Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013

Máquinas! De Papagaios, Impressão 3D, Tornos, e Serras Tico-tico, mais Madeira Antiga

Uma máquina de lançar Micro-Papagaios, ora eis algo para exibir aos outros Engenhocas, cortesia do nosso amigo Kiteman...

Make a kite-flying machine


Many people try to fly microkites in the breeze from a desk fan.
Almost every single one fails, due to the extremely turbulent nature of the breeze from a fan. It's worse than trying to fly a full-size kite between tall buildings.

This device allows you to fly microkites indoors, and could be seen as a kind of art installation as well.

Zim, parece bom!
80 Microns de altura, eis a máxima resolução desta simpática Impressora 3D, simpática, porque faz isso, e com 2 cabeças de Impressão, e ainda por cima, é barata...
E tem wifi, para verem no SWmartphone, quando a Impressão está feita!

Zim offers dual-head 3D printing right out of the box

Jonathan Fincher

With easy-to-use devices like the Buccaneer and the Cube hitting the market, we're beginning to see a growing trend of 3D printers aimed squarely at the consumer. Now Zeepro, a design team spread across Switzerland, France, and the US, is adding another desktop printer into the mix that promises to give users an even more elaborate set of tools to work with. The Zim is one of the few pre-assembled 3D printers that offers dual print heads and a greater resolution to create more complex objects, as well as a camera to monitor print jobs through a smartphone.


Como o Fablab Lisboa tem um Torno por lá, e tudo, eis, para eles, e outros, um Instructable para aprender a fazer Rosca, tanto Interior, como Exterior:

Thread Cutting - Internal and External on a Myford ML10 Lathe


This Instructable shows my first effort at thread cutting. It seemed to be reasonably successful and I didn't want to forget what I did, so having a long-term record should be useful for me. I don't expect to do too much thread cutting in the future???

The Instructable gives details about making a pair of internal/external metric threads in 1" (25mm) diameter aluminium tube/bar. It covers the calculations, the preparation of the cutting tools and doing the whole job. I have a Myford ML10 with a metric leadscrew, however only a couple of steps will be specific to that lathe.


Uma dica para cortar a direito com uma Serra Tico-tico, algo que uns sabem, outros, não, por isso, cá vai:

How To Cut A Straight Line Using A Skill Saw Or Jig Saw


This Instructable will teach you how you can cut straight lines using an electric skill saw, circular saw or jig saw. This is very handy when cutting long boards like a piece of ply wood. The ideal thing to use would be a table saw, but like me, some people can't afford one.


E da Inventables, vem esta Madeira Antiga, muito densa, e com uma história curiosa, submersa por um Século!
Ora, eis uma Madeira bastante durável, para os vossos projectos mais memoráveis de Corte Laser CNC:

Antique Heart Pine

A reclaimed hardwood that is durable and dense

Much of the wood recovered from woolen mills, tobacco barns and the river basins of the Southeast is from old-growth Heart Pine. Many of the densest, heaviest timbers sank and have been submerged underwater for over a century, making this a green reclaimed wood. Antique Heart Pine is particularly heavy (37 – 40 lbs per cubic foot), durable and dense with tight growth rings, unlike most of the pine used in the lumber industry today.
Because this is a natural material, the color and pattern will vary slightly from piece to piece. The photos above show 2 common grain patterns. Please see the thickness tolerance below and note that thickness will change based on conditions like humidity.
Thinner boards take more time and labor to produce; therefore, while the 1/16" pieces are thinner, they are the same price as the 1/8" pieces.



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