Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2013

CNC! Um Livro, uma Cortadora Laser Open Source(!), uma Máquiina de Desenhar, e Kits, e Hackar um Banco da Ikea!

O nosso amigo Jon Cantin, volta à carga, com mais este livro sobre CNC, que vos dará as coordenadas para entenderem muito sobre o assunto, e comprarem a máquina CNC que mais vos convém...
E até lá figura a minha Ray-Gun! Volume 4: Rise of the CNC - Ultimate CNC Design Course Paperback – September 26, 2013

...Mas se forem Engenhosos, dica doutro nosso amigo, o Eduardo Lopes, de Saõ Paulo, na Garagem FabLab, vai-se construír uma Cortadora Laser, e é claro, Open Source!!!


A Lasersaur é uma cortadora a laser Open Source. Nós aqui do Garagem Fab Lab decidimos construir uma, mas queremos a ajuda de nossa comunidade!

Precisamos de todo tipo de ajuda, seja você um super expert no assunto, físico, matemático, designer, artista, developer, nerd, geek ou não (garantimos que há trabalho para todos e a troca será justa!).

Nos reunimos todas às quartas feiras, das 19h às 22h aqui no nosso espaço e sempre começamos com uma mini-palestra de 30 minutos, de alguém bacana sobre um assunto interessante.

Não é um evento pago, é open!!!

Nós da Garagem vamos colocar os materiais e as pessoas que nos ajudarem até o fim da montagem ganham horas na laser (por isso é importante terminá-la!) e descontos nos workshops pagos do Garagem.
Mas - o mais importante - ganham um período de mão na massa num lugar legal, junto de pessoas interessantes!

Venha e espalhe a notícia!

Pois também podem montar uma màquina CNC em casa, mas mais pequena, esta é uma Máquina de Desenhar CNC, e podem fazê-la, usando um novo conjunto de Kits, da Makeblock, eis 2 boas notícias, numa:

How to make a XY-plotter with Makeblock


Last month, I made a XY-plotter by Makeblock and use it to built a Drawing Robot.
This Drawing Robot was built with two Linear Motion Shaft D8x480mm, two Long Beam0824, the timing belt, two stepper motors, two stepper motor driver, and a micro-controller Arduino.  You can send a picture from the phone or you can take a picture by the phone and then send it to the robot by Bluetooth. After that the robot will draw what you send.

...Estive a ver a página da Makeblock, e são uns jovens Engenhocas da China, que estão de parabéns, começaram com um Kickstarter, e já fabricam, assim é que é, a China a inovar!

Makeblock is an open source construction platform to turn ideas into success. No matter what your ideas are, Makeblock provides various mechanical parts and electronic modules to make them possible, such as beams, plates, connectors, motors, brackets, sensors, drivers and controllers, etc. Makeblock is an integrated platform, mechanical parts of Makeblock are convenient to connect to each other, while the electronic modules works very well together with the mechanical parts.

It was always tough time for making ideas into reality, especially when it is related to hardware. Thus many ideas are always stay in people's mind, never have the oppertuinity to come true. Makeblock aims to help people make their ideas into reality, make cool things easily and fast, reduce the pain of making real things, and enjoy the whole process.

E para acabar, dica do nosso amigo Alan Metcalfe, na E-magazine Feeldesain, como Hackar um Banco da Ikea. para o transformar numa Dreisiennne, que é o antepassado da Bicicleta, e uma forma bacana de habituarem os vosso filhos a andar, equilibrando-se, a dar ao pé, para perderem o medo, e pedalarem a seguir numa Bicicleta:

DIY Furniture | IKEA stool-bicycle

Designers Andreas Bhend and Samuel N. Bernier have teamed up to take DIY furniture projects to a whole new level.
Using IKEA’s ‘FROSTA’ stool, the designers ‘hacked’ it and used its parts to create a bicycle.
Bhend—who previously designed IKEA-style hacking instruction manuels—also created a manual for this project—allowing readers to build their own IKEA stool-bicycle.
Besides the bicycle, the designers also created a sled using the same set of materials.

sábado, 28 de setembro de 2013

"-Porque é que eu não tive esta ideia?"

Uma das tais para dar uma palmada na testa, e dizer:

"-Porque é que eu não tive esta ideia?"

E vai com mais um Link para mais um Blogue porreiro, Feel Desain:


Fliike | Facebook Like Counter

Fliike  | A physical Facebook like counter
This is a fun gadget for anyone who has a facebook fanpage. Fliike is the first physical Facebook Fan (or “Like”) counter specially designed for local businesses, public places or Marketing departments.
You can proudly display your digital community in your store and easily convince your customers to join your Facebook fans.

sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013

Fundição em Areia! E Draftsight, e Bronze em 3D

Ora aqui está um tema que me interessa muito, e a muitos mais, também, Fundição, em Moldagem de Areia.
Eis assim um Instructable que vos dá uma noção do que é a Fundição, para verem que é algo acessível a todos, SE se respeitarem todas as Regras de Segurança:

General Steps to Sand Casting


 After reading this short set of instructions you will be able to:
>Understand the basics of sand casting
>Make your own molds
>Make a sand casted object in a safe manner

Para terem todas as fontes de informação e Aprendizagem sobre o Programa Draftsight, é só verem a seguir:

DraftSight Learning Resources

Register today and access the following valuable, no-cost DraftSight learning resources:
  • Ten Strategies for Becoming an Effective CAD Leader White PaperDraftSight Getting Started Guide: over 180 pages on how to use DraftSight – for beginners and experienced users alike.
  • Tips and Tricks Online Flipbooks: volumes I and II - to help increase your productivity with DraftSight.
  • DraftSight Fundamentals Flipbook: the essentials of DraftSight and the foundation you need to use DraftSight effectively and efficiently.


A Shpeways agora tembém imprime em Bronze, Polido ou em Bruto, por isso dêem uma olhada:

You Brass-ked, We Listened: Introducing Polished Brass and Raw Brass to Shapeways 3D Printing Materials

We're super excited here at Shapeways because we're gearing up to launch new materials for you to 3D print in.
Last month, when we introduced Gold Plated Brass, we hinted that new mystery metals were on their way. Now, we’re proud to announce that we’ve added Polished Brass and Raw Brass to our 3D printing materials. We’re now giving you even more ways to make your designs real in more materials than ever before.
Our new Polished Brass is final-product quality, with a very smooth, glossy finish. We’re sure you (and your customers) will love it. 

quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2013

Arduinos no Espaaaaaço! E um Concurso da Staples, uma Centrifugadora dum Vídeo, e um Estúdio Fotográfico Portátil.

Tinha de acontecer, a placa Arduino vai para o Espaço, providenciando, assim, Experiências Espaciais, a baixo custo, numa plataforma Open Source!

Ardulab provides open source platform for space experiments

David Szondy

With Raspberry Pis and 3D printing all the rage, ambitious DIY projects have never been more achievable. However, when it comes to space experiments, it’s still a professionals-only game. Start up company Infinity Aerospace out of the NASA Ames Research Center at Mountain View, California, wants to change that with Ardulab: an open source experiment package based on the Arduino processor that provides students and others with the ability to send experiments into space for under US$5,000.

Se quizerem habilitar-se a ganhar 3000 Dólares com um Objecto 3D, eis um Concurso da Staples, notícia da CG Trader, em que concorrem para um Objecto que use as capacidades da Impressora 3D da Staples

Staples 3D Printing Challenge

Do you hear the creativity singing to you from the stock of paper? You should. We challenge you to bring the brilliance and magic of the digital world into the analog life. Design the best 3D printable model for Staples and bank in 1000 EUR in cash as well as an opportunity to sell your design at Staples – one of the largest office supply retailers in the world!

The models should be specially made for MCor Iris True Color 3D printer. This amazing printer uses standard copy paper to print 3D models – it prints 3D object layer by layer on paper sheets. Colored ink is being deposited on both sides of the paper sheet in the printing process – forget about the single color, you can use more than 1 million of them in your design.

The best models, made for this challenge, will be made available for buyers in Staples MyEasy3D store. Staples and CGTrader give you a unique opportunity to not only touch what you created with your fingers – literally, but also make it a stylish and popular souvenir or business gift. So, have it in mind and create something that looks attractive, interesting, and unique. Upgrade the art of origami – make the paper dance for you!


Eis como pôr mais Sucata a bom uso, em tanto sítio onde falta de tudo, uma Centrifugadora feita com as peças dum Leitor / Gravador de Vídeo, dos de Cassete:

A Centrifuge built from VCR parts

A centrifuge is a very useful piece of equipment for isolating aquatic organisms. Centrifuging a sample of water containing micro organisms will drive them to the bottom of the container, where they become more concentrated and easier to manipulate. A high speed laboratory model costing several hundreds of dollars isn't necessary for the purpose, something much simpler will do the job quite adequately. At the most basic, you can just tie a piece of cord SECURELY to the container and whirl it around your head. You can easily generate a centrifugal force of 10 G with this method ( but do it outside in an open area, where nothing will get damaged if it comes loose ! )

E para as vossas Fotos, eis algo para poderem tirar imagens de grande qualidade, em todo o lado, um Estúdio Fotográfico portátil!
Boa ideia.

DIY - Portable Mini Photo Studio

For publish my project on instructables, I need to take lots of photos and needed a handy place to quickly take the step-by-step project shots that has a plain background and lots of light. I always work in my bedroom, that have a minimal lighting and just a have a little space. When I took photos of projects that I made, especially for electronic project that have a lot of small components – there was always a distracting background and became blur because of the lighting. So I think, it will really helpful if I have my own photo studio.

There are Mini Photo Studio tent and lighting kit that you can buy from eBay or other online shop, it is compact, portable and easy to set up, Mini Kit Photo Photography Studio . But the price are not friendly for me. So I could make that, from cheap materials and it cost me just about $1.


terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2013

Uma Audioteca no Brasil, o Robot de Rob, Licenças, Carpintaria, e outro Shuttle

Eis algo cheio de valor humano, a divulgar, uma Audioteca no Brasil, para Cegos e deficientes Visuais:

A Audioteca

Meus olhos são seus olhos

A Audioteca Sal & Luz é uma instituição filantrópica, sem fins lucrativos, que produz e empresta livros falados (audiolivros) para pessoas cegas ou com deficiência visual, em todo o território nacional, de forma gratuita.
Possui, hoje, mais de 1.700 associados e conta, em seu acervo, com cerca de 2.700 títulos, entre didáticos/profissionalizantes e literatura.
Nosso objetivo é proporcionar, aos nossos associados, meios para a conquista de uma vida com qualidade.
Mais do que inclusão, desejamos viver numa sociedade que não exclua seus filhos, a despeito de todas as diferenças. Que essas diferenças sejam o estímulo necessário para nosso crescimento individual e para a construção de uma nação mais justa.

O Robot de Rob Ives avança, e esta imagem vale mil palavras...
E o que um Engenhocas faz, em  papel, quantos outros farão, em Latão?
Na mesma página um Link para um Arquivo de todos os planos do Rob, vão lá!

Flexible Arm - Experimental Project.

To be more accurate there are two versions of this flexible arm project for members to download and make.
Version one uses two tendons to move the arm up and down.
Version two uses a single tendon with spacers to keep it away from the centre line.

Para gerir as necessárias Licenças de Programas, numa Empresa, eis um Software a considerar:


Licence management – everything under one roof

Detect if costly licences are unused. Act when co-workers cannot get their work done, because there are no free licences for the software they need. Make an informed decision, if you will need more licences in the future or if you can cancel software maintenance on a few licences. And make sure, that the software is just used as contracted.
  • recognize surplus – save licence costs
  • recognize needs – avoid licence shortages
  • monitor licences – optimize licence usage
  • maintain licence agreements – prevent penalties
OpenLM shows you at a glance how your software licence pool is used.


Para cortar Madeira, eis uma Ferramenta impressionante, que dá vontade de fazer, só porque sim, mas é muito útil, também:

How to make a better cross cut sled


Crosscut sleds are essential for woodworkers with traditional table saws. They make cross cutting operations a lot more accurate, a lot cleaner, and a lot safer. With a couple neat tricks, you can really expand the usefulness of this jig. Woodworking is essentially pattern making. A jig like this helps make repeatable, precision cut patterns easier.

I have quite a few sleds for different operations. The problem is they can be quite large and storing them in my garage shop is becoming a chore. I decided to create a multi-purpose sled for various cross cutting, compound miter cutting, and dado operations.


E para quem tem saudades do Space Shuttle, eis uma versão nova, da DARPA, e muito mais rentável...
No espaço de um só dia, já está pronto para re-lançar para o Espaço:

DARPA's XS-1 sets goal of space launches with one-day turnaround

David Szondy

Currently, launching satellites is an involved and expensive process. DARPA’s Experimental Spaceplane (XS-1) program hopes to make this a thing of the past, by developing a shuttle-like resuable launch system that can turn around from landing to relaunch in one day, and bring down the cost of launching by a factor of 10.
We live in a fast-paced world where international situations can change overnight. Areas that were once stable and peaceful can suddenly turn into hotbeds of war and crisis. To deal with these security threats, the United States relies, in part, on its fleet of military surveillance satellites. Unfortunately, whereas a threat can pop up suddenly, satellites can only be launched from a handful of locations, plus they require the logistics of a small war to launch, and take years and hundreds of millions of dollars to put into orbit. This makes putting assets in space on short notice a herculean task.


sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

Muito, muito bom! Imprime, Fresa, digitaliza... E mais o 4º eixo!

O melhor que eu já vi!
Imprimir 3D,
Digitalizar objectos,
E fresar em 3D... 

Já foi feito;
Mas também, e isto é novo e porreiro, fazer tudo isso, e fresar no 4º eixo, isto é a toda a volta dum Bloco de Material!!!

Tudo isto a 1000 dólares, não admira que, na Indiegogo, num alvo de 50.000 Dólares, já obtiveram 200.000!


FABtotum Personal Fabricator

FABtotum - the Multipurpose Open Source Low Cost Personal Fabricator. Scan, 3D Print, Cut/Mill. A seamless interaction between the digital and physical world.

FABtotum is a multipurpose tool, World's first Low Cost Desktop Personal Fabrication device that can operate a wide range of Computer controlled (CNC) manufacturing and 3d-scanning processes.
Print, Cut, Mill, Scan, Manipulate. Rinse and repeat!
A seamless interaction between the physical and the digital world.
While Current 3D printers are defined as Personal fabricators, there is so much more to personal fabrication than 3d printing alone!
FABtotum allows anyone to explore the endless possibilities of a multipurpose fabrication device.

sexta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2013

Cadeiras, Câmaras Digitais, e Vigilância Remota

Eis uma bela duma cadeira que vocês fazem, dobrando chapa de Madeira contraplacada:

Ramified Armchair - bending plywood


I always wanted to make a bent plywood chair so I went ahead and made this prototype. I used compression mold to curve the plywood and a water based resin glue to put the bendy ply together.

I decided to make a simple design that would be broken down into 7 different pieces:
• Front leg (x2)
• Back Leg (x2)
• Arm rest -connecting front and back leg- (x2)
• Seat

The seat is elegantly supported from the edges of the branching legs creating a bridge between the front and the back legs. The ramification of the legs not only split in two directions with the same angle to each side generating a consistent flow in the legs but also creating the armrest. The biggest design challenge was creating the partition in the legs that become part of the armchair and seat. The front legs start thick from the ground and bend forward to become the seat and also backwards to become the armrests which then come down as the back legs. The ramification was the whole concept around the project, which made it an interesting detail.

O que fazer, de útil, com a vossa recém-chegada Impressora 3D?
Por exemplo, esta Câmara Digital:


3D Printed Digital Camera


This is a digital camera that you can build yourself. By making your own digital camera, it takes away some of the mystery around how such devices work, and are fabricated. Also, it allows you to fully customize the camera to your liking. You can expand the circuit to have new functionality, or design your own custom case by modifying the 123D Design build files.


E podem agora vigiar as vossas casa à distância, com este Projecto:

Piper: Smart, elegant, security and home automation


Piper is a small, brilliant piece of technology that's packed with sensors. It works seamlessly with Android and iOS smartphones and tablets and can be paired with smart home accessories to keep you safe and in control.
Combining security, high quality video, and home automation just makes sense. You can’t get real peace of mind without actually seeing what’s happening at home, and the possibilities for making your home more secure and interactive really open up when you add automation to the equation.


quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013

Máquinas! De Papagaios, Impressão 3D, Tornos, e Serras Tico-tico, mais Madeira Antiga

Uma máquina de lançar Micro-Papagaios, ora eis algo para exibir aos outros Engenhocas, cortesia do nosso amigo Kiteman...

Make a kite-flying machine


Many people try to fly microkites in the breeze from a desk fan.
Almost every single one fails, due to the extremely turbulent nature of the breeze from a fan. It's worse than trying to fly a full-size kite between tall buildings.

This device allows you to fly microkites indoors, and could be seen as a kind of art installation as well.

Zim, parece bom!
80 Microns de altura, eis a máxima resolução desta simpática Impressora 3D, simpática, porque faz isso, e com 2 cabeças de Impressão, e ainda por cima, é barata...
E tem wifi, para verem no SWmartphone, quando a Impressão está feita!

Zim offers dual-head 3D printing right out of the box

Jonathan Fincher

With easy-to-use devices like the Buccaneer and the Cube hitting the market, we're beginning to see a growing trend of 3D printers aimed squarely at the consumer. Now Zeepro, a design team spread across Switzerland, France, and the US, is adding another desktop printer into the mix that promises to give users an even more elaborate set of tools to work with. The Zim is one of the few pre-assembled 3D printers that offers dual print heads and a greater resolution to create more complex objects, as well as a camera to monitor print jobs through a smartphone.


Como o Fablab Lisboa tem um Torno por lá, e tudo, eis, para eles, e outros, um Instructable para aprender a fazer Rosca, tanto Interior, como Exterior:

Thread Cutting - Internal and External on a Myford ML10 Lathe


This Instructable shows my first effort at thread cutting. It seemed to be reasonably successful and I didn't want to forget what I did, so having a long-term record should be useful for me. I don't expect to do too much thread cutting in the future???

The Instructable gives details about making a pair of internal/external metric threads in 1" (25mm) diameter aluminium tube/bar. It covers the calculations, the preparation of the cutting tools and doing the whole job. I have a Myford ML10 with a metric leadscrew, however only a couple of steps will be specific to that lathe.


Uma dica para cortar a direito com uma Serra Tico-tico, algo que uns sabem, outros, não, por isso, cá vai:

How To Cut A Straight Line Using A Skill Saw Or Jig Saw


This Instructable will teach you how you can cut straight lines using an electric skill saw, circular saw or jig saw. This is very handy when cutting long boards like a piece of ply wood. The ideal thing to use would be a table saw, but like me, some people can't afford one.


E da Inventables, vem esta Madeira Antiga, muito densa, e com uma história curiosa, submersa por um Século!
Ora, eis uma Madeira bastante durável, para os vossos projectos mais memoráveis de Corte Laser CNC:

Antique Heart Pine

A reclaimed hardwood that is durable and dense

Much of the wood recovered from woolen mills, tobacco barns and the river basins of the Southeast is from old-growth Heart Pine. Many of the densest, heaviest timbers sank and have been submerged underwater for over a century, making this a green reclaimed wood. Antique Heart Pine is particularly heavy (37 – 40 lbs per cubic foot), durable and dense with tight growth rings, unlike most of the pine used in the lumber industry today.
Because this is a natural material, the color and pattern will vary slightly from piece to piece. The photos above show 2 common grain patterns. Please see the thickness tolerance below and note that thickness will change based on conditions like humidity.
Thinner boards take more time and labor to produce; therefore, while the 1/16" pieces are thinner, they are the same price as the 1/8" pieces.