Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013

Fundição em Areia! E Draftsight, e Bronze em 3D

Ora aqui está um tema que me interessa muito, e a muitos mais, também, Fundição, em Moldagem de Areia.
Eis assim um Instructable que vos dá uma noção do que é a Fundição, para verem que é algo acessível a todos, SE se respeitarem todas as Regras de Segurança:

General Steps to Sand Casting


 After reading this short set of instructions you will be able to:
>Understand the basics of sand casting
>Make your own molds
>Make a sand casted object in a safe manner

Para terem todas as fontes de informação e Aprendizagem sobre o Programa Draftsight, é só verem a seguir:

DraftSight Learning Resources

Register today and access the following valuable, no-cost DraftSight learning resources:
  • Ten Strategies for Becoming an Effective CAD Leader White PaperDraftSight Getting Started Guide: over 180 pages on how to use DraftSight – for beginners and experienced users alike.
  • Tips and Tricks Online Flipbooks: volumes I and II - to help increase your productivity with DraftSight.
  • DraftSight Fundamentals Flipbook: the essentials of DraftSight and the foundation you need to use DraftSight effectively and efficiently.


A Shpeways agora tembém imprime em Bronze, Polido ou em Bruto, por isso dêem uma olhada:

You Brass-ked, We Listened: Introducing Polished Brass and Raw Brass to Shapeways 3D Printing Materials

We're super excited here at Shapeways because we're gearing up to launch new materials for you to 3D print in.
Last month, when we introduced Gold Plated Brass, we hinted that new mystery metals were on their way. Now, we’re proud to announce that we’ve added Polished Brass and Raw Brass to our 3D printing materials. We’re now giving you even more ways to make your designs real in more materials than ever before.
Our new Polished Brass is final-product quality, with a very smooth, glossy finish. We’re sure you (and your customers) will love it. 

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