Blog Posts

terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2012

Pleasant 3D, um Vídeo de montagem, e Ambiente na Galiza

Do nosso amigo Maurício Martins, Pleasant 3D, um programa só para o Mac, mas bacano para Impressão 3D, resolvendo alguns problemas irritantes de edição e formato, em STl:

Pleasant3D v2.0

I frequently had the problem that downloaded STL files needed some minor editing in order to be printable on my MakerBot. Most of the time it was just a simple move to the center of the build platform or a resize.
In addition to that, I already wrote OpenGL code to visualize STL and GCode files a couple of months ago for another larger project.
Finally I had sometimes the problem that I downloaded a ASCII encoded STL file and wanted to open the file in my 3D/CAD application. Since this application can only read binary STL files I needed an easy way to convert ASCII STL to binary STL.
So I wrote Pleasant3D, a small utility which solves these problems and uses the above mentioned visualization code to display STL and GCode files:

...Um Cupcake da Makerbot a ser montado, num filme acelerado:


E os parabéns aos nossos colegas Inventores da Galiza, pelos seus Prémios que conquistaram, no domínio do Ambiente:

As empresas augas de Mondariz e Teaxul, gañadoras da sección galega dos premios europeos de medio ambiente

Estes galardóns son un recoñecemento público aos sectores empresariais europeos que cumpren co desenvolvemento sostible e representan o avance cara a un desenvolvemento económico e social que preserva o medio ambiente
Esta edición organizouse en torno ás seguintes categorías: xestión para o desenvolvemento sostible, produto e/ou servizo para o desenvolvemento sostible, proceso para o desenvolvemento sostible, e cooperación empresarial internacional para o desenvolvemento sostible
Proximamente publicarase a convocatoria para as axudas ás pemes destinadas á prevención, protección e mellora ambiental, cunha dotación de cinco millóns de euros

...E ando a dizer isto há uns bons anos, os Inventores têem agora duas incríveis Ferramentas, a Impressão 3D, e o Kickstarter e outros:

3D printing, Kickstarter and old-fashioned perseverance: The tools of the modern inventor

By James Holloway

The near concurrent rise of Kickstarter and semi-affordable 3D printing means we live in a time when it is easier than ever to be an inventor of physical things. Kickstarter, the social network which lets members of the public invest, or, more accurately, support and become early adopters of new technology, has opened a completely new route to funding that is both democratic and meritocratic. 3D printing on the other hand means inventors can create test prototypes with relatively little expense and minimal difficulty. But though it may be easier than ever to be an inventor, that is not to say it is at all easy.

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