Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015

SOLDAR, não colar, Plástico! E Protopiper, uma Bancada transformável, e Dicas para o Acrílico.

Que rica ideia! 
Com C, no fim; 
Não é uma Cola.
É sim, Plástico Líquido, que solidifica com Luz Ultravioleta, como em alumas Impressoras 3D, mas este Sistema, SOLDA o Plástico, não o cola.
Para além das vantagens óbivias, na Reparação de N Objectos, pensem só na CONSTRUCÇÃO de Objectos novos, a partir de várias peças, e tudo o que se lembrarem mais, agora que esta Ferramentta-Maravilha existe!
Mesmo Peças em Metal podem ser unidas, se houver saliências ou orifífios que se encham com esse líquido, fazendo-o uma peça que é um Parafuso ou uma Porca, por exemplo.

Bondic® - The World’s First Liquid Plastic Welder. 
How many times has glue let us down? Fingers stuck together, broken toys that we just can’t fix, having to throw out our stuff because gluing it only made it worse. Not to mention just when we need glue most we discover our 3-month-old bottle is as dry as the Sahara Desert on a hot day.
Bondic® is the only product that works where glue fails. It’s liquid plastic that only hardens when you need it to. YES it stays liquid and won’t dry out like those crazy glues on the market today. Bondic® is a very simple 4-step process (clean, fill, cure and shape) to fix almost anything, saving countless precious items from ending up in the trash before their time.
Never again will we be at the mercy of sticky, messy and exasperating adhesives that do anything BUT what we need them to do. We live in a plastic and disposable world today, so much so that Ken and Barbie almost look human in comparison. Our mission is to save expensive items and hard earned money by not having to replace them every year or even every month! Oh and while we’re at it, contribute to shrinking a landfill or two. 

Ora isto também é fantástico, Dica do nosso amigo Eddy de Ridder, para ser usado em de tudo um pouco!
Não há realmente, como testar as coisas no mundo real, e aqui está como saberem se um Móvel que imaginaram é aquilo que querem ter, mesmo, ou não...
Mas pode servir para desde espectáculos ad-hoc, até Hangares temporários para Aeromodelismo, passando por Hexacópteros mesmo grandes, e até para Auxiliar temporário, quando não há ninguém para segurar nisto ou naquilo, quando montam ou consertam algo!
E tudo isto, feito com Fita Adesiva, que se enrola num Tubo!

Protopiper: Physically Sketching Room-Sized Objects at Actual Scale 

Harshit Agrawal, Udayan Umapathi, Robert Kovacs, Frohnhofen Johannes, Hsiang-Ting Chen, Stefanie Mueller, Patrick Baudisch 

Protopiper is a computer aided, hand-held fabrication device that allows users to sketch room-sized objects at actual scale. The key idea behind protopiper is that it forms adhesive tape into tubes as its main building material, rather than extruded plastic or photopolymer lines. Since the resulting tubes are hollow they offer excellent strength-to-weight ratio, thus scale well to large structures. 

Para pouco espaço, e muitas necessidades diferentes, com o máximo de flexibilidade para encarar futuras mudanças, experimentem esta ideia, uma Bancada de Trabalho que se transforma, conforme o necessário:

Transforming Workbench & Storage
My girlfriend is an artist and has been infinitely patient with the fact that our previous living situations have prevented her from having a nice and functional studio space at home. We bought a house earlier this year which meant that we were no longer living under the constraints of a tenant-landlord-no-major-alterations relationship and we were free to do as we liked. She was away for about a month this summer, during which time I overhauled the room we had designated as her studio space. Though she knew it was happening and had given me some parameters, I was allowed considerable creative license in the renovation. Buuuut, old habits die hard and I tackled the redesign with the knowledge that we will likely move SOMEday and maybe a home studio might not be a selling point for future buyers and maybe she'd like it so much she would like to take it with us. So I set about to create something big and amazing yet still portable. (In all honesty, this project will leave considerably fewer holes in the walls than most other shelves I've installed in have no fear!) 

...E por último, este conjunto de Dicas para trabalharem o Acríulico, que vos vai servir vezes sem conta, no Futuro:

Acrylic Cheat Sheet: How to Cut, Glue, Bend, and More

Jordan Bunker  
Acrylic is a wonderful plastic that can be used for all sorts of different projects. It comes in both transparent and colored options, and can be machined, laser cut, or heated and bent into almost any shape. 

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