Blog Posts

sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

Fricção e Wi-fi

Lembram-se daqueles carrinhos de brinquedo, chamados de fricção?

Agora, há AUTOCARROS que vão acumular energia, travando, e libertá-la, arrancando, usando o mesmo sistema de roda volante.

Flybus to start testing flywheel hybrid bus

By Ben Coxworth

Gas/electric hybrid vehicles tend to be pricier than their conventional counterparts, and many people still worry about the limited range of all-electrics. If you want to move away from purely petrol-powered vehicles, though, is there any alternative? The four-company Flybus consortium would definitely say there is. It recently rigged up a bus with a prototype flywheel-based energy recover system, that stores the energy that would be wasted when the vehicle brakes, then returns that energy to the drivetrain when the bus accelerates. The researchers claim that it could deliver hybrid-like fuel economy, at a fraction of the price.

The flywheel assembly is mounted on the side of the bus's transmission, which is a product of consortium member Allison Transmission. The setup could reportedly be easily added to existing conventional transmissions, however.

E algo de fantástico, ondas de spin, vão ser utilizadas para os componentes wi-fi do Futuro:

Nanoscale magnetic waves could replace microwave technology

By Ben Coxworth

The microwave technology used in applications such as mobile phones and wireless networks may be on its way to being replaced - with parts that are smaller, less expensive, and that consume less resources. Instead of microwaves, devices of the future may use spin waves, which are nanoscale magnetic waves. For almost ten years, it has been theorized that spin waves could be propagated using magnetic nanocontacts. Recently, scientists from the University of Gothenburg and the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, became the first people to demonstrate that the theory meshes with observable phenomena.

The study began two years ago, when the researchers started construction of their magnetic nanocontacts. Using one of the world's three advanced spin wave microscopes, at the University of Perugia in Italy, they were able to visualize the movement of the spin waves created by those contacts. The waves rippled out through a thin film of nickel-iron alloy, which was three nanometers thick.

According to the scientists, these results have opened the way for a new field of research known as "magnonics," that utilizes spin waves. The technology could reportedly be integrated into traditional microwave-based electronic circuits, although the added magnonic components would be much better suited to miniaturization than their present-day microwave counterparts

 E uma pequena dissertação minha sobre um uso para aquela Moldagem a Vácuo, anteriormente mostrada neste Blog...

Um bom uso para essas folhas de Plástico moldadas a Vácuo, é o de as usar para alojarem os vossos Protótipos, tanto para os protegerem quando os tranportam, como para terem onde os colocar, à mão, verticalmente.

Lembrem-se é de porem algures uma Cunha, antes de moldarem, para terem onde pôr um dedo para desalojar o aparelhómetro...

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