Blog Posts

sábado, 9 de julho de 2011

Câmaras de plástico, e outras coisas

Eis algo de útil para fazer com Impressoras 3D, através do Vectorealism, uma Câmara SLR:

DIY Super Plastic Camera – Kit per il taglio laser!
Se state pensando a quale sarà il vero oggetto tormentone dell’estate, smettete di pensare e iniziate a produrlo.

Grazie a questo incredibile kit di Kit da Studio (o Kit da shit, che ci piace di più) potrete realizzare una macchina fotografica DIY usando plastica nera (o di qualunque altro colore) tagliata al laser con la Personal Factory. A soli 52€.

Mais Materiais da Ponoko:

Staining wood sheet materials — 7 different woods, 6 different stains

Josh Reuss makes 42 wood stain samples

Ponoko’s own Josh Reuss is always putting up nifty experiments, tips & tricks in the Ponoko forum.

Earlier this year, Josh decided to try out a variety of stains on some scrap pieces of wood material. (These are all wood materials for laser cutting with your Personal Factory btw.)

He reported on his staining experiments, detailing the best methods for applying and which stains looked best on which materials. Check it out, and if you’ve done any staining or painting yourself, feel free to add your results and what you’ve learned to the forums.

E da Sculpteo, isto, tem a ver com o projecto Minecraft:

Fully programmable 3D printer in Minecraft

Youtube user Shrogg2 made a series of videos about his 3D Printer in Minecraft.

The first video is a demo of the “birth of a creep”. It’s easy to understand because there’s no explanation :-) Only music. If you want to know how it works, you can check other videos but it’s really hard to understand.

With the Minecraft.Print() project and this fully programmable 3D printer in the Minecraft world, it seems that Minecraft and 3D Printing have a lot of things to share.

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