Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2015

VISÃO NOCTURNA! E uma Delta a 150 Euros, Um Smartphone feito em casa, e Sculpey faça-vocẽ-mesmo

Não é todos os dias que podem fazer os vossos próprios Óculos de Visão Nocturna, em casa, por isso, aproveitem este Instructable!

Raspberry PI night vision goggles.
Very simple and cheap Infra-Red night vision googles, using a model A raspberry pi, a NOIR camera and Quanum FPV Goggles.
For a while now I have been playing with Multicopters, and whilst I prefer to make the models myself and fly them properly with a transmitter, I couldn’t help being interested in First person View (FPV) so I got a camera and transmitter and a small monitor. My first attempt didn’t end well I took off the model by sight and the monitor was in the back of the car. Then when I was happy I took my eyes off the model and looked at the small monitor, I flew for about 30 seconds then looked up…… I hadn’t got a clue where the model was! When I finally spotted it I couldn’t work out which way it was facing and flew it into a tree!
After that poor attempt I wondered if goggles would be a better choice so I had a look on line and found that the decent goggles are a lot of money, then I saw the Quanum goggles and at £32 a thought they were worth a go. 

Se quizerem construír a vossa própria Impressora 3D Delta por apenas 150 Euros, então, este nosso amigo vai-vos explicar como é.
É que assim, não há mais desculpas para não imprimirem em casa os vossos Objectos:


Very cheap Delta 3D Printer (about 150€)

Francisco Javier Ruiz Racero 

A year or so, i began to interested about 3D Printers. Then, i started to look for information about this, how they are working, how they are made…
When i was prepared, i started to buy the pieces for to do my own 3D printer, it should be a delta type, because i like how it moves, but the downside of this is the calibration… 


Eis mais algo a aproveitar, JÁ!
Uma Telemóvel/Celular que vocês montam em casa, por 12 dólares, e que podem configurar à vossa vontade.
è para ter um chassi em papel, mas podem muito bem cortar uma placa de Acrílico ou Plastico, e moldar por calor:

A First Look at the RePhone, a Modular Cellphone You Build Yourself
Alasdair Allan 

Today SeeedStudio launched an intriguing new Kickstarter project, the RePhone. Reminiscent of Project Ara, Google’s much hyped but continually delayed effort to build a “hardware ecosystem” around smart phones, the RePhone is a modular phone built from open source components.  
The core of the phone is provided by the RePhone Core GSM + BLE module, or by the RePhone Core 3G module, which provides a faster data connection but lacks BLE support. However, beyond these two core modules offering the cell connection are 8 more add-on modules from Seeed’s Xadow range — a 1.54-inch touch screen, a 5×7 LED board, an NFC board, a GPS board, an audio board, a basic sensor board, a GSM breakout board and an Arduino-compatible microcontroller. 


...E para terminar esta viagem pelo Mundo do DIY, uma Massa de Escultor que, ao constrário da Sclulpey, vocês podem fazer em casa, lá está, com Materiais fácilmente adquiríveis, o que é sempre bom.
A melhor parte, é que, como é uma Massa de Esculpir barata, não vão ter medo de errar, o que é a morte duma Aprendizagem Artística, porque antes de ficarem experientes, vão ter de cometer muito erro:  

Homemade Sculpey ClayIgioteno
Sculpey clay is expensive, that's why I used this recipe

2 cups cornstarch
2 cups baking soda
2 cups water


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