
É bom! 

MakePrintable Takes on Big Names with Universal 3D Print Prep Software

Two of the giants in the 3D printing software space, with tools designed specifically for 3D printing prep, are Belgium’s Materialise and Autodesk, augmented greatly by its recent acquisition of netfabb. With such big names dominating the field, it might be difficult to imagine the chance that a small startup would have in providing its own solution for 3D file prep and management; however, MXD3D’s MakePrintable cloud service for repairing 3D files has become a popular, free solution in the 3D printing community and could just prove to be the David in a Goliath-dominated scene. Not just due to the intuitive interface and quality of the online software, but because of the brains behind it.

Aqui este Artista a seguir, Adam Nathaniel Furman,  está de Parabéns, eis como se fazem Maravilhas, inovando na Impressão 3D, Cerâmica e Design, que são um espanto!

Building Wonders in 3D Printed Ceramics: Meet Designer Adam Furman


London-based designer Adam Nathaniel Furman is quite an all-round talent: he is trained in architecture and fine arts, but also works in areas like product design, interior design, writing, and teaching. It only seems logical that a person who is so eager for knowledge would soon embrace the world of 3D printing. Let’s take a closer look at some of his stunning 3D printed designs. 
Back in 2013, Adam had already created 3D printed ceramic objects for his ‘Designers in Residence’ commission at the London Design Museum. The project he worked on was called ‘Identity Parade’ and consisted of 3D printed ceramic vases and ornaments, painted in luminous colors and flashy patterns. For this project, Adam actually slipped into the role of a fictional designer: 

Dica de DesignWorld:
Como fazer dinheiro com uma Impressora 3D? 
Esta é uma ideia bem inteligente e prática, usá-la para fazer Matrizes e ferramental personalizados, para criar e instalar Peças em várias Indústrias, e Serviços.
Boa ideia!  
E, estou farto de vos dizer, vejam toda a série de Vídeos que aparecem no Youtube, relacionados com este tópico, no fim deste Vídeo.  

Tips for using 3D printing for tooling

Design World 
One issue with 3D printing for potential users is justifying the expense. 
Tooling (jigs and fixtures) are often an expensive, time involved, but highly necessary aspect of manufacturing. 
By using 3D printers to speed up the development of tooling, users get immediate cost return benefits.  

Muitos Materiais numa só Impressão, um Sonho, agora realizado pela Sculpteo, podem agora as vossas Ideias realmente brilhar, em questão de Protótipos e Apresentações, etc!

Introducing our new Multi-material Ensembles

Handling multmaterial 3D prints is THE dream when it comes to 3D printing. If 3D printing directly in all the materials available in the industry is not doable yet, the team at Sculpteo figured out a way for you to do it anyway. Thanks to a new feature you can now fully configure your Ensemble so that it includes parts with their own specifications. Within the same Ensemble, you are now able to configure parts with different materials, finishes and even sizes. Let’s take a look.  
It’s no secret, many of our users 3D print Ensembles, sets of parts and batches of pieces. Until not so long ago, the only way to create those was to print them one by one. This changed ealier this year, when we introduced two things: multi-upload and ensembles, allowing you to do two things very well:
  • Simultaneously upload a large quantity of 3D files in a single pass
  • 3D print off a whole set of different pieces – as long as you wanted them all in the same material

E ajudar os outros, ajuda este humilde Divulgador, eis como encontrei esta série de Animações de Mecanismos, ajudando um Bacano na Mechanical Adventures, um outro nosso amigo tinha encontrado algo de muito úitil aos Engenhocas...
Mais uma série de Vídeos incríveis, no Youtube! 

Transmission with teeth-uncompleted gears 8a
Input: the yellow gear.
Its number of remained teeth Z1c = 9
Its number of teeth (teeth-completed) Z1 = 20
Its number of cut-off teeth Z1f = Z1 -- Z1c = 11
Output: the green gear.
Its number of teeth (teeth-completed) Z2 = 20.
When the yellow makes 1 revolution, the green makes 1/2 revolution. 

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015

CNC Grego! E um Conversor para G-Code, grátis, Uma Besta de 6 peças, e tentáculos em Plástico!

Inventores e Criadores Gregos fazem a sua parte, como todos os outros Engenhocas, para acrescentar, DO NADA, e sem apoios, Mais-Valia às Nações que os criaram.
Gente de Valor.
Eis aqui uma Fresa CNC, cm Software Open Source, que vos oferecem estes dignos sucessores de Arquinmedes: 

The Rabbit Mill Desktop CNC
Sourcerabbit is the brand name we created back in 2012, when Nikos decided that building someone else's dream fell short of his ambitions. Our dream is to establish a high tech CNC lab, that will manufacture awesome products. This will become a reality if we meet our goal. We would love nothing more than to be able to hire a full time Product Designer who can enrich our "Things we make can make a Life" Designs library.
Our passion for CNC machines and the need to create a fun and engaging work environment quickly united us to get to this first milestone: Indiegogo pre sales.
We both come from families who value building and restoring things, rather than buying new ones. Grandpa Siatras, a master craftsman, is the mentor of our Engineering skills, and built single handed the lab we work in. 
The main reason we are here is to validate our work. We have created an affordable and easy to use machine, but only you can make it meaningful.
As we are looking to expand, ordering parts at scale will help us keep the price levels we want.
A successful campaign will give us the energy to continue our R&D, which includes the HTML5 application and our latest hardware blueprints. 

E este Conversor de Desenho Vectorial converte-vos os vosso Desenhos para G-code, para vos facilitar a vida com Fresas, cortadores a Plasma, e etc.

All to G-Code Converter Free 
This app lets you convert following vector files:
- HPGL (*.plt),
- *.svg,
- *.dxf,
- *.tap,
to G-Codes (*.tap) for free (no watermarks, no file cuts).
It has user-friendly interface which allows drag&drop for ease of use.
You can also customize generated G-Codes, and quickly convert files by just dropping files on application icon. 

E já podem montar a vossa Besta Nerf de 6 peças apenas, mais 2 molas, cortesia deste vosso amigo, basta uma Munição Nerf com uma palha de Bebidas atrás, e podem praticar tiro-ao-alvo sem Stress nenhum:

Crossbow, 6 pieces and 2 springs only
Edgar Castelo 
A 6 piece crossbar, you put a Nerf ammo with a Soda drink straw on it. Can use metal springs or rubber bands, instead. 
Additionally, you can add feathers, and stick a metal piece on the straw, so a Neodymium magnet at the Crossbow's front will hold it.


..E por hoje, acabamos, com este divertido mas útil Tutorial, sobre como soldarem Folha de Plástico para tentáculos, ou o que vos der na telha!
Uma boa Ferramenta para Exposições, Demonstrações, Raves, Teatro, Aeromodelismo, e Engenhocas em geral. 

Learn Plastic Welding with Giant Inflatable Tentacles
Caleb Kraft  
‘Tis the season for inflatable yard ornaments. Why go with those cute store-bought ones when you can make your own more interesting ones?
I’ll show you how to make some fun, unique, giant inflatable tentacles that can be used indoors or outside. These aren’t as durable or colorful as their store bought counterparts but they make up for it in style!

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2015

Cortar desenhos vectoriais em PLASMA, com o Inkscape! E O PCT Creo, e ainda, como desenhar chassis de veículos., e o Micro Kit de Sobrevivência!

Esta passou-me, mas hoje, dei por ela, hoje, podem gerar G-code a partir do Inkscape, e até para uma Cortadora a Plasma!
Neste Tutorial, o Inkscape ainda não vinha essa Extensão, pois agora, vem, e assim, é pronto a usar: 

using Inkscape and Gcodetools for CNC plasma cutting

Mr. Hay's Technology
I like SheetCam for generating G-code for a CNC plasma cutter from DXF or SVG drawings, but I prefer free and/or open source programs that students can use on their own computers. Inkscape and the Gcodetools plug-in achieve that.
Version 0.49 of Inkscape will include Gcodetools, but until then we have to extract the contents of the Gcodetools download (using a program such as 7-zip) and put them in the appropriate Inkscape directory (probably c:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\ on Windows). 

E para formar Engenheiros por toda a parte, cá está a PCT Creo, para vos ajudar, oferecendo o Software, e muito mais, e isto, DESDE A ESCOLA PRIMÁRIA!
É mesmo MUITO BOM!

Free Downloads for Students. Part 1: An Introduction to PTC Academic Programs

PTC is an enthusiastic supporter of STEM education in schools, sponsoring programs for students of all ages. We do this by offering software, training, curriculum, awards, and mentorship. In fact, you’ll find PTC software used in 25,000 secondary schools and 2500 universities in 50 countries around the world. Add it up, and that’s about 10 million students.
If you’re not familiar with our academic programs, start with the video below, and then read on for more details. 

E se quizerem pôr já as mãos na massa, criem o vosso próprio Veículo a 3 rodas, mas creio que podem aproveitar para fazer isso, e depois, muito mais.

Engineering A 3 Wheel Vehicle Chassis

My university senior project was extremely ambitious. Over the course of a year (2011), myself and three other mechanical engineering students designed and fabricated a complete solar race car chassis including the frame, suspension, hubs, spindles, brakes, & steering.
Its been almost 5 years now but vehicle design is just as fascinating to me today. In retrospect any one of the above systems would have been an adequate senior design project. My decision to attempt all of them together reveals the ignorance/arrogance/ambition of my younger self. In the end we were successful though and I learned a heck of a lot about chassis design. I'm sure there are a few more ambitious university students out there who could benefit from my experiences.
This instructable will discuss the engineering process of designing a custom 3 wheel vehicle chassis. The project consisted of research on vehicle dynamics theory and calculations, 3D modelling, structural stress analysis, designing around human factors, component sourcing, and lots of time spent fabricating. 

Ora cá está algo que não faz mal nehum ter no bolso, o menor Kit de Sobevivência do Mundo, e ainda por cima, é facílimo de fazer.
Como as coisas vão... É melhor estar preparado!

Worlds Smallest DIY Survival Kit

I have created what I think to be the world's smallest survival kit. While this kit is certainly not the only thing you should count on, it is very useful and tightly packed. I can say for sure that at lease one of the things would help in nearly any survival situation, if not more. The tape, the thread, and the fire making kit are avery useful. I have not used this kit to do so, but I have made fires from one match and no external tinder many times. Please do not comment below telling me how I will die in the wilderness, I am from Alaska and I always carry more than just this one kit.
Here is what the kit includes:
Fish Hook
3 feet of cord
Two Matches and striker
Fire tinder
Compass needle for DIY compass
1 foot of electrical tape
These things can be used with the combination of the outdoors to equal:
Finding your way home

domingo, 18 de outubro de 2015

2 Ideias geniais! E mais um Torno de Madeira a partir dum Engenho, Vácuo barato, e um Osciloscópio dum Smartphone!

Dica da Wonder Engineering, este Sistema de Paletização, Motion Cube, da Festo, parece-me também ser uma solução perfeita para sistemas de Treliça CNC muito mais rápidos, simples e económicos.
Ainda por cima, é modular, o que significa que se podem imprimir peças um comprimento e largura incríveis!
Mas vejam só a ideia, um par de rodas dentadas em cada eixo, e uma placa que é nada mais que 2 perfis de Cremalheira:

Transport system allows individual mass production 
Festo is developing a modular palletising system that will transport workpieces independently and simultaneously to different assembly stations, allowing different processes to be carried out on each item, and resulting in individually customised products. The system, called Motion Cube, has won the Automation and Robotics category of the 2015 Handling Awards announced at the Motek show in Germany this week.
The system, which is still at the prototype stage, consists of modules containing a drive mechanism in a cube-shaped housing that transports pallets from one module to the next and allows specific assembly tasks to be carried out. The modules are combined to form matrixes that depend on the application.
Different products can be handled in parallel, making simultaneous processes possible and saving time. Unlike conventional conveyors, several travel commands can be carried out simultaneously. Individual pallets can be overtaken and workstations can be skipped, if required.
Because conventional conveyor systems transport pallets on conveyor belts, the operating system and the sequence of pallets are fixed. To change the sequence, you need to install deflectors and several conveyor belts, adding cost and requiring more space. Festo says that the Motion Cube palletising system, by contrast, can be deployed flexibly and can react immediately to any changes in sequences and target positions. It can be expanded easily and can be adapted quickly to changing production conditions. More positioning modules can be added at a relatively low cost, allowing the palletising system to be expanded or modified almost without limit. The system also allows production lines to be set up in small spaces.

Dica da nossa amiga da Abripi, a Professora Angélica Colombo Ponciano.
Este autêntico Génio Brasileiro, vai dar àgua 100% potável ao Nordeste, se Deus quizer, com esta ideia de utilizar para filtrar a àgua, os mesmos Microorganismos que permitem às plantas das regiões de Àgua Salobra sobreviver.

Pesquisador desenvolve dessalinizador perfeito!Professora Angelica Colombo Ponciano 
Esse Pesquisador usa GOMOS de BAMBU em ÁGUA SALGADA para TRANSFORMAR Naturalmente em ÁGUA POTÁVEL

Podem aproveitar os vossos Engenhos para tornear peças simples, em madeira, com esta engenhosa adaptação:

Lathe attachments for a Drill Press

I was scratching my head about this concept for ages, but I'm pleased to see now that it works and share it with you all! Here's a way to make Lathe attachments for a drill stand. It's cheap, and you won't have to dismantle an old drill to do it. 
One thing I should probably mention before we go on, is that this is essentially a mini lathe. It's certainly not cut out for tough jobs- like turning a quadrilateral form into something circular. This jig is more for adding details, making tool handles from old branches and broom handles etc. Tougher jobs would require tougher bearings, speed control, etc. 

Eis como podem preservar a vàcuo, por menos de 2 Euros, usando Seringas, Ziplocks, e material de Aquário, neste sistema:

$2 vacuum sealer Life hack

I entered this Instructable into the "First Time Author" contest on .If you feel that this post deserves to win, click 'Vote' button at the top-right of the screen.
Lets get started!
In this quick life hack, I'll show you how to make a super cheap vacuum sealer that you can use to vacuum seal just about anything!

E que tal transformarem o vosso Smartphone num Osciloscópio, e num Gerador de Sinais?
Poupariam assim um dinheirão! 
Podem-no fazer, assim:

OscilloPhone: Use your Smartphone as an Oscilloscope / Signal Generator

OscilloPhone: Use your Smartphone as an Oscilloscope / Signal Generator
by Loann BOUDIN | 2015
Oscilloscopes and Signal Generators are two essential electronics devices to create and test electronic circuits. Unfortunately, these devices are very expensive for students starting electronics, or makers who want use electronic circuits in their creations just once...
The idea of my project is to rethink your smartphone as a portable, powerful and secured platform, able to simulate an oscilloscope and a signal generator for your electronic circuits. Here, your phone isn't just an accessorize or an ordinairy remote control : it becomes the center of the project, and a tool to help you create better things in the future. 

segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2015

3D, do Smartphone! E as maravilhosas máquinas de Del Short, IoT Open Source, e Linux sem dar por isso

Não vos fica mais facilitado do que isto, imprimirem em 3D, a partir do vosso Smartphone!
pois é como podem ver, e por apenas 99 Dólares, podem ter esta entrada nível Zero, para a Impressão 3D:

Transform Your Smartphone into a 3D Printer with OLO… Seriously
The title of this article may sound like post-modern gibberish, but transforming your smartphone into a 3D printer is exactly what OLO is designed to do.  Developed by Solido3D, a rapid prototyping and digital fabrication firm that describes itself as “the first Italian ‘digital factory'”, OLO is a device that its designers claim can turn any smartphone into a 3D printer.  And, in about a month, OLO will be available for purchase for only $99 on Kickstarter. 
Though the actual mechanics of OLO have yet to be revealed, the OLO 3D team tells me that the battery-powered device consists of only 7 components and one motor and uses “smartphone electronics to their full potential”.  The app behind the printer will be free to download and allow users to upload and manage their 3D models, as well as send them to print.  Additionally, they will be able to share their models and make their skills available to the OLO community, making the printer itself a social device. 

É um regalo para os olhos e a Mente, cortesia da Woodworking Tips, no Facebook.
Esta Máquina maravilhosa do Génio chamado Del Short, e ele há um Canal Youtube só das suas maquinetas, por isso, tenham atenção, ainda mais porque estes Movimentos todos podem ser a solução para algum problema nas vossas próprias Máquinas:

YouTube - Del's Beautiful New Wooden Machine.flv
Del Short 
An all wood mechanical machine. One of a kind. 

..E se estão metidos na IoT, ou seja, ligarem isto e aquilo à Net, nas vossas casas, ou fora, têem agora este SensorTag com 10 sensores, que corre este Sistema Operativo Open Source, Contiki, feito mesmo para isso:

Contiki on the CC2650 SensorTag
Andrew Back  
The open source operating system for the IoT on the new TI SensorTag
TI's second generation SensorTag is crammed full of features and boasts no less than 10 sensors, together with a capable CC2650 2.4GHz multi-standard wireless MCU at its heart, making it a powerful platform for prototyping IoT applications. There is no shortage of options when it comes to developing firmware for the SensorTag either, and in this post we'll take a look at the equally featured packed open source O/S for networked memory-constrained systems, Contiki

Para quem tem medo do Linux, e um Computador velho, que já não dá nada, e quer ter algo como o Windows XP a corer nele, para ainda fazer alguma coisa, o melhor é fazerem como diz neste Instructable, pois vão ter um Linux que funciona tal e qual como um Windows!

Lets Give Linux a Try (aka Lets Get that Old PC Going Again)
Are you one of those people who shrink and hide from the word "LINUX"? I know there are still some of you out there. Don't worry, your fear is treatable. Believe me. I was one of you!
This Instructable is for people like us.
I am going to show you a way to easily get over your fear while at the same time learn some new skills, create for yourself a computer tool and also get that old obsolete computer or laptop working and useful again - all in one go.
The instructions seem a bit long, but it is just a one time setup and you will see after you have read the details that you don't really have much to do to get started.