Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015

CNC Grego! E um Conversor para G-Code, grátis, Uma Besta de 6 peças, e tentáculos em Plástico!

Inventores e Criadores Gregos fazem a sua parte, como todos os outros Engenhocas, para acrescentar, DO NADA, e sem apoios, Mais-Valia às Nações que os criaram.
Gente de Valor.
Eis aqui uma Fresa CNC, cm Software Open Source, que vos oferecem estes dignos sucessores de Arquinmedes: 

The Rabbit Mill Desktop CNC
Sourcerabbit is the brand name we created back in 2012, when Nikos decided that building someone else's dream fell short of his ambitions. Our dream is to establish a high tech CNC lab, that will manufacture awesome products. This will become a reality if we meet our goal. We would love nothing more than to be able to hire a full time Product Designer who can enrich our "Things we make can make a Life" Designs library.
Our passion for CNC machines and the need to create a fun and engaging work environment quickly united us to get to this first milestone: Indiegogo pre sales.
We both come from families who value building and restoring things, rather than buying new ones. Grandpa Siatras, a master craftsman, is the mentor of our Engineering skills, and built single handed the lab we work in. 
The main reason we are here is to validate our work. We have created an affordable and easy to use machine, but only you can make it meaningful.
As we are looking to expand, ordering parts at scale will help us keep the price levels we want.
A successful campaign will give us the energy to continue our R&D, which includes the HTML5 application and our latest hardware blueprints. 

E este Conversor de Desenho Vectorial converte-vos os vosso Desenhos para G-code, para vos facilitar a vida com Fresas, cortadores a Plasma, e etc.

All to G-Code Converter Free 
This app lets you convert following vector files:
- HPGL (*.plt),
- *.svg,
- *.dxf,
- *.tap,
to G-Codes (*.tap) for free (no watermarks, no file cuts).
It has user-friendly interface which allows drag&drop for ease of use.
You can also customize generated G-Codes, and quickly convert files by just dropping files on application icon. 

E já podem montar a vossa Besta Nerf de 6 peças apenas, mais 2 molas, cortesia deste vosso amigo, basta uma Munição Nerf com uma palha de Bebidas atrás, e podem praticar tiro-ao-alvo sem Stress nenhum:

Crossbow, 6 pieces and 2 springs only
Edgar Castelo 
A 6 piece crossbar, you put a Nerf ammo with a Soda drink straw on it. Can use metal springs or rubber bands, instead. 
Additionally, you can add feathers, and stick a metal piece on the straw, so a Neodymium magnet at the Crossbow's front will hold it.


..E por hoje, acabamos, com este divertido mas útil Tutorial, sobre como soldarem Folha de Plástico para tentáculos, ou o que vos der na telha!
Uma boa Ferramenta para Exposições, Demonstrações, Raves, Teatro, Aeromodelismo, e Engenhocas em geral. 

Learn Plastic Welding with Giant Inflatable Tentacles
Caleb Kraft  
‘Tis the season for inflatable yard ornaments. Why go with those cute store-bought ones when you can make your own more interesting ones?
I’ll show you how to make some fun, unique, giant inflatable tentacles that can be used indoors or outside. These aren’t as durable or colorful as their store bought counterparts but they make up for it in style!

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