Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

Um Aranhiço Mecânico

Notícia da Ponoko, um Aranhiço que desenha!

Pythagoras the drawing robot
A laser-cut delta robot that can draw better than I can

Aaron Fan is a robotics student at Georgia Tech. Over the past few months he has been regularly updating his website with details of his current project: Pythagoras the drawing robot. He covers a lot of ground, from the mathematics to the coding and hardware design.

I love this project because it ticks all my boxes: the parts are laser cut, the design is open source and well-documented, and the finished machine is equal parts ingenious and pointless. Check out this post for an overview of the project, or take a look after the break for video of the bot in action and examples of what it can draw.


Uma besta quadrada dum Motor 1600 CV, em exibição em Paris, esta semana:

1600 hp monster diesel firing up at Rétromobile 2012

By Ben Coxworth

Hey, you like really big engines? Well, here's one that's not going to fit under the hood of your F-150. This 30-ton (27-tonne) Type 9 V.O.S. engine is one of just three built by the French company Duvant in 1962. It's over 18 feet (5.5 meters) long, 11 feet (3.4 m) tall, and gulps down 350 liters (92.5 US gallons) of diesel fuel per hour. With its four valves per cylinder and turbocompressor, it is capable of producing 1600 horsepower. Best of all, should you happen to be in Paris this week, you can see the thing running.

This particular Type 9 spent 50 years in the basement of the Auteuil Race Course, in Paris. There, it drove a giant alternator, that could power the entire facility in the event of a power outage.

Um Instructable  sobre como fazer uma caixa para o vosso PC, em Lego!

Lego Computer Case

Welcome to the Lego computer build instructable!  Through this tutorial I'll show you the general method for how to build a computer case of any style out of Legos!  To help with the instructions I'm going to use a Star Wars Imperial themed case that I put together.  The end goal should be to make a case EXACTLY how you want it though (i.e. custom colors, theme, exterior and interior shape, etc.) so you can accommodate whatever computer parts you want to use and whatever style you like.

E para dominar a besta que é o programa 3D Blender, cursos a 3 níveis, Básico, Médio e Avançado:

(for people new to Blender and 3D)

Inscrições abertas! -

This is your friendly introductory class to Blender. In this seven-hour class we will:

Get an introduction to Blender User Interface...

E uma dica para o Ubuntu, se têem partições FAT, do Windows, e as malditas não dão para escrever nada no Ubuntu, eis a melhor solução:

Have you tried writing to the files with a sudo command? That should work with your current setup.
To get file writes for your normal user working, you need to use the uid and gid options to mount, to set the owner of files on the partition to your current userID. You probably also want either umask or dmask and fmask options.
Your mount command would look like this:
sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda6 /media/FAT32 -o uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=022
# assuming your user's UID is 1000, GID is 1000
# umask=022 sets permission mode 755 for all files on the partition

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