Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012

Notícias, Novidades, e a importância dos Protótipos...

Boa notícia é um novo material da Ponoko, muito mais barato, White Plaster, poderá servir para Moldes de Fundição, com algum acabamento, penso eu...

NEW material for 3D printing: white plaster 
Our lowest priced 3D printing material ever!

Been looking for a way to test out your larger 3D designs without having it cost a fortune? We have just added White Plaster to our materials catalogue and your 3D product can be made for as low as $.69 a cubic centimeter!* Because of this low price, white plaster is a great material to evaluate the aesthetics of your larger design before committing to a more expensive material.

Mais divulgação, aqui partilho um resumo das novidades do Blog da DesignSpark:

With the recent phenomena on Raspberry Pi, Bill Marshall has taken a break from HD graphics and ARM processors to take a look at a similar sized and priced beginners computer board, but more towards the Arduino end of the processor power spectrum. The unusual feature of this microcontroller board is the Forth programming language it uses.
Also this week, Peterjfrancis gives us a run down on the Raspberry Pi meet-up in Google's newly opened campus, and there's been a few questions on installing Linux on to a Raspberry Pi, and many thanks to milnepe, who has kindly written a blog on how to install Debian "squeeze".
Por isso, vão ao Site, e depois, vejam o Blog, é imperdível:

E este Programa promete dar-vos a possibilidade de detectarem e resolverem os problemas nas vossas Criações, antes de gastarem dinheiro em Protótipos:

Solve critical engineering challenges before committing to detailed design in any CAD. GrafiCalc© is CAD-neutral software that enables users to achieve radical improvement in the time and costs associated with designing and testing manufactured products. With GrafiCalc users can solve a wide range of engineering challenges earlier in the design cycle, when conflicts are easy to detect and the least expensive to fix. 

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