Blog Posts

terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011

2 boas, e os Instructables

De Plástico do Lixo, a Combustível, é bom!

Plastic2Oil process turns plastic waste into fuel

By Ben Coxworth

While a lot of people may be doing their part for the environment by sending their discarded plastic items off for recycling, the fact is that much of the plastic currently in use is non-recyclable. In a not particularly eco-friendly process, some of this plastic is burned to generate electricity, while much of it simply ends up in landfills. Canadian company JBI, however, has developed a process that uses those plastics as a feedstock, and turns them into fuel.

Criadores de Jogos de Computador, actualizem-se, isto vai auxiliar os Desembarques do Futuro:
Construction of first-of-class Mobile Landing Platform gets underway

By Darren Quick

The U.S. Navy has announced that construction has begun on the first of a new class of ship known as the Mobile Landing Platform (MLP). The MLP is designed to serve as a transfer point between large ships and small landing craft and act as a floating base for amphibious operations to allow for equipment and cargo to be delivered from ship to shore when there are no friendly bases available.

The first-of-class MLP 1 is based on an existing design, the Alaska-class crude oil carrier, but the design has been modified as a float-on/float-off vessel with the ability to transfer vehicles and equipment at-sea and interface with surface connectors to deliver vehicles and equipment ashore. It will measure 837 ft (255 m) long, have a beam of 164 ft (50 m), a speed of over 15 knots, a range of 9,500 nautical miles, and accommodations for 34.

Como Martelar como dve de ser...

Mais uma para o vosso Laboratório, Muaháhhá!

Uma Estufa controlada por Um Arduíno, e é claro que a Míuda ajuda a ver o filme até ao fim...

...E porque armar-se em bom, faz bem, aqui vai um projecto para, bem, armar-se em bom!

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