Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

Sketchup foto-realista, em Realidade Aumentada, e em Carpintaria!

Eis um post cheio de Sketch, e vale a pena:

Um plug-in que vos dá uma imagem foto-realista!

SU Walk: Photorealistic animations for SketchUp

Sometimes a SketchUp model is only as good as its presentation. Users often take advantage of render plugins to add realism and detail to their work. But to truly illustrate the power of a 3D model, nothing beats a video. To that end, Cadalog, Inc., the makers of SU Podium (a popular render plug-in) have introduced a new plugin, SU Walk.
With SU Walk, you can create beautiful, photorealistic animations from your SketchUp models. Key features include:
  • Photorealism. Apply reflections and lights directly inside SketchUp.
  • Keyframe animations. Export a variety of formats including .mp4 and .avi.
  • Weather environments. Choose from clear sky, moving clouds, rain, fog, even moonlight to add realism to your animation.
  • Speed. Polygon reduction makes camera movement in the scene very fast.

E que tal... Realidade Aumentada,. para verem as vossas Criações em 3D, nos vossos I-Pads?

3DOn ARchitecture: Augmented Reality for iOS devices
Thursday, December 22, 2011 1:00 AM

Paul from 3DOn Ltd. presented at an event I attended a month or so ago. After his presentation, I asked him if we could tell the SketchUp community about his product, 3DOn ARchitecture. He said yes, but at the time the app was only available in the UK. Now it’s available to SketchUp users all over the world. Hooray!

E atenção, Designers de Mobiliário, podem mandar fazer os vossos planos no mundo real, cortesia deste novo Site:

CustomMade: A community design marketplace

Here’s an interesting twist on our Make Ideas Real project: sometimes great designs aren’t your ideas. The good folks at have developed a marketplace that connects roll-up-your-sleeve makers with people who have project ideas they want to bring to life. (Editor's Note: CustomMade is part of the Google Ventures portfolio.) Have an idea for a one-of-a-kind armoire? On CustomMade there are about 3,000 contractors who can help you bring that idea to life.

Portanto, meus amigos, já vos dei 3 boas razões para se tornarem fâs do Sketchup Blog!
Vão lá:

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