Blog Posts

domingo, 18 de outubro de 2015

2 Ideias geniais! E mais um Torno de Madeira a partir dum Engenho, Vácuo barato, e um Osciloscópio dum Smartphone!

Dica da Wonder Engineering, este Sistema de Paletização, Motion Cube, da Festo, parece-me também ser uma solução perfeita para sistemas de Treliça CNC muito mais rápidos, simples e económicos.
Ainda por cima, é modular, o que significa que se podem imprimir peças um comprimento e largura incríveis!
Mas vejam só a ideia, um par de rodas dentadas em cada eixo, e uma placa que é nada mais que 2 perfis de Cremalheira:

Transport system allows individual mass production 
Festo is developing a modular palletising system that will transport workpieces independently and simultaneously to different assembly stations, allowing different processes to be carried out on each item, and resulting in individually customised products. The system, called Motion Cube, has won the Automation and Robotics category of the 2015 Handling Awards announced at the Motek show in Germany this week.
The system, which is still at the prototype stage, consists of modules containing a drive mechanism in a cube-shaped housing that transports pallets from one module to the next and allows specific assembly tasks to be carried out. The modules are combined to form matrixes that depend on the application.
Different products can be handled in parallel, making simultaneous processes possible and saving time. Unlike conventional conveyors, several travel commands can be carried out simultaneously. Individual pallets can be overtaken and workstations can be skipped, if required.
Because conventional conveyor systems transport pallets on conveyor belts, the operating system and the sequence of pallets are fixed. To change the sequence, you need to install deflectors and several conveyor belts, adding cost and requiring more space. Festo says that the Motion Cube palletising system, by contrast, can be deployed flexibly and can react immediately to any changes in sequences and target positions. It can be expanded easily and can be adapted quickly to changing production conditions. More positioning modules can be added at a relatively low cost, allowing the palletising system to be expanded or modified almost without limit. The system also allows production lines to be set up in small spaces.

Dica da nossa amiga da Abripi, a Professora Angélica Colombo Ponciano.
Este autêntico Génio Brasileiro, vai dar àgua 100% potável ao Nordeste, se Deus quizer, com esta ideia de utilizar para filtrar a àgua, os mesmos Microorganismos que permitem às plantas das regiões de Àgua Salobra sobreviver.

Pesquisador desenvolve dessalinizador perfeito!Professora Angelica Colombo Ponciano 
Esse Pesquisador usa GOMOS de BAMBU em ÁGUA SALGADA para TRANSFORMAR Naturalmente em ÁGUA POTÁVEL

Podem aproveitar os vossos Engenhos para tornear peças simples, em madeira, com esta engenhosa adaptação:

Lathe attachments for a Drill Press

I was scratching my head about this concept for ages, but I'm pleased to see now that it works and share it with you all! Here's a way to make Lathe attachments for a drill stand. It's cheap, and you won't have to dismantle an old drill to do it. 
One thing I should probably mention before we go on, is that this is essentially a mini lathe. It's certainly not cut out for tough jobs- like turning a quadrilateral form into something circular. This jig is more for adding details, making tool handles from old branches and broom handles etc. Tougher jobs would require tougher bearings, speed control, etc. 

Eis como podem preservar a vàcuo, por menos de 2 Euros, usando Seringas, Ziplocks, e material de Aquário, neste sistema:

$2 vacuum sealer Life hack

I entered this Instructable into the "First Time Author" contest on .If you feel that this post deserves to win, click 'Vote' button at the top-right of the screen.
Lets get started!
In this quick life hack, I'll show you how to make a super cheap vacuum sealer that you can use to vacuum seal just about anything!

E que tal transformarem o vosso Smartphone num Osciloscópio, e num Gerador de Sinais?
Poupariam assim um dinheirão! 
Podem-no fazer, assim:

OscilloPhone: Use your Smartphone as an Oscilloscope / Signal Generator

OscilloPhone: Use your Smartphone as an Oscilloscope / Signal Generator
by Loann BOUDIN | 2015
Oscilloscopes and Signal Generators are two essential electronics devices to create and test electronic circuits. Unfortunately, these devices are very expensive for students starting electronics, or makers who want use electronic circuits in their creations just once...
The idea of my project is to rethink your smartphone as a portable, powerful and secured platform, able to simulate an oscilloscope and a signal generator for your electronic circuits. Here, your phone isn't just an accessorize or an ordinairy remote control : it becomes the center of the project, and a tool to help you create better things in the future. 

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